FORMER BORDEN COMMANDER AT CYPRUS SESSION Former commanding offic er at Canadian Force Base Borden Col Elliott right was host at lunch can at Camp Maple Leaf headquarters of the Canadian contingent at Cypnis for UN officials with Colonel Elliott are Lt Con Martola centre UN force comman der from Finland and Wainman Wood of Halifax Canadian high commissioner Colonel Elliott was command ing officer at Base Borden until he went to Cyprus last Bond Head WIrMokes Convention Plans BOND HEAD Staff Hand Head Womens institute now headed by Mrs Lloyd has made plans to be represented at the area meeting at Newton Robinson on Wednesday May 22 The Bond Head branch lt self has just completed an ac tive term and the immediate past president Mrs Balemnn was given due credit for her energetic leadership Mrs William Sutherland is secretary for the new term with Mrs Kneeshaw treasurer Mrs Hannah district direc tor and Mrs Bateman alternate Branch directors include Mrs RoyDixon Mrs George Brown Mrs Lloyd and Mrs Young FIRST 1N COUNTY Mrs Green was commend cd for her efforts in gathering information about the Bond Head W1 the first in Slmcoe County Mrs Green was returned as con vener of historical research and current events Mrs Hodgson was convencr of agriculture and Canadian industries and Mrs Ross Elliott home economics and health Fishers Corners Womens 1n stitute in the same district will be headed by Mrs Dan Ander son for the ensuing term with Mrs Coonell secretarytrons urer Mrs Orville Hughes and Mrs Lloyd are the vicepres ldenis with Mrs Steers dis trict director and Mrs Steers alternate Mrs McVety is public relations officer silver tray has been prcsenb ed to Mrs Ernest Hughes Womens Institute member for 75 years by Gilford Womens In stitutc Another of the branches in South Simcoe Gifford will be sending representatives to the Newton Robinson meeting Mrs Cameron is president Mrs Nelily and Mrs 11 Ewing cepresidenis bliss Luck secretary treasurer Mrs John Rumble of Gifford is district secretary treasurer with Mrs Davis as asistant Mrs William Johnston of Lefroy is in charge ofdistrict resolu tinns other branches in South Sim one district which was headed by Mrs Gordon Mallion of Totm tenhamduring the past term include Cookstown Alliston Bee ton Bradford Churchill Totten ham MWerill Ridge Ev erett Couisona Hill andhefroy Tecumseth Pays Most To Alliston School EEETON Staff In its last year as an area high school Banting Memorial High School at Alliston will receive the highest tax levy from Tec umscth township it was shown by study of figures just re leased ITotai estimated cost for oper ation of the school for 1963 was 51388 22975 along with de ficit carried over of $21000 The 1967 spending amounted to 51 171138 ALLISTON SECOND 0f the 12 municipalities inthe high school area Tecumseth Pupils Will March From Alliston ALLISTON Siam With good early response more spon sors are being sought for march by students of Banting Memorial High School planned forSaturday May The studenn will leave the school at am and head for Barrie The march is to finish at Barries Centennial Park Sponsors are asked to cootri bute on the basis of miles walk ed by students and the money will be given to Oxfam Save the Children and other funds deV dicated to the cause of feeding the hungry At first it was proposed the Alliston pupils ride in Barrie by busand join in the march to Elmvale but the response was such these plans were revised Marchers from Midlaod genetang Orlllia and Barrie are all due to proceed to Elm vale Community Centre where civic rccepion is planned Sim coe County Warden Alex Mc Auley is patron for the march Oxtam is an organization which helps under privileged in Canada and other countries Films have been shown at var ious places showing some oi its asistance in providing food and medical supplies to needy in dif ferent countries UIES IN HILL FALL SUDBURY CF Charles gt0dnolton 36 of Nalrn Centre 0nL ded iucsday when ï¬lls frontend loader went out of control on hill and fell 65 feet lies will he asked for the largest payment $160817 of the $555 440 levied against property The levy against the town of Allis ton amounts to $15117723 Third highest contributor in tax levy will be Adjala town ship with shaman followed by the part of the school area in Essa with $7806290 Tossnron tio will be asked for $5495520 Mulmur township in sixth place will he asked for $27 22042 with the village of Bee ton contributing $2539830 Tot tenhams levy for high school purposes amounts to $1658900 and Cookstowns $1565191 The sum of $1236160 will be sought from Albion $1141777 from Mono and 55066551from West Gwillimbury AVERAGE ENROLMENT 0f the $655440Jotal the sum of $9453250 is asked for deben tures and $56005750 for main tenance Average daily enrol ment is 1280 pupils and 75 annual staff Beeton womens Institute headed by Mrstieorge Hardy will he represented at the South Simcoe district meeting at New ton Robinson on Wednesday May 22 The district president Mrs Gordon Mallionof Tottenham gave review of some of the highlights of the work carried on during the past year to the Beeton members at their April meeting and further reports are expected attha spring sessio Besides Beeton branches in be Coming FUN FOR THE Americas which in teachers There were 1390 pup ils enrolled last September Provincial grants are expect ed to amount to $726719 while estimated fees fro in night school and other boards was placed at 43000 Revenues from cafeteria and other sour ces were estimated at $57551 25 The Banting High School area will be one of six in Simcoe County which will be placed un der one board and year The same board will have charge of administration for all public schools in the county other high school areas in volved are Midland Eimvale Barrie lollingwoodand Orilila The new system is expected to result in more equalized tax but has been criticized for re moving locai control The can ttalized board is Expected to have 111 members with head quarters administrative building in Barrie Alliston Everett Churchill Ev ret Fishers Corners Bradtord Gilford Tec We Gwiil Ridge and Cooks town gt Mrs Gordon Drury is public relations and press secretary Beeton WIas well as first VICei preside Mr Bell is secretaryvand Mrs Cecil Rey nolds treasurer District direc tor is Mrs Hawlon with Mrs James Aiken alternate Branch directors include Mrs Wright Mrls Little and Your Way ENTIRE FAMILY us Sheba WEDNESDAY MAY AT THE BARRIE ARENA Sponsored by the Sheba Shrine Club of Rants performances 430 and 2115 p111 Adu $125 Children 75c Tickets available at Jackson Grill Terry Finn Chrlstiea IGA and Winn Motorllitd will be missed as HIlcader year He will be remembered by Harrie residents for his participation in Berrlcs July celebration in commemorat ing of Canadas loath birth day CHURCHILL By mas 31mm Mr and Mrs lionney were at Vasey Community Hall Saturday evening attending the silver wedding anniversary celelt hratlon of Mr and Mrs Alvah Stewart arrangcdby the echo munity Mrs Stewart is Mrs honneys niece Mrs Frank Realty has re turned to her summer home here following holiday in California where she was visit ing her grandson Mrs William Ireland has returned to her summer home here Mrs William Ireland has been transferred from Alliston hospital to Toronto General Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Frank OHallarn of Bar rie on the birth of daughter and to Mr and Mrs Carmao Hindle first grandchild Miss Mary Sloan has receiv ed her centennial medal and certiï¬cate Mr andltlrs Wayne Mundy have purchased the house north of Burkesgarage in the viii age Familiar names competing at the fortnight long Kiwanis Music Festival in Oritiia are Bell Ewart School Choir direc ted by Mrs Dalton Farrier Frances Marilyn and Sandra Kell and Gregory Page WJ MEETING hirreat Events convened by Mrs Russell Stewart will be thetheme of Womens Institute meeting in Community Hall Thursday lttay at eight pm Eachmember will give cur rent event The Ill Girls will present parade of cotton fashions All ladies welcome PRESENTATION Fourth Line East neighbors metzat the home of Mr and Mrs Hubhert and Mr and Mrs saunter Saturday night to bid farewell to Fred Sanders and Mr and Mrs Leslie Wlhite Following an evening of euchre and buffet lunch Mr Sand era was presented with an elec tric toaster and other gifts the Whites with trilight and patio chair Fred who was active in Bell Ewart Legion is well known checker player and repre sented them in many tournaa menu He is now ing with his son and daughter in Jaw Mr and Mrs Jack Sanders at Bradford during the winter and summers at his cottage at Hawkestonc Mr and Mrs White will be remembered as hosts ofmany parties Mrs White is past president of LefroyWl and The Whites are now living at Sunnidale Corners where they have purchased farm that some Churchill folk remember as Gordon Moirs years ago USED AS MEDICINE The marshmallow plantnone of which is used in the conIec tion marshmallowwas pop ular medi ain ancient Rome HE BERTS MEATMARKET rap conformance antiPork Sides oIBeef Mnlh rmn of are 07 to Pork Cat and fintaped 21 40c lb cooksrqwu 1584232 Highways Department Wants Roads Improved By The dtoartmcnt of Hldawayr especially the district engineer wants the township to get start cd and keep up with reclaim log roads in tubdlviaionl which bctorc the more recent regulations had to be develop ed before they were taken over The subsidy allowed for bring ing these roads into shape to make them at leart passable is behind the suggestion that lnniatil do something more than await the demand of tho ratepayers with petition sign ed by 15 per cent of the own era The claim of the engineer is that 10 miles of these roads to bill are awaiting aclito and according to correspond ence the department wants some local action Reeve Coahrane who contacted the official by phone got little sympathy Although he did not divulge to council just what hertz3min apparently did an ac system of crastinntionpon the work Gilli cillor Gibhins is wholeheartedly in agreement with the need for getting the roads It leastpass able or complaints continue to come from various sources when ratepayers find them selves in road trouble STANDARD ANSWER It has been the standald on war by council to tell the pro pcrty owners that as the roads were not officially nssumcd as township roads it would be necessary to get together and assume the costs on local improvement plan This meth od was used to get the Shore Acres group to put standard road in their subdivision and they will repay portion of the costs without any subsidy which is now available from the department of highways The reasoning of the council appear to be that there own ers bought their property at low price when the road sys tem was not more than space between two stakesrand there DISTRICT Balers PIONEER MUSEUM ALLISTON Staff South Silncoc Pioneer Museum at Biverdale Park here was first opened in 1959 Besides Allis ton four townships Essa Tec umsethhAdjala and Tossnrontio are represented on the museum hoard IJDNG SERVICE VICTORIA HARBOUR Staff Arrangements are being made by Creemore Womens In stitute for representation at the area convention to beheld at Dunedin Presbyterian Church on Tuesday May 14 Creemore will heone of 16 branches Iak lag part ZION SERVICES SUNNIDALE CORNERS Staff Church services at Zion Presbyterian church will commence on the summer schedule on Sunday May with service at 930 am and church school at 1080 lihis will continue through to late fall TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS Imxarnuanmnttrmnr pawsm IHEAIRE most mm on no mu Grand Reopening FRIDAY MAY quwvvioEo PROJECTIONl The biggest ina brightest Picture in the Northlaad JosrmervaE MIKENICHCLSe toanruviwtno with the coats of standard roads This includes ditches on both sides and standard culverts into driveways 0n Cedar Avenue owners had been told their road was not an ax sunied road and came back to find that it of than had had mhmhlgmgmrde culverts lead elr property remov ed and taken to the dump ba cauac it was laid they were blocking the water In the ditch Apparently the tome felt they had rulilcleat Harts on Hie road to authorize the re tnoval of privately installed entrance culverts The delega tion from this area sent to rarnonstrate with council hold them they were planning to live for longer season in thalr lnnlstil home when they came up for retirement This road problem is so rer lous that one man with lot on street which has not yet been opened up to his pMerty finds that he cannot get build ing material into his lot He asked that Allanstrcet be op end to enable him touae his property MOBILE HOMES The bylaw regulating use of mobile homes In the townrhip is to be reconsidered and some likelihood is being considered of allowing mobile home parks throughout the township It is already assured that one or more individuals are ready to spend considerable in private funds to put trailer camp into operation nod are very arrnus to have the bylaw regulating the requirements approved Council has agreed that the whole matter will be given cou cideratloo soon The standards are likely to he made to allow only the best type of camp Councillor Grose reported that the tractor at the town ship park had been overhauled and was now in good working shape The cost of this was considerably lesn than would have been needed to turn in the old machine on new one The camping rates at Intel Bark have been adiuated to meet with those of the Provin ciai Parks with which lnnlsfil is afï¬liated Patrons whohave paid their deposits on this years occupation will not be subject to the raise in rentals The rates will not include win terstorege charges HMS BITCH The 9th Irina ditch which was put through on the er courses Act is still unï¬nished letter from nsohcitor on behalf of one ofihc property more asking that this be car ried out will result in action on the part of the engineer who will get the patchuiork com pleted The fire chic and building inspector after looking over the old elevator building in Le froy have suitable for garage Irre quested by Job Hadley The presents Jail Jowné ELECTRIC isuusmurc alimony MAY one mom decided that it is un fore they should be assessed mu TRAINEE PROM ANGUS Private Keith Bones 19 son of Chief Warrant Olï¬cor Ronald Howe and Mrs liowrs of 13X detachment at Angus is undergoing is week air weapons technicians Stayner Committee Active With Plans For SMYNER Stuff Mayor Elmer Dority heads the execu tive making plans for the 1968 Stayner Community trade fair and exhibits which wfll be held in Stayner arena in September Mayor Dority succeeded Wal tcr Coutts as president of the or ganization with Art Giffen and Stuart Miller vice presidents Craig Case treasurer And Mrs Ford sccrctary First Marks 15 Years As Ilos Clerk ELMVALE tStaff John Robertson has completed 15 years as clerk treasurer of Flos township native of Scotland who came to Canada following ser vice in the Black Watcbfuring the First World War Mr Bob ertson formed in Flos for few years and then became road superintendent He served for In years as public school trustee and to years on the High sdiool Board before he was clerk The Flos township office and fire hall is locatcd in Elmvale near the four corners at the mainintersection of the vill REE course at Canadian Forcu Base Borden More than poo career and trades courses are taught at the base which is Canadas largut military train ing centre Canadian Forces Photo Trade Fair dates announced for the fair ware hicsday and illcdncsday September 21 and 25 Mr Coutts is in charge of ad ministration while the entertain ment committee also included Art Glitch Mrs Elsie McEach era and Mrs MarlonDickinson Kcith McIntyre is in charge of commercial exhibits with Harold Gilchrist Ted Vancise Ed Spich or and John Walker also on the committee For grains fruits and veget ables the chairman isBoh Mun ro with Stuart lillller and Ed Spicher on the committee ltay Genoe is chairman for the lamb and juuiorcnli show with Ed Rule and Ardtcl Grieve also to tho committee Geuerai support is siught fo the fairon thccontcntionit is leading promotioneffort for Stayner and area Stayner will celebrate its 100th anniversary as an incorporated munic lily in im The town was named in honor of pioneer named Suth erlaud Stayner Walter Coutts was president of the organization for the success ful centennial lair held alike Stayner rink last fall rnv EXAltleElt Wm Ans PHONE 72mm moniuiue Evenings at7 iii pm Satnrday continuous tron pm BARRIE HURONlA DRIVElN THEATRE caiwoninos nausea535t THAT IIIBONDS JAMES Billllll