Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 May 1968, p. 16

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By MRS WILIEB WIIJON Filteen MW at ivy Wo mens institute met It the home at Mrs Boss module or the annual meeting Mrs Esta Davis tookthe chair ior the election at oillcerr Pres Mrs Quebec Boga link Vice Pm Mrs Wil tred Mei Mal Mn Elli Reid Secy His Grace Dunnlli District Director Mrs Hurry Davis alternate airs borne Carrnthers Directors lire Jennetl Mrs George Carruthers hire Ross Chip chase Convencrs Agriculture and industries hirs Ross Chip chue Citlrcnship and Educa tion Iilrs wnr Sheweii Ills torlcal Research and current events Mrs Henry Davis Home Economics and Health Mrs John Cochrnnc Curator Mrs Esten Davis Assistant litre Jennell Public Re latians Mrs James hcher moit Delegate to District annual iilrs John Hammond Saiety Rrporier lilrs Lorne carmlh i2 TENDERS ere Anti mm Gardnendtiiitsiwlifilfl Englandch The meetiuisloheai mhfldtheplufleotm GaremHomrth WIN roam AWARDS in the unanimity Centre at Washago winners in Simone Ootmty Mutual Fire Aid AM elation fire prevention contest were presented with prizes they had Iron on theme FirePrevention in The Borne Helen Smith daughter at Mr and Mrs Kenneth Smith as head girl in Simcoe County and Tom Clnrkson son at Mr and Mrs William Clarissnn as head boy in Slmcoe County each re cclved tire lately crest and an attractive inscribed plaque Their posters were judged in the Ontario Division where each received honorable mention ill and certificate Earl Cunning ham lire chlei ior Essa pre sented each with is as prize to winners in the township Helen and Tom were accord partied to Washago by their par ents hy Helens grandmother Mrs Edith lichen Barrie and CLEANING LUMINAIRES Sealed tenders in envelopes provided will be received by undersigned up to pm lilay is tons tor the the mun Parish hall Barrie it flufvmuu ramland it ram sinus For the rummage sale in May tom am to mo auctions may he lcit at the home oi Mrs nwood JennclL By HELEN GillIE5 LIVESKAVED Three iishcrmen nt Wasaga Beach probably own their lives to the quick thinking at wo man who spends silt months oi each yearat the beach On Sunday morning April 13 the men got into an aluminum boat to go trout iishlng They were all wearing traders and heavy parkas As one man liiiad the anchor another started the motor the resulting Jar caus ed the third man to lose his balance and the host ovcriurn ed throwing all hrea into the icy waters oi the Nottswusaga The mcnheld hands ovcr the bottom oi the boat as the cur rent propcilcd them down stream when one scemod to be exhausted the others lrtanaggd to pull him nchs the bottom of the host litthis point the lady called to the men thn she was able to attract their attcntion aha urged them not to panic as they were reaching shallow stretch of the river where they could walk ashorc This they voluntary fire brigade will be bran to Slin coc Cotme Mutual fire Aid As sociation here iiny is at 100 pm on the occasion oi the opening or the new fire hall rs Public is invited DIES IN MONTREAL Mrs alike Billy died alter long illness at the home or her nephew Michael Borcuiy in Montreal Aprilvld Nellie Billy was well known and wall loved ruidenl oi the village lor many years she and her hus hand operating the Seagull lilotei Funeral service or Mrs Billy was in the Orthodox Church hlontrcal PARK TO OPEN Lorne ODell reports the Was agn Beach Provincial Park will be open or business Saturday June Rates or 1960 will he tt00 daily per car or $1000 for an annual ticket which will adlt mlt the holder to any Provin cial Park in Ontario There will be no camp sites at Wosaga Beach Park Five new comfort stations have been complaint Mr and Mrs Jack Corbett nnd Robert Wasnga Beach and Mrs iii Incite Stayncr nt tcndcd the silver weddin an niversary oi Mr and Mrs Al Ht leader con Mug as MI Ilzylisx on it ro am rs replied to ihemotto Pm 4H girls oi the Pylama Club repeated shit which was sur ughters Susan lilrs Lloyd Bartholomew will be attending the WL Oilicers Oonlerence at Macdonaid Hall but Guelph on at Achievement Day in Nov ember Mrs Doris Banbuli president othlltchell Square in stitute conducted the election and installation oi the allowing oiiiccrs Pres Marion Barthol omew Past Pres Betty Rowen Vice Pres Sue Duncan Sccy Ireha win Lloyd District Dir ccior Bctly Bowen altartr ate lrenc OBrien Slslt Ilarioria Roe Auditors lrene OBrien and Mary Roe Convene Agriculture and Canadian lndustri es Phyllis Prophet Home Economics and Health Dorothy Chapman Clt iunship and Education Dor othy Ross Historical Research lrene OBrien Public Relations Marl clu Argyle Supper Chcis served delicious lunch alter make bciiavc trip to lilwaii with music and dance and wcarhz truss skirts irom Hiwaii MAY MEETING The Womens institute will Mrs Laura line is spending few weeks in Orillia with her sister hirs Morley ldiiicrap while Mr Lillicrap is patient in Soldiers memorial Hospital CROSSLAND Hy MR8 ALLEN Mrs Russell licElwain Bar that Mr the by Mrs George Holt at the in augural meeting oi the Drury Appreciation Conuniliee in the County Buildlnl April 23 Congratulations to Mr ihtrs Allen Henry who were married to yam Atari mm were gums oi honor at dim he at Continental Inn Barrie where Ltey were entertained by their sons Angus and John daughterblew Linda Nancy Shepherd Barrie lndhir and hire ii Wilson TrLonto sun prise party allowed at the home of Mr and Mrs Cecil Cameron Guthrie where about 15 relatives gathered Mr and hire Henry were also rle spent the weekend with rela tives and iricnds hcre Robert Muir Richmond Hlli visited entertained by KnDCk liy at presentation Commun Anderson Monday New lios lll girls met at the home at their leader lilrs Allen and madc iinnl plans Achievement Day and complet ed their unit Mr and liirsDon liicDonnld Edenvale visited liirs McDon alda ialhnr Sunday and her mother at Beachwood Nursing Home dilra Sam Allen attended Eden vale Womens lnslliulo both an Trlnlty United Church quilters wound up their season with pot luck builet luncheon April it at Mrs lvan Caldwelis Ten quilts had been completed dur ing the winter Colonial Git quilt the last one made was presented to Mrs Caldwell on behall oi the grain in appreci ation of the use at her home tor the quilting bccs tor the past three winters Seventeen ladies were in attendance Recent visitors with Mrs Ired tor lamina Amid and in ad mm worm rut Raymund st in on an aura Victoria Honori lad lire Ross Robson had We sister Mrs Thelma JUST ADDWATER 139 Built Tuscany to meet th to gadznundaatruhmnm ye prinniinrthelimltaibudgetl an HP outboard motorbnilt hid Stridth i214 11100 rower had et filithmoled ower unilwi under mm ItlusL ughtwerlflu only85 Ibo inr pa bliiiy 360 deuteron onsleering SIMPSONSLSEARS 129 DUNLDP SI PHONE 7235921 meet hlay at the homaloi hira nlversary Arnold at her home were Miss Group Replacement of apprnskmtely 09i fluorescent lamps in approximately 447 street lighng luminaires located in the City of Barrie Ontario Clean globes and reflectors on above luminaires Replace damaged globes on Plans showing location and number of itsninairea and tender envelopes may be obtained mm the City 84 Collier Street Barrie Ontario tender will not necessarily be accepted WWIIAN City Clark The lowest or any BARBIE rutch SCHOOL BOARD PAINT TENDERS Tandars to supply paint for the Barrie Public School Boards summer painting program Will be received by the undersigned up to pm Monday lilny it 1968 lbwcst or any tender not nec essarily accepled Tender iorms can he obtained from liir spam Business Administra t6r20i Grove Street East Barrie TELEPHONE moses HAPPY SEWING By ANNE ADAMS mer with magi long sidg darts to shape loan grace lui midrltttFling of scarf adds dash and dare to collar Printed Battarn47i7 Missesf Sizes 10 12 14 16 IE 20 Size 14 bust 34 requires ards 35 inch fabric VSIXTYFIVE cause 65 cents in coins no stamps please for each pattern Ont ario residents add cents sales lax Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER sendordcr to ANNE ADAMS are of The Barrie Examiner Tatiern Depth 60 Front StW Toronto l0ntario SPRINGS NEW LOOK is soft preltyteminine Maire it your look choose from over 100 style in our new Spring Suma mcr Pattern Catalog Get ona pati rec clip coupon in tat sendso outta BOYS BEAT WOMAN roaomo cg as yearold Toronto woman was beaten androbbed at $160 Tues day night when she reiusad to alln touriroyo about 12 years saw Cherlre lchiold police the youths threw the groceries on the sldewnliraud fled her We PitMix rv GEORGE mNG above luminaircs specifications Clerks oliice 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Friday evening May at pm sharp The sale that was to be held ior ALEX KISS at Lot Con 1Vespra Township one mile north at Camp Borden on Fri day April 19 was curtailed and will be held on the above ate The list includes over 100 pigs to lo weeks old Soweras sey Ferguson diesel tractor tall line or tractor equipment other implements audsome household eiiccls Terms cash No reserve as owuer has given up farming JERRY OOUGlILIN auctioneer PATTERNS By ALICE BROOKS ms as SPRING Posy fresh baby set iiieasy knit jacket cap and booiees to please baby French knot centers on pop cornrposies ghten piece knit sat Knit iacket from neck dow it ply habyyarn Pat 7049 612 most sizes included new CENTS tcoimt for each ttern tno stamps please Alice Brooks care of The Barr Examiner Noodle craltDept 60 Front Street West Toronto Ontario Ont srlo residents add cents sales tax Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER NAME ADDRESS First thnelJumbn1960 Needle crait Catalog hundreds at tie signs tree patterns includes designer sweaters instructions inside Knit crochet embroid ch50 cents Book at 16 Jilly gs pleta patterns expensi easy to malt 60 cents Boole is complete patterns Send 60 cent saéhNo Quilts To day Living New exciting col leetio BOOK 01 PRIZE Alghana lint chochailuighansdflceuia At Remarkably LOW CHARGE IT on an All Purpose Account use our convenient Credit Plan EnjoyAutomatijc washing Convenience Price nus ONLY Kenmore One Program washer SAVE $1 75 Reg 22495 $20795 Turn your back on blue Mondays with this economy authmaiic washer One program model with hot and warm temperature selections presei Lid safety switch stops washer action when lid is raised vane agitator washes thoroughlyyet geiitlyuAnideal washer for the budget minded family eluxe Quilts Gives MORE Features MORE vitae Range Economy 30E1eotric Reg 17998 sAvs $1210 YOiist MachMoaé What more could you want inarange nondrip automaia clock tr controlled oven oven window variable control broil appliance outlet oven pilot light and surface pilot lightrln ie atelementoand controls provide an heatrfro aunm onto VSee range todayat SimpsonaSeara 9am to sizzle giant service so tom ctaurl All My Wednesday Open Frldaynnilt MS pan drawer provides extra storage space

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