conservatives Would cm ltohlln finmet premier pt Bian itoha said Wednesday night Conaenalivo federal Botms1 meat would reopen negotiaqu or national medical care pro gram th the provinces tnao eilort tn develop mutuallych ccptabla plan Thk pledge marinade in speech to nearly 300 persons at tending nominating conven tthon tor the new riding at Wafer lie said if the Conservativea tamed government after the June 25 federal election they would attempt program oi tis eal coordination with provincial and municipal governments Depart Millionaire VANCOUVER tCP Robert Brooks an American million aire who left the Philippines with financier Harry Stonehiil after they were accused oi cor ruption Wednesday was or dcred deported from Canada Branks lawyer said however appeal notice wna served and deportatinn is held up pending hearing beloro the immigration vappcrtl board Fight Over Son SHANNON on It di vorced mother whose son was snatchcd from her home in Scotland by his Canadian faiher ltlonday got the fourycarold hoy back after teariul tugof war Wednesday at ihia lrlsh air mung Mmemm ma Tuesday iport just beiore father and son were to fly to Canada iJeandacnue Moment the andeducationaiofficiaisisstran lin the menu de ittontreal alone and Scottish father later took plane to burn Ens Lachapelle was left to return to her home at Barrhead near Glasgow with theryoung Iier isotreds Split pdliAWAthlAaplitnid lacued in Social Credit ranks Wednesday as second party member in the last Parliament election her Leone who represents the British Columbiariding of daimed the 11 Cartoon and he is considering ms the switch Final decision is up to the partys associationin the redistributed riding of Prince GeorgePence River where itr Loboe would run Robert om who Eighteen othma wara iniured stepped down last year as party leader isconsidering similar inove in his home riding MRed Deer No other Social kcdit mem bers oi the last Parliament said Minister iLesiia Paterson said they will not follow suit galleries anthuated like Vie PHILli GWENn ExMayor To Run TORONTO CF Former Toronto mayor Phlin Givens said Wednesday he will hy for the Liberal nomination in York diifitarl ReasseSS medicare ram tram residents of this northarn Manitoba port to feder ai political leaders The telegram invites the chatat Conservative and New Democratic Party leaders to Gunohiil during the federal election canmalgn to sec or themselves this site of unpar alleled plight and squalor Cut ms Tariiis GENEVA AP Sixteen na tions including Canada agreed Wednesday to cut tariifr at United States exports to ease on Us balancedpayment But they wamod that at the sign of any restric tivetrade measures by the Us the otter almost certainly would be withdrawn West for the June as federal election The Conservatives have nomi natcd Wes Boddington armor Weston mayor and the NDP picked Val Scott Museum Funds rbnorrm on Peler Swann director at the Royal lock of iinanclai support irvm Dntario and Toronto municipal no said in statement that museum attendance is lncrean ing but lack oi monoy for lm provomonta Icavesmoat or the torian railway station Pilot Error Cincinnonn nori GP proners jury sai Wednesday Egggxgmvfehmauye jam night nuns error in judgment was factor in the crash of Boeing to letlincr at Vancouver internatidnal Alwort Feb that es or two pm The Jury ruled the deaths of ground worker Elmer Metcaif roam hiariinua Verhnet tn purse in the big Canadian Fan ciiic Airlines jet as accidental Students rVisit momma on manor Wednesday 408 Gradn ll stu OTTAWA rm At least 45 MP in the lasttarilamet ms than half oi than Liberals wltinot minuteluau as election Wumesutdthc tars number or Liberal MP5 unot seektagreeleclion has uuaedsonia consternation ta tha party 0119 party worker said he was snarl when ha saw the list which includes eight former cabinet minktm CA least 12Conservauve hlPa twoNew Democrats two hide pendent and one Creditists will not be back in the now Wat Commons The eight cabinet ministers not seeking another term are taster Pearson prime minis tar Algoma East Senator Paul Martin arternal affairs minis Ker Essex Eastttobert Win tcrntrade minister York West Larry Penncll solicitoregcncrnl BrantHaldimand Robi chaud la minister Gloucester Joh Nicholson labor minister Vancouvcr Cen gttr Judy Lahiarsh state sem tary Niagara Falls and Walter Deluxe Model $5395 Complete wnh Accessories Gardner Privy Council mai dopi Toronto airport li ONTARIO am OUT Liberal headqqu said these other Ontario LiberaiHPa will not run John non York Norih Hubert Elihui Fort Willi James Brown Brantiord mer Toronto lligh Par Walter Foy Lambtcn We Rebel Cochrane Harry Harley Halton ioc lila caluso Hamilton West George ENiroo Algoma West Jack lioidmgh Nortolk and Paul Tardiif Russell Conservative headquarters gave this list Ontario Conrer vativo tttPs not seeking reelec tion Hcher Smith Slmcoe North and William Thomalt hiiddiraex West Besides these at least one more Conservative irom Saskat chewan wont be back because of rcdlstrihutipn Reid Scott Toronto Dantoth is New Democrat who wont be hack pantie truiwutman Well adneldayahout too hospice Montcalm mirmu in many cases persona Mien Lnonhabitlming md° in mi in haapital for many years no on it days sometimes tha reat oi thetr with tia dosaoi ii armpits ACCOUNI ifrmhntï¬anrdaDryesillooonauwitio dents from 69 British Columbia secondary schools will extend Ban Smoking week in other provinces this KiNGSiON GP United youth travel program ichurch Kingston prcshytery committee on evangelismyand social services has adopted Lreport coding for ministers to top smoking summer in an interprovincial The Young Voyageur progam is continuation or the centen nial youth travel program started in 1964 and carried through to min The tederalgovermnent he commiiteoaiso voted to nayxiaanmtation €095 brotesi to the attorneygeneral iprmosm Criminal Code amend rlnenisiwhieh it said would matte gambling easier nother report urges the Clergy Showman Mahayanaom GP urchs communications com It you drop into cocktallgt mitteeio investigate the possi bar he Saturday andsee an htlity ot making atelevision entertaining group dressed as commcrciai on the dangers of alcohol Lacrosse Stamp IOilAWAtOPiAnaw five ures playing lacrosse withhe is 11 parimeni announced Wednes vVeriicai in format the three colored stamp is about an inch wide and inches deep ii Roman catholic seminarians it wont be an imitation The quartet will he Carmelita Order students playing guitar add singing folir songs for an audience of Catholic and Protes iani clergyman reporters Md cent stamp showing three tigt the public in general The occasion is Pressclergy sued July the post otfiee dc Day for Mount Carmel College an eifortdesigned to asthma my Save Mount Carmel Fundr Fire last November causedvsmooooo damage to the college and $250000 campaign has been was designed by Jan1551 launched to restore the7tyear dridge of Toronto The 24001000 issues wiilhe printed by British American apk Notacnmrtotottawa Rider Horse Die LONDON OnLtCP Lorr aino Costello 26 of London as killed Wednesday when the orsa he was riding shied actrw ds into the sideroi CF reight train atfaneievaied crossing the horsawas nisolriiied on total 32100 made up or $50 hoods each to he tur cama to our lasi Thursday and alkedbt Beruh in Bordeaum old structure ontheNiagaraEs earpmeni overlooking the Falls Stannnalalaly1 minim Ir when the Stork do fit WI timeiortneWelcompWa on Hostels to arrive withg it for baby and halpittl Into motion tor the new moth But silica tho storkr uu Vnumhelthe Horteuat Wot coma Wagon need spotter heipoult no stor spotter In our nrlghhorhnod curtlynch user will appreciate your help and no witHha new moths Tï¬ reportntork at love ioown white vinyl grips front an rear aliper brakesand to pedals an sports shirt 3speedcontro andx twotone saddle Ried Girls Gold color ccM Woolworlhl with 46 tooth ham wheel bllac ruhb pedals kick stand twotonedvinyiieather pad saddle on has with one wait tubes name vhaifchairt cover boysdiamondand gulls tag CCM Woolworlha 6i coaster model gerajtrameulioy lied orGiil BlueEnamelg WHITE vmVLctuas KOMET SUPER BRAKES 20 ixt an snort CK writ miss