soon nun Tests ilbsolpï¬onVOilood or where Home am Dear Dr Maker My with mhaalogotoï¬tiidrenatior plant or testsI have already taken him twice io PKti ten with and blood test but they want another test he fore in is all moths old His doctor says he to not men tally retarded yet they hav done the Pltl over twice Doesnt the PKU tell whether child is retarded lie is on diet at milk cereal inllt and Juices no meat or eggs Mild on tell me whether he has biyood disease or sui iered brain damage during birth Mn W3 dont have enough clues to try to ï¬gure out what the little ieiivws trouble lsand irorn the continued testing evidently it isnt easy to be certain In such wading casts Childrens Hospital is the place to have the studying done As to the PKti matter can be more speciï¬c No the PKU test does not tell vhelher child is retarded PKU meaning phonylltetonw rial is difï¬culty Involving at sorption oi certain foods li child with this condition is led an ordinary diet he may bmme rctardcd although he is not retatded in start with But we know that by Iceding special diet tor number of years the retardation can be preventedone oi the tow types oi retardation over which we have niiective control It is necessary to test some 1000 In WANG babies to iind one PKU baby but unless the condition is discovered early in lite the damage will be done heiore preventive steps can be taken This youngster is in good hands and would not he un TELEVISION BUFFALO BARlliE than to take things tar granted and perhaps be sorry Dear Dr Hillel When per son has cataract and the ienaea Mn JCB Certainly anti means the lens ls cloudy and hence light cannot get into the Inner eyeor cannot get through the lens clearly enough When the lens is mnoved light again can enter the eye Iiooever the light is not to cussed sharply The patient can detect light and darltnees but everything appears as blur Therefore glasses are worn tel Iher regular spectacles or con tatt lenses to tours the light and create clear vision again Dear Dr Metner In it posst hie lot the ï¬rst baby to be born one week short oi the nine month the parents have been married ii the bride was vir gin on her wedding day Mrl MJLR Decidedly yes The illne mnnth term is an average and variation oi iortnightcar tier or lateris not in the least uncommon Remember also that babies are born not just week but sometimes two mom or more prematurely which is why hos pitals have incubator and other special equipment What makes you ask the ques tlonI is it important TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72524 PROGRAMS BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO ll HAMILTON THURSDAY MAY EVENING mo 7Dtvcna court IJanEnUfln Lsecm Storm IDlnnv momr nrnoto Filllih Ell onm on LAdvlture Tirol Imus tn or Eonsrnurncel iHlntstonea 94 Love Lucy iirnvulr miter 509 tens Tit IND 74 ch Lite LJIovle iSllm Carter llGtri rm Uncle nor iiiiim Ch 2Iltllxel ailnvte mo 20mm LNP llanle am try sour 1Gimminlte solo 14Newr Wu sou HitNews Weather snortr mo tProrrarn emutedi lm wild om STclcscope IIPierre Berton flfl ZNewl aoo LNEWI Ida 2eridow an The World asunrne Sumter 7thdow on To World itipcal Nwa mo Lmay kNewa ado knockouts min Jmendly 7mrk cu 1100 imopirin Kangaroo itsonnitxet House MD aUruvenslty on Tin Atl iiuo enicit vn moo anon san Allan OCflntlcl 1Dlaling rnr Dollars anomnu Ronni ilan Allen mo 1200 Lianpatdy Sparta dStrtke Mine Wilden iomo Hosp Judgement lcandtd Camera Harmon llMovie Three on surreal many MAY no iNow aMiae Doug aa aaonnio rrndoen 4Seth storm lDanitv Thomas IllPhoto rinisn Loth Gllitn erv smtns It Around lTnlth or mnreouenura 7Fllntstunes lpl Love Lucy lIAGllliiiun laind Spam two hulk mu 4Searoh Tomorrow Lowred 0niaiions Sparta litettimt JVoylge Hmothera Illanui 72o zMovie Htonzy Burke first menu unc Va IMovte tGial In The titanium Man min Uncle 9htovi tiire Tnltn About Sprint ll€=iehritv =aiurda Gunsmoke liNewa Wilmer Snort liltir we 24 ewehweathlr snort 1Mouie Fourteen IIoura Furloulhi Liam m1 campï¬re lLLlsIMPISr NEVER FORGEFTHE FIRST TIME1 M511 HANK flNawa Weather llhat Girl The Missisde Isirinr Nun 7Y52cond ilunomi Garden at Ni JNHL Playotrr limo or imbanvtdel lnolans Havel dHonn Htroea 1th Nun fHall oi Fame aNiil Hockey pltr Haoneninn 1Bewitcbed gt SThe auon FREAKMAY MORNING AND Hancenuatlon tacveriy Hillbillies 9811 spenders zrcmnaiity sirr armor trlrr or The Week iAndy Grliilth ï¬Tomnln Today 1Hollywtiod Slincle aehbv Iiutue People aNews Snort dNewi Warner 7Beviltclicd illOntario School llSunshtna Schools oIiinutones ltaurr Bunny DNawa wmnar ireooie Ara runny 1Newa Weather Tanln pwnn wna West 1anle Daddy no new Get smart zstrrmk ilhe Perfect LGnmer Pyle lginunnn volrm tgovia nrnnare IThrt Glrll aeliral IDean hian mo 7Plytoll Pile mm znun Iiiartln 10ueratlou Entertalnment ircn lo suitcase iisrm urtmn WV ll Neur Weather Sports 111mm xenon use lJoimnv Carson nrillrn or ï¬lm andharyi one mt Glory Hrlxldai 0Perrva Prohe DMuvle ithe Maunï¬nll llMave ifllltie Hamel AFTERNOON 1700 lrlovle lSo 1lil New York dMIEI Thl Milieu TPeflecl Match IMole 1th Second Greltut seal IIhilhe nourlu 110 LA Till Wotld Turn 1Weddlnl Parlv 200 Pre Giant ett ebovc is Many Splendor Titllll 1Newlywed Gama 2a Lemon 4Houae ram 7Blbv Gull lPeopie In contact llDelenden 31W Lnnotner World lTahe so pro Tell an Truth 7Generfl unionI ï¬gtiaaistrates Court ZYou Dont Sav tieltrla xiEdae ol Niahtx Lcornmnndrr ioni OIta Your Move liMnniaxe conï¬dantai EVENING Dlvs of the And itMovie azae 2Hotiywooa Souuea 7wlll sonnett llMelv Grimn limo Lwewssmini 74min lBlr Valley rim Dyk riu For Junction Brothers ll N¢WI SW eatheft Sim iLPierre Elflofl 1110 gt24an vCIflD tanle Darbys flannelat lMvvln tKonKial 3mole iParrlan iianl iDlljullngizell Mv anvll lathe Mamet hrarrys Paohl Cataract anun For Your Llin znays oi our Lives ey JAY recites All Opening leadour ot dia moods lhir gem was played by Alvin Roth the national lneua pair championship The slain is diiti eult to make even with the op ponenta cards uposed but ltoth managed the atiair without this advantage and wound up with 11 kids lie wontho diamond lead in dummy with the tacit and re turned low spade to his ten gt NEW ribs By hillsih WANLESS Eleven members oi New Flo WI attended the 60th annl versary oi Edcnvale Vl at which Mrs ll Campbell oi Guthr was the speaker Mrs Clarence Atkinson is spending this work in Toronto with Mr and Mrs Campbell Steele and Laura Little Miss Carolyn Mnicom Willowdllle spent couple at works here with her Iirandpar enis Mr and Mrs Archie Mnl com Murray Atkinson is home from Gucloh University and is employed by Alliston Cuop tor the summerliiarren Waniess is home from York Universityand la workingior Salada Foods Mr and Mrs Archie Wnnlass visited recently at the home oi Mr and Mrs Aiired Collins of Weston and with Mr and Mrs Walter liali Barrie Mr and Mrs Cline Rawn and ialrfly visited Sunday with Mr aim Mrs Bill Qiaril Oakland ii Mrs John De Gorter isal tending the oiticers conference oi Ll this week at University ol Guelph OFFiCE HOURS DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS ltlIngliah tavern 4E1iemy shut 9ilpe 12 Music Metatite note ro¢ka 13nan 68mm Oriental 13m ldtratinn brace 15 Match titrath seaport 10 Foreign l7tPeiial llzchureh digits council shunts lemma 190mm wins Pronoun to Conn 22 Sign of 20lPart theudiw or 2LClllltem check 25 German 21am iiowar Employ Thrash Clotho Laehuia one Atropoa 4511iininlahed sound AND ITO CLASS THEREHE WA$5YIING lN THIS GORGEOUS BIS HENHE JULIET By this time the original lit uation had changed drastically South had started the hand with only nine sure tricks huhby guessing the spade ï¬nesse sue cessiully and establishing heart he was now up to it tricks The 12th tries came soon alter because this had become the position NORTH All K5 WFSI item EAST SQI CJloli sauna H6 Chose West returned club won by the king When dummy Lien cashed the jack oi hearts Earls position became untenab lie could not spare spad he could not spare club lie waa squeezed CitilLEY mas Anotsrnoivc Mr and Mrs Wallace Doug las visited her hrotherI Ken Martin in Penetanz General Hospital Sunday Mrs George Fleet and Robbie and ii Johnstone andltIrs Orville Armstrong visited Mrs William Gill oi StouitvliieFrl day visitors train oritlia have been Mr and Mrs Jaelr Turner and daughter and Roy Hill with Mr and Mrs Glen Johnstone Mr and Mrs Barry Armstrong and childrenat lllr and Mrs Georie Fleeta Mr antiltirs ioln Douglas ot Mount St Louis Mr and Mrs Brian Bartlett Beavcrton were Sunday guests oi Mr and Mrs IVitired Reed 24 Half an em all Prickly envel open trolls 21 Key lust soon rs GRANDMA BLONDIE DONALD DUCK SECRET AGENT Xf9 GOLLY NAVESO MAW PACKAGES DONT iiAVEA FREE HAND FOR MY UMEIELLA atone our atate abbr 55 sorts 2311iiitian 28Ghaatly all unwind hasebotl stare 318 pita attendant azvrgoe on atsleiiian nymph Yealadaya Alli SLMeudJa shone HEPLI mmulï¬ aaieva 41 Female Iheep 41 Negative vote RED SDORIS CAR guuzz sawvsn AND sxsersxy MUGG Firebird Beounionr MC Truckor HGood VPONTIAC BUICK Bradford Sh Barrie st ioss Rambler Station Wagon iil Used onle Dirt noises vrooAvs rooobwnl ussocaa Im cylinder am tie lief xm mlufliso gill maktr in interior originated aurorar1517 eoonlvur WARMN John ooiisiioawaz mums mums hisBAR GIRL our CHAIRMAN arms nave 10 WINK MK morons