T0 GOOD HEALTH Tight Shoes alien cause Bunions by rosara ottoman am untrue an orthopedic aur He can if there is Dear or when have bullion which in mail but quite gainfulat times Roar what aveheard in the past MSW yras the only way at removing IL However recently saw an advertisement for bandage or Ilrap alafir and wonder whether this in Alertivetrs liK mapping or whether you vim rave Wlnd misery by having rurgef them further delay near Balaton When my last child was born tby cesa lreanlthelop at my numb had to he removed but all other or were leit in place Could Various Cuntrlvanccs on this ansplant be done lrom ordr have been used lor many amp with good womb years but surgery in many and would it then be possible to cases is still the ï¬nal nnsner éaisry child fulltermihim wont say that the strap ar Mmtxefl through rangenienls never help Some times they dobut lets tails about just what hunton Is With that in mind you ttlli have You know how diliicult heart transplants turned out to be not the transplanting but pre venting rejection of the trans COllTitllcTVBitiDGE Iy JAY DECKER North nean Both are annuals No no use hm xaar out tii 503m vAKIOMI ioua AQ manning mm South wins run am so one Opening leadtour of hearts thI deal occurred in team match and features unusually good defensive play Al the first table the bidding planted thsue For practical purposes see no prospects at transplanting womb being successfully accomplished the near future Dear Slr We have grand snn aged five who am sure would be considered hyperlti netit child Where could he be properly examined to determine this and to treat him liis par ean have suggested to their family doctor that he be given basal metabolism test but the doctor said ho was too young tor such testlira wv And besides that the metabne iism test might show nothing oi signiï¬cance it the child is try pctlfinntic Dlagnosis oi this condition or hypcrkiscsis thy pcrencti requires considera ble specialized skill My sugges tions of suitable place or test ing would he til child guid ance centre 12 childrens hospital it one at the big mcd icul centres 41 child psy in try specialist who has expcrh ence with this disorder Dear Dr Molnar friend tclis me that olco is worthless has no load valueHand is waste of moneyEB ignore you iriends inior matinn Olen has essentially the same food value and rain ties as butler better idea of what is likely to help huniona suciiinli and dis ï¬guration oi the joint oi the his toeusually results from dices that are too light or do not ï¬t properly The big toe ls crowded in ward But the joint its cannot move The prominence oi ha joint causes pressure and Irritas lion and the resultis bursitis Tito itursa in thi idiot becomes intlnmrd and swollen it the strapping device is used early enough and ii suitable foot wear with enough room or the ions is worn then the big toe may he pushed bank into place and progrcssive deiormity avoid ed llut ii the Joint has already been damaged merely forcing the toe back into ï¬rnper position iiiti not correct harm done it grry still is necessary ior repair or the hunion You say your hunion is very in niullat timcs which would indicate to me that the joint prnimbiy has become distorted in which case the toestrapping it might give some tempo raly relief yet leave the joint still needing attention lnslead oi relying on my guesswork interpretation at your problem you would do bel Ier think to are either po TELEVISION PROGRAMS BUFFALG BARME BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO ll HAMILTON WEDNESDAY MAE EVENING mo awn 2News 2Krnit Music Hall leiNun wantsr Nan Special Spark lcraca Acru tlHoneymnoncrs 530 tiie and Sin 7ilouwwuo Makeup lento 2hour For Your ute kDom Dr Luisa llltinrv Griitln 30 snmna 95mm not seat on znivorc court saannin hlldtlu HM Storm nDannv Thoma llPhnto Finish inn znuv Gama lUplldo Town crnrin or Consequences srurnmnrr nr Love Lucy llF T1009 Llano 4Perry Mason 7l Love Lucy oiurvi ilattalnvtka ilirin From Uncle mo 7mer anaktarl 4Rinconl BBatman linatslu mo zvlulntan lust ln Snic 1minute olnvaden liltiotherslnLay aroo nlillrslon lmnnsrlhie ilarovle Light in Tn Plans ma dllillhllllc 7Lcsllu uzaama limo wrathcr Snorix ilPlerra Sarto 1150 ZJahnriy Carson Movle tNakod in The Sun 7ioyln thiamine Gun Kelly Harrys prune llHnt Lina 1210 llvlre AFTERNOON 4H The llilleru 7Pcriect iiitrh lMovlr llho Traitors lilutk Dnuglll mo lAs The World Turns 1Wlddirix Party 200 2Day or Our Lives oLove ilanv Splendor Thlna 1Newlvwed Game Eio zpoetorr 4iiouse Party 325ml aims out on iiDciendura iit tb to no er War LTnire to dTn Tali rm Truth 15mm Hospital FMawisuates Court on onL Ssv razor Night um lSaap Judgement inavi nrvr riniirilivin lClnadian Schools Devils Canyon ilPholo rtnnn THURSDAY MAY EVENING LNews Weather dMovie seam it 11611111 Chaparral rthiTtmdzill norm Martin zLNews was spit MIval Weather sauna 7ioile vnlovie IAnrti Lover mi Desperat llPtcm amen Hourt THURSDAY MAY MORNING AND 4Candid camera llhlnvia iLeave It To Biandl 10 1Cmenhation IiFrlendly Gllnl JChu Htlene LEevzrlfly Hillbilliu 7Dlnk Clvztl 93 Spilltdara our zwmoow On To World lsunrlse Semester llLerai News mo zTodiy Lawn Weather Snorta JO 1itaoket Ship man 22 fairngutliy ID it anlarao lr XusIlD llSahnltwts House aAndy Grliilth oTorontn Today 111 FUniieNti znniiywooa Souarel All 443mi Van Dyk oUneis Bobby lzoo ZJewud HNews dNrwr Weather VBewltchrd Ellis ouaar IHelm Ffll Tomroroiv 10utrueon Opinion llHflll Bunny 1oo 7Jlllinx far Dolim nanper Rnomi nm Mini lose thkeiiusnsrei hiisull oCartoon Xlaybnuxl moo 00 1Dlvom Court Honveniton Laecrat Slam sDaanv riiornu llPhato Finish mo Zillerv GrLiIin iaaveture Tinla eréutn or enieouencu 7minute Love Lucy ltaniiir Diller oJn iltle Mississl gfï¬qub Invt Peyton Pila limit rnoan tlartlvt aitun For Your Lira 70pelation Entertainment later on gPerry Mason tsu tlelri llnfnrv Grlma lino Carter Prom Unda ivmncrsnnm lll=ierra nmon tier oaan ea uatria Nun zirn of run JNHL Hockey Pmgrllin PIE tasters oMovln 7xewltehed onto lihiovlalunli gluon Jo nn arse iMerv Eritienu Idltilovte ulr an 1iovle no true Wild One Plerra Barton 9Yerrvs Plubo in ll Newl lihian in Suitcare ll anr tihe aim Brigade wealth shown and South be came declare at our hearts doubled Westwas aware that his partner had doubled on high card values outside at Irmupr and he therefore nhnsa trump as his opening lead in order to cut down dummys potential rui iing power This proved to be an emlient idea that resulted in Souths nev er getting diamond ruff in dummy Declarer wontbe trump load in his hand and returned diamond West went up with tho nine East following with the eight and led another trump won in dummy with the Jack Declarcr returned diamond and East holding the MN made the magnificent play of therjacli West overtook with the queen and led third round oi trumps PHELPSTONI By 115 MARLEY lirs Charles Lottus former member or St Patricks parish Fheipston was buried here April 23 hits Craddock Mrs Hall Airs ONeill and ltira Marley attended the Spring Revue at St Josephs Auditor ium Barrie Mrs Bev Chaput is recoveiv ing iroma fall in her home She rcceivedva broken arm and two broken ribs Mr and Mrs hittinth and Darla thinning of Toronto were guests oi Mr and Mrs John hlinnlngs recently Mr and hits Van Vugi sra home alter holidaying for three weeks in Holland Mr and lira Cagoldone Toronto have re turned homo aitur spending three weeks at VanVugts OFFICEHURS in rtrnarSyJtlmfniii TAM085 aCeieheaox Lamn zeittngoe astaieiy bean 11Aricient 51 er district All 7Appanr Minor tng n6irlaname ufe 13Ialrtlet eaten listens lrSnarea avrlsel game 15Metai Skin container disorder id Bets not 10 Young girl won inhuman 171mm coin mesaura lLArnb 18Glaclal galmerits liiow llJltdiBeMa 191rult 220aienriar abbreviation 25Make ainendafor 26Cleanla 285mm 290ity nit theElbe 31131th CiZJronuynl 33Eourid Gottili tbea aabyL auteur meantim 41Warbtea 421asaage wayr 433mb iiWeavera reedli stir Hrlid The bossis handling the complaints himself so Im sure the cafeteria food wiilbe improved unit onosswono Reninedv 0th Denir eventually rifled two dlaniopd in dummy and the only trtdia he lost were almade and two diamonds ha result South mada foul hearts doubled for score at 790 points which somehow or other suggests that good defense in very import ant part 41 lha game cantouunsr tuna HANDY Recent vlsitorlwith Mr and Mrs Watkins were Mr and itira ilrn Binnie and iarnily and Mrs Bouianger and daughter of Chapels Qua hirs Bruce Binnie William Binnie and Mr and Mn John Bionic Barrie Floyd Sinton had the former Bidwell housa moved on to new cellar last week Friday evening at Guthrie Oro Hockey Association hold meeting and Roger Dunn ceived trophy for the bait goalie Mr and Mrs Craig and was spent Sunday in Hamilton and visited Toronto internation al Airport Miss Sheila Craig came home with them for the summer vacation from Meliss ter University Tom Dunn is home lrom Barrie hospital after having surgery Sylvia and Garry Stranaghan Hamilton spent alew days with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Handy The funeral service tor Mrs Jim Eilsmereioi North Bay took place at the Anglican Church with interment in the adjoining cemetery April 27 Sincere sympathy is extended lotha bereaved Womens institute will meet in the Anglican Church base moat niesday evening May Mitchell Square WJ will be so Humble ll Insulini bent GRAN DMA must IQNES SECRET AGENT X9 DONALD DUCK MIEWRM TH LWHDS THE FAIREST or man AWKI mi ortiv uvrs on same Nu amazes two was wsus WMKi BLONDIE PRETTY WNW $45 WAS YOUNG II More over 23idvan 3i only liaireiiy it is he leltudayaAann 3323 ï¬g CHI coini aeedcoatlng ILPlung unseen forward summer 381mpetunul 40Baya someday JTha Baron SOMETIMES PAQENTS ACT Litlte WEREDN DiEEEQï¬Nr punter Jm IEatllnllrnci No COMMUNICATION KNOW WHATI MEAN THEYRE on ptsseaanr wave LENGTH Now women AcruaLLv women lFMDM ANDDAD wane even SPEAK THE SAME LANGtJAGE BUZZ sawvsn $109134 into ATK Bradford Sh Barrie msov TODAYS GOODWILL USED CAR lent roan gamma Station Wagon tinder lairde transatp sluttyHts xizeao ivle with aiua upholstery Original mint 25 Mom Dial 7264885 GDDDWXLL willuutlmt PLEAE STEP ME SAME IIA WUGHS HOSTESS MUGGs AND SKEETER MINING HE MNSTHKE WU A5 BIT ROUGH 5111 IF WES CLOSE MR DOUGH Ill YOULL llKEniE WIN ME MR MINER TliRoWS MDttEY AKQUNIZ TDKEEPYDUK usaanmmtii METOPLAV youREVEaN GOLF amps Han lr Carnowu roteME