MARITIMES and party of twice will have rainltotiay while further north showtim rles are expected Meanwhile although Prairies and central Canada can enjoy worm tem peratures other port will be DISTRICT maroon Cloudy AndIfCeol fforecdiéh Thursday Cool weather and variable cloudiness are forecast for the IBarrie area todoy and tomor row Overnight low expected is so degrees High tortea is ti Winds and shower taper olfin One ver eastern regions to day Elsewhere there will be moire uitshine but tempera His will continua on the cool aid 14ioowindsor Lake St 21 Lake Erie Southern Lao tiuron Algoma White ï¬lthigr Sunny with iew cloudy Ky Wants New constitution Free From Relics Oi Colonial Era NEW YORK 10F Premier Daniel Johnson of Quebec said Mtteddny night Canadas future constitution will have to shed Eali plies of an imperial or cold ioéero including the none ec ye status of the provincial 5lieutenaotgtvernors an address heiore the Eco label New York she is so rederaiisrn is the aastpiut nltï¬orm of maintaining Canada peacefulpeacelnving and gpe cootrtbuting country Ettgli langnage text oi 200 ord address was re he press iQuehee fit to advaneeoi delivery Discussing unanimous agree ent of the federal and provin iat government to re the itianad coastituti Mr ohnsnn sat There will be some tensions nd some altitudes will be sub eet to criticism but added hat his personal expectations fare high because of the innate bieeti selfrestraint enple tAttEs PREDICTION tit The premier ventured hunt the following The inner constitution of ach province will become less tereotyped than at present hbre it is all patterned in the ame fashion after thetradition gl British parliamentary system More people would learn to peak the tvn official lan ages Bflingunlism will in he recognized at all levels on the new constitution would gTwoj Advertisers EConee ed Willi attentive member of parlia or constitutionol negotiations Find oiaive lack of prejudice of our pcriods Wednesday Cool Winds lightr Low warmth and high Wednesday at Wiod sor 35 and 55 St Thomas Lon don and Kitchener 32 and 52 White River 20 and 45 Saniti Ste Marital and 45 Toronto Hamilton Vcstem Lake Ontario Niagara Normt em Lake lluro Sunny with etv cloudy periods Cool Winds ght Low overnight and high Wednesday at Mount Forest and Vinghant 28 and 45 Ham llton and St Catharines 32 and Toronto 35 and 52 Eastern Lake Ontario South ern Georgian Bay Halihurto rely less on customs and nsagn and more on recourse to eoditiedJoles principles and procedures SllEDDlNG RELICS llr Johnsons reierellee to sheddingoi relies at an impei rial and colonial era came amid portion of his address dealing with possible problems He sold Vhat kind of accommodation tt have to he made between Frenchspeaking and English speaking groups under these circumstances can imagine all tiiemeaoders ofthe road But can see the ï¬nal outcome Canoda will become more federr at and less federalist more ng and less unitary FOR 68 QTravoi cover dotihlex as Two extremely large window iAitESIDER generally cool Figures on the map indicate todays expected high temperatures 1C Wire photo Variable cloudiness Cool Winds northwest 20 Low over night and high Wednesday at Kingston and Trenton 32 and 48 illuskolta and Petcrhorough 3i and 45 Kliiaioe 28 add 45 North BaySudhury North crn Georgian Bay Temagnmt Corhnne Variohin cloudiness Cool Winds light bow over night and high Wednesday at North Bay and Sudhury 28 and 45 Earlton llnunins and Kop uskasing 25 and 45 Montreal Ottawa Cloudy with showers overnight Cloudy Wednesday with sunny periods and cooier Low overnight and it Wednesday Montreal IndOttawa and Forecast Temperatures low overnight high Thursday Wintlsor so so St Thomas 32 58 London 53 Kitchener 5o Mount Forest 55 Wingham 55 Hamilton 55 st Catharines 32 so Toronlo 35 53 Poterhurough as 55 Kingston Ill 52 Trenton 32 55 Killaioo 25 50 Muskoks 30 52 North Bay 25 50 Sudbury 23 50 Eariton Zli 50 Suult Ste Marie 32 52 gt Kapuskasing 25 50 White River so 53 Moosonee 25 48 Timmins 25 50 WAS DOMESTICATED The camel was one of the first animals domesticated by ma canapy ilhinsiclo zippered flapl Sleeps 006 persons her date liartiinfs Contadtna Em TENDER JUICYOVEN ROAS 57 hon Masons Canned Assorted gait Garden Paton Cream Style Mushroom iotsAL Foal BARLeoue do $tealt IDEAL FOR POT ROAST dhenldee FRESHMINCED Gerber or Heinztstraitned hoods duioe ttu to stinks hedgehog i=3 POWER FRE SLlCED PLE asKORANQE DBle SilliiBEliiliEï¬ SWEEE iul Poweriilus Liquid neeeo saver 41 oz Tlll saw 27 iiiitiidieiésiiio Kosher or Polis