were new era um mmmmmwnc MM wra iv gt eéï¬re llolilieunwed mcthershnd cult bobcat corn pgrediwith gold cd mother will In have mrahle trouble on re Dempster leader at the Trenton open 21mm to school chitiwllllbaredlroctlonoithe Hadidmauemhow Pflflflh Eldl NY 11 to ascertain the possible elicct receive Itvor cosmetic Ind on the entire school which at NWT 35 5° course nnuld not be easy in tributed to the visitors Alter 119511 dy who and rcmrhmen lmlted minty de Trentvn amen Marys PMyITflchuf As prlved schocl From scattered 1er thlfiuetl M19 sedation to present programs reports it appears that ithere hmwnrd tourney oi interest to parents and also are problems oithe unned teachers the meeting will mother in culturally favored communitiesin suburbs and ioiiowed by group discussion suburbia indeed beware The PM executive exte celved numerous letters in re invtatloh to everyone Icentyears related to these prob arm Author licelt notesthe delica log cy or the BARRIE amen arnnonr new so Cinderella Cast1ifm°un¢9d for Stratford Festival Opiera Casting is now or Glynne has also smDon Mag tha Strntlord Fuumpcoduc hlflco Morita Patricia Kerns tionol Rossinls Cinderella lull at the Sadlers Wells Cenereatolatwhtch opener made mums appear at the Avon Theatre Arthur sneer with the Canadian 0pm Icobs English mutation of Company and on the tench the opera wtiiuhelriirocted by in at Delillflflmipbellamfderllned Lestic Hurry with music action by Lawrence Smith lowPliltlliD marosrarnjrlsnlon $34 519 Emmaï¬v vnmnNa Mom tcss pajamas are priced at 3495 Wirephoto ads this month they are oi lollies quickly arc the made lrom low priced syn now wear awhile garments thetlc fabrics At leltn is that wul go on sale in Can bikini at $195 that can be St Ma CW1 Elect Ofï¬cer Mrs Leo McCannprcseuled ldeai ior women whotire Mr and hire Wllired warn offer 1m MI tied the Gnma olï¬umherinnd SL Pierre VBierIOIilIS Ions as the step Clerinds is Gweniynn Feature Of Better the slate oi oiflcers iorthe new year at the regular annual meeting oi the Catholicxlilo mens League oi St Marys Church Ofï¬cers were lnstalled ln candlelight cmoay in St Josephs Audlt am Wed nesday evening by Meg lii Clair They includ President Mrs Pelrlmoulx First Vice President Mrs Conghlin Sceond Vice President Mrs Saunderszihlrd like Preai dent Mr Moran Treasur er Mrs Wil orrespond lng Secretary Mrs Phil lpps and Recording Secretary Mrs Shruhsole Councillors are Mrs lionlr Mrs Saso mew lloenslaar and Mrs Carroll Mrs lfetrimoulr chaired the meeting duringwhicb re ports were given try all convene 1m Plans were completed for the Conununion Breakfast to be held April 2i at the Continen tal Inn day oi recollection was planned crime at the report was given by the building committee or St arys and it was agreed in send member to the Hospital Auxiliary Volunteer Services mlnar to be held May is 14 Prise inaers torlhe home earl nartte convened bv Mrs Saunders lllira MacDonald Mr Murdock Mrs Vincer Mrs Why and iiss Alice TnSeono division vln Ancrs included MacDonald Mtwa Cl=Ituthor PierreBertons ideal washroom at Montrealsnew lielter Living Centre is nearly hell the also at Monique Leyrae what sing to dare to ideal apart ment Miss Layracn single bed lioth the washroom and cosy oneroom partmcntlnrn part at everiroom design limeone oi the features at the centre which had its oliicislopenlng in Place Bonaventure Aprfl Harry Guiltln manager at the centre aaid the design house was decorated by prominent Montreal 1interior speciï¬cally to the taste ot lead ing personalities in writing and entertainment fields The centre ltsell now occupies two floors ot the massive Place BoaaVenture and within the next yearwilt open third floor as permanent shovvmse lot practically every product asso ciated with the home and build ing lleld Mr Gulirin said the centre has proved to be popular at traction aince ila opening draw ing about noon visitors daily and serves as source of inspi ration lor the many architects luck McBride Peter Dupre Frank Murphy and Gerry Cougan hooker an art gallery meant And Mr Herions bathtub alone is nearly twice the size of decorators builder designers and decora tors torscancon1psrs one product With another without having to The centre lcaturea building chase around lrom exhibit to products rudimetemia section exhibit any interior materials area Moltth lull oi architectural theatre ior such events as seml nars an iniormatlcn service and or course thedesigarhousc with its huge bathroom The bathroom otthe Tomato television personality coveral an area 16 net by 17 leet while MLss Layracs apartment is There are no representatives oi llrms exhibiting at the centre and all theinlormatlco is made available in Mr Tnssos depsr winch even includes room where architects Ind clients nmeetin private mo umnvromumon Everyknown building and deal supplierld about 22 feet by 24 lent with section near the centre taken by asquare pillar into which in television in embedded The bathtub could easily ban die two people at the same Lima or special build product person stretched lull summary can wiflhsivepm an exhibitos being rut mod tor information about oducts and this will be made allnhlatoerchitectalatl lde fly direction0 9V9 pectlve users of building prod small elephhnt FREE ADMISSION Andre Tasso manager oi the centre inlonnatlon se ice sees to it that visitors are ucts and designmateriela hriet descriptionolthe proper ties costs mecilicatlonsand other keanlormntion regarding apsrticularproduct line provided Mu any maxmum Also located in the centre they desire regarding the exhlb Design Canada An exhibition its and other leatures organized by lheNational Do total of 141 companies an Asian lumen and the iedernl an represented at the centre at which about 170 exhibits are on the view The exlnbitloa is free of charge to the publicflost oi op urtrier department in educate public into demandingand nniacturers intoproduclaï¬ better quality goodsfor home eratingthe centre is borne by W0 and M5 the exhibitors who lease space ioroneyear periods The exhibits are especially ar ranged in groupings at similar items andvmnterlnla so that ass meeting gt bu and installation oi otllcers was international reoo mastery oi the intricate Ros meat for thesinscr vhosework applause for such roles as Don lioth radio and tetevlion Al announced Patricia Kern wiltbeteatured tnthetltlerola ol the openihe acclaimed mez moiInn at the Sadlers Wells Opera has won on let her shit rol Such performance as Rosina infihe Bllber of Seville and Angelina Cinder ella in La Ceoereatoil have in mtred pecans oi praise irom leading critics Born in Wales ly successful debut at Covent Garden last season when she sang Zerllnan Don Giovanni manor nnaur gt Since his debut in Milan in list as Scnrpia in Tosca Rob six languages This Stratlcrd en 39 has taken him trom vancouver to Switzerland lnthev Rossini opera Mr Savola will sing the role oi Dandlni the Princes valet gt Jean Imtis Pellerln will make his Strattord Festival at but this season as thePrince and the lhéatreilyrlque du Quebec the tenor draw critical Jose in Carmen andTaminoln The Magic Flute He hasaiso Elven numeral concerts on Miss Kern made aensatlonsl roles have included DarneVCar Don itamiro in his work with ï¬le the Canadians Open Company Little who lint appeared Stratiord in the 1960 production EMS Ptoatore Since then she has tetranod to play Sue Inns in The Marriage lot Flgsrolerlina in Don Giovan nlaadDGItlnlinCosilantuttl she hla appeared with the can ndlan Opera Company the earl ZGodoivaky owe con pound the Vancouver Opera Assoelltion room meson her lotirth season with the Com my to sing the role oi Tisha the second step sister re sideat oi Detroit Miss Green spon has worked with the Ann Arbor Opera Company the Chautaqu Opera Association the New York City Centre Opera Comoanvt Her Stratord ruthers in The Yeoman oith Guard Mrs Begblclrin Maha any and bertvlierrlng Peter van Glnlrel who will appear as Alldoro practical philosopher in theservtce of the Prince completes the cast ol principals tor the liossinl opera Since he began his eer in 1957 Mr van Ginlrel has worked extensively with Canadian Opern Compinl and Metropolitan Opera Nation Campanv lnwhose 1966 pro ductionol Cinderella he also lung therole oi Aildoro other notable performances have an eluded Don AllonaojaCosl an tutta Mltcello in Lahohema and DATSh inner Pied in Muriel Greenqvonrelurns for home tor the ndtlcilon will consist Anne Marieclarlr Nach Goliacha eter min shr Ranlls mbouts Donnld Tait and conducted at the Barrie Curling Club Thursday evening follow lngthe Barrie Business gnu IMISS jltneyraad dinner MTvlilgthl lie egreclï¬lve imottawn whereshe wants to on as res en rs 5W gumer mm meet Liberal leader PterreV lMaayflgllamimlt President Mrs Me ï¬lm any Elliott Trudeau The runn sldent Mn 31 share th caiyps MaryWare Secretary mann tiv er Mrs Enid Couplend Games Conven Miss DnrlaDuna Co oaveaer Mrs VWyona Wilcox VEonspiel Convener Mrs lrene Syles Coconvener Mrs Frau Sutton Social Convener Mrs Lee Kell Co conveaer testusaysshe became dean fan alterwatching him on television OP Wirephoto at time makatinal arrangements Mrs Lucy Daaust as Eugenia Cadet InspectiOn Planned For Stu was the lucky ticket holder when the drawilor an electric Mrs vicuno Special Events n5 Imrlse Phenomenon blanket was held at the annual Convener Mrs ljran Newton st lhonteas oi the April lather and son banquet April1 Co convener Mrs day liaran meeunnr theiWomens Auxli prophm Amencin ton lune which iollovre and Publicity iCbslmien Mrs Khylqlnnh lt The winningrlnlr was that Mrs Wyoaa thco and approx4 lmately so girls tended the EEDWOBK eep pace withlet terminalsno em computers to overc han lery to tha Navy League and he absencatoi vlcé chairman chaired the misting llana wereidlslcu annual cadet inspect on held May the nan in com Barrie amt Horticultural The next meeting will he held