ordinary we nFrae Benefit In on The ordina citizen who comes in contact with th courts will benefit from the changes in the status of magistrates which are tobe made by the Ontario overnmeni As announced in the legislature the artiï¬cal distinction between udgos and ma irates is to be remov they will all judges Politics Will count ior less lhe naming of new magistrates Tje work done by his trates will become sub act to sup on lastnamed improvement will help remove many of the causes for criticism of magistrates courts there never has been any method in Ontario for super visin magistrates Each has been very near law unto himself and inevitably there have been glarin differences be tween the ways in ch they conduct thir courts and in the decisions made The new legislation wall appoint judicial council which will study the con ductoi judges including those now cai ed magistrates it should lead to more even justice across Ontario The strange ttung is not that the council is to be years since province we created but that in Upper Canada became have not had such body it is also in the interest of the ordinary man that the salaries now paid to ma should be raised as Attorney neral Wishait says the new legislation will do The citizen hailed to court does not want his fate decided by secondrate brain on the bench If the judge is paid much leas than he could earn as to get ï¬rstrate brains as in Bmianmiiern Advance April 20 1993 Ice still hugs shores of innisiil Large number ofgulls it day moved ice into head of bay Part or Barioes main street looks like on ditched concession of back township Dead horse and lot of rotten eggs de posited near ijlfle range in west end oi town Air is beingggisonedby gases Complaints that atrailwaycrossin in Allandale kept shutatnlght wrth conseguent inconvenience to public Levi arleye shipyard is scene of busy industry in Barrie at foot Mulcaster Number of steam yachts being built for gentlemen in various of count ry Many steam boats in rydock under going repair Regular January snow all of six inches iell April 15 With weather now improved many Barrie citizens on Sunday took portunity to travel to Allandale by rail then walk back either by Bradford or Innisfil St Fall wheat in Thornton area has not Wintered sugar makingdid not prove marked success this season carloadof fat cattle shipped from lhprntonby Mr Brennan heaviest was diurnal sold by ThomasHenrywhich Ottawa Journal iriend quotation iroin Edw ch to the electors or Eris on Nov 34774 Parliament is not bassadors from different 1de hostile interests which interests each maintain as an agent and advocat gainst oth whole where not idealismpose not loc al prejudices ought to gui but the general good resulting rro social class do tend to apetheir batters to adopting new products assume they fellowtthe notions of the flniluentlals on own olas rhisis VPOHyVBIlEd practising lawyer is is difï¬cult Th DOWN MEMO over around Kempenfelt Cold eastwinds yester around Allis gHiIR EDITORS who has watched with iri ea alliollow directluv upon one made byJ cRuer justice oi Ontario in his rights issued three weeks These ch recommends former chlei report on ag Randall Dick de attorney ener says the hnowmlegisplfé on aiieuctlfngf in traes as on prepara onior gouar lt obltioualy allows the thinldng and even thephrasing oi the Meltiier report it seems clear that the govern ment was in touch with his work during the four years he am at the massive task oi studying on os archaiccourt system llir hiciiuer condemned the raciice of letting magistrates be main rs oi police commiss onsHe noted that Section at the Magistrates Act saysA magis trate shall not practise an proieseton activer engage in any usiness trade or occupation but shall devote his whole time to the performance of his duties as magistrate The Mcltuer opinion is that when ma gistrates serve on police commissions they violate Section 10 Magistrates ought not to be members ofboarde of commissioners of police for many reasons Not thelEast of these is at there ought not to be anemplo employee relationship betweenjudicial officers andvthe members of the police force on 68 yseven magistrates are employed police gomilnilsiionsnin Ontario is overnmen mg we move next to end this situation weighed 2125 lbs Patrons of in dustry flourishing at Edenvale James Lennox proprietor of Red Lion Inn at Ivy has thoroughly renovated pre mises Plowin has commenced through Oro us of Temperance gain new members at Thornton Tram reported very numerous around Bra ord Scarlet fever evalent in Cookstown Fall wheat etching well Block Stay Todds her destroyed by fire believed of in cendiaiy on in Barrie Bicycle Club ey president ï¬lected Frawl yers secre St Geor es Societ of Barrie helldyldth annual glacier wi Commander Whisb retired Royal Navy inchalr Burton Bros of Barrie lost mill lumber docks and mill houses by ï¬re at Byng Inlet Farris Sound district tr lhng em enfelt Bay ght 10 salmon So depleted is the bay of fish such catch is considered some what in light of remarkable cater Smith recovering aiier ser ious illness SteamerLon ordlett for Orilli after repairs at arleys Ba Allandal practising diligently areasn or mean Windsor em Bless all our tired old ear Homeon tiast has asked the Govemmentnot to give money to good cause How ch octeiiatic it wasp Dr Mackenzie jdeanofsclentlsts to any to the Senate Committeeon scieneepolio the worst thing site to the pr onai powerio do eve his Under Radio Case in 1932nslntérpieted by th dicial Committee Council the IFederal Gov ment has jurisdiction DVGI the natlonfs airwaves in accordance witths treatypoliver But ish hlehw QUEENSPARK inning WMowmwmns memos eawxmï¬n gg as Edie id lhelinaalaoa are the Americans only come by accident by Mmum succession oi mlmleuiatioaa escalating tensions to the point have shownramarkabla sellre on Armed with wherozloann idiot ln unlionn So for the two airlint where relations with each other are concerned The lot eiteumpla is the us decision to liq flying patrols by beanie nuclear weep ons after one at Iheaa crashed in Greenland Theposrlhility ot imbibing teirlt ry was too trouble to contemplate once ol the oemmloiuoarineu with which the two Men lilo dle each Mammoth talked lot brindle notiioterveoe On Highwayiesafew By not onnanii initon wt are doing lousy Job on higthy saietv in Ontario flow is lousy word but in this case it in appropriate The accident statistics tor last year have been made public They were made public by Transpoit Mlnisler lrwln Has kettvwith bit otplely Therer ncc his or number ot passcn Xe Andra hi oi tragedy total oi accidents and fatalities is up Yes they werovirpt And they should with complete it warreally essive there could gas ht way solely effort in Ontario that could cut dowa highway acci dents Now we pay lot of lip scrv ice We talk lot of hlghwny Safety And we spend quite bit of money But what real con cern do we actualb haveand what acute lacrosse team is cated to is seeing that everything that could be done was done to re vent recurrence out was as ANY CONCERN What have we no thatie now That is imaginative That shows real coocernl We have driving sdioolsWp and trag Have we ever eenvrealiye ed rbout Post Office Dep merit Ottaw Van or ay meat otpostego ash Subscription atesd carrier iéflclweekly $26 Wills MNS By mall Barri Ontario $1200 your tlirowoli $15 yearifMall out sideIOntarlo alligat Dut gliway safety war Roosevelt on Thin has been lack cl ei ther the desire or thoability to aroiisnua Have we got to the core pron leinat TALK ABOUT LAW Wo hava talked ior years about stronger law ienlorce moot Do we have it Notlhat you and know oi We can tends children to drive but adults the runoi theamill drivch are the mini em cameo in anvil cannons sroiiv Roosevelt EGave Heteroan 31303 aowvtan of all the presidents oi the United States Franklin Roos evelt probably did the most to helpCanada He had good personhlknowledge of Canada slrengthenedby hiaexperlmice as governor oi New Yorkl ills summer home was the Island of Campobello In New lininswiek Him is nqwanvinterhutional park play Sunrise Over 0am pnbell plsomade into movie starring Canadianborn actor Hume Cronyn portrays dra ltnvlaslc period his career while its war began Robe evelt pledged that th v5 would come to Canadas old casdof ansattaclibyanyo nation The occasion was an ad dres to Queens University iolA lowmgt opening of thoiThou iida internatl oal later Mackeozi cauain And has Vinylhlng been done to tryand keep you and me from accidents Anything that impr remember And doubt you dor But this doesnthava to be ihere arethlngs that dealt be done ihinga thatfone simple amateurHan think ol Andtbey are so simple that not having been door say We have had disgraceful direction coping with this em eases usi Not that It no Now thatthe weather is warm enough it irtlma lostartthlnk country not to keep ed down in lucr in other words or ï¬stula the Important thing is not to have situationin which controotalion between her and America mlth develop This suggests that the two on porpost have embarked on policy or hilnl not to in on on oothera prdl6rve This to the eath llahment tacitly it not for mal recoup influenceEL than mower would agree hottoacospt ao lily cocoa elooilt tron theothera camp an old procedim 1n internation al attain ieatured prominently or instance In the peace signed between Athens and Sparta in it 36 What this will mean tor each continent and how Gelatin Into such notion will examined subsequent article far innit irritant TiiiielToSiart OlGaIdens And Landscapes vs lormatloo boutwhen where auditor to plant everything ironiwildlioworr to trees but also august flower arrange3 which able to thinkfwlll bemdat ng gardener ï¬nd them The most thorough tally illustrated handbook of garden ing is the revised cditionoi BOOK OF GARDENS by Ulo cditoisot House and Garden niagazioen volinno in ranged like anveocyidopedi or easy reference and contains hun Witch of lullipage color photo lowed cross canadlan lerrltog ry to attack the us The Ogdensburg agreement was ioilowed by another impor tant agreemenivmade at Hyde Park New york on nail to idol Canada was doing plants and turning out eaulpF montgno reply for Canadlan forces so iorhrithinjk Brent deal neededjor the worplants had to he bought in the US By the March 1941Canada trade deficit mtlitho nearly halt billion liars This could not continue or else the war some would have curtailed Although the 116 the warPresident by buying wai supplies waahbtln graphs and artists illustrations of excellent professional and am ateur Igarden arrangements it contains not only essential in BIBLE THOUGHT Anti he cried Ind laid Fatlh er Abraham have mercy on me and xeodLuarn that he may dip the tip oi hla linger In the water and cool my tongne or an riled in this Danae Luke the story man who made the mistake of amine ing that lite on new was av thing Sonremember troinfCanada The dealireally was that each country would provide the other with materials which it was best able to pro duce By the cadet the year Canada was making every one of 2000 items needed for army navy ndair force and making sheen fa enough to equip lull infantry av meats and even thevinostga it able colors to compliment yourn patio tiles This is thoroughly enjoyable and metal book to haveat your side whenyou are planning and planting your spring garden By the editors of Better Homes andGardens is book whlclh troata the questions of landscaping much more thorg Mighty it is called Lamscarn PLANNING andcontains com plete atepoyotep iully illusg trated ioiormation garden design This volume ewsyoii to begin with an empty lot and plan your house and garden at the lame lime or tolandscaps around the house you already have it has both extremely de lnilod instructions for exact copying oi designs and relative 1y iree suggestions or the gar dcoer with ideas at his own These two books used to gelher ought to be agreat deal of help to in spring gardener the new home owner wondering how to landscape and the home owner wanting to renovate or alJ teruthe design his garden or pa on