versity Medical School EATWlllLE Tllliltl HOME nuan While their barn home hum ed Monday this sow and her piglets rooted in the grass Continued from page lst true in his case For riding along on the buses trains and boats is Mrs Fisher Since she is mm and mother to the members her family has increased to around 90 She is always busy straight ening ties sewing mending and giving helplul points for improve ments She adiudleaies the hand but will not give an opinion un less she is asked She is modest hire her husband The whole school would like to otter their congratulations to Mr Fisher and his wife or the fine jobs they are doing for their school and country asmorz onus Centrals lanred senior girls basketball team ran up the high est score on this years schedule against slightly handicapped Redskin squad The gym was ï¬lled to capacity to watch tha boys team lose their only sched uled game of the season The boys had their legs tied their eyes blindfolded bandanna tied across their mouths and the digits sewn together so they couldnt shoot straight at the has ket which they couldnt see Oh by the way the score was 43 in favor of the girls it was dif lerent story In the second game the Redskins cut their bonds and posted me victory over the teachers Mr Bolton led the teachers with nine points whlla Sandy lhompsonwhn was in ported from the student body to aid the teachers scored eight points other points were scored by those notables Tex Morton five points Doe Neabltt two and Loopy Giroux two This Friday April 19 Central is holding ladie Swirp dance sponsored by the GAA Come on girls this is your chance to ask that guy you met last time at the computer dance cause this dance is Sadie Hawkins The Chosen Few will provide on tertainment Dress is school dress and admission $1 each Coma one come all this is the time to go twirping thra the MARKS CENTENABY HALIFAX CF World leaders in medicine have been invited to take part in three day scientific seminar in San tamher to mark the tooth anni versary of the Dalhousla Unl They rwill look at the future of medl nine in genetics organ trans plants arid medicaleducation RYEXMENERWANTADS PHONE 7282414 Munitionsionic memmhtwmrme newcomerstothanslstrhow hosyoofemlumng vanoulted awayhawyeu more than hstt Mshedyoud never oemel are your new ml hbon toppling such as thega tat Lnawncomewmrénï¬‚ï¬ Put It an malt them at homa Half stamp out strangers Welcome Wagon today Wmm oblivious In the flames Neigh ban mued 00 Iowa and pin and no cows horn the barn in Bid tullpa with our favorite butt Next Friday April as some thing big is happening at Cen tral In loci it is so big all COW tral is just bursting with news kalgflrmterintmdrréed ut weakerlamnpuklnglom olalather and son and nut tlarughtego bath to Abraham and leaac Mr Canon raid IThaflntblnglrwortantlme Clanworth near London Ont while owner Bill White was at no tor Wisconsin ntit Yell You guessed it Neitt la Central Scene the show going So dont min your chance to lravei through the world of hippie and tantasy land buy your ticket now and get set for hours at laughter and tears has sï¬ssruawusr gavehhna wutbat Abraham belonged to antibody and will He left Ur at theChaldou and went out at Godagrdmnsnd to fulï¬l purpose cats great wen to nr but he didnt let it control him he had wife great but no son its planned prayed tor boy years passed and God boy Boys you dont know how proud your dad is of you FAMILY WORSHIP Well lsaao arrived and horn glad Abraham was he didnt hla boylhe danger with no out at in dads today is that they lpoil thelr boys Abraham loved his he never med bomhe lived to rant The onlytand he ownedwuaplnttoburyhlr wlteAhratrarn wanted his boy to know God when eight days olddhe dedicale him co God began his son living faith lease was watching his fatherI he know he wasa Rodi see ey turret part He II to plunge the knu Into the eon Can you linear how he felt The voice of God with Now know Abraham you ave not withhold even your son Irom rne sons racemes not you fathers and tone to eome oa Moriah with me to night uter tha city at Jerus elem wasbullton thia hill The Son at God want updse hill lfluawmvwmwamtmuwrW1WTAWWJW¢M ri ge eggé gas £5 if 32 53 T92 $2 E3 or 93 eg it $2 as of vs ii is Next CBMC dinner meeting will be May it in the Colonial ltoom Lakevlew Restaurant Edward Webater butlnou nun oi renetang will be gucst er FOODS MORE 347 IAYFIILD FAST TAKEOUT SERVICE 72309 open Dally till mldnlni Friday and Satorduy till DOOR HARDTOP soncon vt tun outlying Ford teur It GIW eertl eate monthl5 ps discount on at any Gw dealer Wherever you buy your med ear the GW warranty is honored by our I75 New Car dealer throughout Ont nonrtjetamAncE SALE Reconditioned and guarantee with 2year GW warren l968 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE Gas heater Elaupunkt radio holly green Enter to headrests 950m your ZLW alIvparle andlabor beige vinyl only 5000 mileal See this one 5155 runs AN orras 1965 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN door V5 automatic burde with harmonizing 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CUSTOM don aedaanl automatic de luxe radio one owner Wimbledon gtwhile inter 169st I964 FORD Gaioxio 500 Convertible Va automatic wer steering oawerbrakes de use radio new Wimbledon white finrsh blue in tartarmatching hiua top immac ulale condition Lie 170M 1966 LTD OOR HARDTOP mm err OFTEN Low nice on rare mum none powered delune radio custom to tori ack Vin wool electric pre as car in show room eondition Lin 4309 1965 PONTIA Pormenno Convertible Va automatic power steering power brakes deluxe radio cua tom vinyl interior tlawleesinlzl ish contrasting black top new tires Lic 660858 Tans This one TODAYi Long bor Styleside ocyilnda standard transmission new blueL ï¬nish oneownsr unit in excellent conditionlic 47252V Gratigiview Ford LES LTD