Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Apr 1968, p. 3

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pton Gerald won Moron OPENS DOWNTOWN snort Opening the new Womans Bakery and Honey Dew Col icelshon on Dunlap St this morning by cutting cake in scribed Beautiiul Barrie lncorpornted 1959 Mayor it Bentley lent said that the romlng quality irms to the city was the finest method or urban renewal he could think ni With Mayor Bentley ls the president at Canadi Food Products Sales Limited Sinclair Ex aminer Photo Barrie LdWYers Approve Plan To Abolish Records At least two Barrie lawyers he liove its about time for the plan to erase crime records of perscthrhonmbilliata2thenr selvesin society They have finally iound the courage to do something that should have been done two dec ades ago says Bruce Owen The cabinet has given prelimi nary approval to the plan can think oi number of people who have been held back Iotay 1vch because oi their criminal rec ords says Sugg Itgla better now than Mr Dtvchsays whenrsomcono makes mistaka and payslol it it shouldnt hound him into the grave and affect his every move for the rest of his life Both lawyers want closer look at the legislation when it is released probably this talk wouldnt be in favor of hav log all records cancelled said THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY APRIL ii 196 LediiPolice Chase Man Fined $810 Thornton truck driver lost ohls drivers licence ior two months and was lined $80 yes terday in magistratcs court alter admitting to careless driv Joseph Edgar Tomporow 21 was charged onhiarch is utter he led city police on wild chase at high speeds train Barrie to the 12th concession oi lnnlsiii Township Defence lawyer Gordon Mc LOCill GENERAL canvas common The Ontario highways departi ment has awarded $39360 for 24000 tons of crushed gravel tor various locations on High ways in 12 27 on and 501 in the vicinity of Bond Head Bradiord Goldwater and one mile west of the jun tion of Highways 103 and 501 Contractor is Jack Schwandt Construction Limited Singham THEETOF COINS City police arrested 22 year old man wanted in con nection th the lbeilof coin lcollection in Richmond Hill Anthony tail was found at motel on Essa Road yes iterday The arrest was made by Cpl Roy Lacey of the Ben rle Police Department caascoauna Arcar end collision on Dan lop Street outside Lakeview Dairy yesterday causEd $100 damage to the cars involved Drivers in the accident were tanley it 19 of Coxmill Road lainswick and Laurence James Craig 54 of 114 Muloastcr St ADJOURN CASE The case of William Calvin Gregoryfli of London who last week pleaded lnot guilty ioja chargeei assessing weapon dang the public peacelhas been dimmed unlil April at Vovcks coon Manama legrori des Hinds grocer Battles loaves 31007 ants nib Turk said Tomporowski had no previous driving convictions and attributed his beha ron the lath to the lee duced by powerful vehicle such as the sports car he was driving Tomporowskl wa pursued by Const Bill Walt the Bar rie police department than John Street He passed two cars on the wrong side of the road ran red light at liflin Street and stop Til ccssion of lnni He was arrested aiter police located him running from the abandoned car in court yesterday that the car he was driving was not his own Crown Attorney llil man said it was case of very careless driving involving three greechesof the Highway Traffic Magistrate Foster greed saying that Tomp SklS driving was Tomporowski Mr Sugg Examples of some noneanocllable ones he suggest are imggga state capital Eilenccs and ped dling led he was favor of having recordsior minor tbclt oftences and other minor convictions purged because these prevent people from holding publicoi lice and can hold back someone from ancement in any com Ffillifi Along with his app roval though Mr Sngg cautions that the excriminals must show that they have completely rehabilitat ed themselves He says the age of the person who conunitted the crime should be relevant in any erasure leg islation Youngsters should be al lowed more leniency ior their mistakes than older persons if society can be protected certain records can be ohlite ated That is consistent with nat ural justice he sai can think of umber at people who have been held back because of records he said Under the plan records to bewiped out nr eat years alter completion bl sent ences on conviction in an dictable offence andvthr alter asummnr convi This would dependou ior mer criminal satisfying the au thorities that he isleading lawahidingliia and isnnt likely to get into trouble again The Justice Department nraiFthe etxfiledfiangliage lor the legislation Holgate Street when tb Icci drowsy lionvconlest wardrwlll be presented many and at the annual convention ofthe association held in Kingston this year The Pro Musing Ehoral Group will present The Creation by Josephlllyd at fit Andrews church April under the dir oetlon oi Case Van Homert Ciliiord Maltree of Toronto will be the organist with soloists Agnes Doucher soprano Hob ert Reid tenor and Edgar Mur doeb bass Aaymphonic introduction de plots the chaosihaneigned be iorade brought order to the universe This is considered the iinest and most eilectlve move ment of the whole work ar rrLArch carGa rlel firiel and Biblical recite Wornrweather as made city tennis courts busy placeand tbe BarrlafTennls club held iia ilrstlrneeling last week in the story In the ilrst and sce ond Fart oi the six days of crcai on are unloldad in ser ies of fpictures The and of each day is celebrated with hymns by the choirs of heaven 1y hosts The third part is glimpse into paradise describ ing the bliss enjoyed hy the firstcouple belore the loll Reduce Stalin ill factory Plant manager Stan Jones ol Universal Cooler LidsBarrle said todaythat is men had been laid off dueto cutback in production Mr Jones said that only fpro bationary employees those at theplant or only three or four weeks had been laid off Explainingthat there was slight cutback in orders Mr Jories saidtbat probationary em ployees were laid off to lengthen out the amount of warkavall able to permanentw There are now 150 employees working at Universal Cooler Morden general man ager said iniormation regarding given on May possible furtherlayoirs would MING WAY DOWN The earths deepest canyon is the 36lMootdeep rl Trench in the Pacific dent occurred is in lair conditio at Royal Victoriallosd pital wi burns received when her clothingcaught firclrom kitchen stoveon Mpnday night Mrs AliceAmos oiSiroud was staying at the home of her soninlaw Earl Richardson on RAMA tCoinmgv to the liAllRli THURS MAY to Fire chief Dan Keast said the woman was reaching across the sin whenher clothing caught She has third degree om ny ltlURlEL LEEPER Auditioning of Music was presented no night at Collier Street llnltedflturcb Hall by the King Edwardith special guest perfomrersihe go hall was tilled to acity with more than not more were ed away4 he causes of lackroi accommod on The program won enthusiastic response from the large crowd lad was consistently at high artistic level Opening with aidi Maureens Gloria in celsls the choir lmmedi on established itself as agroup capable of singing diiflcult rnuaiE well There were no pl6lt this well traln eloff that enchanted the The intricate Rise Up Ari hyMendeissohn built steadli no satisfying ciimax The complete choral anonand in program with edley Broadway liiuscal conduc ed by Elizabethltiddell and an ally Madrigal an 1k Song and Joe reeli Folk Tune of intense rhc are called Zorn Gali Gall These iutrthree wee directed by Jean Dobson The middle section of this Evening oHiiusic was varied and of deep interest to the sud Barrie music lance lovers tianuzm raccoons some so nois come no ova wosir worm IKWrrnv xwtafiwwl preparation or another season Matt Berry LE of Donald Sto Barrleand Jlm Gilbeany of Torontoengagedin spir were Elven an onpo or hearingvsome of our own local talent This does not happen often enough in town and dirlt cctor JeanDobson deserves the appreciation of the do gt rfcatur he we ylllclrs sangthefamil With veidure clad lrom HadynsCreatio Mrs Hicks canalways be nded to keep true pitc with clear enuncistl ltedgenge iota yestcrday alter noon at the Queens Park courts Both admitted to being little rustszut gritlLa am up fimlWvi¢W mcr stretching out etore tlxemthoyandourer tenni pleyera shoiddrbe In good lorm an mi he Then the Ladles of the Choir took over pleasing the audien especially in the Echo Song Special motion must be or the line accompanists These two young Barrie artists are still studying in Toronto Alias Kunlrel has pretty voice and nice style and should developlnto sop constqneooe Sh sir our cormnunity Mr sonstone production as inn proved considerably during the past yea Hels rapidly devel oping appealing and has dual ity of voice admirably suited to opeietta work attire moment Eleanore Taylortvho is oh the stall oi the mimic nren atCenhalColiegia ed three piano solos two so Jane Knnlrei an Donald sin who stole show these young singers re celvedwarmepplause from the audience and it wasapplause we cd Jtcrmisslon the penedr hr the Geull Toy or lb night HelenGoodhanda with the ch as outstanding Her unetringrmusltel sense areal asset to the groupHer pianistidtahillty is ohvio Can you quctiifyt2 Ityou canondrinker it will pay you to compare Abatainera rateswith your present rates today

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