flu Nationi iumi warrant gWonder sis Recovering Motionto ice Annabelle the threeyearold iiopcared iillly may yet keep her date at the Kentucky Derbydespite plinlul training injury sultered Wednesday inlured in collision with pen twoyearold during practice gallop it was leared for time that she had suilered broken pelvis and would have to be destroyed liut later about iour hours alter the accident on the Wood bloc training strip veterinarian Dr Donald llshman said that it she continues to show lmmve mcnt during thonext our days tAiinabetic could still run in the Derby The horse nominated ior the Kentucky Derby by coowners Paul Rimstcad and Fred Rosa Toronto newspaper man who purchased her tor $1100 at an auction raced iour times as twoyearold without winning she was to have run for the irst time tiils year in todays Ilourth at Greenwood race track Key To in VANCOUVER CE Prime Minister Pearson quiet ly slipped into box seat at Capliano Baseball Stadium on summer night three years to ivatch Vancouver Mounties play Paciï¬c Coast League game Few knew anything about it untii several days later Lew uMalhn affable general mana ger or the Mounties dropped hint JThe old second baseman Awas in our store law nights 2an to watch our troops in the iirst oi adoulsladlp Translated it meant Pear son hadbeenat Copllano Sta dium to watch part oi doe bleheader The prime minister an ar dent sports lan had played Zbasebatiin his youth and Mat ilns research showed he was good second baseman Cigarchomping Matlin who stands iive ieet live inches eats=sleepaandtallt thing but baseball He operates the only proiessional club in Care the and conduaLs virtual oneman campaign to keep the game going in thiscoun uy BESTGAME 0F Alli The fact Pearsons visit had been kept secret was one of the more intriguing local baseball stories olythe season Not because of the visit but the act that Matilu had kept quiet or more than 24 Hell spend as much time as you have to spare talking about the sport he has loved sincechildhood days in Dow noy Caiii ts the greatest game in the worldail others are im postors be ouotes irom Quentin Reynolds hiatiin drastic departure irom the young grey flannel sports executive oitoday re sembles the Damon Runyon variety He got his ï¬rst base ball inbreb19 1948 Cleve land lndlans supervisor Hollis John Thurston threw me the tCalii ball ciuboitice and recalls Thurstone Never quit You He has jOf Mountie C1115 arrival in Vancouver iour where he received the Gov acquisition was his Canadian if gu drumbeaters Mallin liaymond Adanta Ferguson keys to the Bakersï¬eld nkl AnduGaorge Setidrlrgeneral manager oi the Washington Horse Dr Flshmana preliminary iuredpelvis and her destruction was being considered But ion Mute hours later the home was walk ing around her stallandlha doctor said more thorough ex aminationlndloated no serious damage Trainer Jim Santhn said he was galloping the down the stretch when to deem pie oi hor about llsth oi ends up mcom gh and the other rider who had the otherhorsa in center pulled it up hire Sam Dixon wile oi trainer edged her mount to ward the rail We collided heavily Anna belle went dowu and lumped clear Gentile said made several attempts Io get Annabelle to her tool but each time she fell again Finally led her to stable She was hobbllng badly and obviously in great pain SuccieSS never had to loliowthe ad vice He got his llrst exposure to Canada hi lm as general manager at sherbroolie Que Cleveland farm club or that era learned little bit about Canada during my Sherbrooke iBestotscvenserniiinai tied sahhatical and got to like We fled armaments PLAYERS Between Sherbroolre and his years ago Matiin operated clubs in Tacoma Wash nors Award or community service and inllawaii where in 1963 he was chosen base halls minor league executive oi the year Another cherished lie has no hobbies aside irom keen knowledge at car rehtevents andmemorizing the middle names of every person who plays manages coachesr rile baseball He can nameeach oi the more than too players ln the majors who have played on teams with which he has beenassoclated Astl alordomo of minor eA atlis in danger or expiring his three thin FM presen or everydoli lar the paren lub generates thetriple clubsfmust generate thr lleperson ally prriers system of par ent clubs assuming more of the ï¬nancial burden About baseballs iuture in Canada he fsays it looks brlght aamor youngsters are planner dian pitchers in the big leaguesJohn Hitler and George Karinee Detroit Dick Lines Washington in lcago Cubs and RonTaylor New York Meta Senators also tan Canadian adds Matiln Milan Marcetia scored at oi the that overtime in their game with Los Angeles to send the deciding Embatk to the examination indicated trac coast cit flood in their hicsdny encounter alter the clubs test management but it an indica tion oi the the clubs torlavilie lea ï¬nal Ht First oi bestoiiive final Cornwall Vcrdun Niagara Fans you can imagine how my hockey players reel leads bestolseven semiï¬nall Edmonton ilcton leads bestolseven semi final 30 leads bestotseven semiï¬nal he League baseball club owners will meet Friday apparently in tent on selecting two new tran chisos and deciding whether to catch up with the American League on start of 124mb cult approved expansion to lyelubs in 1965 reviving KansasCity iranchise to compensate for the Athletics switch toOakland this seasonandiadding Seattle as second new member League president earlier Ithis week said the meeting was aimed only at setting down ground rules to live cities seek ing the two new iranchiscs tor operationnot laterthnn 1970 said there couldba some deli nite action cause time is get tingshort clude Daliasiort War the second overtime Theth Stan won Both Phlladelphla and St were comparatlvciyoub tians were treated Io ad been Isl ering his resignation in pro coursa it was rclused ut oi hand by Philadelphia high icellng between cur jpiiii By ma clNAniaw rnass llllan Cup EAST loronto Vicioriavllle rhiclollflvilleuFTï¬ï¬ hestoisevan St Bonilace Drumhelier ifdlure games Saturday St Boniface at Drumhellor IMemorial Cup EAST Kitchener Ftiturc games Friday Cornwall at VerdunJV on Kitchener at Niagara Falls WEST Weatlort Estevan Pcnticton Future gainer Westlort at Estevan Estevan Exams involvcd he said parlor goaltending when we needed it tomDenis DeJordy We got greatvciiorts train the big gunsslike Bobby Hull and Stant Mlkila And we got ho nusesvirom others like Gilles Mannie and Flt Martin th litthgain omit ma opening sight oi illll younglady in casual through the stadium during dress wan erlng aromas or can Billybeay oiailoago Black Hawks yawned threw his copy oi the local newspaper across the room stretched and yawncd again ï¬ï¬r games in too much even tor the manage merit alterarrlvinz here ior thestarc oi the bestoiseven Stanley Cup semiï¬nals ga nst Montreal slit days is saidlvednesday night Canadians tonight The Western Division semiii nals conclude tonight at Phllm delphiaaod Los Angeles where the Flyers meet St Louis Blues and the Kings are at home to Minnesota North Stars Both se ries are tied 33 And ll you think look boat Rely coached on cluhviuckssv day night to itsiourihjiraight victory over New York Rangers tovin the bestolsoven qnar terlinals +2 LAUDS vamnaws There were so any adore Wc got su Ken Wharrani who missed questioned by verse ww The girljaloog with partner with similar good looks an pearcd shortly alter the start oi the gameand spent innings Haka IPICIYer starter in tonights game be cause ot rib injuries Reays skepticism Isnt gagged by the members oi his Hockey Lcag ingcharn plon who lead he playoila with throegoals and soi assists flhe Black liawks are in mu the same situation as wloronto Maple Leals were at the same time last season Montreal had deieated New Yorkln iour straight gsines towln tholirst serles while Toronto cnme oil thirdplaaa regularsensnn£inlsh to topple Lhe lcague champion Black Hawks in six games owlu WW4 rwunnnuunww MMW chamo theJerles opener hardwoody oontinuedto dominate the Men um Intelmed hie Park through the stand appareat ly looking or some place to siL litany chairs werequ hot ah ielt without rectal Minnesota down Washington AP Wirephoio The heals retained that mantum and knocked over the Canadians ior theStanley in six games hrthanrrnyrcluirhar Raay said The only dilng can count on is that any thing happe erazy business and rlm hoping it Meanwhile coach Toe nlake who will not bring his team out or its mountain retreat until Just prior to game time isnt opti mistic about his chances at di posing ol the Hawks The oddsmnlrers have aa tahlished the Canadians as 11 toe writes to Unich Electricalhlnt ed is although make says fhave the momentum nd they arent the same team they were low weeks as Barrie Fairgroundi wks lheRighi Look Rianror is Yours iii the ciiicaco an Nauonéi The American League no no Warreti Giles National ButoncNL cluhyexecut 1y The franchise applicants Milwauketï¬ and Buiialo Although Giles said heexltect edno majnraclion club owners urgen ould 1be prompted by the fact the Ameri can Leaguehas special mect ingpched ed TheNational League pr voted to expan no than 1970 ut 17 Chicago next Ivan omlntoone anageabla rho lully suited to you budgetltsthe impeccabiataiiorlng the Poole WNW llnd Trembln my trickery WaanEWï¬lï¬ Johnny Menus led Victoria vllle with two goalsClement Jacques Michel Lorry Drouin and Claude Ben setterriding the other Don Fuller scored at not than period and Chris Evans got Torontoa second goal at 1240 at the secondperiod The second period Vwas fibrou tos Mil1T1 peppered i7 shots on thaVl¢toriairliie goal utVClnude liardymade num her at brilliant saucer allowing only one goal Tomato goalie Gerry McNamara handled niiie their in the period Qoach bouloliqulnni the 11 my aid attertha game an teamuwill clinch the Eastern Canada title it we as one win in main Tiler van tage in Victoriaville iorf there their ice sheet laamalier than the Gardens WILDLIFE PARADISE Elephants tigara Poo Maincoai