suggestions of the conference ti SMITH DAVIDVLEESI anion seam Ar MAYORS coNEEnENCE Fqvors Regional dAirpdvrffgl As We Willard Klnzie of Harris who ï¬rst brought the idea of reg lional airport to the Georgian Bay egio ai Development says his support or sucha iacility rsmeinsunehong ed even though study commit taunt the GBRDC says it inv or Iiiixzwdevelopineni El municl pa rte at pmen Mr Klnzie who is vice rar ldent of theGBRDC be eves that lobe of real value to the county airport must have Million tohandlo aircraft up to ran the size of ornatlarocutlve iets wile relenedt Weterloo=and Wellington coun as which were going ahead with municipal air ports until gmup of business men convinced zionatohwfl area hest Now the Waterloo Welllng ion is busy active facility he said them that re Sooner or later some filter natlve wiil haveto he loupd to Toronto airports it has been my observationthat once you get LOCllllillD Engine GEORGIAN DDGM Neville Keefe oi Midland puiv Grand Master for Geor gian District or the Masonic or der paid his oificiaiyisit last night to Nitetls Lodge Creemore He will visit Coronation Lodge Eirnvaiehihmsdey night other visits this month by the DDGM been to noivon nomornns Naive employees of the on Muniui tiaentai inn were honored est Barrie has received the Can adian Forces decoration for 12 yearamuritorious service Capt Bury is now serving three yEear lour at Rainstein Air Base gimomcgomcnns Spring meeting of theMnsonlu may Oitloers Associationof Georgian District will be held April 30 at tall as guests of SevenStar Lodge cussnaacr MunicipulAifalraMinlster Darcy Moxeough will discuss the paiiiax night hy mote operator The it lacks or Blue Wayne my 10 EN Silo nr Bentley will of iiciaiiyvopen the now Vanans Bakeryand Honey Dew police Shop at to pump 1m April 19 Sinclair president of Canadian od Prwucts sales Ltd the pace Monday for on orders whohiked Void would serve the Subéld am afraid airports would continue to he subsidized operationsihe said ii question suhstdies lromeveiy nogieheoaueo they come auto taxes T00 SMALL Mn Kinzle holds thatmunlci pal airports cannot be large enough tomM the needs that industries wilelace on iham it they want private flying club in every conununity iine he says but an airport needs to generate enoughhusi nose to pay ior itself He says that ii regional airport were setup in central location such as the Eimvale area it could he reached irons most parts at th unty within ueryshorttim Many linm in the area would avail themselves oi thaitecili ties of regional airport The regional airport study committee even though itsu ports the developmental iclpal airpoNa has asked to request Transport economic our the need oi that municipal ihu rnsyorsreontercnotzon reueaiioh and leisure last night raclofltiï¬mendï¬bï¬a 13w 3mm go pa iy eel ng up an oilics for coordinating rec reation second reconunandallon was that the city investigate the pos nan cannon raising rlhliity or msmsinsai rie country lStub mun or apoloble par or recreational centre Steplmu outtaYM YWCA said the otilce should he resource centre wiihzn direc tory made to lnlormatioo on re Conferenceflecommendations Mayor it Bentley last night appointed Iho six group leaders or the conference on recreation and leisure and two oiiheeeev cit etaries to an advisory group which he will call together to discuss the recommendatiqu an He sold henna pleased with the two recommendations that came from the awesome think what wears trying to matrix recreational attitutc in the city he said The mayor saldthe labels of programs lustior senior citi zens Just for teenagers and just tor the 20 to 25 year age grou must dinppem EMERGENCY NUMBERS CiiyviwlicsJm5ur ard regress said nests bloat or lionsi interest he on risebin rcentrs good idea but suggested that noiehborhood centres located church hallo mi ht be bet on central pace 1110 men namedto the lviso on nAngua McKay and Rob ert liun used tor naturalompitheotra the nmauavmwwKW loomts 011 WW index ills that wouldbo taiocd by the Pomona Row Commission Ind kept up the groups involved 1° Garden with rio Ceremonio Hall um laid itshouid be no in rsdttun to the other lchliLfl Ia the city Some suggestions he no grounds worst pic Vtura traillrltikiiil an email rope towtor inthaclty gt Bob Hunterpprestdent oi the cherer oi commercs laid held couple oiioirwa entire sol courts that could or community concerto inthe are six discussion Bov ti cooleren nimrouuttoaalm ou on mum of sur Milo flung mvw todLool lost or too caurgfv veloprmat at Mi