rnsrss AT THE wntinvnooss round the won House llose With Mrs Lyndon Johnson holding his Easter Bunny grandson Lyn has look Garden during can Easter week outing Aunt Lynda KEEP in THE TRIM gamerTheatresIsaiah5 And Requires Celerie Countiï¬g 11 ms incursions In the spring at the year the name of the game lsdiet Daily diets crop up like are cuses its heady video to be told you can eatallyauwsnt at bi zorra comhlaauon oi loads and have the calories disappear in some mysterious metabolic pro cess There is no dict in which you get something or nothing One such diet that is periodically re vived is the Mayo Dieterro nenusly called the Mayo Clinic Diet am reluctant to even mention the name for fear you will latch on to it As the medi cal profession has pointed out time and time again there is probably no worsediet The diet natures an abundance of grape fruit hard cooked eggs and bacon At best it can lead to the dieter heingmmpletely fed up up with the foods allowed and at worst it can lead to heart attack due to its high cholester ol and animal lat content There is no truth whateverin the statement that grapefruit acts as catalyst that starLsnhe fat burning That is utternonlt sense The famous Mayo Clinic repeatedly disciaimed any con nectioa with this extremely den gerous diet Another taretched ideais the socalled minuscalorie diet The exponent ot that diet claims the more you eat at minuscal arie inodsthethinner you get It was emphasized that some foods to be digested require stichelaborate chemical changes to utilize them that they use up more calories than they contribute Eur example this kiietician says hard cooked egg furnishes an calm ries yet it requires 92 calories to digest The extra 12 calories must be drawn irom the bodys tat reserve and this makes it minuscaioric food More non sense Theauthorpl thediet blithely ignores the calories which other foods contribute The search for magic way to take all weight goes on and on The endless array at modifi cations in altering the propor tion of calories that come from the three nutrients protein at and carbohydrate are merely repetition nfthlngs that have been tried for hundreds at years The claims of marecles or any diet unrestricted in cat ories are false and rnisiea To date there is only one red amended reducing diet and that is the tlmehonored scien tiï¬cally planned low calorie iood pattern made up at vari ety of loads Why not eat this protectiveway and build heal thy leannessl Splinter Of Glass Turns Back Clock HALIFAX CP Memories at the Halifax explosion of 1917 came flooding back to an 32 yearoldigreatsgrandmother re cently when glass splinter 11 inches long by unequarter of an inch thick was removed from her cheek Mrs Russell Lnurence lievesi the splinter was planted in he heeirat the at theiexplos For 50 ye she had swelling there that only pained when she pressed it When her daughter ï¬nally per suaded her to see doctor he loud the splinter Mrs Laurence recalls that she had given birth to daugh ter just six hours beiore the ex nhdsrrs Charlcsfilob behind the son at Luciland Pat Nugent AP Wirephotnt lithrrliary gPlans Spring 77 Workshop TheApril business meeting at thelloyal Victoria Hospital Auxiliary held April in the Morris House Toronto Sh we provided overtly the president Mrs Pugh Conunittee repartsvverc read and accepted JV ltwas reported that proceeds from the recent rummage sale were over $400 After Easter the Sunshine Csrt into be taken through the Hospital nnMonday and Friday alternoons and helpers are needed or this much aPPre clated cc to the patients workshop and conference on Volunteer Services in The Hospital is tobe held at The continental inn MAY iflanth Any one interested in volunteer service is invited to attead Further details may be obtain ed from Mrs Pugh I928 More childrens boolrs are needed tor the waltin room of thePsyahiatric llnlt and these may be lettat thehos pen desk or the librarian MrsRadish 0n behali of the member Mrs Parsons made tarewell presentation of serve ing tray and an enamelled Maple treat pinhnth of which comm California ha mom son mtncnsoo Miss Virginia Garrett blind If rived at the home her par ents Mr nod Mrs Gar ntt Phactangulshcnehd Miss Garrett will spend month has hetero returning to Collins lenrol Vancouver St havcre turned the city allowing man vocation spentatiioliy gvpod Fl ids DENTAL NURSES At the romlltIIJaecting of the Simeoe County Dental Nurses Association Ron Hartley and John Eastwood showed alum oi the watar plht following which one of these pills was given away Itwas also available for anyonetotry Twenty sevengirls attended the meeting which waa held April in the onion Dr Stauitert and later at the Brookdaletlaa asstan ounce Miss Joyce Ncttlrcton Ithacavliew York spent the Easter weekend at the home of her partials Mrs and Mrs Nettleton of Wesley St Miss Netticton mansoiled at Cornell Universityme site is com pleting her ï¬nal yenRu her lsricilastcrl Dene in Nutritionai en ENGAGEMENT Mrs WillredCrowc of Utopia has announced the engagement but her daughter Norma lrene Heathcote to Gflles Eugene IcVac of Montreal The wedding Vwili take place June 15 at oclock inSt Michaels Chapel Rockelille were made in Barrie to Mrs Connell who with henh hand will on take no rest denaein lreiand The social hour which inllawV ed the conclusion of the meet huge wave at see water crashing thioughher bed room vvindow drenching her Then the floor gave way and shespent halfa dayinher basement Her bahyfand the housekeep vyhowere in aoath er roomuwere later dug out from pile of nimble unhurtfl and herlgrandsan and hiswile Mr and Mrs John Merrick of Nova Scotia ovcrthe Easter weekend Mr and Mrs John Merrill arrived in Barrie alter April Convocaing By anger Society the monthly Inkling of the Barrie andleshict Unitoi the Can eerocletyrheld in the uée 15 Clappgrton so Mr Jean Ruth reportedon lecture aha had attended in Toronto it was also reported th gig members orthiBarrter ntrhad travelled to lnttenham tend their unit meeting Mr HWharton an Gor doa Lah showeditilmsnand aaokeo thesetvices otth Can lion Sinus AND sense on or neiiwemsa at new Barrie Duplicatollridgc ctub held lhursd evcnin the Barrie YMYWCA in North South that ler and Charlie Par sons second Mrs Jack Woods and Mrs Ray Smith third Mrs Jack Woodstock and Mrs Georgehiumanast West ilrat Qy Muir and John Kil byseconrlldin htrakawa and deck Volhoilcr third mdldrs Hart The out session will be held tonight cal gamer ammonia gifGlIiLTY Marine Cpl Mary Elizabeth Burns talks toreporterc dur ing areeess in ï¬lmmary court martial ianearby An lingtoa Va Miss Burns 21 romGrand JunctionColo reinsed turther militaryjduty on the grounds she opposes war and killing She was con victedwand ordered restsi ed torharricltstorfti days $20 and demoted to private Execution ofpthe sentencewas stayed pension rsvtsw AP Wirephoto Disturbed Women With Speech Ist Toaomo or peshcntht patits with emn tioiieltycansed speech problems ills who cannot cypress has no serious psychiatr illness but has no dergo ldayflo Speech and DrAronso said psychiatr leetthejnebihty express anger is part mag group because problems children and eaphysical res gh per 8553 esDr Aron rmnus tsvrns emotionally ur CUh aL may occur thenhta touliy undisciplined They vs no ngard or their mother wha tever Whenshc tancthern to do something they innate her Thaleacheu camolatuhecma they incapacitate and mutiny Rccently wafltook the boys motilemotor trip and they taught in the back seat until became so annoyed stopped the carlandvgave thorn bother whack Ach minutes tater when wt were going about so miles an hour one oi the boys hit me on lhohcad c1315 56w Australian striwbo M4 lttno ng saith It the Hollywood P11 them We owner we talent lltd 54 mm she won rm car 000 scholarship to the college at her choke simmer wardrobe and tour at Europe Runnersup were Miss Teen Condemns Grazyna So lets 11 at oranto and Miss een as Pamela Mirth 18 of it They received 1000 The women would ill Vietnam may uiiptngis we batman the as of la and into the nrmcd services it go an mobilization is sourced tanned pontoon said Sued 1mm soldiersat present desk lob or they wild army muses thesources said President Nguyen Van ibieu call ton out or chaste mob ihctlon would make men