if naggiï¬eflmwlVFQMWZA iMnWEWKw V4 mm my ilatiw season delayed in Section because at excessive moisture An immigrant the marsh or an no we no gm xome vn heavyeoulpmenn Most oi the plowing was done last all uceï¬andranotr al arson Par andCimla Pine Gel Dosh Parmin potatoes and CM atla meeting on Wednee DKOP School Iau other Vegetables also dayrevemngAprii 10211 see mm are grown Most mam are slon will be held at Anderlon mnzinglboutthlr statement In Notiawasaga m1 Nutmeg with mmuelyflgietn three amps year ctramour snar litter Emit one gt wasaga oo gt7 ialrhas been cancelled withtho BORDER unending oi the organization lhe move was in keeping with FthrSltiiGy Chem who Paï¬j£rei trgodmandiollows Ethat gt eo er areas ssa malan gnaw BY include leadership and man school lair also has been ean agnment methock or tetch celled as separate fair but St Argue is Iaklng seven mg mmm law and map schoolchildren will be encour wcek junior leadership course using Forces Photo and to make exhibits at the Cooksth loll lair whichhas made special plans or the pur pose Cookstown Pa Association held its annnnlialr in two sedionsvwlth exhibits shown atCreemoro and also at Final Res ects tanner Nottawasaga reeve Donald Brown who was chair man of the school iair associa To War Veteran Vi his wort through the yearn Dwindiing linterestwas given cooxsrown Special anncaezana ï¬t mtrcam maidnnweaemuarcmrma ii men transferred to rain dflm Hall Stititetltind Cfnokstowfl meta lost grits as Bagailiohoi the mero er poneer nmny on on on in and well known war veteran France in preparation for the 05mm WEE53m The flag at Memorial hall Somme oiiensive The unit was 30 Ellie West Ger here was lowered to hallmast hcovrly engaged in October many to 50Vi£i Union iollowlng his death and was mi in theviamou struggle ior may it would be interested raised to full more by com Regina trench and around tho in negotiating agreements ren radea rho taught alongside viliageot Courcelctte Casual cunning thouseoi force with him in France allowing the ties were heavy andvthiee Momhnd other Warsaw pact inneral Cpll Sutherland was Cookstown boys were killed on governments including East vetelganoi ISomngiedoiienslve October Gextlimaoy informed zoom Lari my go mm sa The otter came in note aign in m7 32115 2513 wags this covering contentions issues be tween West Germany and Rue mu might of Earner South hï¬yflslumgrignciwgï¬t him 51 allies raised ear Sirncoetnmily Cp sum He was buried in Ecoivres miles lnndaJoreiathers belonged towet gt theLl arbolupmlofflcolonésta who sot st an West ï¬wuuï¬bwï¬ï¬s mi Stills ngï¬ï¬eflnmï¬auma me v7 as in July 1917 but was able to Settlement new commemorated Mn ms nu mm 1m new by PM ed serious head manna madIfPd The Diem 5mm wasih hospital for sdma months land homutead was situated in England returning to Can one mile east of Cookstown adimmm d1 d1 g9 Nasal mm my 59 he was able in get ahdntfwith ï¬rs war war who or years In 1957 he ï¬ï¬‚hma ï¬ggglanioï¬n had to enter Sunnybrook Has pital where he spentthe re ot other Cookstorvn boys in 8011 temher 1515 and they were in ggï¬ga 1t the withBattalion atNiagara on th Lake during the tall Rev Andrews form lhen spent the verpastor of Cookstown harder Cpl Prod torianchnrchrangi ireqn sit or to Sunnyhrook conducted the in January 1916 funeral at Steckleya ï¬meral Many older pnopla in this Home and at Alliston cemetery trict will remember the large The pallbearers allold lnends crowd which gathered when the from Cookstown were Jack 76th Eattalinn leit Barrielor Baker Dalton Blight Tom nvnrseasfin Apriilals Shortly lilayesr Dave McMaster Doug atter arriving in England the la HopperiandArthur Kidd The Tibetan Oténgemeli Receive SDYearCertiiicates lr 73011310 1311 mm miles aminoand alsodistant ton Loy Orange Lodge No in points by train rsesandbug honoredrthr Motholdest mem glee and horse dr wagons be 11915 iParades vchanged 50 15 throughthe years he emark The womhipiul masteryWallr ed aahe recalled the numerous er Hunter 1m Orange ï¬le an vdruin and tlons togNevqlie iarniesnn Ehn other band th Thorn er Hunter and Roy ton itseli had its own hand as recalled the late Robert did most county lodges Allingh was master when REMO used Barrie for th gig the 01 hinting layman sa eipara are still 5° Sim Fomw 93 hel VonJnly la in celebration the Thornton lodge has mem gf me Bank Boyne hip aboutzs todayybul but once many mn is ncairorlodges EQUAL cnrs Wastili stand for qual an rights id tall nd special privil eges to on aid rea Sidney Bohrhes inï¬deputy mas tellei the lodge which is new