mommyem ¢flflwyï¬rmwutymnwe mam mnemonicum tbeduhonlhursdaybc GUESTS AT EVENING RECEPTION Mi WING Royal Canadian Air Force Assbciatian icnder ed reception ior RCAFA Na tional President Alcx Jardine last evening hr the llCAF As sociation hall lligh St in tho phoio above Mrs Robert rics mayor chats with Mrs Del Kciiy wile oi the presi dcnt oi the local association Examiner Phuia Bentley LEFT wife at liar Present Day Dry Cleaners Omit Old Fashioned Chore TORONTO CPD If you have been taking sownon hooks aif curtains and inkhig weights out of their horns bo forc you send them to the cleaners you have been wast ing time aldriashlond Thats an chore says John Dillon as sistant manager at the Dry Cleaners and Launderers la stitute Ontarioi Most In od crn operators can cover hooks and told cun tains so they arent flapping around in the vats You dont need to take the weights out llc says about the only way consumer can tell these days whether an item should dry cleaned or washed is to check the label and the gime to do that is when you try Most fabrl cs can be cleaned or laundered but ihere are some that have bits in them that exclude both pos sihiiities One of the jobs oi the insti tuie is to try to advise the trade and to do laboratory checks but not until alter the worst has happened to find but why it did happen er Dillon says the ledernl government has been investi gating iabrie labelling and he hopes there will soon be 1n betiing system that will tell consumer and cleaner without fail how to look after the item CUT OFF BUTTONS Another current problem is buttans Mr Dillon says it is no longer easy to be sure whether or data plastic but ton will melt or run or other wise cause problems He sug gests that when you buy garment with special buttons or dauhtlul ones you consider whether you should take them all oil every time you send it to be cleaned or washed Some places will ask you to take them oif at the counter if you stain clothes lumi ture rugs you may not be able to have them cleaned im mediately but the sooner the better is thBJuIe And Mr Dillon says be cautious about applying temporary home re medias The people who oiier household hints on how to remove slainsusually neglect to say their suggested iormula might cause other damage hen you do take stained articic toa cleaner either at iach note to it explaining what you think the stain is and when it happened or he sure the clerk writes the in iarmutlou on the order MOTHPROOF WOOL Once you have winter things ciean the institute recom mends careful storage to kccp them in good condition until next year it they have no wool in them you dont need to worry about mathprooiing if they WHAT THE have any wool inthem the saicst way to store them is in scaled containers with some kind or antimath agent Wool or not they should be stored in dry place to pre vent mildew and preferably in cool place The institute red ommcnds commercial cold storage as the safest way to store furs They also urge that you choose ar eputablo dry cicancr and inimderer as are other way to keep your clean ing problems at minimum STARS SAY By ESTRELHTA FOR TOMORROW Business and financial inter ests continuo to be governed by generous planetary influences as well as all phases ofcmploy meat Just one admonition how ever in transactions or negotia tions along any of tho aiaremen tioned lines be alert Persons born under some Signs could mleeod you now Your hcst bet therefore is to deal only with those whom youknnw to he tmstwortby 31 ii tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that while you may not be making as much materialprogress as youd like at the moment it wouldnot be advisable to let down in your eiforts since im portant boosts along both occu pational and monetary lines can he expected shortly The weeks between May 15 and July 15 for instance will bring you some ii nanciai gains but on Sept 15 you will enter an excellent two month cycle for increasing as sets Next good periods on the liscal score EariyrDeeembcr next February and March Do however avoid extrava gance and speculative Ventures during the first two weeks in September and the last two weeks in December in tact this wont be good year for the Arien to take any chances at all or he could oiisot the line gains in the making Best pe riods for job advancement July late September earlyDc cember next January and March Personal affairs will he gav erned by extremely generous in fluences for most of the year ahead with emphasis on ra msnce and truly glamorousso cial activities between June 15 and Sept 15 between Nov and Jan hexthcbrunry and March Except for short trips stars dont promise much in the way of travel for the balance of 1958 but for long journeys early 1909 will he unusually aus picious child born chills day will be endowed with great versatili iy would make an excellentnr chi tect painter entertainer andcr scicntist Many Arlen pursue both vocaLion and till avocation often succeed in two carecrs at once Delegated Wives To Share Limelight OTTAWA CF Women delegates and wives of dele gaics to the Liberal leadership convention which begins Thurs day will have their share of the limelight avery candidate isprepdï¬ng somesociol functions fordele gales and their husbands or wives Like Mr and Mrs Eric Kierans several will hold these events Thursday evening Most oftiin main contenders or their wives plan special re ceptions just for women Friday Probably must tor mahy will bear reception and question period Justice Minister Trudeau is to hold at theNaiionai Li brary Other highlights include luncheon to be given by Mrs Paul Martin ioliowed by an ad dress by her husband and fashion show and reception at the parliamentary restaurhnt by Mrs Greene acme eumwns Haydon in the Stewart Wholesale Trophy amnion the in Club The unwinding rinks shipped by Grace flush Her West Glen MW and Mary Kennedy won victory over mm diam or Ir ionParder and Helen idesoa Semiionic will like placont ï¬nding at 115 pm Flayolin on Friday begin It the some time WEDDING GUESTS Among the enrolcity guests attending the Lescardlet wed ding in Central Unlicd Church Barrie were Mr and lira lion ry Wisemnn Mrs Lnuritx El gard and ML bl Tawnley all oi New Jersey USA RETURN more months hlr and Mrs Gladstone Ciurio oi Kcmpenfcit Drive have returned home tram months vacation spent in the Lauderdole area of Florida where people stay in winter Travelling by motor they onioycd the golf ing with old fricnds 0n Satur day Mr and Mrs Qirrlo were at Toronto international Airport in sec their older daughter Heather Mrs Donald Elliott and grandchildren Heather and John oil for England They were to join Mr Elliott at tendon lie has been transferred to Britain by his engineeng iirm The ianuiy will be rcsidingut Cov entry for the present YACHT CLUB PARTY The iirst Spring social even ing Chili April Fools party was held by members oi the Bar rie Yacht Club at the clubhouse Saturday evening Commodore and Mrs Ali Haughton welcom ed large number at members and guests to an evening of dancing followed by bot chiii supper Attending the event were Mr and Mrs Ed Elilston lilr and Mrs Nick Rolland Mr and Mrs Ernie Boumgorthlr acumen Doug Manchester Mr and Mrs 5535 it 25 not some Mrs Hunter took iirst pines in the womens division lot as euchre Mrs Purl Kali was second and Mrs Gwsh third Mens division winner inciuded Harry Carter lint Wilson second and John Corbett third Everyone is in vited inattendthe next union to be held Saturday evening It 830 pm In the Allaudale Orange Hull FROM EMBDALE Visiting on Monday with Mr and Mrs Parker or him berlond St were Mr and Mrs Harold Donaldson Emsdnio ro TORONTO iilrn Marion Bond Ind hank Knight have returned to Toron to following recent visit with IMr sEthel Austin of Gimm nn OTTAWA Mr and Mrs llerh Parker and Ann ol motherland St spent the weekend in Ottawa with their son and daughter ln TEE llAliRlE EXMHNER WEDNESDAY APRIL lose Fabulous Seafood Dishes Add Gourmet Touch From our Atlantic provinces and their thriving ï¬shing indus try comes dizzying list oi iish and sholliibhrcaughtp in their coastal waters Seafood dishes add drama to company dinners and make marvellous surprise splurges for special family celebrations Foods like lobster oysters or salmon have builtin connota tions of elegance and supcrb dining When you coax out the flavor with superbly scasoned cream sauce is rich butter sauce or glorify them with fine Canadian cheddar cheese your dinner guests will celviike royally Fish itself is very easy to prepare requiring relatively short cooking times and its very seldom tough when treat ed properly Much oi the work is already done for the cook in dishcs calling for canned ses iood or frozen iillets The sauces used in most dish es are basic ones yournowdoubt use ovariandiover again in your everyday cook When it comes to the critical additions of seasonings and combining of flavors the smart caok vialls back on good recipe The lol lowing recipes have beencare fully tested tuithe kitchensrai Canadian Dairy Foods Service Bureau To Family Fare SCALLDPED OYSTERS DELUXE Makes to Servings pintoysters approx 12 buliér minced onion cup sllced fresh mush rooms no cups cracker crumbs lit cups dry bread crumbs salt pepper lo tnutrneg Vi savory iew grains cayenne pepper snipped parsley thirds cup butter melted Vi cuplight cream Proheart oven to 375 degrees Drain oysters well Melt the butter in small sauce pan Add onions and mush rooms saute until just tender Combine cracker crumbs and bread crumbs Add salt pepper nutmeg savory caynneparsleyr Stir in melted butter and cream Cover bottom of shal low quart casserole with one third oithe crumb mixture Add hammer mushronmr mixture and half the oysters Cover with one third crumbs add re maining mushrooms and oys ters Top with remaining one third crumbs Bake lnpreheat ed oven 30 to 35min utes BROILED SALMON STEAM WITH EGG SAUCE thinker or Servings lid butter flour is salt is pepper prepared mustard ht Worcestershire Is no cupmilkv egg slightly beaten wine pounds sslmon stealrsuilt to lnchthlck cup butter melted lempn Juice onion salt pepper hard cooked Elly sieved snipped parsley For thnannce eltlho huttetih sinili Blend lntlour mustard sauce Remove fromhcnt and gradually stir hi milk Cook over medium heat stirring con stanlly uniil smoothly thicken ed and mixtureiust omes tn the hoi Gradually at small amount at the hot sauce into beaten our Return to sauce pan and cook over low heat nn Iditional to3minutes Add wm Place stejnks on buttered broiler pan Comblna meltcd butter le and pop Easter half the mixture Place fish inches away from heat Tu minutes munity iilil bounding adork Prim hmch and iucky draw are lectures of event to which everyone in in vitod Armourtents rare in charge of mother Mn Berna Livingston president of the duo ier Guild oi Guthrie of the them FROM THE IUNNY IOU Mr Ind Mn Norman Syn nott ofSunnidale ltd have re liier nmonthi vacation hi Florida Troveiiinl by motor $55t3°hnr ï¬t eyn Gull Cont Campaigns Rely on Volonieers OTTAWA CF Womcn are the backbone of candidates campaign uyl Mn MacDonald president of the Womens Idbcrql Federation at Canada it is the women who do so much voluntary work They dont mind doing the ground work going from house to house or preparing cnmpnign literature lust dont know how candl dntu could run cnmpnlgii without the women Mrr MacDonald ostlrnaies that at least 300 delegates to the Liberal leadership convention which begins Thinedsy will be women gt There has been deï¬nite in crease in womens interest in politics in recent years she says The 1565 election started them in real earnest Progress could be seen in the pulatlon made beiore this convention that at least one of the six delegates from each rid ing should be woman mam nit nun Mas dorm ilbotmnohv More LFSCARD Spring VCeriézmeny In Central United Miss Kathrynhinrlo Hart and John Paul Would exchanged wedding vows in Central United Church hurrv ntnn afternoon cemneny Manchu Basketsoi spring flowers decorated the church or the rites conducted by Rev Donald Jay The bride is the daughter of James Hart of Parhside Drive and the late Mrs Bernice HIrL The bridegroom is the loo oi Mr and Mrs Paul Len chrd of Cooksville CLASSIC GOWN The birds wanescoried to the altar and giveuln marriage by her lather Her loar length classic gown ola crepa was iuhï¬d on the Aï¬tliméeuint scooped nec long sleeved bodicer lace medallions adorned the neckline ol the gown and cathedral train amending irom the shoulders the dress reigned heuddresl in the brides fingertip veil of silk ANN Linornsrnovtsrsx Inefficient Postdi Service Often The FqijfliiOf Public Dear Ann landeist lrn fed up with listening to people knock the lousy Post Oillce its time people realised that nest deal or the slow service and inefficiency is caused by their own stupidity or careless ness If these complainers oauld peek into the back moms and see to what unbelievable lengths postal employees go to salvage items that belong in the gar bage they would be ashamed workin the San Francisco Post Office dndnot day passesrthat dont scshiwe iapes with handwriting which is 100 per cent illegibieuletters with the right city and the wrong safe or the right state the wrong citysuch as Sioux Falls lawn or Siouxliity South Dakota or course an armament ciency in thoPost Otiice We UCW To Sponsor Easter Luncheon The Scuillclal Luncheon Sponsored by the United Church Women of the tour United Churches in Barrie is to be held April Central Unlied Cbumh at no Pcngelly irom Toronto will be speaking on The Womenat the Foot ol the Cross MHPengéllyls Woman who has been able to combine successfully her role as waeV and mother musical careerwhich has included icbute at the Metropolitan Opera numerous operatic con cert engagements in both the USA andCansds and num ber oi years teaching at the Royal Conservatory oi Music She is on organist and temper er and is soprano soloist at Timothy Eaton Memorial Church Titerswiil be envelopespro vided in whlc member my place the priceal fhst rate tune in The money is when apart hi special fund to be used in Ioint Us In ting Mlieghe provided or those who may heed to bring babies or pre school children This nispéciul occasion on ranged for all women of the church and their inane It is hoped that do to did 00 pm Mrsylean have employees uhoare incom potent lazy and careless But so does General Motorsand Gen eral Electric andGeperal Food hecausethats the way some people no vaihemuhlic wants better postal service they can improve it by using their heads Thanks for letting mevhavn my say leel better already Anonymous Dclr Anon Youre telling me about the things people pa in the mail lhave rece ters Written on ET ti paper it and We seen Thanks lhopeit PICK UP pmcns Dear Ann had am college studentvwith million pressur feel as if the world is closing in on me Please help me hang on to my sanity was going steady with Fred dy and we were in lavearr at leastl we When we decided to at colleges we agreed to call oil the steady ar rangement Vandfldat outer lt Was 16 he testi ed our cirperiment as an opportu nity to malrenpiay rFreddy am sorry to say she suc ceededl still value her friend ship but my faith in her is shat tered At present Iieel be foryourletter nd does ood traiycd rejected depressed and Headless still find it hard to behave sheywoul do such rot tenthiog to in realize this triangle thing is old as the hills dud probably not northvspa in your column need some words wis to keep from cracking up nun Calculated Mlss Don hi but any tulle and she carried 0i white roses AITENDANIS The brides rter Miss Mary Hart of Barr as maid oi honor Miss lleien llewgill of Tomato and Miss Margaret Graham of Sudbury wcrc tho hridesrnnich The attendaan wore identical formal gowns of coral silk crepe with henddrcsses at how Ers and velvet ribbons match ingtheir gowns Larry Kennedyol Port Credit attended as groomsmno Grant Wilson and Bob irirnbee oi Tor onto and Lea Hart of Barrie bouquet acted as ushers lollowhig the wedding guests were received at the Hayshoro Motor Hotel gt For honcym trip tnNas sau Bahamas the bride choso travelling ensemble oi while with navy accessories On return the happy couple wtilrialremp residcnce at 13 Broadway Ave Toronto and the young ma agFeed to call off the steady arrange ment This meant be SLIGHTLY ALCOHOLIC Ann Lenders with fan attract girL She has lot on the ball but has changed jobs live timesin ihe last year which has madame wonder about her sta Alter three months of steady sting sho wonderiul person butshghtly alcoholic Doyou think mar riage would help her Danny shehtly alcoholic WitE coun on marriage to fhelpher slay oil the sauce or her sweet heart is less liker to do so for her husband Suggest my nxnmncnmnr ans PHONE mzni The 315iDay ol Love Memory Verse Eph Love yourwi as Christ loved husband be loving to ward his wife today The Affirmation Today as ahusban show Christlik ward my wiic he Scriptur lesson Ephesiah moss brought to you lhrnuhthl courtesy of the Burt Div trict Ministerial Associntth