mm asssm Nerve IInpuises Cause Heart Beat 31105271 mourn ED Linear Dr linten The ones tlon arose around our dinner table ahat causes human heart to ram The Iirst answer was in patter but we were distally lettlivtuttrrhenatuï¬rxlndiitiei hinting is it elect ea to don it coulorrn to the Widely sectpied eiectrontheory DI doctrtcltyl MIL Basically your question doesnt diiter much Irorn ask ing What keeps you breathing when you are asleep Or even it you wisslelywr timer what makes it wigs at In either use nerve impulses from the brain travel along the arms and cause tertaln mus cle in contractIt Is the brain lving the orders whether con ulousty or not What makes the brain oper Itei What strange power regu lates thought These are mys terler yet to be solved But as to the heart we know that nervotu impulse causes the heart mustlo to contract tmdtthn contraction otheJnIm ela squeezes blood through se ries ot chflmbets equipped with oneway valves so the blood halsyto new in the right direction DH To some extent the course of the nervous impulse has been traced it is apparent in what is called the node the tlsmer at the juncture at the atria or upper chambers and the ventri cles or lower chambers heart Then the impulse passes through the heart tissuesproh ably along nerve times We know that some kinds at heart damage lntertere with transmln star at the hnputses slowing down the heart action or the flow of the impulse heart block In cases oi severe heart block taint electric current can he TELEVISION BUFFALO BARRIE BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO ll HAMILTON MONDAY APRIL EVENING tttut Pltrol 00 IDtm Com tunerIt Prudden sHaand kï¬oneymoanen Hecnnd Kindred lrvctom 75o zstonam ItreIv Grttttn Harm mule Ganth nr Conflduï¬wfl TtFlintstonrs meme 330 no HITovtutf Caloric me haters srGtrt Flam Undo It 139mm Lu rm mmÂ¥3thu Luisa mo zslovte ovte Hoodlum no SDOtt M663 Human 100Wbttv In AM muse Rm oshul Halt Iaewttohed Houdlie in 711 FltNI Homily Ass1r trodncedtothaitéarttiuuet iiuuwmumwuuy hemmed used to reprints lauiiy heart but hesejleemlken hm been made so email that the thing including my battery can he Implanted in the body This is ordinary electricity mom that it Is liar and an ranged to time In hriet can tell it toltows all the accept ed rules of electrical IN and there Ls no apparent reason to doubt the electron theory at electricity Wasnt it Galvanl who discov ered that he could make the leg at irog twitch by applying electricity Theres also eonnection be tween ehemlstry and electricity but wouldnt he so hold as to try to explain It But stiiL flashlight battery is Just mix ture of chemicals This may hexplatn whyer durlng open ear surgew troductisn of certain drugr into the bloodstream will matra the heart stop heating washing them out lets the heart beat again it you want line punter It has been mad that it you remove the heart ft to turtiauagtd mspcnd it In rule le squ It will keep on heating tor days So where in that case does the inpulsa to heat come tmm Science has learned lot but what an overthemtog amount there is yet to learnt Dear Dr titotner My mother eats trost from the retrigerator all the time She seems to target lot Dues It harm the hrainiMrs The Irost ls lust frozen mots turnno more dangerous titan crushed ice It has nothing to do with your mothers torgetiut BESS PBOGRIIMS eAndv Grliflih lFelany Squld 9Country HMO HI 210 Hero at es soy 00 snv eéaml aumtt 1aLr Vallty lIMehl Grtliin DCansdl 101 1100 an Nm We ta Haw mm IIPilftu Berton Mt JDtl HQ 310 5M Pstelil smat Pun elrtiNm Weather snotL edo Iona zconeentratlon madly tuaverty Hillbillies Morn DIill Swattern rim uPmonati altr Dreltryuu Grunts 4mm Kluflrn IIsdmitzei noun Ifli LawnIts or the 3110 banana IIM Allin ado tilOntario school trtkel spun onau rezoo asnp Judiemtnt Hmdim Schools ecndsrt Camera as anta yam Make Izzso 5449 400 11ku Court aBonnto Prudden sSecret statIn mo pa nnaatart 100 slrerv Grtltln Fan sunstde Town TIJutn or meduvncea 7llntstnn9l UI bov Lucy lléilt Mother fltl ar wsuo lDaktarl m7 mmmtm erry MISoll 71 le Lucy DMflvt Men of The ma La num dyltncle sao tifirusiflir aim 200 game wan sotn gtltNewl Weather Sports IMovle Ilhl Ptyina htiselle sao 1tt Takes DImnlide IlDralnat onto IMovla Doctor Rises ID AIan BEING MOVIE $31372 Huck on nUncta not uuttte Peoan 1100 not Hun HEN kite 1athhched iIsunflIina School zJtflke Do Tomorrow will BFli tlhtrï¬lglï¬u wasnavargtnnz avnnme SNewa Weather rta SMothenlnthw IIIuawenem Hayde Liatum 2Dea all snatuiaXntey 2Fetula Clark stteu skeIton urtut Gtrl taee Shelton iTltnlm And The 32 ï¬g Challenll Shack or no Oat TUESDAY APRIL MORNING AND AFTERNOON 100 ltznllflgunoi IMllt Th will 7th Ila 37irmierw our rum Dustin GM hi WW rum 7WW PM 290 HIV V9 Stilettde Giant in Squares ti Tfll VGenent Hospital HMflistlntea Court in an on arr ssora or 1ltomenlnder In or Continua Dlck It name512th Marni on 1H pm In Whistle moo 443 sSécIii time ttMrrv crush tat prrthnity Lin es he ItsNews er HohhrtyCInponfl on 10 Has Tish 1Mavle iLust For Gold Le uIiiï¬fm ID wztrchu TEN THOUSAND FAN LzrTnIas PAY soe LAnothuworld Ope leadthree hearts align bridge me only in Its latency when the tamous knxï¬tlhertson match cl 150 rubbers was layed in not It is not thatthe most widely Dublicired bridge match in history revealed many old ding ttm that have largely it been overeome with the passage at years However the card play dur ing the match has withstood the test oi time Mistakes were made at course but still lot can STATION tune cnawronn Mrs George wilimoit Itoron to spell the past week with her brother and sister in law tir and Mrs Tom Chiltman welcome is extended to Mr and Mrs Victor OBrien who have recently moved into their home on the Lakeshore Road AIneetlng in the interests of Oro Community Hall was called to order by acting chair man Garï¬eld Burton Tuesday evening March an at the hall titre Howard Crawtord was see retary and treasurer Lincoln va gave report Otiiccrs as Iottows were elect ed secretary Mrs Orawlord treasurer Lt Gow management committee Norman Emms Howard Orawtord Garï¬eld Bur ton Charles Martin Orville Hutchinson teonard Glllespie Featherstona Garry Alex and Glenn Applehy This com mitteals to meet the Iirst Iues day at each month Ilrst to he at the home of It Crawford April There were to present It lelt the hall Is an asset to tho Village and It is hoped everyone will continue to sup port It OFFICE HOURS Shes too athaettve who does her hair and across 3th Lvnder river woruxod tonnes rein1 mm 12nuuuect ILPnlnted arch moo tarottow Lit MinHM um 29ercolate 3Hinder 32Reld 348hnealze Shauntron sound gt swam 3815111 river throwrd 41 01mm Scandi xiith imitations season 49Ahusa 51Key 51nrawink mil emanate inown Lierrthle zPsnta thaagsIon lt SGUEEZING MESO Hanoltcaureer NY small at semen mu wtvammï¬nmmmW£¢ vvv mmwv mutter sorts the 011 nstottid all loBeuhdlvelhheart trllcbn at airing experts sometimes so oimtnd that the simplest sttuatans trip them up and that Iswhat happened in this deaL Mrs Gumtree on the heart lead with the ace Ind made the conventional return oi the six WWE fit aco won the trickt After he had recoverhd from hts astonishment Jaeohy easily scored the game Grihenson had docked because he thought Easts heart holding was AM which meant that Jacohy had NSlwflorhowdtmsfmbert son had the king ot diamonds and would later get In to lead anotherheart and trap Souths pmurnodt Qtt Ills hopes did not materialize Ihere would have been no dmhilhem at all had East return neon oI hearts lastead oi the MtDHUiiST gt On suoday March 17 the son Mr and Mrs Elliot ol Barrie was baptized at St Pauls Anglican Church tild hursLGodparenta were Mr and Mrs Hugh Andiass hildhurst Also wasbaptized wasthe son or Mr and Mrs Don Moore at Midhurst Godparents were Mr and hire Barnes of Parry Sound and Miss June Blundeil of Midhurst Rev Dr Light bourn assisted by Ron Cooper was the otï¬ciattng clergyman reception was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Blundell 0t Midhurst St Pauls ACW held their meeting at the home oi Mret Blundeti and members packed hate tor missions it was en couraging to sea the good qual ity ot articles which were made Next meeting is to hatheld at the home of Mrs Arno VltittlltgAtiril 14 at him Fire herarter find out where she her clothes DlIILY caesswonn right 243tbitcll4 one 1me meadow sampoct DONALD DUCK SECRET AGENT X39 WAS SNEANNGQ MANY LI1 LE ssrwzeu MEAngfG BLONDIEL anm lhort asmr Mwa suturenun se 45 P55 animus point 4144 1968entioe Ir Firahtrd Beaumont Audion Into GMC True orGondwiIiUsed Cor from name VBUICKVLTD Bradford 59 Barrie Insoa Lia 959115 Priced It rooms oooowILLi ED cw matte power cud meteorIn and mm ohhlt now run moment mm Is wwwmorsava soars on us Auctions AwsIerIt PREPARE 1o oIecounwrnIguunuoII notes to THE turner AND SKEEIER Murat Arum ILL NOTRisK Mt StilP sun on was or MYCREW