Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Apr 1968, p. 4

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dinette at Published by mammalspm um ldBayflold Walle Publisher Melh sun sunbeam William Teller alleging Editor HWY seen ea Help For Handiceppéd rBy BuYingTEo There are 16000 handicapped childlt sea in Ontario Iha Ontario Society For Crippled Children has set its Easter Seals objective this year at $1400000 Spread over the number of children requirin help the sum is not nearly as large as seems Like evefitblng else the costs of care for these dren has increased and the Kiwanis Club is appealing to Barrie and SirncoeCounty citizens to open their hearts and their oclietboolts and give generously so at these unfortunate youngsters may enjoy some of the com forts which we as healthygwbole indiv idualstako for granted Iheseohildren once set aside hnd the fifiniu ty can now be trained to become useful citizens and to earn their own living But theyvrequire constant care and at tentton They also need artificiailtmbs braces cailipers ortho edic shoes Wheelchairs and above training in theuse of these appliances Viihey receive medical attention from travelling clinic teams and from special naidered liabllttylpnathe familyand iy tratnedyauraea niese dedicated pie have to be able tohelp the children sically and some of the may meet he Kiwanians this year have malted mentally and deal with prejudices and superstitions out 14500 letters to the Barrie district asking for financial aid by way of the purchase ofEaster Seals Stuffing of the envelopes with letters and Seals was done by the club members and Womens uxiliary There is no set amount indicated in the request for aid But if everyone who receives letter would donate at least $1 to this most worthy cause the object ive would be exceeded eretsan gold sayingtliatrliowever badlyjoif you are or think you are you have only to look around to find others who are in more dire straits through birth defect or through an ac cidental cause is not asking for pitly But he would like an opportunity to end normal life insofar ashle handicap al lows This opportunity can only be real tied it you give and give generously dur ing the Easter Seals campaign The little child who is crippled either vcloprnent moo Canadian Tax been the out standing watchdog of our public are meat that in iutur to lose vole its attention to This it intertwined do and one that seems to bevery much in tun with th tempera the dailies or concern lpendlag scents to havean not only with the Tax Rounds at the top but st tba lowest vet with the manonthestreet Venomprice oe hammllfl tilLoom th mlFbmcor ly you must have run into reflectionsof it from islands and acquamtaucea SPENflmGlS CONCERN street starts in Today when the man on the maintain about government his ilrst complaint vla not about the amount he is being taxed his money that is being spent You get this of course mint of all at the local level whereal ut the amount of let ltat the other two levelscalao The bum omnipot lfldlon to bpthhur rhea recentbudgct as harem lacunae not first of all com plsiat about the taxiasboosta lthcrc seems to be almost reall nation towards these but cot corn about whereall the money blolas From oaawho bu spent lot at time with public affairs here it can be said th cotdd be more we devci Our great problem tadyin government is lpend The need to spend cornea bs fore the need to tax and outta frankly have very strong ba haying teattonla being paid to lb The government because of this lack of interest infiendlng has beentn spot misl waya is great demand by the public in expenditure and ever yoae ha pet field wherehe feelsmore money should be men The government has to fend this off And unless it has slrong public concern about spending to back it up it has dif ficulty in doing this murmurwoman Guards For Swim Pools Motel keepers and managers recently held conference in London Ontario They were trying to do something abouts new law which would Vcompel themto have qualified pool guards in attendance at thoswimming pools that most motels now babe in their grounds for the convenience of their clients One of their most obvious objections is the fact that while motels should have to assume the cost ofguardsat used by their temporary guests books of apartments of whichthere are many in the province would be exempt from ole supplying the same safeguard for their pennanent guests their tenants No one can dispute the logic of the ar gument and if one takes the question fartheru any householder with mgnming pool in his grounds should not be exempted from having guard in charge of the pool if he has inVited sts lit in just as easy to drownln private poolThe Wisdom of the government measure is not questioned only its ap plication oowN inMoRYiiNE was oavs so yeasts aoo BarrieExaminer March 281913rDou gall Brospfurnituraadded motor inter to delivery equipinenL Farmers report large increase in number of ma ple trees tapped for sap this spring Bail Planmg Mill installed electric pow er to drive machinery 0n evid ence produced it does not seem likely Will sustain Barrie HockeyCluba protest against eligibility of Dutch Cain age Board of Education let further contracts for construction new collegiate building on Bayfieid St Special meeting Simcoe County Council to org anize better farm production in War eff ort Resolution adopted in opposi tion daylight saving as detrimental to farming Help for agriculture is greatest need at present time Mayor Dr Robert Sprott arranged for daily news bulletin to be posted down town as local people deeply disturbed overcunent German offe which has again driven deeply into France Final election figures for Simcoe North in federal campaign including soldier vote showed 4240 for Colonel John Currie of Stayner and 2293 for Ernest Drury Crown Hill Pte Ronald Orchard lllinesing militaryliospital fr at Battle of Courceiiete He enlistedwith OTHER EDI annrnn KNIGRTsix Montreal star NWord is the old church lawl135 excommun icating Catholics Who joined the order of Free Masons has been virtually scrapped This is all ii earlsrarn uncran Boston HeraldTribune The august senate of the general court of Massachusetts fouiid time recently spend Jess agitated affairs of the commonwealth to or ate Lbui ienar ivould make cran ther statesfiflubnchusetts alrendy has an ial tree an offlci flower We doubt that tharrcommo fiicial motto an offi lsoyneeda an oiiiela beverage the legislature we are positive the De La Satie College alleged over overing in loaded wounds received out from the Vatican that al bird and an official 7oth Bn in 1915 and reached France in June 1915 Lt Arthur Lower of Royal Naval Motor Patrolfwrote letter to mother in Barrie in which he refuted story that Germans nearlygot him Sgt Gordon Longman now sewing in France Capt Kenyon Lount MC with bar iough Major Harry Clifton ar riving home from overseas given great welcome at Barrie station Funeral of Ca Falling who died in Eng land gan 31 was largely attended from Trinity Church to cemetery Gun vher Harold Gill anived home on fur lough He was in action seven months and eived wounds at VimyRidge aud Albert Gray and George sahrebattles Pies lArthur Lines and Ed Dutton amv forces overseas Lt West 24 reported killed in action March 24 He enlisted with 157th SimcoECounty unitin 1915 ge Coies con nected with meat business iavBarrie since 1878 is retiring Clover crop reported but in years Hogs reach ed 320 cm at iocaistockyards Dalton DotlMeekin star centre of liar rie Colts played on Ontario aliJstar hoc key team at Cleveland last week being only junior on roster Rev William Htpkin presided for Good Friday service atCongregailonal Churn TORS vitws theHouse or Commons chnmberit is and Parliament must interfere With Mr Noble asks if the county is going tomatntain from the public purse an organization whichts above criticism Tabovecontrol andwhlch will nntrespond to suggestion nun in pointless ex ravagancai lathe same speech he added after night day after day week Canadiansc have had purveyed cm by the CBC tore fito destroy aithi and our society Night To name Windsor Star have cause to complain aboutthe manner infl way the purchasing pow arrived home on months fur ome after long service with Canadian week after sapping OTTAWA REPORT ReaganMakinglitCleaerei Post For gWorth $250000 Annuglly By PATRICK NICHOLSON ormwaa The job on $17000 year an essential orapartmentpool as it isin motel durum L5 house at Commons paying an other $15000 fringe benefits nowyralse the total remunera tion to the esulvalent of some $5000 year before taxes it is not surprising that an unprec edcnted number of applicants are seeking the job with this un Praccdcnted material reward on top of the honor and the power The job is that as prime min stenoi Canada On Parliament Hill these massed ranks of applicants are called the nuts and the na turals Wa can forget the former The alter consist of eight cabinet ministers and one former prov fiCliNllDllS STORY incisl minister He is Quebeclser Eric Kierans 541 selfmade millionaire businessman and university professor who then entered provincial politics He was effective in QuebecCity but is handicapped by his lack of experlence in Ottawa The federal cahinet ministers are in ardent political seniori ty Paul Martin 64 who has had more experience in Parlia ment and in the cabinet than any other candidate Many Lib erals wished his capabilities had been chosen atlheir previous eadership convention if as many Liberals now hope and expect he is chosen this time Canada can be sure that the sick the needinlbe workers and the taxpayers will heabia to sleep at nights April Important has nothing to do with April oolsI Day although in the early days oiaviation ilyers we oftengcaiied tlyingioolss However April might be des ignated as Aviation Day in Canada because it markaim portant anniversaries in die Royal Canadian Ah lorce and Air Canada it was on April mo that the Royal CanadianAir Force came into Hitherto it been the Cana an Air Force in Britain it was also on April 1939 that Air Canada began regular passenger servicebetweea stated by wellmeaning individuals that we cannot lnterferelwlth the CBC or course the CBC can be interfered with 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class matter Post Office Depart ment Ottawa and for pay ment of postage in cash Daily1 Sundays and Slalutor except Subscription rate dailva carrier 50c wee $2600 yeariy Single copies BymailRarrie Ontario $1200 ye rowoil £15 year 0ntario $14 year Oui sideCanada British posses sions $15year USA lie in $12 year University Avenue lsco Cathaart St aleForllirForce aynonaoWMarlT woman seats atom Montreal and Monclon rid then tollalifax Sydney and St Johns The storyof the Royal Cana dianAi Force is without paral lel At ah the first fhght in the Bri other candidate Bob Winters 57 has Big Business image and an untar nished poiitlcairecordfifle would be competent chair man of the board aesembllng around himself an ablecablnet But he left it too late Paul Heliyer at 44 is almost the youngest in the race yet he has had 17 years successful ex perience on Parliament Hill tiis open and exploring mind and his strong character aro ltn prcislngdelegates His cam paign has been the most thor ough and ably ru Mitchellsharp 56 is mar senior civil servant oi long administrative experience abilir ty and integrity His prospects were damaged by incrcaied taxes aadthatax bill fracas both oi which conflicted with his own judgment Alan lilacEachen to lsthe genuine intellectual of this group lie lsbrilliant cool but bi when nettied shows real fire Playing various parts in 15 years on Parliament till he has rated for expert in them all He has stronger home base of supportla the Atlantic provincesthan any excuse rvir has delivered some of the trlrliost thoughqu campaign campaign on shoestring John Turner port through his charm and his tim Pierre Trudeau is professor millionaire spclaiis political World War began in itltislwo planes were imported from the US but were never taken from their crates because nobody knew how to assemblatliem in stead icanadlan who wanted to fly went to it tain and joined ytd another 60 Billy Alan McLeod Won Victoria Crosses The pilots in the early part of jFlrst World War did not have guns mounted in their aircraft butfough das cavalry an enemy ircraftl fizzDuke of Montrnorency becpme vtcaroy oi Canada rotsNow Scotland iAcadial was divided into two provinces lmliirst lighthouse in Can was built at Louisme HosFood wasirationed in 211 andQuehcc met heritas been for 900 days an MP for cabinet minister for 360 and rated possible leader for 35 The Torieshopeliewiil win he New Democrats aretern by the prospect and sovaremost top Liberals The new leader ill byz451 delegates outed amateurs of ties the policy merits the hattlewlllhc fought on and around theconvehtio floor The delegates more care fully weighed and ableludg e5andbes rummuevrllllemo writseetn By ram name some Allahs tinInt Ronald Reagan is making it increasingly Clear that he will run for the Republican presiden tial nomination His key sap portarsright wing mutttmlL lionnlrcsare making it even more clear that they have not givethp the fight which en abled them to nominate their man Barry Goldwater four ycars ego Goldwater proceeded there after to lose the election to Johnson but the right wing be leves the electoral fight was not lalrotte To begin they now tell themselves water was not smooth enough whereas Reagan lsGoldwatcn which made had mannerisms peoplenot tnkahlm seriously The rightwlng kingmekcrs oi the US moreover believe the last four years have proved that the Goldwater platform though badly presented was correct They read in the polls support for continued war eitortin Vietnam that is the inescapa conclusion it one adds up the votes Nixon and Jahnson both hawks received in New Hampshire Another major plank of the right wing law and order and halt to NegroCoddllng rm also been borne out by events to be what the people wantso think the rightwing supporters ti of Reagan and they This could be the year of the white backlash The back lash they say elected Reagan Califrniajnflfi maywell be 38 has won sup promise of capability Next 97 Liberal optimistic when at the separatist in our bpinlu ha deludes himself also when he says that this iorceof division has no roots in the population and does not constitute serious menac Let us stress immeL lately thatwe ho separatism lI ls doingmorethan survive to win but Trudeau may float pm ontheblfoble reputati the press love singdarkhorse the provinces whopping 25 municipalities 11 llieUCan inn Press elusiver ehtitied to WonWilter therein anorqu hrougls Jesus ompiainh among us because it feeds daily on grievances which would byiairiyjaisnplet Ieviate orto eradicate it only people wanted to takerthe trouble But ilrstiof all people must see understand an sirethree intellectual class in which too many peo Mr Winters said at Quebec thatthe question of national uni of primelmportance thatmln iopinton the fr to two The French gt in country thayibecoma satisfied from linguistic which falls to obtain for em the some comfort the elPresidency wouldeiect president in 1555 CRY WAS JUSTIFIED Finally they see in Johnsons economic difficulties proof that the right wing cry for llscai re trenchrmnt for less welfare ex is pendttures was empty Justified and is now popular Congress menwouid not be demanding udgat cuts inan election year unless the folks back home were making it clear to congressmen thatcuta are popular in short the right wing be lieves this is the year when it has been vindicated in all it has preached This may not be an accurate analysis of the sliuaton by the right wing but what matters is that the right wing believes its own analysis it wants to parlaythls vindication to electoral victory under Ron aid Reagangl Nixon lathe view of the rlgh wing is too soft on civil rights and cannot generally be trusted to true blue conservative He is moreover loner hat the California governorship to the same man Reagan defeated later As the right wingsees it it would be poilllca folly not to nominate Reagan the Repub lican standard beareru This attl tude was the main cause for Rockefellers refusal toruntbe right wing wanted him even less than it wants Nix This will be tel isloneicc on moreover an image elec tion and lheright wing believes Reagan apart from having the policies Amerlca really wants also hasan im eucnKenaedylfi fairly wellihe views at lgren Canadian outs Quebec But can the same be to Quebec We still hesitate to believe diffe that we want to obtain it Iarg lythrough our own effor that is with the help jof craased political power which will allow us to lift aur selves up to the rank of equal partners without destroying Canada inthe process The next prime minister of hfi country must un riding of newCanada and not in supplying new weapons to an everpresent and always dan serous separatist movement CyrilieFelteaIi March 25 Anglican Witter Dies In Ireland DUBLINtCP RL Rev de Pauley Anglican th gian and writer who taught Winnipeg and Toronto died sat urday al75 Dr de Pauley blah op of Cashel Waterfordl 1y and Lismore was rof mined in JohnfsColieg lnntpcgfrom 1min 1032 when he returned tolrelankl Sht yeatslsicr he look who theology professorship at Trin ty Collega Toronto also ch edeanal St Patricks Cathedral in Dublin and to years ago niecral 55

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