Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Apr 1968, p. 10

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mam nan ANNOUNCEMENIS SPECIAL NOTICE CASH RATES Whafldimi an nilhgnhifiwnrrk Limlam no verse Wynne per count lino extra Earning Event BIRTHS luliniiul Child II All 01 IN amalgam lsuumll nr sheen Child Vru Mm or lu Inna maria that horn on Miran IV In In WHEEL burial Jill V2 day or me was month ml oi birth no weight Ind olhlt nfil Iiill Inmrmnllnn Drlnlld become penannual that in mm nm or rnu nuhnmn additional per word REAL ESTATE PROPERTYV FOR SALE Cholkan co urn ins REALTOR Io oOIuEn sT moor LDISI LUISI W5 We have several all sizes all prices Choose how beloralhe spring rush Coil Marion New man 7266892 CLEAN LIVING Steam balh rec room with bar paved drive attached garage hrendlocm trilalts and1iviil room drapes plus the quiet lo callonmuke ibis bedroom mm yum nenlrc was held mm in rnrreii nlneral lionI wiln Int went at Barrio Union CamiIv MECAUSLAND slanle wuion uddnnlv In mull In II billion rlrlay hllrnh 29 loss llnlev Mtcaudilnd beloved our 1nd or In lue eyleen Salitr nd dur rather oi Marv Mn rmrldrnl of Dunn Ella 11m ol Toronto brother na Illn IImv Hammond land rirr Enileidl born or Tornnlo Amy Valr nnd Mona run smelly pr Blrrle Gnndlrlhar Prlricla Ari nnd Linda III or Imunx the Jeniell Horne Isz Ilflfliard street for Ichlle on bloody ll Interment nnnie nlorl April 13 Since you went one and rennin To walk Lhe road Him In In memonr maul hauler with happy on weve known Slim youve me out and On Elfin In on flu Vol thin lOWlV down the path or denlh ror noon follow ynu wrnl to know each sun Inn in Thai may nallr Inn ilme roI some ow down that lonely ll road Rl gear mu Milyoursnlmr In dldlv missed by annnnter Anna Idnlnlnw Alpert and nmdnbllde run Jack hillglint and amen will In lavlnx memory or in band and Illum John Ego Wino passed away April and took htnIIhnnIe it Janina our hum hr mq munnmmr mlmin nTarbnn IrI Iovinr memory or deu vi and mother TUB gagor who named lvny Anni Isl How vun c1050 her memory to In today for much rhen lune than tru rm murhw never away But they will grow ELILl tweeter As in div Ind years do by For in beloved memory our our one cannot rile srdly missed Irv Jack Kathy sur TRY In lnvlnl rnunery Bl Yagllwigylfgrés and passed my IAgoklnlz ran with mode Ill DE ya Ailing hmlll hld 1110301 Md IEIVE file an wth 63le missed 11me ST GILES ALMOSTNEW SALE 95 COOK STREET THURSDAY APRIL 4th Allernoon 130 to 430 Evening 630 to 900 pm Articles will be received on Wednesday alteran and evening BINGO Every Tuesday ll pm STROUD COMMUNITY HALL Jackpot Share the Wealth Proceeds for Innisill Minor Sports BINGO St John Vianney Hall Inesday April Jackpot $300 FASHION SHOW Wednesday April 1330 pm COLLIER SiREET UNITED CHURCH HALL AUSPIOES or RVH RUMMAGE SA MONDAYfAPBlL 1640 to 830 pm LEGION HALL Collier St Auspice frHE VENTURE CLUB OF BARRIE TELL MORE SELL molar Whenyou place vouv Articlel For Sale coin The same Ex aminer keep these points in mind lo Rome hel an Articlel II or Saloclnsriilcation Ir ill apples Market la and JOHN WHITE gnloonrIeoi the boiler buy on iodays Innrkci Telephone Ed or Marilyn Jennings 7280806 BUILDING LUIS IN MIDHURST Phone Ed Garner 7234605 or the details on these excellent lots In the scenic llidhurst nrca Now is the line to buy wiih land prices on ihe upswing The value is bound to increase whe iher you build or not FIVE YEARS NEW 1hree bedrooms modern kilcin on with buiitin range dining area lid baths hunched gar age Giiiémofigaze $119 PIT Call your friendly ogenl Jim Higginson 7268754 anrenc Elke BarbGibby hilllon Newman HIrvAnlu swirl EliVivian Glrnnr lilxgliisan nlmcnln BdMIrllyn Jennlnl mununuy Morten Caner Bill Vnnueunen IEEH INVESTMENT PROPERTY Bayiield Street adjacent to new mp plaza large parceiin excellent location zoo sANDEnorlTAGE Wood Lake Muskoka year round access bedroom coi tage large modern kitchen living room sunroorn piece bathroom all panelled turn ished boat andmotor garage 200 ACRE FARM as workable 66 pasture and bush creek through property born 36 50 stall or 22 head chicken houses broom house pc hath Contact Earl Enbcncki Barrle 728M951 KEITH REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Babcock Barrie 7285095 Colbolnjne Stroud pomI McLean Elmvale Iliad Ni MacLeod Barrie 7184759 Snow Shdud 4363116 Wood oro 1812428 Spencer IThomton 4589311 Eitzsimmins Chhill 4562620 Ed Green Barrie 1728413 131 EGLINTON AVE TORONTO 12 I1 PHONE 4873333 PETERS Wl LES LTD Realtor Hermann on horns Cozyalbedroomhome pi bath oil furnace good barn id Armenian water nndhydm sipped 29A Owen St Iraqu was Realtor WH TEj 109 Tasyfield st Eamon Appraisals LisungaI invlted SAMMY aENIIAMfl 7mm ISABEL rIsIIEn 7232631 nomo HENRY ELRICK MICHIE Real Estate Appralsals Mortgages 19 opium Sr fin ELBCE Terrific buy moo dm hot water view wqu UNDER OONSlnucllON own um At IbolllvoIPolnid Emory Miller RIETY STORE IN YOUR SwaleelAndeVei Dentin Service REAL ESTATE pliers roams Wfig CARSON4 six FLEX oil healinglhlr properly is priced to cell Isl seen by appointment polyacnli gt Genus moot evenings W5 In the heart oi downloun Ernie investh property shire with oirltu above wine 2500 down Winona balance on one morlgage with excellent terms Call Russell Carson 7a ml evanlngr moral Norm Symon miss miss an ruin Bill Hamilton mam Rupert hiccrath Elmvnle 138M Ed Gouge gt 7mm CAMPBELL 51 HIGH PHON ILLS REALTOR nnlclr nuNGAmw onshanly Bay Inna with circular drive livlng reo dining room kitchen and bedrooms hill basement hnslrcreaiion room with lilcplaoe and one Temis avnIa Will show New modern plcx angel stone from Jose to OE your investment Reasonable downpayrn Call good return on Fred Taylor GliruéReai Don Campbcil md Taylor Paul Penman moan Hugh Pl an YIN04 mom Doug Campbell mom 72mm Roll Allan 456631 7mm Smith Campbell 7287389 An rry soon HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY 90 Bayileld Street rum iiiLS REALTORS 7M5 Mortgage Fluids Available Free Customer Parking NEAR NORTH COLLEGIATE AND Sl MARYS $141500 hisan built executive split level brick home with allochcd garage Attractive living mom with llelam dining room inmin sized kitchen with mahognny clipboards pnd bulli ln range three bedrooms and denanily room with doorwny lo wellelnndscaped yard Owner lrn ierred Must be seen tohe appreciated First time offered TENN ii desired Oall File Scan dreti ROSE STREET Attractive bark split brick home Close to schools with fouth bedroomnndfinishcd recreation room on lower level Six years old with olive mortgage earrim for $106 principal irlielest and taxes For furiherinforrnation call Grant MacArthur EVENHIGS CALL LIAN 7W MILDRED MOORE GLORIA KOSSA 125375 IMOSmMAN lineman in hm Wig CH 600an lfikizscilnilrhr ROGERS E7 CONNELL Photo Realtor DUNIDP STREET EAST we Phone 7285568 AT MINEFS POINT YEARROUND DWELLING WITH WATER FRONTAGE sloooo Attractive 1bedroom bungalow with tear garage Al though aiane exists between the house and the lake lhcre Is pri vale fenced wide walk to privately owned dock Here Istlie opportunity to combine bases for slimmer and winlel activities in One very handy location just outside Barrio Ciiy limits Call us TODAY for fllilearticular EVENINGS cm Mrs Norine Rogers 7286582 Rogers 7236582 Find Epiett mm Connell W65 Illtlmd harmAr PROPER FORsALE ourrs AND 7pc AVAILABLE Pilate heliior HIGHLAND PARK VILLAGE Go with on Highlwy 11 in city limits or DIR inch turn left oil and road after railroad Uiile Avenue and our model homesarponthcflrstroadio theicii half homes hugger construc model es open or Inspecr lion by Ippoiniment only nunoaww moor srur LEVELS unsoo DOWN PAYMENT 500 mun Fcaiuring low taxes aluminum storms and Screens and finished in NBA specifications etc 1fForJurtberinIcrInnLoncail 7268999 Joe Longthi Angus 4495295 PROPERTY FOR SALE CORBY Real Estate Broker and Appraisers KI Dunlop SI Phone mm mortgages arranged on low mootblypaymenu We buy your present Int and and mortgages imam ominous Irma MARGUBRIIE MD one Emililii Km uunA Pfinmsl nunnilsmilIzlzssqm BIG BAY POINT COTTAGE lot 50x 150 bedrooms large Iirepiocc newly decorated all furnished Screened porch Cn bin Improperly Pressure sys temlog siding Owner mustsell Coll Lorne Hay noises Harold Forster Co Real Estate nlmrvoon sauna mvlI reprogramme MLS REALIOR MORTGAGES ARRANGED EMORY MILLER 7261831 $135002 bedroom bungalow in the East End piece balh full basement aluminumaidingfpn large lot and priced forouick sale Telephone John ole today ALCONA AREA Near the lake close to schooland shopping Comfortable bedroom frame bungalow on large lot oil furnace Would suit retired couple or small family Asking price $10000 Inspect and make an offer Call Ken Miller 317000 In good location Percy Ford VALUABLE WOODED cornerlot at Mldhurst measuring approx imately 90 105 feet This location is perfect for the above aver age home on season asking price $3300 Direct your enquiries to Peter Mouton Percy Iord Gordon Spencer Kenneth Miller Peter Mauton May be seen by appointment Telephone 172313617 more 7287930 John Cole 72353411 Roberl Flewelling 43618142 Harvey Weber 365815 7286508 Lcsllovegrove 4456112 67 Dunlop St SHELSWELL and WILLSON MLs REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE BROKER BACK SPLIT Large living room and diningmni cornhihnnon family size kitchen three bedrooms piece bath with vanity attached garage treed int 695 mortgage carriesor sidi per month Callhi Lang 7285761 NO 2068 LAKESHORE ESTATEJIIvale wellwooded propertyzai All withattractive bungalow andeowo sq it of luxurious livmg space New listing Gall Norah Raikes 7251139 FOUR BEDROOM BUNGAIJOW Masonry construction only our years old Electric heat approximately $140 yearlytaxes only $296 $2500 down and vendor will hold iirsi mortgage Firmly priced at $15500 calers Brown 72811265 No 144 119 Dunlop st East 7261422 01 moms Ann rIIOIIO ins REALTOR Arrlinlsnls unhToAGEs nENTAIs null Rose Resonant Res 7260116 Dick Hartley 7234913 Res mom Richard Rayelalt moist FRANK NELLES PhotoM SReallor NBAYFIED EVENINGS CALLE 7760951 Frank Wainwright Mills II 7266682 TORI Foster 37331701 BIDWELVL Bill Mackness Russell Smith 7264406 Stan Hammond Frank Nelles Miko Magus Led avanagh oralo Youn CHOICE Duplexésand Vone Triplex ranging IEoIn TNG Avenue Suite 404 Windsor On anhooII house Codrinlml Sideel Sclnood are exnwuglrll imuon View or the bay Large 101 Offers led Pr Telephonmwi hm only AHRACIIVE Ranch with Attached lllllhlglileéx crescent spncionl living room with Illrpiace Cnmnltle huian homemlkerg iritnnen ind out or city Erecutlvc lyre home Telephone Lorne HIV ggnmenunn Huoid Forster MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE ls andan Mortgage loans Anywhere Proaeaamarmse 90 or VALUAlfONS KIYou NeedMoney Toad Iifliodb Elan or nullinn coming due Homellmprnvemlntn oAnr worthwhile Ellin eroo or Phone 7M1 Mortgage Funding on SimpsonSears as owner 51 Irnnhu onuno nonm Brohrl Million no swam fiiininrndy cub availabl purchase nme who in more or In Niallint 132901 MORTGAGES WANTED Warm may district writs Box Baa Barrie Examiner TRAVEL TRAILERS ronrr houn Iulllflefoxr firm 011111 eon oped reeps en MIMI cus 3mm is root TumI arlfimutnhyJoimped graphs sonElfin Eelepnon 4mm noraen BUS OPPORTUNITIES SPARE ITIMEIINCOME Refilling and collecting money from NEW TXPE high quality eoin operated dispensers in this arealNo sating To qualify you must have car roierences $600 to $2900 dish Sevon to twelve hours weekly can net excellent monthly Incomé More full time For personal interview wriio CANAPENN armam 302 Ouelletto tarlo Include phone number MOBILE HOMES IEAIEE nussnuj CHURCH MobileIiomes General Glendale lravelux Parts and Service Cub or Tenn Year In nunION Alis mam Insurance M0 GI Dont iforget inN STE ll DUNLOP ST fiI RENTALS FARMS FOR RENT 1er LAND for uni lely so uu mlilbin lifuirlid Enfiifiam 133 an old HOUSES WANTED nsnnooni child or HOUSE or APARTMENT WANTED mo on Tom bedroom sout or home wanted in not in south or Barrio May 1st Manhunt APARTMENTS WANTED In APARTMENTS TO RENT NEON00 apartment unnlmlllle ed Mleulflufi XEEDIIGO°CIIIMPII Anmmnt Ira nAcnsnon npnnmnl rally on bed slave Ind rciriderainr lin clemlnl included mint lollkin facilities town local on phone 125001 FURNISHED oil bedroom IMH Pllnna 71176397 or runner 3101mm bedroom iivlnx room kitchen and anal unIuIniracd emuId floor apartment No pets Barrio rim lo $11100 inonlllly Telepnm noon firmldmi apartment piece bath heeled niltremor and slave self contained Im nur rled euupic only no Deln AnnLv Wu ledwarls telephone 12o Rooms To LET msmfle mornuuihrhtuganu cap min mop week Telephone mom amoun CLEAN bedroom in nulel home nul down Inr gentleman Telemann 7237315 TWO FURNISHED room to rent Emmi Telephone 1734116 HOUSEKEEPmoMm with 1ng fll IdeEdm EWIIIIIST on 7mm Telephone Roomnnp BOARD moor ANII Board nvnunble lm medlllelgl central Impal 4319 Irkint ifii°iuoiln noon awn aura available In ntlema day week 335 origami good Iy so Sophia street OOMAND BOA WANTED noon AND nonnpreqnim for IE norm or or Bantu manner ARTS SALE NQRTHWAY RUG co LTD firehouse or line hroadloom DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED BROADDOOM RHnnllnIa allaizesnnd priced mluolller Sh one mun fifi emmfinhfl2€fh£i$i°sii2 lnml specials No downer menl rs amonbh year war 11 male loin woxon wficel de siEfl hwflond condllinnrfld For 3221 particular tdnnbane 1m BAquE can mom DRUMS USED Ind new all mlku own an Rent pulvhays lllw Idmnu vansil per month free law all NEWER rum mm Iiouu In to in Barrie area mail til Im Idnits mm Chflscflfl inboard ny Qllilt GEORGIAN PAINTING anodlnli NutreSmernt31rflnfl7fl60x sea or Iaan maximum ml AUTHORIZED servlc 1nd Wm mu Buflon Ava 1mm STAN BRYSON $33th uumnnon inx $33 fihpbonl gondlpiiicn in ll all lvltphogo vrnoramnin urvln Barrio Trot and Andy3154 Remnlbll oldenexpert win Rubin lde MUEI fflzovnfll rIeIa BL liarIllI HAND MW Walnu lunu inch uso silo Chrysler oni boud 1m 8200 Pedestal grind er illnnl no Folding bio Inwn mower Teirpbcn Nanomln Immuunn emplou minnrnnt equipment for His levers mm mm tnhln mil etc mwmfiullsdlen burIn nee on Tulqu on We Itll Ill kind of nnlIdin supplier soars AND morons Ir roar uranium in lane no hn Telephone mom on am bori Johnson Ibo In door In CInotAwlv Alme lamid after nan Anunnmm In root moior ale and £1 inr mid cabin ember sleeps soul Remnabln Telephon SERVICE1 REPA GUIDE LNINGIROOMr wall OniciéAeIion who Adsi call 72ml nndr IllAmrth on TvkaAnnut nanrnIc HAMMnns ior Indium work CALL 7280580 MARTIN RENTAL CENTRE MDunlop West ARTICLES VWANJED fix vmmn norm slam nunnm nun ll Second Inna sullen Mg garneringam when we ml urn en nimlim IEurnominee am Illnut nr ml rnrden mmlimVMIp imli sell innwm inn FARMERS MRKT DEAD sIOcn Dead or crippled aside and home Small animals removed heeiIor fast service PHONE BARRIEW Colleen or ask IorI EAD STOCK ZENITH 91180 N0 EARGEI liar lid TddUFpwceh lines Ontario License No Lvocu Nick Montague Prop FEED SEED GRAIN TON no renown Ivnnsfaiéflziiinit 50 bushels MEKWNOIC wlnied In in Tot new lmmu Uylopll hm roan exam ran ass l0n 36 hxllyregoafili in WV II cries POULTRY CHICKS 2990 ml FLIP lt yEBV OI to uni ma relennnna issuzrl an EXAmNEn WANT Ann PHONE 7mm These Skilled Tradesmen are Ready in Work gt On Your Job PAVlNG ImmEdiately Driveway Parking Lots Barnyards Elc MANIERI PAVING ITALIAN EXPERT COIOF BARRIE freeEslimaIe WorkGuaranieed 7260081 is Lirhmni turner Telephone 1114595 day for evening JANITOR service Hum cranes pawl an manila ranted rid11st Imurms lr shamanIII EL gurus Painting mmmd ergo mm cur Enizntnem 7mm niallag uzfl Email11L Gum Iced workmanhip Piwm mom mm Interior Pllfl DEM RID Pmrinl cwfinnlmcm shanty Buy MOWER REPAIRS allmoire Ill mna an 313 liildltlul Mower Servieo DRIVING SCHOOL MnnEBN Isllying School In to 11 the In em war Iv Boulilmmt Puffin 7163915 REFRIGERATION jnnrnldnnilION snnvms gagffnn Vliilble TELEPHONE 7234430 hall Marina in Noni TiTia Mxx low Itocream Ivr renlmi Hi In Ithched axleslliuInlémoeldific nutialiv Ionced roomv iot ITei phono 10 wdrnicaitonfl 25 in an Runway 12 won den dining morn modorn kitchen mlles north Parry lhil rec loomth manual film gmgngngllmffl hntln Ind bedrooms blur Ill 03 5199 ml utrl rrmln ach marmom 1M1 Jenn Wanm ntlywfitlalifififlfieni secured by In per year For personal intervi maito EXAMINER WANT rnonnmwl ADS ESSA RD modularix GilAVIS Bus Admins Income Tax awueupind INCOME TAX manna prepared for hudlnen firm or Individual Ind 199 Retum prepared Scrvlcu W3 Dunlap street west Telephcnn 7266111 on llr ea INSULATION rm norm lne ii Tflephpnn Scott Idler mudI mucous Renovations Hour on £110 mimfinneLnimitfinf IRONING EONINO 961 ml wlAhInl MI JD 12 III Ian Iii pnsssMAKiNs 1i ammo In nit5 reasonableoxten Ed Ilia ther dullls Tulaphone 7W Repaired Serviced iInstalled aw Drive moire uWind6ws and Doors sEPTlcrANKs some TANKS Pomona or vouag mile radius Al inn ALLISION 135ml any Altru pm 4356416 WALTER NICOL

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