zazmgssr gasu rltaluialt as up Small wood of Newfoundland checks In with receptionist Cheryl AFTER sonar11w Say Gardner of St hï¬ehaels Hos pital in Toronto Wednesday night Mr Smallwood under Snidllwood Is Satisfactory rename or Premier Joseph Smallwood was reported itigood condition this morning after undergoing successful operation to his right eye to cor rect detached retina The wycarold premier was wheeled into an operating thea tre at St Michaels Hospital hereshortly alter am EST hospital spokesman said the premier was administered general anesthetic The opera tion lasted lib hours The operation performcd by two eye specialists Dr William Callahan and Dr ltliehol Shea is called scleral buckling and is special surgical technique for the correction of detached retina An aid said Mr Smallwood would be in hospital for seven or eight days recovering from the operation The operation forced him to cancel trip to Scotland where The retina similar in function to the film in camera can suddenly become detached giv ing the patient sensation of flashing lights and curtain being drawn across the line of vision wnlsxi PRICE is GOING UP GLASGOW AF The export price of scotch whis ky will be increased due to devaluation of the pound the Scotch Whisky Associa tion announced today it recommended that menibers increase prices 115 per cent on orders re after devaluation day Nov 10 went an operation for dc4 tached retina in his right eye CP Vlr photo Dam Bursts 112 Killed In Java Yule PréSent Tax Incre By DENNIS ORCHARD OTTAWA Finance Minister Sharp will attempt to show his Scottish thrift when he comes to Parliament with St Andrews Day hudget message tonight The 56yearold finance minis ter will raise taxes He may have something to say about other matters including govern mootsponsored medical care insurance and tax reform lie is likely to hit the theme of government economies in the face of inflation and Justify his JAKARTA RouterstA 159 tax increases as an invitation to foot wall of water from burst the public to join his fight dam engulfed three villages and against rising DHCOS killed 112 persons in central itfr Sharps re at Java Monday it was repoer nounced spending target of here today 310300000000 for 190809 indi Thc villages were partially cola he will need about la buried under tideoi mud per cent increase in revenues The official ilntara news agen next year cy said the high Sempor Dam llow much of the difference linking two steep hills near he expects to make up from Gombong town about 15 miles normal growth of tax revenues from the south Javn coast and how much he will start to burst at night following heavy gather by changing rates imme rflio diateiy will be disclosed some The wall of water swept down ime after he begins speaking the valley and ventu ally about it pm EST spread across fourmile front causing serious damage Antarh said frantic villagers helped by troops Boy Scouts and civil defence volunteers corn dragged bodies framithe it has been suggested that the inancc minister isincreasing axes as the only way to make he governments antiinflation believable mud and slime and were hit REMANSLSECRETWE searching for survivors Floodwaters scrercd the sin gle rail link between Jakarta and the central Java city of Jogialiarta No observers know where tllc increase will come but they lilnvc suggested several possibii lies surlax on personal in come taxes hiking cvcrycnes federal taxes by fixed per centage sales tax on consumer services heating the provinces for first crack at an attractive new revenue refundable personal in conic tax to he gathered held and repaid later llke the five perceat refundable corporation tax ltir Sharp appliedin 1900 with tile prospect of an an nouncement on medical caroin surance jond peek at govern aicnt thinking on tax reform the budget has taken on more interest and importance than llle regular annual budget of last June Sources say that if any change is to he made in federal legislation on medical carc it will be announced tonight ltir Sharp has said in the Commons that he will deal with tax reform possibly expressing views on the stdmlance of the port of the Carter royal com mission on taxation it is the finance ministers fourth budget since he assumed the portfolio late in 1905 and his most difficult to bring all from political standpoint Prcvlntls tax changes were minor His two budgets in 1906 changed personal income and sales taxes to add $410000000 year to revenues WEATtiER Variable clouding with snow owner low inside it High Friday 15 See details on P3 If Not Then to For Copy 20 Plan Says Constitution Should Preserve Quebecs Identity TORONTO tCP The four such proposal would divide day Confederation of Tomorrow Canada into two warring camps conference winds up today with and cause more disscltslnn then Cenados lo provincial rcprcL now axists between French and sciitatlvcs expected to call it at English Canada the worst qualified success After Mr Shmltrtli toxic duly against outof on re cction plcxltles involved in trying to Quebec prcm nluy softcned their remarks and ï¬reman and maintain Natlttllv minim Passch Mr Manning said the consti £21T°liangggmimigmmg tution is not sacredand Alberta Smith of Nova Scotiu Vednes day for softening the rough Quebecs flesh edges of situation that devel Premier Jnseh Smallwm or oped between him and Premier Newfoundland expressed almi Mm or Albermduflng lar vlcw before he left the talks the frank discussions that have or eye pumionm for moilied the sessions hospim It constitutional split seemed Newfoundland would agree to imminent when Mr Manning ob any changes necessary to pre Jetted to hlr Johnsons proposal serve Quebecs unique identity to rewrite the Dritish North but it would not aeccptaconsti America Act tulioa that createdniaccquol mvinctta and Qu that HMS ssmi has somewhere between sov ereign nation and province Iitl delegates tended to favor British Canadians initiationsrhino Battle In érmany iSERLOHN West Germany Reuterst Police arrested at least ï¬ve servicemen and said many others were taken to hos pital aitcrv pitched street hat tie heweeu about so Canadian and British soldiers here late Wednesday night German pollces okesman said the light was apparently started by two Canadian sol dlers whoran from pub to pub challenging British servicemen to light and hauling them into the street language and culture as long as other concessions were avail able to all Once the air had cleared delegates tllrncd their ire on the federal government for not con Jtiyasa reol out and out suiting them on national policies hauler he Hi that affect the provinces The llama bmke Whe Premier John Robarts of On German police car arrived on Win suggcsnd pcrmanunt in the sccnc terprovlnelal agency he cs 1ha WEN CflllSClWS hod tublished and that an annual ies lying about all over the pincigï¬vthelrspnmmnnsaia Id MM so diers mustjus ye gone wilthenilicn 5° lic said the first thing the POLICY REVISIQN twoman patrol did was to radio New arrangements for prom for ambulances from the British cial onrlxclootiou in federal de Military Hospital nearby eislons on fiscal matters are an none of mg men in an absolute necessity Mr Man Thc increase less than the 143 per cent which lie pound was devalued will cover increased costs of im ported raw materials and overseas promotion the as hc was to receive an honorary degree from the University of Edinburgh in Toronto since Monday for the Confederation of Tomorrow Conference Mr Smallwood an nounced he was entering hospi Identily Bodies tal at the Wednesday afternoon vmmm said iis Students Session of the conference From McGili patroi car was knocked down is and seriously injured when he Plum 19 Edwina tried to arrest one of the apron New WWW 53 cm inslggntars he ï¬gmn he laces shouldhe given the choice saw of accepting aliaredeost pro His colleague called in my grams or the tiscolequlvalent cars and arms and Canadian 0n the constitutional question military police Attorneyflcneral Robert Bon her of British Columbia suggest ciland the other provinces agreedthat federalprovincial powers 1m delegated Powersiow are specifically allotted to Ottawa or the prov MchiMliRliS SUCCESSOR USV PoiiCies Defined For New DvefenCe Mdn iiiiiiifliiiio BUFFALO MflCPAP Two bodies found in field about three miles from here inccs without provision for dele Announce Hilr In Pric Sunday have been identified as waslancron AP Presi firmly sct ma lor defence poli Johnson fo the us nomination VASlliNGTON AP Sch gotten from one authority to an Vggï¬ylgrjscxfsllzgl dent Johnson says major US cics are clearly defined and for the Wellid Bank presidency tor Eugene McCarthy an other 0i King Si arett ze ho defence policies are clearly de McNamaras successornot yet McNamara told Johnson be honored today he will challenge Delegation was method of MONTREAL CF lmpe inan would bring selling prices mg 1m Wm fined for the man who wrll sue namedcan carry on in ltic was still interested The nnmi President Johnson onthe Viet providing special statusto meet rial Tobacco Co Ltd announced more into line with production an ed 9953 Wï¬iflry Robert Namams tracks without loss nation went forward tnthe nam issue in four Democratic single provinces particular Wednesday wholesale price in costs Officmls said Wednesday the McNamara quitting diePenta of momentum or effectiveness bank its20 executive directors presidential primaries and pos needs said AttorneyGeneral Crease5 ivl kingsizc and ex Antonio Toledo president of Wm PBerirm Kidd213 gall for the Presidency of the Outgoing President George voted unanimouslywednesdny sihly two others Donahoe who took over the tralong loo millimeter ciga annson and Hedges Canada aim 31 World Bank Woods of the World Bank night to offer the $40000ayear Thcre is growing evidence of Nova Scotia delegation when rcttes to take effect Dec Ltd said his company i5 000 to MMth ï¬lter on But triple play of announce sounded out McNamara last robin McNamara déiegatinn deepening moral crisis in Mr Smith returned to Halifax iii7 studying the situation and ex questhefeléterinlheweek merits hy the World Bank rtpril 18 McNamara indicated headed by Woods called on America the Minnesota Demo for especial session of the leg Regularlength cigarettes will pact to make decision berm IdEntlllcation was made White House and McNamara his interest in the postulle dis McNamara at the Pentagon am told news conference lslï¬lum not be affected the announce the end althe week Wednesday by Dr Peter Nash Wednesday night left in fog cussed it with loh on offerin The White House statement aid willenter rimar 9mm Rm Hamlet ment said Spokesman io MacDonald friend of Rev Kidd fa some of the more intriguing as to stay at the Penthgon as on issued under Johnsons name ics tins Vlsgoensin Gregor Cali l3d in ci it Said the increase could Tobacco Ltd has no comment Ulcr Oftllo hoy pects of the defencc chiefs as he felt it necessary cellist McNamara great ad fornia and Nebraska wwmslm 1° EWNW raise retail prices by one cent In Toronto officials of path Identification of the deeom switch in assignments The Aboul miti0ctobet Johnson ministralor or thevdeience es lie will decide within two Mints for 20 hmgsizeeigarcttes and mans of Pall Mall said they posed bodies that had several statements reported asked McNamara if he still was tabiishment wise rcsource weeks on Massachusetts and may 991 by four cents for 20 extralong would probably make no deci bullet slugs in or near them MeNamara will take over interested Treasury Secretary fol prudent and said shall New Hampshire MeQarthy Hadby PEml Either 55 cigarettes sion on price increaso before emled mystery about the the presidency of the tinnation Hear it wl dd the first of its type open to the The company said are ftdjtlï¬t the and of the day whereabouts of the too They World Bank after he finishes his or Ed miss mm greafly 5M press had vistted Mexico and disap work on the fiscal 1969 defence reared on their way home budget next year probably The Mexican embassy in otta sometime in February or wa saidNov zl they hadheen shortly after seen crossing the border Sept Presldent Johnson main 18 There was no further report tained the course of our partic ot them ipation in the war in Vietn is warm CAPSULE Greece To PullSOut Forces NIOOSIA ReuterslGreeh forces stationed in Cyprus will be pulled out within the next two months as cart at peace settle ment hammered out by 115 envoy Cyrus Vance informed sources gt said today NEWS ma MaiGen Says tinned Force May Be tliecessary For Unity TORQNTO CPMajGen year veteran of the Second Churchill Mann 03 former World War he believes it is time Say Hong Kong Border Dispute Settled vicechief oi the Canadian Army toput things in intelligent per HONG KONG tAPliiong Kong and China appeared today to general staff says if united spective and cut th ill have settled their livemonlhold border dispute but britlshsour Canada cannot be maintained verbiage the fanfaremrilngd bats ces wereuncertain what the effect woyrld be on the terror cam armed force may be necessary lyhao to look at the factsdi paign Within the crown colony against those opposing accept neatly ance in prepared statement ex Report Racket IS Smashed pressing concern over the possi billty that Quebec might sop MONTREAL CPlPolice said multivmillionldollar racket oratc from Canada Gen Mann that operated between Montreal and the West Coast was smashed ivarned against heme diverted by the arrests of iii men early today in Calgary Toronto and into foolish cha nneis and Montreal courses of action that could inn Landeral City News2 Claasifled 17 18 Comics8 Deaths16 District5 Edltorlol0 Sports1011 Theatre5 TV stains8 wrathrrLii Womens6 lead to civil war liloodshcg octagon complar trio can ovoidc by intel Ys er airgaln gains ea lne geiit alid thoughtful debate he in DETROIT AWNegotiators for the United Auto Workers and Sild Chrysler Corp today bargained against strike deadlines trying to ms camle mm reach local plant agreements at five Chrysler operations inshegi he addnd be lieve it may be necessary and worth while to compel accep ance of major ty view as France AttaCks monetary system the desirability of united Can ranis lheutcrslirance today launched new attack on the 1° tories of 1967 even itthls international monetary system describing it as disordered and rt harmful to the development of world economy Shoflld require rmme by the use of arms Kata nxwamwnsw Gen Mann saidrlhat as BttEMlEit DANIEL Johnson Walter Weir left of Manitoba break in Wednesdays session row conference tCifWirepho Quebec lrightl caioyaa and Manitoba provincial oftbo Contedcrotionoi Tomor tot JiuaidyJaligh hVProMrAreiorrklrtLEvaosdurin vr use sha oi Warsaw