GREY Members of Trinity Guild were busy with preparations last eveningY for Groy Cup Coffee Party to be held Pri day morning in Trinity Parish cor PARTY PREPARATIONS Hall Cbccrleadcrs shown above with some of the deli cious Chrtstmas shoribreads which will be available at the event include from the Left nomads ADVISES VSIMCOE comm Mrs Gibb Mrs Ed MY nolds and Mrs Lou Groves The coffee party will be held from 930 until 11 am tEx amincr Photo Strange Foods Equipment Face Immigrant Homemaker Dy JEAN SIIAIII CPWomons Editor TORONTO tCPl Greck children in Canada adapt quickly to peanut butter llun garians iind ordinary Cana dian butler too salty and so buy sweet butler Spanish families go on eating fish as they did in Spain and prcfcr fresh to frozen which they merely tolerate Those are typical of the choices and changes in diet made everyday by people new in Canada What to eat in new corirr try faccs most transplanted homemakers witlr recurring tests of skill and adaptability To some degree they must all cope with unfamiliar foods new brands different moat cuts strange equipment Offering advice based on Canadian food preferences is not entirely useful Steak and potatoes are not wholly sat isfactory substitute iI the fam ilys favoritt meal is pork with dumplings and sauer kraut To help lessen the gap ba twcen adviser and advised the Toronto Nutrition Commit tee has published booklet called the Food Customs of New Canadians DESIGNED AS GUIDE It outlines eating patterns as they are followed in other ratiosiiinoii was Brigatte Schcltef artists at the Confederation of Tom row oonferenoegéls the trans lotion units ready for the opén in yesterday Tbs ï¬tpupessf countrics and as they have been adapted by families in the Toronto area Intended as guide for such people as dietitians teachers and nurses who mightbe giv ing the advice it offers suggestions for improvement based on actual eating habits The books preface says food habits are not wrong just because they differ from Co nndiau habits and that from the viewpoint of nutrition some may be better than ours It commands the Chinese vegctable cooking and eco nomlcal use of meat Czechoslovakians do lhcm sclves nutritional favor when they keep cheese sour cream and whole grain brand in their diets Many of the suggestions for improvement involva econ omy as well as nutrition Food costs can easily go out of focus Pmdtry and canned goods cost less here than In many countries for instance There are less expensive cooking oils than the iamilrnr olive oil Thc booklctrcrnillds math ers that children from sunnrer countries may need vitamin here It indicates that new Cana dian adults seem to share with old Canadian adults minimal interest in drinking conference calch by Ontario Premier John Robarfs is tak ing place in thenew Toronto Dominion Bank towers ritu area in downtown itononto milk and eating enough brcak fastr TRACED FOOD HABITS The bookict is new edition of similar effort put out by the Toronto Nutrition Commltv tee in 1959 The committee is volunteer group of nutrition ists and cducotionists who be came concerned aimut tho lack of available information about eating patterns Myra Smilhlcs member cf the subcommittee that compiled the book says sever al committee members work with nawly arrived homemak crs They not only recognized the problems they became award they did not know much about what the newcom ers were eating To get the material for the booklet the mmmitlce did two things It wrote teap propriate uutiloritlcain other countries to find out what food patterns in those countries are it also interviewed fami lies in Toronto to ftrrd out what their new eating pat terns are Mrs Smiihies says they realize there will be varia tions in other parts of the country but the committee lacks theresources to re search thorn The booklet cosis$l and is available from the Toronto Nutrition Committee Box 744 Senior Citizens Elect Ofï¬cers William Abeit was elected pra sident of the GetTogether club of senior citizens at iLs meet ng held Nov 21 in the Army Ntavy Air Force Hail Durdop Assisting Mr Aboll will be Prissick first vicepresident Mrs Anderson second vice presiden Mrs Grantham sac retary Mrs Crawford treasur er Mrs Seal is immediate past president Convenars appointed include llfrs ariinerrkitcoen Mrs Scat and Mr Prissiek entertainment Mr Warriner and Mrs Wilkin son sick committee Mrs Bowlcs Mrs Penny and Bishop transportation Thanks were extended to the retiring executives for the assis tance rendered during the past year social time followed with singsonglcd by Mr Prissick with Mrs McCormack its plan 15 New members 60 years of ago and over will be welcomed at thé club which HEELS each Trias day nftcrnoonl Dalston WI Holds Demonstration Membrss of the Paiaswick Wo mens Institute were guests at the November meeting of the Dalston WI held at this home of Mrs George Salisbury Home economics and health couvener MrsG Baldwiclr in troduced Mrs John Garner of Barrio who conducted demon stration on fancy sandwiches and cookies Mrs Garner is director of the Food Division of the Ear rie Exhibition Dalston Womens Institute in the Unitcd Church Women will join forces Ddc for birthday celebrati inhonnr of the train ees of the Edgar Omupatlonal Centre Dalston WI members have been invited to be guests of the Ed gar WI on NOV 28 my EXAMINm warrr ADS miions 7mm Betrayed Trust By Revealing intermation Imi Au mom The reply to the comaourly ovum mln was an aye opener on card Now that you in routed yourself with forum of flesh try to learn if you can whit you are hiding from bava long been conv ed that there lr somclhltigarnora to obesity than the fact people ertjn food lily rtrtcrlnlavi war reader benuiful bridel years he was also deeply religious Shortly after her ma rings she told me in the strict crt ofcoolrdeaco that sex was repulsive to her and lbs Io Quilt Bug band it that she made up so ries of mum which the use regularly Thu woman now weighs pounds frbsr and it maker me rad to look at rural told my husband believe his skin has nude herself fat as can so she will he phyltclliy unattractive tn bdr husband in the hope he will leave he alone completely says am crazy What do you say Amateur Shrinker Dear Am say you might be right And also try something else it was rockbultotn to pass Fctir Rests OnDecision Viif Simcoc County have Quilt and Rug Fair in 1968 is question to ho decided at an emergency inaction of Slmcoc Cotmty Arts and Crafts Associ ntlon scheduled to take place Thursday afternoon beaming at oclock hits Maude Koury past president and council mem ber has offered the use ofa large room for the meeting at her Steak House restaurant Cob tier St Arnplc parking is avail able atuierearottheprvp erty Atlmembers of Simcoe County Arts and Crafts are urg ed to attend as wall as other interested persons Council members of the asso clatfon fch the decision regard ing the Fair is an important one in that so many people are in volvcd in tho annual project PROPDSE THEME If rhemoiority attending the meeting decide in favor of bold ing Fair home must be chosen so that quilt and rug makers will have guide in choosing designs and colors other important questions on the agenda are what time of year the Fair should be held and in what section of Simon County should the Fair take place Sum mcr time has always been chosen as lFair tlma because of case of travel and vacationers in theorea This your summer via itors to Oriilia requested the In formation Bureau take thclr names and addresses and con tact them when the next Fair would be held INTERNATIONAL FAME Past Quilt and flag Fairs have become famous in such areas as Vancouver New Brunswick and the blind States The com mittee points with pride to tho Canndiana Quilt the work of Mrs doviorrance of Orllila member of Simcoc County Arts and Crafts which now hangs in the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto The Council marchers urge personal attendanco at the meet ing of decision and planning If nttcndonce is impossible they ask that members get in touch with Secretary Miss Maude Rowe 25 Victoria Ayn Orillftt with comments and suggestions chgnrdlng tho Quilt and flag air COUNTY BYLAWS BAR qnosrs OTTAWA tCP 657 yearold woman has been charged with swearing ata neighbor under on loan Carle ton County bylaw which also prohibits stonothrowlng or any activity likely to score horses Mrs Elia ray son of Gloucester was charged under the lirlvyear old law which provides fine of to $50 for using obscene haspbemous of greatly insulting lau gnage Other uurcpealcd county by laws prohibit such things as indecently exhibiting stal lion and activities likely to Scarehorses inlurn passen gers or embarrass the pos sage nt vehicles on information told to you in confidence You should in ashamed of massif for betray ing your sis firlow BIN or Marian Deat Ann Linden The letter from Wabash Blues fl very much like my story also mlr rled divorced man whose wife had walked out and left little boy nearly three years old If Wabash thinks shes nervous wreck now tall bar to wait few years My bushandllwayr took thn boys part against teachers neighbors mo anyooc who criticized him Ila oavcr raw anything wrong with Denny th we began to get calu THE DARRIE EXAMINER floor thcduvwflc authoritlu took the boy for counseling Three different counselor raid TUESDAY NOVEMBER ll rm PEOPLE AND PLACES Call Audrey Coulson or ENGAGEMENT The engagement of Sheila Val crie Stephens and It cv John Elmer Cotton has been announc ed by the brtdwlects parents Mr and irs Earl IV Stephens of Barrio lhebridcgroomclcct is the son of Mrs John Cotton of Jerseyvillc Out and the late Mr Cotton of Kcnslogton PEl The marriage will take place at Meftfaster Divinity Chapel in Hamilton at pm Dec 22 TH ANNIVERSARY On this occasion of their 33th wedding anniversary Nov If Mr and Mrs Harry Slcssor Nelson Si were guests of honor at surprise dinner party at the home of their son and daughter irriawMr and Mrs Vic Sies sor Stnyrrer Also attending were Mrand Mrs George Pifhcr Coilingwood and Mr and Mrs lion Slessor of Brampton and children Jamie Brian and Kim CUBSCOUT MOTHERS The annual fun night of the 3rd Barrie Cub nd Scout Mathers Auxiliary was held for the purpose of acquaiating par ents and leaders with about 20 couples in attendance Entertain meat was under the direction of Murdie Campbell and may will iamson President Barbara Tupling pre WHOSE TEAM WILLWIN Anne Itouise Kearï¬dy 19 felt Miss Saskatchewan Rouzhriderand Leslie Jane Scarlett ll Miss Hamilton Tiger Cat pose for photograph THE as they arrived at the air port inottawa today for this Grey Cup festival sore of the girls will be airmen Miss Gray 0in Thursday night Their STARS stir By nsniznnuna FOR TOMORROW Both personal and financial affairs are under planetary res trictions now This will not be goodlimc for buying or selling for trying to put over deals of any kind as especiallycarefuli not to become involved with friends in money matters Same uuplcasanlness could re FOR THE BIRTHDAY It tomorrow is yourbirthday your chart prcsages is interest ing yearbut with so much de pending on yourselfespecially in employmcnt matters This willbe year when you will have to curb your innate ex tremlsm and nvtendency to quit whentho chips are down and kwcomethtng 915 This Will be especially important in Ap ril latoMay midJuly andear spawnMr compartments may displease am you may either want to tell oil the boss or walk out on what you are do ing Douti Just keep plugging swallow disappointments and know that beginning with held November your patience will be rewarded Your personal life should be pleasant for most of the Year with emphasis on romanccdn July and August on stimulating social activities in July Septem ber and next November and on travel in Augustand September if you are careful not toex cced your budgets Dont take dune romances seriouslyer evor child born onthis day will be endowed wldi remarkable powers of perception idealism to high degree and fine exeeu live ability football teams will battle it out Saturday for the optional championship QP Wirepboto sNdWsoors Call now for the best seleclion Prfccd ironr $195 jtttrllrwel Shoes 58 Dunlap 7282397 Dee Wismor at in appreciation for their work with the Cubs and Scouts Following singsong and square dancing lunch was serv ed under the supervision of Mrs Iiiorion Finok and Mrs Lenka Hamilton CubScout Mothers of 3rd har rio are reminded oi the next meeting to be held Dec at 830 pm at the home of Pre sident lrlpltng Dalton SL VISIT ST CATHABINES Mr and Mrs Spencer Dalton St were the weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Alan Hood of St Catharina formerly of Barrie on the occasion of the opening of their new busin ess in Niagara Falls linva Install ihree Members Mrs fcan Gault Mrs Marla Tuzyk and Mrs Darlene Jock son were installed as members of the Barrie Basins and Pro fessicnnl Womens Club by Presi dent Mrs Dorothy Gardner and Membership Chairman Mrs Dora othy Ayclitfe Installation took place at the clubs monthly din aar meeting held Nov 11 with in members present Miss Mur icl Perry and Mrs Lillian Jones England and wolf Scotland scnted the leaders with gift timbers of the Provincial Board attended this board meet ing in Toronto Nov In It was decided that this Christ mas the members would look after approximately 20 of the young patients at the Ontario Hospital in Orillla Guest speaker for the evening was Miss Edllb Greeuof Thom ton retired schoolteachcr and world traveller Mics Green spoke on the Far East and her talk was accompanied by slides The Barrie Club was particular ly interested in hearing about the Vocational School in Rama lnh Jordan which is sponsored by Business and Professional Womens Clubs The next meeting will bs plot luck Christmas party Dec Seek Restriction Oi AirplaneGlue Sales TORONTO tCP Ontario Womens Institutes ntecuiive are asking the federal govern ment to restrict theisaleof so ealled airplane glue until the harmful toxic content is re moved They passed an emergency resolution to that effect on Fri dayJhc cloSing day of the five day board meeting of lhc Fodar ated Womens Institutes of 0a tnric The resolution expresses their concern stthe spread of the no tnntially deadly habit of glue sniffing Board members decided to aid the expansion program at Macdonald Institute as their prolectto celebrate the 75th so niversary of Womens Institutes in 1W2 Mrs Leonard hivers of Thessalon was appointed head of committee to find out what pr ct might be feasible Permanent 20 OFF Hair Plccél or Will all redqu giaonnnij ï¬shii Hair styiutr the nine thin There is path in wrong of the chld It Ir his dad Ho in ruining the boy by ring in to bimplltbttng hs Bs er and making excuru for tried loch my husband to use whal he was doing but be accused me of being jealous of the child so govt up Today Danny is in prison He starts tho second year of five year term to December The boy onlyl7 and his life is at ready rulocd Please keep barn roaring awalK at foolish parents who this ay It being good to their kids when they let them bars whatever they want ma bIIIIIllcd Dear Trtcd Thank you for ï¬ber letter The sin of this ta cr is irrdacd being visited upon huron TORRID AFFAIR Dear Ann Landon am secreting who discovered by ac cident at my married boss is having torrid affair with woman in this office when learned what was going on lost all respect for fin This situation has not affected my work but every time see these two together it makes mn sick to my stomach even though realise it is none of my business My boss is not aware that know whats going on and In wouldnt dream of telling him Should stay and pretend am deaf dumb and blind or should leave Min abetch Door to Unless you can per suodc your stomach that it is none of your business my ad vlca is to leave Its not worth ulcers Dcurlc liairyfotitls goswith goodliving Do you wish you could stamup spam than now for the coming holiday season You can if you lulu time soon to prepare some spacial Christmas goodies later you can pull thorn from the froazsrwlrcn time is scarce Buttar calm nay frohi What good feeling to ho able to producl your best Chocolate Fudge Cake or anla Pncan layer at momsnrs notice Cakes can be frozen iced all readvtu sarva Outflowmake butter frostlnps stand up hart Angel cakes maka putty buifatdessnrtswhnn layered with luscious fillings For an easv tManonflavored ï¬lling mam cup soft butter grad ually beat in cups sifted icing sugar nag teaspoons va nilla ld teaspoon brandy ex tract if teaspoon nutmeg and tablespoons milk Fill large conic cake which has berrjr split into layers Frost with sweet ened whipped crbiim Before serving decoraln with mean coconut and chonlas We call it Christmas Wreath Spacioll Pintas of pally docurntnd cookies are aymusr at parry timnWharovcrnawruclposyou try you cant bake too many of those crisp flaky shonbraads cups soft butter cups sifted icing sugar tarps lifted allpurpose llour Cronin brmnvotaduallybaatln scour Addand beat in flow partntntimo Wrap and chill To bake preheat oven to 3001 Lot dough stand atroom tomo crutnm to warm slightbn knand minim Roll on lightly floured board or canvasia it loot thickness and cut with cookie mitten Bakoan unaressed cookie sheets aboutzo rains Makessdou um sutmmr Inth no not to whorl111nm blmuls mod Wmmumrwmrsad rnscmamn DAIRY DUDGSERVICEDVHEAU wtnnanmmumrnrzom