Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Nov 1967, p. 5

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59 Choice onset SltiOUD Stall lnnlsti township electors will choose their 1060 50 reeve deputy re eve and three cuineillom trons 14 candidates in Sultadays mua ricipal election Dec Tntstees were elected previously by ac ciamntion hlaln interest is centred in the contest or reeve where incum bent Joseph Cochrane olten mentioned as warden candid ate is being opposed by Deputy viteevn Eben Sawyer and former recve Campbell No members of the present council George Burton and Allan Todd are standing tor deputy Mile The electors will have choice ol nine for three council seats use include incumbent council or William Glbblns and also Bob Oowon Russell stewart Eb mer Grace Roy Webb Wit Sproulc noller Albert Smltll and Alex Shakcll Former rwve Cllttord loclthart who also was nominated did not qualify Arive rnusracs Five trustees were elected by acclamauon These include in INNlSlIi NOTES Indtbosewillbeopentromlti Imto7prn SPEme Topic of considerable council discussion the question ot inter irn billing ot taxes rather than EBEN SAWYER cumbenu John Langman Dilli can Coulis and Don neatly and two new members Mrs Wat ters and Mrs lens There are 15 polling stations onetax bill will be decided on by the electorate The question on the ballot will be Areyou ln lover of interim tax billing Largest township in Simcoe County lnnlstll ranks toiirtb in its tax paymantr to Sinicoc County and is the heaviest con tributor among the is townships The towns ot orillla tild laod and Coilingwood are the cab municipalities which pay more county tax than lunlstd it county reprcsentalton were has ed on assessment or tax levy innlsfll would gain in voting strength at the county level At Spigot it has two members out Questioned about the interim billing proposal spokesman said it this is carried ratepay ers will be billed three times year tor tax payments instead of one bill for the entire years payment More Than 8000 On Vbters List xwmvra akxahuraov¢ Mm as councillors was budgeted or By Three documents were distri buted at the nomination meet ing last week one at which was the new voters list The list can talns over 0000 names and if every one were to come to the polls there would certainly be very dillerent results Those on the list live in 03 different places which are shown as numbers Barrie is number Stroud 41 and Toronto 45 The number ap pears after the name followed by it the persons is one who can be called for Jury duty The letter denotes owner and MF signifies tiiai the person is en titled to vote being married to the owner STATEMENT The tinancial statement hand ed out is only partial story 0I expenditures to OcL 31 this year Total taxation revenue was $1117899 of which 5074 192 had bcen collected This leaves $243107 which tow years back would have been as much as total taxes Add all the grants subsidies contributions licences permit lees dog tag rcvcnues building permits tees penalties for delayed payment of taxes tines collected tor special roads and surplus from last year makes total received for the 10 months $900464 But by the and ot the year with grant of Silo 000 anticipated from Centennial rogram and more penalties for ack taxes added the total may be $1450423 that roughly makes our revenue EXPENDITURES General Government which in cludes the operation of the office and salaries paid including the $217536 for the year Protec tion 01 property police and tire costs $14205700 roads $310000 of which $271370 has been spent substantial amount committed for work in progress or not yet paid for will leave balance on hand The tolnl requested for roads was $5000 less than last year with the whole amount sub ject to subsidy rctinnahle utter work is completed Road work is subsidized nt 50 per cent and bridges and culverts at on per cent Sanitation including garbage removal costs $28341 Sanitary lundtill is the method of getting rid or this material at cost of $6001 EDUCATION Total for education is expected to amount to $535500 at which the township has paid the School Board $237143 The Board claims they have borrowed at high rates while money is held back lnnislil Parks budget was$46 800 but over expenditure was $25727 However atter the grant is received trnm the province on capital costs the deficit will not be great Gate revenue was down this year owing to weather but it should not he tnrgotten the many years in the past large sum has been turned over from the park for general revenue while the standard oi the grounds deteriorated when the road of the 8th line was paved there had been suiticient sur plus piled up to cover the costs or that pavement Thiswas just on oftycor for lonislil Park Centennial Park budget was 0000 Added to the amount pre viously expended this makes the total cost $73805 of which grant at $8000 was retuninhle in 1965 and $12000 this year Reeve Cochraqie had no hesitaa tion in stating that this park was or the tarmers to have place of their own Aspirant for reeve Campbell and Bob Cowan who is aspiring to Council were both members 01 the Centennial committee who promoted this project and share the responsib itlty ol this expenditure as well as the council members who did not object to the plan As well road was rebulit along the 7th line and across the slderond an that lull width road leads tothepaiitflheccfletthisbnt least 510000 mile alian uvrannsr Approximately $25000 was paid out tor hank interest al though the budget suggested 57 000 it the voters agree to the question on the ballot at interim bllltngone tax payment would be due in the spring and two other during the year which would reduce the amount of borrowing Tax billing mach ines will he necestary in order to correspond with the comput ers to be used by the asssslng department and will cut the cost or oltice labor Street lighting is separate charge to communities where it is installed Cost for the year $10744 is added to takes of those concerned SCHOOL BOARD The Township School Board is already elected by acciamulion With the withdrawal of Russell Stewart and Roy Lennox alter many years at service to the cd cuutional work this lett twn vac uncles or the two persons noni inated Mrs Seepe Walters and Mrs Kathe Jana both listed as housewives statement showed the board will thilsh the year with $9411 alter ding seams Their newsletter outlio ed plans tor further building dur ing the coming year cannon rasrrvan CREEMORE Staft Annual fall festival of St Lukes Mg lioan Church will be held in the parish hall this coming Saturday December with limits in MANITOBA Walter Weir raiser hishand 1w anxuiumpnnter winning the Manltoba Progressive Con curvature Party anaemia and the pranlershlp that goes wiihit at the partys leader chinconvention in Winnipeg The Meatold tonnes him ways minister in Duff Rohllna cabinet won convincingly the third baiiot defeating three cabinet colleagues for the MI Windham aroma Milli w1rn nunsrs Nurses at the Canadian For ces Base Borden are shown the operation ot Contraion tank by Corporal Tom Saunders ol Utopia with the Combat Arms DIST School The nurses are Flying Olticcr Christine Lnbndie Quebec City tlett and Sub Lieutcnant Elizabeth Kruger ot Codctte Snshatcbownn Cana dian Forces Photo WWNEWSV THE BARRIE situation rumnatr Novmiman 28 1951 $145011 Spent on in Roads In 10 Months BAXTER Staff Receipts at Mmflfil which includes $86 09791 deposit and $802069 cash on bond trorn last year were shown hi lomonth finance statement for Essa loivnship re leased by Harold Bell clerk Dog licence tees were listed at $1193 building permits at $1450 and mobile home fees at $4026 Warble fly revenue was ammo The largest item was $145425 on 1967 taxes and $57682 on are rears and interest Provincial road subsidy amounted to 538 61023 and per capita grant sublt sldy $1468937 Grants in lieu at taxes from the province amount ed to $224116 and another item of $34000 was listed as 1967 ad vance subsidy The sum of $14601112 was spent on roads 013037 on Essa centennial library at Angus and $506053 on centennial park west of Ivy The sum of $8000 was for park land purchase trom Davis Council tees for the period mounted to $2760 police salar iesat $1639495 and ottice sal aries at $338461 The main grants were $600 in Angus cemetery $5144 to Uto pia centenniaivproiect 3200 Angus community centre hoard $100 to Aliiston district swimm Bradford Voters To Pick Council BRADFORD Staff While Mayor Joseph Magani has been rteelected along withthe reeves Bradlord voters will go to the polls on Wednesday December to elect their councillors and school tmstees Nonunatedfor council were in cumbents Iiipiing Tho mas Evans Oswald Davey and Fred Dow and also Arthur Turner Peter Kleiss James Calauia and Mel Ewing Mr Tuphng told the ratepay ers he would not be standing for reelection in thanking them or past support Mr Davey also expressed appreciation to his supporters during long civic ser vice as he also decided not to stand tor reelection BLIGlITYt BINGO EMBASSY All BLAKEST inunsniiv ya in Spcnsored by Barrie Minor Hockey Assoc Report Shows lug pool $150 to Essa School lair $25444 or Thornton centen nial $15617 to Elmgrovc cen tennlal and slim to Angus ce tenniul The sum of $500 was granted to the Simon County Federation of Agriculture Barrie and Cooks tuwn fairs were granted 50 each and wgrants went to South Simcoe seed fair Salvation Army St John Ambulance Girl Guides and Brownies Utopia Centennial committee Ivy cen tennial committee Baxter cen tennial committee South Simeon Plowrncn and Beeton Fall Fair MAKES cannon Drillia township Reeve Torn Joslin is standing for deputy reeve in coming Orillia town election Dec Mr Justin Lives in area annexed by tom earlier in the year normal Seeking mil Still VS hay auppur oects as the Muslim said Deputy Ite eve Eugene Smith stating he was standing on his record in the Bus municipal election on Saturday Dec munberot the Eu cotto oil or eight years Mr Smith has been deputy reeve tor the past two and during the past year mod on the nodal lento es committee Ha also has been vioeohahrnan of the Nether ago Valley Conservation Authen itywhich plonaartartonacon sorvatlon dum on Bear Creek next year The engineers have been instructed to call tenders and the government has approv odliicproictttorfipercent grant CENTURY FARM member or pioneer Essa tamlly Mr Smith arms on century arm which was first settled by his greatgrandfather in 1645 An active tamer he is grad EUGENE SMITH note with associate diploma in agriculture from the Ontario Ejssja Deputy Reeve ReelectiOn Anitulturaltbllage Ea special ins in llISltlE beet cattle and ban The depot reevo was active in various firm organizations and mad at the oonmittee which he to arrange the in ternati plowing match in Iilr MJIetsapastpresideotot the Simcoe County Federation Agriculture past president at the Cream Producers the Barrie Agricultural Society the South Simone Crop Improvement AS sociatlon and the $00 Busbcl Pot ato Club BEADED BARRIE FAIR Mr Smith was president of the Barrie Agricultural Society in 195354 during Barries centennial yenr Wu supported the library at Angus and the centennial park raid the deputy reeva stating these prolccti would be at great value to the future There were also important community pm Jehcits supported by the town Cdunty Membership Changes Under Study Topic ct considerable study during the past two years Sim coe County council is almost cer tain to he askcd to give further consideration to requests tor readjustment ot its membership early next year The council rejected report trom special committee head ed by Bradtord vae Bruce Stewart earlier in the year but studies since ve indicate there may be some revision in thought upon the subject For one thing Orlllia has warned it will follow Barrie in seeking city stalus it some reasonable adjust Coliingwoad lnnlsiil and whlch has such irnportani unc tlons as controlling the local as scsirncnt and welfare adminis tration there is growing de mand tram sumolarger munlel politics or actlon to give them representation more in accord once with their taxation and as sessment FIFTH 0F LEVY 0n the basis of the 1967 levies withdrawal oi Drillia would mean loss at substantial part or its 3440000 county levy This would have to be maria up by the remaining municipalities An adjustment in representation the county system would be to ments are not made hlidlani Wm would keep mph within also would stand to gain in bcrship gt Main basis of the orbit argu mcnt is that its equalized as sessment for county taxes on which 1560 county levy will be based is $35590621 For this assessment the town hastwo out at 55 county council seats T0 TWO Seventeen others of the municipalities making up the county have total assessment 01 $35592409 just about the same as Oriliia but are repre by 70 members out ot 55 instead of two These 17 in4 clude eight villages Benton Goldwater Cooks town Crec more Elmvale Port lllcNicoll Tottenham and Victoria liar hour three towns Stayner Eradtord and Penelang and six township Matchedash Tossor ontio Sunnidsle Medontc Ad yala and Vespra Orlllla and Midland combined have an equalized assessment of $54013734 and four members out at 55 Twenty ot theotlier mun icipalities oi the 32 have total equalized assessment or $50315 can and these 20 have voting members out at the 55 against Oriilia and Mldlands tour conceded that every mun pality has to be represent ed on an administrative body REGIONAL ORCHESTRA nu HURONIA SYMPHONY Jack Montague Guest Conductor Thomas Park Tenor CENTRAL COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM WED NOV 29 850 711 TICKETS AT SHELSWEU 7711150 119 DUNlDP 72044 We NOW rLAvtNa tannin lilinnliinliitunttpnlii ill hithiltiinttilualfiilignt ultninasnntla is uniting ill still fiiihdshltl MitierHih hihniaiilimdhham ltrm thinnritrimrhiavirinhhrhidnt snows AT PRICES soc FOR FURTHER INFORMAMUON anuiruirmauinun It EM $100 $125 El 7283440 advantage and would encour age cooperation in area develop ment Bradlond Reeve Stewarts re pnrtiecammended dro ping ot deputy reeves for am or mun lcipalitles as one way or meeting the situation This would have reduced the county council mem bership from 55 to 45 with only larger places retaining deputy reeves The reportwas rejected by the county council and this led to growing demand in Orti iia tor separation on the ground that the neighboring town is not adequately represented for its RED CROSS WORK WARMINSTERJStufti IIem hero of Warminster Catholic Wo mens League who have started on lied Cross work will hold their next meeting on Thursday December 14 at the ham Mrs KenRobbins tax contribution almost filth oi that levied against the entire 32 municipalities at the county level Since Simcoo Conny council has just one more meeting to complete the 1007 term the mat ter of changing representation is not likely to be considered fur ther this year but indications are it will be introduced again early in 1960 SAVE 10 SHOP ZELLERS THURSDAY NOV 30 Thursday Nov 30 lo 10 Discount Day at Zeilcra shop Wisch Shoo Zeilcra Discount Days SAV on all your purchases Now open ThursFri till 3111 LLERS WtaJomonww PECIAL SELECTIVE ENGAGEMEN Matinees Wed Sat Sun veninga at 300 um N0 SEATS RESERVED vny flekltholdlrfiuarlntud sat €9 notionaan hiking Btlliltlflltl FREE Lisa ausrenaan man wan $125 EVE court sun MON ma $115 MAT sat sun $150 EVE SAT $200 CEBDREN 00c AT ALL TIMES BONUS TICKET IN EVZEY 300K PNDHE at ROXY no IIJttLUP 57 anoint ranaus vuvtns rumor ronar 01mr 25hltour at 915 Bites or the Apple at Hnnty

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