uiluhlh ANNOUNCEMENTS VOTE ALEX SHAKELL have lived in lnnisfii 31 years succcuful licensed dedrician motor mechanic body and collar man welder mornllacturer ex pclienced with peoples problems for many years and much concern Icd with our tax burden llteep Innisfil As You Want It BIRTHS lInNIuN III the II Vieiorla fliossnul nude on Sundbv ember Is 1961 to ur nod 11 Lllum lfsnklri DI ILR Sitin ly nay onirno Tuned Les jlloiGEn In and Mrs 11111 Bolv 111 011qu Avenue lllrrle re nilan in Innounce Ihe Mnh or lb on Thursday November dbl7 ll the nnynl vlelorle Ho vonncocu At the lion victori Ilnsnltnl home on Saturday No vember 75 1951 to Mr and norm Peacock or It so ilkll LwIN murmur Ihlmber lry Ahncl ENGAGEMENTS IIIJNTIIUTLEII llr and Mrs INd llunI of Mean neorn ire happy to annzunre Inc eilguuemebi p1 Ineir daughter Cheryl Lynn in Inlr Luwrenen nn nutter son or MR and Mrs 11 honor of lull fu Nova seutlb DEATHS ME gAvnNmnr George losenb In nnwn General lfospllll on Mon November 27 1557 George oseoh Dnvcnport ill Isis 32nd you elovud husband or Clln Ann lotion and denr Tamer nl Morton Oshawa nd Ins coorirev sykes Lllliant of vlllownult brother at In Volllek Margaret ind nines paennort or Toronto IIIISI nn Davenport of Weston Mrs draw Iunon llcni or Phelps Rtfllng Ill McIntoshAnderson erai liorne Dslllwl senIce in the chapel on Wednesday Nov enibor 29 at am lnIorrnent uh Ion Cemetery oshawa DARLAND Alfer At reneianu on sunda November 16 1967 Al cil Carrnd nI 11ml llereh omierlv oi oo Scarboro lid roron In his soil yur oeloIed hub band or the lute sear wildms glint rutrgr mot thermionicng eyvew ea sopa er or clip thin 11 lieosoni Irene 111 or Silicon Ind borotnv thin ilIsl all at Toronto nesting ot Home mulrdl Home Cooks town Irenuie slsr In st rhulk Chum Illusion on Wednesday Kltivembe II 11 mm Internlent so Pluld Cemetery Alllstorl In lieu or elnwer kindle donntc tn 111 Mlltllllf Dbtrophy Astoun CARDS OF THANKS oIIN is ramily of the late Hm Illkl to GXVRSX their mm thinks and appreciation to 1er menus nfllhbors and rein to lol caidsllorui tributei socc ofterlm and acts of kindness lived during their recent be veloeni OMEN IIIZ Inln Johnston llmllv wirt to thank their relatives Ind nsinhbnr ior Iheir 11nd expressions or Symonth ex tended during thc recentlbcrcnve pleat ot lovan Mic indmother IN MEMORIAMS presumes In loving memory or do mother sister and Kraut glimmer pearl siebblnre who pass awav November Io lsso Past he suffnllrlï¬ past ltCl pain Cease to WGED are vnlu so who rurierod rest one to lienen with the blest rhe Forum sTEBDlNGSIii Iovlnn memory or dear mother and grandmother gull Stchblngs who passed away overnber in 19st ï¬ondeflul mother woman and one who was better God never mldcfl it nondernn worker 1ov1 and In tenderly helplul mother you were tusit Ilrl your ludurnnni always ï¬gncst and liberal ever uprighl ved bv all our pride inev snare rr1de In the wonderful one you were nver remembered and sadly miss by son John Claudnttn and unoonusnipis pone nd Sandra COMING EVENTS BLIGHTY BINGO Every Wednesday at 11 pm NEW SOUTII WARD COMMUNIer HALL Gill st at Bond DRILLIA TELEPHONE 7282414 churned advertisement not no these pages must be kg or van bys p111 dly preerdinu neutron win the exception oi Giauiflï¬mmglnyn dvclattésocmcnts pivotalrm dz noon ancnbbnnIons pa rm to or same du BLIND LETTER 30x REPLIES Atlllrn or so enul mod for It 01 In Elmer Box Identity Miï¬ï¬xumlmber gm an er II Letter noses will In belaponsly Ii duty nice lug dole or oubuenlon it won hummus wvmrlsmGcub Dloount outer apply ll pnld with In IIhyn sinus inmlion so per word mo ooneoui1velnrertlonr use per word per insertion nuu oomecuttvo insertionslo nlr word but inrerxuonmtotrl six coal Va 1155 um DDT wor inceItion riots 35 ltultinlu Directionsmay be ordered moleci tomoneeIItion when snitstnctorit arequ obiInert 1o per sent up dillan ohqu tlmt paid witth ï¬u Ill 11mm EXAMINER runsohv NOVEMBER 1m ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENTS COMING EVENTS in Wednesday pm ARMY NAVY AND AIR FORCE CLUB 79 Dunlap St West $300 JACKPOT NOW 56 NUMBERS ADMISSION 50c In support of the Barrie llrnnch Navy Mogul ot Canadn Under Tree Ireasures TEA AND BAZAAR WEDNESDAY NOV 29 200 500 pm CENTRAL UNITED CIIURCII Nursery Services BOX REPLIES While every endeavour will DI mldo l0 lorwlrd full to box number to the advertiser soon In passihlovto accept no liabillu in respect or loss or damlu s1 Vinson to Irllo thrown eliber 111 II or dbll In onilfjibll Nth unites Vllvcvcr caused WilliI1 by neoLireneo or otherwise REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone Es14W 93 Dunlop St lst and 2nd mortgages arranged on lolv monthly payments We buy your present tst and 2nd mortgages MADE MARSHALL 726 MARCUan MOORE 72852225 DELTA ZIIJTARII TIE5171 ll L157 PETER GUDEEIS M4425 now 109 Baylield St 7281071 Appraisals Listings invited EVENINGS JOHN 1mm mono JOHN ODLE moon ANDCO OWEN sr 7mm MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo MLS Realtor EVENINGS aeging COURTS72514275 cotrlrs usual women camsmull Eric Photo M15 Dewsnap REAL ESTATE WitMES FOR BETTER BUY leo our Service fry Richardson MBtil ax OSCAR BATES Real Estate Broker THORNTON HWY 27 Telephone toy zorti SAVE THE BEAVER WAY Beaver can erect any of its 26 homes for you Peter Light home consultant BEAVER LUMBER 129 Bradford st 7255541 PRIVATE SALE Gracious older home on tr lined street Tour bedrnoilseiivhi run with ilreolaee dlnimz room modern kitchen ruIl basement karare paved drive Central loca flgahgloge 15 936mm pork and ole steam bonnlnirneut mm Cholkon co LTD mammal lo continual 72114401 LAWRENCE Av Eolnély pins MARION NEW ANITA 5W1 DEVEAUX ANGUS GARNER Jr HIGGINSON IA DIRNACOW viaoats 718le RAWN 7znnlot PROPERTY son sits RLD CARSON room 3115 REALTOR sowon mm muons mom Tsdcoesmosn To BARRIE Very reasonable price with low down paymem to mponsible party Call bill Hamilton moo DOWN broom Double moo month bedrooms IIvan rpm kitchen and be garage Call Rupert iltGrath MI YEAR OLD BRICK DUPLEX 531000 Moderate down payment Call Russell Carson Norm moo Tzoisli Iues Colson most all Irrmllton rows Rupert McGrnth Ilmvrio 1391121 Cherie Hcpwotth new HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY 18 Bayï¬eld Street PHOTO Silos REALTORS mots Mortgage holds Available Fm histami Parking SW Bill price for this lovely 50 acre lnrrrt laminates drive from Banis located on Highway 400 extension storey brick Mme has bedrooms piece both new furnace now loot etc At soil beau tiful vlew with river nlnning through property Call Lou Goednmondt to inspect Would you like something sweet Complete honey business for sale all muipmcnt included as well as establlshed bell hives all located For lull information call Lorne Hay EVENINGS CALL CURLY 100mm TIM MILDRED MOORE GLORIA KOSSATZ 7234755 KLoosrznruAN sumomm 1100112 maul Lou GODDEMONM IRENE Fonnm mom GitINT MICAIIINUR mum at low 72111660 EMORY MILLER ills REALTOR MORTGAGES ARRANGED olDunlop St West 7mm COUNTRY ESTATE This beautiful home Will appeal to the dis criminating buyer who appreciates rurlll living The main floor features 11 separate dining room and living room wtth Istonc tire place The polished oull stnirwlly with wrought Iron rolling loads to the bright bedrooms den and modern bathroom About it acres of good land with born lion house and small orchnid The aslung price is $0000 and terms can be nrrllngrd Located on highway Just south of Barrie Let me introduce you to this desirable property Gall Ken lifillcr $1314 PAINSWICK Attractive lli storey with scparnte dining room bedrooms Asking$tl500 cash to mortgage ThisIsa good location Considerable cash is required Call Emerson Swain 7266605 Kenneth litlllcl 4361314 Marg Wnkcllcld its5465 Kori Marshall 72847917 Les Lovogrovo 4496111 llnrvcy Vebér 4366815 Percy Ford 7287930 Robert Flcwolling 77155581 Gordon Spencer 7mm Rita Scandrctt 7284865 Emerson Swain 7758505 Peter ltinnton 7236508 Emory Miller 7h60553 ROGERS CONNELL Pilqu Realtor DUNLOP STREET EAST At the Five Points Phone 718568 GROVE EAST NEAR DUCKWORTH BUNGALOW BEAUTY AND 4PIECE BATHROOMS 91500 is the downtoeorlh price or this superb quality home built in 1966 3bedroom plan with spacious living room instantly appenllng kitchen with huge dinette bath with lovcly vanity and colored fixtures Garage has dircd access to completely finished basement featuring soft recreation room tiled and panelled laundry panelled games room etc This whole house jllStrIdlSles liveabilily ll this is your price range dont miss this BEST BUY See it by appointment now NHA financing ï¬at 674 and quick possession available EVENINGS OALL Connell 7239765 Rogers 7286582 midi vv mam 715001 Fred pplett moons Mrs Norine Rogers M82 FRANK NELLES Photo iii LS Realtor 19 BAYFIELD STREET 726405 BEDROOM STUCCOOOTIAGE Very close to the city Large kitchen utility room Well insulated for winler comfort on 50 well $1500 down to one mortgage You may name your own terms DUPLEX IN THE DOWNTOWN AREA 56 132 foot lot with large garage bedroom apartments separate entrances Hot water heated Good rental good terms EVENINGS CALL 7251405 50 SAWESCSDDKSVH 7265936 HAN rosrnll 7mm SHELSWELL and WILLSON MLS REALESTATE MORTGAGE BROKERS 119 Dunlap St East 72644221 77161427 FOUR BEDROOM BUNGAIDW close to the lake $2500 down pay ment and terms to suit purchaser Cali Norah Raikes 73611139 Nouldlol CALL US RE SOME INTERES FARIIIIISBINGS momma Smallbtingalow with liymg room kitchen one bed room garage Approximately acres Asking price $7500 Call Keith Monaster room No 14867 mam Munro hrbusll Norah mikes Glady Sinclair Keith Mordrter Everett shelswell Willson tuna MAGUS FRANK NEHIS mam mun 7mm ssosb 44115951 72134611 Dion Brown Died Atkinson John Long it Manioxen Ine Longtib EvzleflLD eerl Norman she ell CAMPBELL mono MLS REALTOR IITCII so momma MODERN 160 ACRE FARM is acres oi working clay loam bush storey thoroughlymodern brick home large bank barn Call us while this outstanding buy is still on the market CELEBRATE enormous with your family in this roombunga luv with paved drive bedrooms living room kitchen and four piece bath hill basement has recreation room and three piece bath and one bedroom oil heat and only years old new menu nouns in the country commuting distance to Barrie Both can be boughtonlow down payment and have all mod ern conveniences Call Fred Tayloryto VIEW either or both oi these Charlie Read 7282317 Hugh Plowman Woo129 Don Campbell 4872423 Ron Allan 4565343 Dong Campbell 4372423 Bud Watson 7230915 Smith Campch 7787319 Fred Taylor Tioizoi BIDWELL Photo MLS PHONE 7284430 MARY luonnlsoll most WILMA nlnwm moon puma NESON 721 it edrooln uu lullv stormed linrdwood lloo Realtor as COLLIER STREET iuw ld Int spouse Locatio oar Arline sliooo write 1on A15 nar rIe Bummer MELIIOSE hvmvus Private ule modern bedroom hrlok bunuelow ftllnéllud uniplot paved gaze Iiu roereo oom schaoll bur Louie let 1mm null HOUSE born and one 51 innit Vtsnr drilled well $5100 H200 llowrl En Tortilla Real Estate Broker 308 BAYFELD ST 1289451 SPECIALIsz IN RURAL PROPERTIES Evenings Cali LEO CAVANAUGH 7234207 LARRY TORPEY WITWIS lullv nwlrr at its per cent so montnlv prin cipal phone mam BILL RAWN norm 220 font iol High location partly Ivoodcd with creek Good drilled returns roll once only 513500 with $ilnplily Family 5Chlisttllas Shopping So CheckYour Attic serum Garagel Somebody Will Pay For Yoeriscards CallAWnntAdVlsor7282414 IIisAi rsrnrs it ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Photo ms Realtor mmsnrs uonroACIx minus 0m sc 1mm EDAWIFUL BACK SPLIT Level home with nttnehtdrnrage fen turing bedroomslnmlly sized kitchen lnlgp combination living and dining room Very early possession vel homesteaturing separate sunken living room and sep arate dining room one full piece ceramic tile bolhmpmpllu piece washroom Carries for Sim monthly Including lntcrest principal and taxes Down pay ment only about no and less to qualified buyer FOUR BEDROOMS Largo bedroom home with nttuchcd garage lrshnped living room and dining room fullt piece ceromlc tile bath plus it piece washroom All Rose lion malls Bill Mnclmex Res 726W Russell Smith Res mm Mary Valr R15 7230366 Dick IInrllny 7287973 11 REALTOR BEDROOM COTTAGES Swiss chalet reduced in price for quick sale real buy at $13000 Also others from $5000 up BUILDING IAYISv CLOSE 10 LAKE Vooded toacre lots poorLake Simone $1500 Bullding lots with access to private park rind beach excell ent for children SL700 to $2 000 112 295 lake front lot good value 510000 LAKEFRONI CUITAGES 51111an Executivc cottage bedrooms sauna bath boathousc With guest rooms marine rnillvay car garage cottnge with 40 games room on lovcly lot paved roads Only mow Contact Ed Wood Dro Station 4072473 11 KEITH LTD REALTOR noun REPRESENTATIVES iinbcock Barrie nosoos Cloboulne Stroud 4361367 Colhournc Stroud 1361381 McLeuli Elmvalc 18R hi MacLeod Barrie 7284759 Snow Stroild 43613116 Wood oro 4572428 Spencer Thomton 4584331 Fitzsimmons Cllhill 4562610 131 Eglillton Ave East Toronto l2 PETERS WILES LTD 29A Owen 732410 LOTS FOR SALE Iwo 10acreparcels well tread located on side road just 12 mile from Barrie off No 11 Highway AGRIEBSkBACH 728com $3000 DOWN Attractive bed room brick with fireplace Re duch for immediate sale Vac ant 1131100 bungalow on Grove Street Close to Easlviow $15900 Income propérty Blake Street Garage and large lot Ted Brignell riooiso Bernard Belts 3071517 Laddie Griesbach 7239344 FOR SALE OR RENT lIm lgmigofl stozcymnugso was en ren va lent to shopntnu rehooh and enureber Gan button nleee bath Avlllnble brunet Telephone Ill vnle 2451 gt LOTS FOR 5an ACRES tree near Barrio Stoodpox GM nilrt Examiner HOMES WANTED RE mu Goon bedroom 1173 rrlaee rungs storm East en Erelerred Telephone blip Grier ach 71mm Broker HOUSE THAT NEED writing llV all dunno mill Barrie write Box A16 Bnnle mariner BUS OPPORTUNITIES MODERN FURNISHED barhel shun in unruly plan stroud first months It tree 55 mollth there alior include neat light and wat er Perfect spot for family men with ilouslng aehooir nrid Innisiil ruk nearbyGood Imome poten Itnl pie contort Noel Andrade Joemo dry or across evenings INSURANCE MOVING Dont forget to transferyour INSURANCE and you mil extra coverageot anykind see STEVENSONS 113 DUNLOP ST PRINTING PROBLEMS See Estelle nlncloneo commercial Printing division 11 ohm IDVELY BEDROOM split le Lnrge winterized furnished MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS RUSSELL CHURCH MobilL Homes General Glendale lravelux Parts and Service Cash or Tm up So Years 170 BURTON AVE moose outrun and omopin fittin rub truth as and no your ï¬md lint Dealerux siny street moral MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst and 2nd Mortgage Loam Anywhere ou Au nom mules AND cornmeal Vitamins 90 OF VALUATIONS If You Need Motley no consonants om 3$€sh°tit Eom 1m rovenalntn any Will enl Write or Phone 72609111 Mortgage Funding our SimpsonSears Brokrerl Maximum Del TH HELPFUL COMPANY OFFERS 2nd St 3rd MIGES zitHOUR APPROVALS low cost up to no yrs Telephone gtr Vilgan to 10 pm to by PROMPT INVEHMENT CORP LTD 62 Richmond St Tor out Out 3669586 Evgs 239 491 WANT lA MORTGAGE lirst or Second at low simple interest Up to 110 of your pro perty value low monthly pay ments up to tittoen years to repay For any mortgiigo pro blems seed COREY Real Estate BJDiInlop St 7282413 DO YOU OWN mnltlllli Reid cull flvnlllblc to nurclilsr nme Wu wiilueven 1mg v0 money on your no me iron Binding 71ml my EXAMINER WANTADS riloun 7mm RENTALS mm sip FURNISHED APT Best monthly value downtown Modern appliances bedsitting room and kitchenette Suit one adult Phone 7260981 930 to 530 pm weekdays oNis Ronni Turpirlled auntmum Tor rent Telephone mm uooll prrttnent to rent suit reiired couple or pensioner Teln obohe 72117919 Iter nn room Ind both on mono floor laundry 701m lto infill CClld irruly locatcd available December Telephone 7261032 ANGUS One bedroom rurnish ed apartment hullhie December parking iaolllues hilly nurllsli ed and Ii utilities paid Apply to Centre st Angus Nzw PRESTIGE two bedroom Ip hrtmenis stoves and Mrrlgeratnis ovlrlnoklrlir lake bllcony Inter com cumeied bull elevator elec trically heated Telephnnonsows tol tlirthcr inlomratlon UNWRNISBED bedroom spurt ment inr rent Owen and Grove ores stove nd reIrLzelutor laund ry lltIlltluS poiking Available ne cgmbcr AdulLr only Telephone mom nltor pn AVAILIABLE DECEMBER One bedroom and one bedroom In artincnts rol icnt st Vincent Ind Grove Stlects Telephone Charles Baker 7234406 minimum room none 111 pier bent water and parking close to bus stop Available January euupln only Telephone 71872116 rollNisan room apartment utilities supplied adult or flung couple only netsrencu required Avaflnhlc Dmhcl to reasonable rent mulling 146 Bradford Sheet mm LARGE TWO BEDROOM umr Itl Gilliam and streets Te one Arhnmm to Non1L next light waktï¬r ï¬lmoélde 51 per room ee misb or tional Absglners On hlzbway ï¬ghts 10 minutes Telephone HOUSES FOR RENT FURNISHED bedroom bumlow evorymlru mppued linens dishes Ielovlaton heat Light water sot weekly Interim renting only Tel eobone ransom bum an electric11y beaten room year round home block tron 110mm 92 at was neat1 Available December Telephone $942115 was HOUSE near minute tor rent immediate wisesan or would sell on low down payment Telephone Tinloos vcnlngs Housss WANTED To RENT URGENT bedroom house wanted to rent bv December 15 Willing to pav up to $125 per month Telephone mum ARMY OFFICER WISHES rorent two or mee bedroom house on 15 Dee Replies to Capt Newman Box 245 Demo ROOMS TO LET innnc nisnltoalu ior young gentleman near snrek bnr run but top Gm voilable Apply 54 Peneung not or telephonu no ROOMS WANTED ulls Telephone Tiemo alt lull STORES FOR RENT omen AREA for rent 51 use Road nultlble for It In bmnll repair business etc rent Mo per month Telephone 7185451 sToILn rim 113m oxcellent lo catron It Five points nmie mu iiiile December Ruanoulhle ront lditner Io seyueln 7765517 Tombonl anxious no1 stings With RENTALS STORAGE srncs T0 RENT portion on orthorhombic 51 small uniprint Slu Tn unlu flay print iin moo 13 ARTS FOR SALE SEIGLER OIL WALL FURNACE Nb duds required 65000 BTU See our complete line of Selgler qunllly boaters iwith economy HANDY HARDWARE Alcoiln Beach Stroud 4861770 NORTHUMBRIA PATTERNS AVAILABLE lttoming Mist Lake Louise Cello Normandy Rose Laurier etc FINE ARTS NORIHUMBRIA Call Collect Mrs OHara King City moistt Box 4331King City0nt NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD The house at line broadloom DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED BROADLOOM Remnants all sizes and DH 67 Collier St Phone 7161311 CHEESE Canadas most Cheddar Chooses direct from factory BREN WOOD GEN STORE miles west of Angus PHONE 4246557 FILTER QUEEN Soles and Service Filter Queen tor better health COMPLETE VACUUM SERVICE 87 MAPLE AVE 7283482 ROBINSON HARDWARE for quality used appliances Stoves Refrigerators Washers Dryers 31 Dunlop St East 1282431 WASHING MACHINE New Televhon 061710 mall with mattresses and accessories new condition saoo Eelï¬mmno 7281150 or nirther de can ronczn Afr rutnaees car role In good eondluon For hu glelr particular telephone on SKIS SALE on last years Mud Ind Hut metnl skis Also used our refinished Held skis min $7500 Barrie sport Limited Collier street ncrrie via4m DAVENPORT or sale rhed wester rield in very soon veonditlon suitable Tar mall comment or wcu Adel ton IIoieL ARTS rail SALE crnusrllds maps IM MILD Pine leybou 1mm ma PORTABLE Televulon lnr nit MINI Is now Ttkvhoni some rob mu uith not raise kilo0 in upon auditing Min um em loooflm mil no amount chumï¬eld and bsir Iv uh excellent condition 16 Telephone MI OUTTA Dal Mlflln mutt1 brand new nnn price ml Lnx It not For inrnnnntloh con un sir Hate It the wrlltnn flow I011 111 electrte nod eobdltIon when binder 4th MI BEDROOM SUITE for Illl on ulttl dwhlu bed VIDIL of on no clum MO 11 p111 cum non an the with will bundled ends vaulted Mlllo with deals in good condlllon $15 In armada Erin llllnd mural 773 MUSWT FUR COAT Juno 90 30153 IRE DONhill In Ml tm iii itimtsi hear eon LIVE Telephone W10 SNOVV ma Bill NIXman Tom mm envooa Price slum Cll melee site on Don 6mm new tit tillole skipper rearle Dante ouirlu £100 Mens Ill book 12 $500 ilocxev shit 715 4155 pair will bolster Ind mil not Now not Phone mom munii ohm or nle hurt eleeuons reoord oluer decorations insiolled II de red 11 Milans Irnndyunn Shop alum street Trombone sIGNII r03 um 10 11 ply white rnmboud Bump or to Rent 11qu lo so etc Available at Burno Ermine minus niiire DRUM CITY TORONTO drum pot to room mun All maker new red rel hobo collect smell NEWSPAPER MATS Size 12 ideal or ltntnl dillch boobs cs gullch etc perfect Insulator Only to nth Avply illnls Drummer TREES AND SHRUBS NO 50ml PINE lien IS ll 10 IL wholesale or mlIlL ADD 15 gutaprons hood or telephone 712e BOATS MOTORS roar LARGE Springbok ears ton boot or rule 12 hp Ith tor wth pollen tank lire look eis pan and anchor our racks hp Div 1217 Queen 51 FRUITS VEGETABLES APPLES Cortland Illcs Ind Spies Apply Koolc concession aro Tolnpllonc 1291907 rleaso brsng own cuntIInen No Sunduy pollen SEES Connmus blocs snows Delicious so bushel and up delivery In Harris on bushel Titl snlo bl Sanloni ARTICLES WANTED WANTED Furniture stoves no plinncte Dishes Antluua Roth Second leid shop 4556570 CASII p011 oldfashioned items cloclu glass nhlln silver bonkl etc Antique Celiar 71ml DRUM wanted Suitable lDr bc linirtsr age II Must be in road condition and reasonably priced Telephone 4496752 ANTIQUES WANTED Highest Prices bald Old cloekl antiqu lewcllery gold covered not watch as old rim chains sunburst brooms bracelets dlsmnndr col ored xlnsx umitnxh 4566600 D065 81 PETS BLACK unitmalt Retriever months nxeelleut Ileld trial and hunting stock Goldwater 5867909 Ptmxultmrl block registered stud slrvlces for choice oi 111117 Telephone Ivy 20117 rooms puppies black miniature registered Io weeks old remotes 95 males slot Mrs OCone beddining room Reasonava uric ed Phone wool GU on Your Job nus CLEANING PAMPERYOUR RUGS f7 FURNITURE Our modern equipment gently cleanses and restores original beauty Immediate Home Service CALL 424I 250 BOOKKEEPING GRAVES non Admin Ilaton bookkeeping system in oona Iox llllnning moors ACCOUNTING ALLEN IIrA Public icelun burt 120 Dundonlld st Barrie Telephone 72114595 day or evening PAINTING ralnung Ind Decornuns GullIn teed workmanship Phone 7160901 03011le PMNITNG muderute charges cs Anne street North Barrie Tilelse PAINTING arith PaberIIanlzing No job too mlll Reasonable Mk1 mom nnnomr Interior exterior paint decor expert merino RYP rocshpiu Co shanty my mom PAINTING stucco work rlopr Woodwork flnislilng Varx guar Inland Aulston muse nml times SANDBLASTING CLEANING of brick wood or metll Irne estimltul Guuuntecd Phone mom INSULATION Bmwnla METHOD lnmlntton Prep usumeten Guaranteed work Telephone Scott Muir armor my EXAMINEuwhNI nus PHONE 7mm ncll 102 Creighton street Atbeliey Telephone mom onuln SERVICE PAIR IDE These Skilled Tradesmen are Ready to work Immediately INCOME TAX INCOME TAX muons prepared Kidd Accounting service zoo Dunlap mom JANITOR SERVICE LOOKING For club cloning for bowel attic provost Elam Cleaning Service 72071311 PLASTERING PLAsrnnmG ceilings rec room mm so years experience no IRONING moNING $2 per basket vrnhllu and lmnlnl am no outrun Pickup and deliver morass DRAFTING BLUBPIlINTSMRME garage room addition etc worlr zurranieen to meet local building momentous SNOW BLOWER REPAIRS Snow nlnwer sales und Service Lawn mower and Halo Tiller winter storage nn repairs Mndlgan Mow er 171 nurton Aven 7mm CARPENTRY AIIIHRAHONS an Itlorie house coniLiuotlon by timesemi undcsmrn 7186409 or 7168143 SERVICES REPAIRS REPAIRS RENOVAIIO NEW CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL TELEPHONE 7284421 Guaranteed Quality Vorltmllllslllp EAVESTROUGHING EAVESTROUGIILNG Ituotinu nitri lnn chimneys Grnhinl nms sheet Mule 7034401 it