Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1967, p. 7

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TWO COMPANIONS or ran copra Aline emrgus Vanler wile of the late Governor General Vanicr shares funny with Vincent Massey the lirst Canadion horn Governor General at the Order of Can ada investiture ceremonies at Ottawa Both were invested as companions oi the Order tCP Vircphoto Elmer Dority and members oi the Stayner town council do not have to put their record on tho line to ratepayers this year since they were elected year ago tor twoyear term The mayor will begin hisscvcnth term as head of the council in January Mayor Dority could point to an exceptionally good record of achievement including street im provcmenls new centennial park and other civic works and this was all accomplished with very little increase in taxes Residential taxpayers were as sesscd at nan mills up only 18 mills over 1956 The commercial rate was up on to 994 mills when it is considered some Sim coe County municipalities Cold water tor instance had tax hikes no to 20 mills this is remark able GENERAL LEVY CUT review of Stayner tigurcs showed abouttwo mills oi the increase was tor county purr poses The collegiate levy was up somewhat but this was large Iy oilset by decrease in ptih lie school levy and smiil re duction in general levy controll ed by the council WILLIAM MORE The public school and separate school rates were the same at 1628 millsior residential and 13119 tor commercial The county levy was 1809 mills Collingr wood Collegiate Area 1532 and 2036 and the general rates were 3101 residential and 3876 com Cciuncil At Stqyner Ithchgnged 391963 STAYNER iStnit Mayor mercial Community Centre re quired ms and public library 102 Reeve William More vice ehaiiman oi casement had busy year on the county coun cit Councillor William Knox headed the fire and police Com mittee and Councillor Allister MacDonald the board of works which also carried out an active program of improvement Councillor Pool was ehairrnitn of Iinance Councillor Kenneth Kerr public property Councillor Donald Mclntyre sani tation and Councillor lIarry Mathcrs was in charge ol senior projects CENTENNIAL PARK The chief centennial project was the development of centen nial park The Stayner Horticul tural Society gave appreciated assistance Thcnew swimming pool resulting mm drive start ed by the Lions club received town cooperation tanner Stayner mayor Dr Ray ives has been chairman of the Collingtvooil District Coi Ieginte board which includes ad ministration ol the Stoyncr Col legiate Culham is clerk of Stay nor giicroav TO err DIVORCE is Actor Sammy Davis Jr and cause they have problems stop his wile oi seven years Mai Britt are getting divorce he columnist sariiwusrn said in itartirle in the New York Post AP Wircphoto Pope Appeals F0r Peace VATICAN CITY AP Pope Paul implored world leaders Sunday to make peace in Viet namthe Middle East and Cy prus in his second successive api gearancc irom his apartment Window ior Sunday nnon blessing since his prostate surgery Nov the pontifl de SEEK sniiMir MEET NEW YORK Reuters Newsweek vmaaazine says that President Johnson recently re ccived secret conciliatory lat ter from Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygiiircand this encouraged Johnson to seek Soviet sumrrut mcetingnext spring The magazine says in this weeks issue that the letter ex Pit CHRISTMAS pressed alarm over the state of So tAmerlean relations and in atcd desire to improve them The report could not im medi ly be confirmed TRY EXAMINER ANT PHONE 728 2414 EROCKVIILE CF schonlv students were recruited load Norwegian to dock here eqiiipment borrowedirom local COUIINGWOOD Stall Wo have made great deal at progress hero in Collingvtood It is much different town now from when first cm here in 1N2 to work in the shipyards said Carl Tex wwmut 71 former Barrie resident and at one time one member oi group known as the cycling trio We had cydlog act it the old days said Mr Westerrclt smiling at tho recollection My wile Alioe andson Donald and all rode cycle We ottea did our stunts atEairie veteran of World In No Mr Westerveit recalled the anidous war days We have great deal to be tiilanltful tar he said as he reflected on what might have been hilDHUEfllStall spe cial copy oil the newest Simcoe County hhtory The Visible Post containing the signatures ol pres ent members or Simcoe County council has been added to the archives here by Nebcrt Moran county archivist who said it has attracted conslderable at tentlon We have added great many documents to the archives during the year sold Mr Moran as he commented on records from various municipalities newspap er tolling some at the story oi Simone Countys progress and of numerous books We are always looking tor material at interest he said stating documents pertaining to the history or the county or any community in it were at par ticular interest We are trying to preserve the history of the county for future generations as well as people to day he said Documents have Reeve Opposed At Tollenham IOTTENIIAM Stall Reeve Fred blachan chairman of Sim coc County consultative conunio tee on education will be oppos ed by councillor Orval McClain in the coming Tottcoham village election which is to be held on Monday Dec Rcevcitlactcan said he would like one more term to carry through protects which have been started Mr MacLeao who has served on council and school board gives the electors choice lie is now completing his eighth yearvon the council Council members tor the past year have included Ander son Ralph Hatton Leonard Ah ernethy and Mr McClain Wil liam Magloughlen and Wesley Rowbothnm are new candidates Standing lor school trustees are Elmer ThOmpson Gordon Mollott and Sandra hialoney worn BRIEFS RANKS SERINKING LONDON AP Britains Comma party acknowledged Saturday its ranks are shrinking and issued on appeal in this time oi British financial crisis that now is the time tor all good men to come to the aid oi their party At its annual congress it also adopted resolution hold ing that the pound devaluation was sign ol the complete bankruptcy of the Labor gov ernments economic policy STUDENTS RECRUITED High during the weekend tohelp un freighter torccd to bypass Montreal be cause of awatcrtront dispute The amount Alsatia with 600 tons of mixed cargo tor Ontario points was the first ocean ship Students and industrial firms were usedto he load the ca 24 CONVICTED SAIDNIKA AP mili tary court Saturday convicted 24 persons at tting lJo assassin nate the civilian premier in Grecces military dictatorship Constantinc Kolltas No de fendants received life sentence The livemember tribunal hand cd down th tiilcstpe ties at any of the mass trials held in Greece sincethcarniy take overlast Aprfl 21 TEE HARRIS EXAMINER HONDA NOVEMBER 21 m1 Colillltiwbodharrie Changes Cemented On By OldTimer low dayI ago Mr Wetter vcli visited Barrie and war im presscdmlth the larger down town stores now indiutrlal plants and attractive pith Barrie has gone ahead great deal in the put 2o year he sold and then hastily added Colllnznood has been making great progress in recent years it is much dittorent town from to years ago Ind there to every prospect ot going ahead more Mr Westervclt who will be It next May said he tell Sim coe County was destined to make greater progrm in the luture as he commented on the numerous changes over the past to years You have to see it to believe it he remarked Signedv Copy Of Visible PaSt Added To Archives At Midhurst ben contributed from all ports at the county including copies or old newspapers from Barrie Or illla Elmvaic Allistoo and other places Mr Moran said there was place for any newspaper witht nocon oi SIncos Coun tys achlewdnents Asked about the interest shown as the archives starts its second he said There have been great many who mode an inspection lhtls year and we believe there will year 01 operation be many more in the luturc Most ot the visitors who go see the county museum also make an inspection of the arch ives building which was Simc Countys motor centennial pro Ject it was opened last Novem her DISTRICT mars NOMINATION roniiv ELMDALE Stalit Reeve Frank Coughlln and members his council Deputy Rceve Lorne Graham and Councillors Ross Usher Earl Elliott and Don Mac Donald werc slated to review Flos townshipnchievements tor the past term at nomination meeting today VESPRA MEETING MIDHURST Stall Com plating his iirst term as reeve Wellington Dobson is expected stand for real fownshliiThe in the township hall here Angus Candidate Trying Comeback ANGUS Stall have be greatly encouraged by the many who have said they willsupport me said Sanford Page former recve who is striving to make comeback in the coming Essa election on Saturday Dec former recve tor tour years Mr Page was defeated by Reeve George Davis oi Ivy Bllvotcs 695 in the last Essa municipal election on Dec tags and he hopes to make comeback in voting Saturday have the desire andthe time now that am retired said Mr Page stating he would like the opportunity to try to put the brake on the rising cost oi taxhtioninEssa Elmv to Meets Monitor ELMVALE Statll Elrnvale intermediates are scheduled to play host to Meatord in Gear gian Bay intermediate league hockey game at theioeal arena on Tuesday night Nov 26 fast start has putthe Elm vale team coached by Harry Ad ams oi Minesiog in the thickL oi the tight or the group honors Ciassitication oi the team has been advanced from Clast winter to Doug Foot in goal has been standout while Stew McKenzie John Brown Ho mer Barrett Ron McAuiey Ken Bauldry Doug Smith and the Ritchi allturned iii star PHONE 72 psi ROXY no ountoi st BARRIE at Yosp nual nomination meeting was held this afternoon in Simcoe County opposition were veteran Deputy Reeve Fred Cook at Erndtord tlcltt and Recveiouts Monk mon ntltCooltstown Each term Bniiorooo priory coonsrdwn iissvs intuit Acclainalioos were numerous in current municipal election Among those to be returned without was for two years the ostendlt ed lermhcing the first for Cookstowo village Exominer Photograph 0E0 SlATION Stall Ad visohility oi Oro township issu ing up to $175000 debentures for new artiifcial ice arena is be ing debated throughout the town ship as voters prepare to cast ballots on the question this cont ing Saturday Dec Sport fans are generally in favor of the deal arguing it will open the way tor Oro to have its own OliA hockey tennis They contend such an arena would he sellsustaining from skating carnival and hockey re venues as well as other activi ties Opponents question whether the ratepayers should under to no of natural ice rink at Guthrie which has tintith season but pro vides some lacllities tor hockey and skating Seven In Contest lor Angus Board ANGUS Stall Angus voters will go to the polls this coming ra village trustees tor 196369 from list at seven candidates Sanford Page chiei election at ficer said polling will be held at the IDEA hallwith the poll open lrorn 830 am to pm We have opened the pull halt hour earlier than usual on re quest in order to give many who go to work at am chance to cast their ballots ears ly said Mr Page Mrs Harry Robinson and Mrs Baileywilt be in charge at the polling booth Candidates in cl dc William Gibbs chairman for the past year and also Maynard West and Charles Bell of the present board lormer chairman Merv Mil son and Oscar Linton John Cor coran and John Duckworth JSAVE 10 SHOP ZELLERS THURSDAY NOV so Thursday Nov 30 Is 10 Discount Day at chlero Shop Wisely Shop VZetlers Discount Days SAV on all your purchases Now open urs till pm co to ZELLERS TODAY no AajTUESDAY mmtuaimm VAAiiIOIlYQtlillltVltliaIlSi write the protect fire has Saturday toeleet three police new rink would he of grcat recreational value to the young people and be an asset to the township said spokesman in favor who pointed out communi ties of much smaller population Goldwater for instance have constructed new artificial ice rinks Coldwater has populo tlon ofobout 800 while 0ro has about 33430 yearround residents in addition to much larger summertime population TWOAYEAR TERMS Besides the arena issue quali residents on the voters list will cast ballots to select their mow councillors and school trustccs Kenneth Gillespie deputy reeve for the past year has been receiving congratulations for his elevation to rccve by ac clamation and Councillor Ken octh Gilchrist moves up to de puty the same way The long service of retiring Reeve George MacKay of Coulsoa which includes 11 years on the council and live as school trustee also has been commended Mr MneKaysdig nilied leadership atthe county council received trcqueni praise from colleagues The last Oro representative to have the honor of heading the county council was Smith Camp was Oro rceve in V1934 FIVE IN CONTEST The choice tor the three coun cil seats will he made lrorn in cumbenls Howard Campbell and Allan McLean former councillor Wallace Key and Charles San bell now of Barrie when he Arena QISSué Debated By Factions In Oro dorsonand Orton Newton Mr Sanderson is well known Shanty Bay cattle breeder and Air Newton lives at Hawkesione Six in the field or five school board seats are Borneil McKay who headed the polling year ago Lorna lidhopc Gordon Bidweli Harold Husband and Dr Paul Valsh all seeking reelec tion and Harmon height Polling will be from to am to pm Store hours Mon to Fri am to pm Saturday om to pm Closed Sunday nun DRUGS Barriel Ltd nirric Plaza viasaid NOW SHOWING IMPERIAL hit illuminant Htgetliii IShowutl 9pm Drlcen Elle $lW 125 irriE25nrHOUn IMEIROOOLOR one DAVID MccALLUM IN HIT rinst sires or THE Aerie iiiiiimii inventor TRUCKfRENTALS¢ 43 55in on ALLANDALE SALE 25orr Boxed Uhrlaimas Curd Dccoratioiis EGlitWrap Pipcs Accessories Bill lolda Bar supplies Gnmcs Woya iiaga Souventrl Cenlcnnlll Gilt DIXIrs mm its Dunlap hiiatdlo Mutations scribed peace as the trait oi at human and good moral lorcei rather than lorce of arms The Pope appeared and sound ed markedly improved as he spoke to 30000 persons in St Peters Souarchelow Last so tiny in his first public appear ance usincc his operation his vp ccracked several times ONE COMPLETE SHOW ONLY AT730 APPLE AT 25TH HOURtiAT 915 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE vat2m Itsvfl mm loot

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