OPENS CANADIAN INDIAN CENTRE Sevenyenroid Sheldon Driv er an Ojibwny from the Gar den River reserve chats witll man The Governor General tot Govemnr Gentsat Roland Mlchener alter presenting him with staluette ot medicine presided at the opening oi the Canadian Indian Centre oi Tor onto on Sunday CF Vlreohoi ANN muons Abuses Lonely Parents To Blame it Children Quit College Denr Ana Lenders am writ ing this letter in the hope it will reach the thousands at parents whose children have gone oil to college or the iirst time am registrar in Mid western coeducational college have seen dozens ol students quit andgo home because they were homesick Other students equally homesick have stuck it out and gone on to graduate Thc dillcrcnce between these two groups is invariably the parents It is amazing to me how many otherwise intelligent parents tell their kids who blub her on the phone about home sicknesa You dont have to stay there if you dont want lo Come home Then there are parents who writeylo their kids and tell them how much they miss them how sick theyve been and how hard up for money they are Naturally the student who is not very enthusiastic about college in the first place is inclined to chuck everything and come home for the sake of the folks Wise parents understand the value of college education and do everything they can to help mTuioyredChild Gains Little Without gt IIldiVidudl Study By canny mans elm Many school child is helped at school by having tutor at home Except in the primary grades child who is tutored may not gain much unless he does somehard mental work when the tutor is not with him Frequently alasithe child in the third sixth or tenth grade studies only while with the tutor he does not prepare les sons between tutoring periods and the older child the more likely is this to occur Frequently the tutored child has needed the helpof tutor chiefly because he has not ap plied himsell well at homework at lessons outside of class it is easy tor the parents to suppose that if they provide tutor for their lagging son or daughter they have dnne all that is necessary They may suppose all will be well Yet they have lurthcr rcsponsihii ity to set that the child being tutored does sortie earnest studying between his lessons To this end they maybe able to prevail on the tutor to assign some spedai work This work may require cer tain amount ol assigned reading and the memorizing ol law es sential acts or symbols lt should require enough ï¬lnental ellort to cover several it the length of the tutoring cooPElunr WITmi Unless the tutor andlparents can cultivate in the child some good mentalrwork habits it is doubtful if the tutoring should continue For the child to work on subject only with the tutor present is to render him less sellreliant and more dependent on someather person lor doing his learning This is simmer matter have had occasion to check pretty careiully on some stu dents heinv tutored especially at the highschool orcoilege their children get that diploma The student who is told This is motor challenge stay there and meet it will alien do just that The student who is permit ted to throw in the towel and come home alter low weeks or months may well develop deicatist approach to all at iiles challenges John Ilaner napld City 51 Dear JWll Thank you tor superb letter have long sus pacted that parents who allow their kids to fold out oi college within the first few weeks or months do so because they the parents are lonely and want the child at home hope your iet ter opens up low thousand eyes around the country WEDDING CHECKS Deer Ann Lenders One sen tence from you will some this argument Is it good taste to display checks with the wedding gifts feel that it is not since some of my 1255 eliiuent relatives gave as rather modest checks as compared to the wellheeled talks on my fiances side whose checks were downright stagger ing lava lve been appalled at the number ol these students who are loaiing along and not work ing any harder than they worked helore having tutor have come across some bright students who seemed to work less hard alter having tutor seeming to suppose they can make up enough with the tutor in pass in their regular work at school or college have one sad anddisquieting memoryvor gir1who iinally finished college by the skin of her teeth Her IQ ratings were highliier lather science pro iessor tutored this girl in biol ogy which meant considerable personal sacrilice to him One time he contided to me thathe rarely made any preparation though she caught on well vh he was helping her or able to bring elleciivaplessitre to get her to take the resound biiity lot making preparation for the tutoring periods REGULAR WORK HABITS Parents might prevent such problems it theyhegan when the child was heginnin home work in the grades an ii they continued thereafter to make sura the youngster got down rc gularly and seriously at his CHRISTMAS For our Christmas port flit with prolenional look see us SOON annual to ramp om LUCKY CHRISTMAS DRAW tfltfithtjnoin ids Maple lore each tutorng period she mannered lather he seemed unl PomaAirs lily parliaLs feel it is spirit at the giver and not the size of the gill that counts They say all checks should be on display What is the last and trial word on this7 Bettie Weary Dear Weary There is no last and ï¬nal won The answer ispet part of theBill of nights or the Magna Carlo canoniy give you my opinion think wedding checks should be placed in sealed enve tapeswith the names oi the givers on the outside Those who view the gills will tiled be aware that Uncle Barney and Aunt Eleanor gave gilt but the size oi the check will re main undisciosed Confidential to Your Old Houston Buddy Who Not Drinking Anymore From the sound oi your letter you are not drinking any less Your chiei problem is still booze and until you are willing to accept this you will eontlnueto have the other problems recommend Aicohoiics Anonymous Look in the phone book learn when and where the next meeting taker placeandgo homework Such procedure might not bring good results in all cases but it surely would help lessen the need of tutoring in many cases and make tutor ing more eiiective in other cases reltaed matter is that of private music lessons There is not muchSe in hiringthe best possible music teacher for your child unless you are going to find effective waysto require him to practice faithfully ANSWERING QUESTIONS Ct Success in what subject in the early grades can inean most for college entrance and college achievement Success in reading DROP OUT There ivere 1500 dropouts fromwinnipeg schools between June 30 iii and July lots were Mrs Roar Stephens Mrs By Reception For iiiliner and litEnds of Collier sum United Churcl paid tribute to their associate minister Dr James Firth and Mrs Finlay at reception following morning worshi en Sunday The recep on honoring Dr Finluys 50th anniver saryln the ministry was complete surprise to the honored guests Almost 300 guests rtood in line in Fellowship Hall congratulatethelr minister Receiving with him were Mrs Finlay their minlaw and daughter Dr and Mrs James Crawford and family Richard and Kath erine Rev David Proctor and Mrs Proctor Mrs John Cockburn president Collier United Church Women and Bert Cook clerk of session Collier St UCW were in charge at the race tion convened by Mrs Charles McNiven and Mrs ariea Kearsey Assisting at the reception Outlining the table has the brass engraved leckrn holding the Bible nhidawas presented to the drum dining the norahip lervlm gift tram the Salon and the UCW muncrnoretlng Dr Finitya orallversary DINNER GUEST Rev David Proctor and Mrs Procter entertained at dinner yesterday tor lh and Mrs Jaw es Finlay other guests in Owen St John Mrs Cook Mrs Archie Ross Mrs William Evans Mrs Reicheld Mrl Victor Knox lire Bailey hirs Burt Mayes Mn IL Tyson Miss Vere Baldwin Mrs George Greer Mrs Welsh Mrs Bruce Johnston Mrs Sam Steele Mrs Robertson Mn II IV Kiilmer and Mrs mm eluded Dr and Mn Jotnu TEA TABLE Crawlord Rieitard and Knitter The lace covered tea table was the ol Willowdale accented with an antique brass candelabra holding live gold tapers loaned tor the mention by him Earle Little At the op posite end of the table large cake surrounded by gold mums was the local point The cake with the outline Na 233sz inseribed Con EN MW 10 MAM Dr Finley SP Kirkpatrick pnln oltlm dedicated service trooper with the utileosmei WHAT THE srcasszw By EMMA FOR TUESDAY Your one during diflicuit pe Striva to lurther plans not in rlods is to keep on going try motion last week shipshape all the hardenwith the knowi perlonnanca can be your new edge that things will run much st one admonition AM more monthly it you do hours will require extreme tact Along personal linesyour and patience with thirdly and best periods ior romance will or coworkers Persons born occur in Jilly and August Dis under some Signs me be some count what might seem like the what on the edgy do real thing in June however July Septenber and November FOR THE BIRTHDAY should prove stimulating lrom it New Li JWWMW social standpoint and it youre your horoscope tumult that planning to travel September this new year in 30 i135 Wm and October will be your most be one ol somewhat mixed propitious men short trip blessings From some angles December mud also pm it will be excellentnotany enjoyablebut only it you dont along linanciul lines Fine gains map your mm in mm IL are amazed durum the wt child born on this day will three WEE 0f DEX May Fitm be extremely active and ener mwmmdmm letter natural leader period and during the last hall at October You will also have chances to add to your bank balance next Novemberbut oniyll you have seen to it that you have cash reserves onhnnd and have not gone overboard in spending while gains were no cruing Where employment matters are concerned results will larger ly depend on yourseli This will he year in which you natural impatience when things go wrong will be accentuated There will be at least live p91 riods when aggravated by ob stacles sudden changes in plans and other annoyances you may want to dtudr everythlrlg quit your job and try something else Dontl This to not your year to takechances with em ployment You may be especial WHITED CALIFORNIA Mrs GuthrieMapie Ava has returned horns alter spend ing the past two months with her ton and daughter in Temple City California cti sanwnwrlon The Choose usually are cred ited with inventing the hand gig possibly as early as 3000 Take in Playmrhre tempted in April late May Nilde and early September weanth Playtex picte details ZELLERS 10 DISCOUNT DAY THURSDAY NOV 30 ONLY shop Zellerr Nov so Save 10 on alilyottr pur chases Savings you can let now oesn muss FRI true 9em lo9 pun which was about per cent oi thoschool population BARRIE PLAZA rutcuRIerAssiirCItt ii itll 20 OFF oN ALL jrvees or PERMS COME IN AND ssn rill LATEST FASHIONS IN IMPORTED WIGS AND FALLS ittlly qualiï¬ed inu stylist IOPEN ruse muesnno rm gt to serve youi NIGHTS iilain milsifs itsl 50th Anniversary Hm EXAMINER MONDAY NWEMBEE I1 1361 lolst Airborne Divisho Fort Canebdl Kennedy is at pies ult visiting his punts Mr end Mn Wilda ol Duek worthSt0nreturntohirunk he will leave or duties in Viet nlnduBothdlather and Tauax unpdchoo int neion Bending Georgia Mr Kirkpatrick Sn II veteran of ï¬rst Special Service Force lparetroops combhiod unh at Canadian and Aomtcen pare troopers who saved laWotld War WNGING PART Members of the Grey Ind slmcoe Poresterl 13 Sound non attended Swinging Party Saturday awning It the Barrie Arm Approximately ociuplu including guests at tend WEEKEND Gum Mr and Mrs Monti McAaiey oi Oshawa lomtcrly olBarrie were weekend guests at Mr and Mrs John Boryliuk of Bay ileld St ELMJRA GUEST Mr and Mrs Jack Brown Jacqueline Steven and Brian at Elmira were guests oi Mr and hire Bruce Edney oi Mountbat ten Cr on Sunday TORONTO GUESTS Mr and Mrs Don Coulson Kathryn Stephen and Brian at Ridge Drive Park Toronto were Siniday guests at the home at Mr Couisonl arents Mr and Mn Fred Co on Rose St CHRISTENING Rev William Flynn oliiciated at the baptism yesterday in St Thonias Anglican Church shanty Bay ol Glen Kenneth Watson son oi Mr and Mrs Alfred hull Watson at Shanty Bay Following the service the pan entsentertained at Christen tng party attended both grandmothers Mrl Franklin Watson oi Wasaga Beach and Mrs William Watson oi New Hakeard Also in attendance we re Mrs Doug Watson and tons Edward and Steven oi Eimvale Miss Mary Lee Latlrucr of Bar rie and the childsgodparenls dirt and Mrs Koo Watson oi Tor on CDNGREGAIIONAL DINNER Ninetylive parishioners were in attendance at congregationa at dinner Friday evening at St Thomas Anglican Chinth Shanty Bay The purpose ol the dinner was to inspire interest in the building ol Christian Education Centre The project was greeted with cntilusiasm and the pro mlsa oi iinancial support by the 45 lalniiies represented Work on the centre which will be used tor the purpose of furthering Christian Education will coin HOLIDAY IN NASSAU Mtg Thai Scaietia llcitol in the Bahamas capital in mitosis St Dorrie and her sls correspondence course cone ter Mrs antes Demuchie petition sponsored by the Am oi Jones 5L Oakville admire erioan Society of Travel some air the colourful straw Agents During their stay work lrom Nassaus native Nassau Miss Scaletta and her straw market Miss Scaleita sister were gum at the ocean travel consultant who the prize lront Emerald Beach Plants of weeks vacation or two line and Hotel SNOWDON VISITS NYC summon whso acfrivedX llcnne NEW YORK AP Lord I170 It By came Swim be We l2hiltitiiildihdi Margaret is in PW my nessmen in British products lortwo or three days Lord spokesman said =PLAYTEX®BRAS AMAZIVG GllT GUAMWEE OFFER not completely satisï¬ed retuni it to lor FULL refund of purchase rice It you hke the bra and wish to get one er you will be refunded 5100 by Playtex on your second purchase Sce Style ml illustrated 495 mence in the spring of your choice ilmne unit luckugcinscrt for cym PLAYTEX inne GinDLg me pounds thinnervwithout losing pound Discover the wonderfullthinga this nilnew Playtex the Thinner Girdle can do for you Fools like no ether girdle youve ever worn before Different in every Wily but out its famous ï¬ngertip panels eliii mute you look live pounds til ricrfwitllout losing sponge Sizes snioii ntcriitlhl and puoty girdle 1500 Pauly girdle 1400 Puiluin girdle 1300