Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1967, p. 5

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CLOWES By runs xerru Lees Mr and Mrs George much and Mr and ltlrv Beverly tier tram Oro Station were luezts of Mr and Mrs Partridge Sunday Wallace Key spent three week vacation recently at Cal gary Edmonton and Banft While in Edmonton he spent few days with his sister and hrotherlnlaw Mr and Airs Sid Skinner Robbie and Randy Partridge Barrie spent the past weekend their grandparents lift and Partridge Ciowes Womens institute held their meeting at the home of Mrs Dicker Nov 15 Mrs Gordon ltix Stroud spoke and showed pictures on the cooler once at Guelph in done She was accompanied by her daughter Shirley Craighurst ladies were also in attendance Mrs Snid er gave humorous reading Mrs Bouncy gave the motto it is no sin tobe angry or long as youre angry at sin it was doe lied to give Christmas gills to trainees at Edgar 0e cupalional Centre Jim Ney spcni Sunday at Mr and Mrs Fred ilcnrys Downs view airs Ncy and family re turned home oitcr spending the weekend with her parents COOKSTOWN Miss htehlASTElt lfume Milroy of Toronto Bible College spent the weekend at the United Church mansc with his parents Rev and Mrs ltillroy Those who attended the last week of the Royal tintcr Fair on various days were hlr and Mrs Peter Stein Mrs Earl Carr and Mrs William Carr Mrs Tom Graham spent the past weekend in Toronto with her daughter Miss Vi Graham and attended the Winter Fair solll alnrltDAY Cookstown wishes to congratu late its oldest resident Charles ilounsomc who on Sunday Nov 19 celebrated his 90th birthday Saturday evening his sister hlrs William Carr assisted by Mr and itlrsf Vernon entertained at asmoll lamlly dinner at Mr ilounsomes home Sunday be sides nttundingmurning church service he received many cottv gratulatioos ilom neighbors rel atives and friends in the alter nooo Coming from distance were his two nieces and their husbands Mr and Mrs llonald Dunning and Mr and airs Jack Polrail from Willowdale and Thistletown rcspectivcly ltion hay atterooon his gentlemen frends of the village and com munity met at the Legion hall for their usual card game and presented Mr llounsome with card oi congratulations after which cup of entice and light lunch were enjoyed This nolyeara young gentleman was also present at the village nom ination ltlunday evening Sympathy is extended to James Clements whose sister Mrs Neil the material The gust speaker Mrs Hlndlc spoke on teach ing the slow turner in which the has had considerable exper ience She gave shortdemmo strItion on the method or teach ing reIdinr and the basics of arithmetic Cookstoun Wt will hold the last ot their series ot euobrca Mon day Nov in the Town Hall It 30 Cookstown curler haw rtart ad their reason and the club is going strong each night with men and women participants Stroud curlers will use tha ice each FrldIy evening The United Sunday school have already started preparing for Christmas Thera will not con cert this year but pupils will participate In large way in the White Gill service which is scheduled for the seeondSun day evening in December GUTHBIE Congratulations to htr and Mrs Charles Fatllm lnen shir iey Campbell who were mar ried tn Guthrie United Church Nov 18 Mr and Mrs Charles Dore have returned from visiting the lboltters sister in British Colum Misses Lillian and Myrtle Me Gee of Toronto visited their sis ter Mrs it Gray last week arld and were guests at the Palm Campbell wedding nonhuman Mrs Edith Burrows Sula toon is visiting her slstcr Mrs Eva Coward also another sister ltlrs Edna Phillips Barrie PARTY TEA PLANS The November meeting of United Church Woman was held at Mrs Baldwicks 15 menu berl and three visitors answer ing roll call Mrs Emms con ducted the worship on misslorls Plans were completed for birthday party at tho Rohabttl tattoo Centre Edgar and for too and baite sale at the church Nov an 24 pm Mrs hlagulre sceond vicepresident oi Simeon Presbytery UCt wss speaker and chose as her topic Growing Old Grariously She was introduced by Mrs Cough and thanked by Mrs Han Congratulations to Steve tat son winner in the car rally held under the auspices of iiiC during their weekend program Nov Several fomiltos hale attended the Royal Wiptcr Fair during the week Best wishes are extended to Bill Woods and Amy Lea whose wedding took place Nov 18 Ll T0 ENTERTAIN On Nov 13 ccinl meeting of Vri willtie old at Mrs George Salishurys and which will attend An interesting program has been ar ranged and every member is urged to Ittcnd and welcome the vlstton Roll call will be rlame no drug and tell its specific um motto current event on health Gills for mental patients will also be accepted Hostesrs everyone gt MlDllUltST By MRS MOMBITII ltlidhursl United Church held successful turkey supper Nov it in the Sunday School room llny Scout committee are hold ing cochres inthe Anglican Parish lioit Monday evenings Mrs DAngio is convales cing at the home Other dangli trrs in Toronto Miss lean Barlow Toronto visited her sister Mrs Blnck and also visited her mother in Penetong last weekend STll ANNIVERSARIES Recently alhltdhllrst Town ship ltali air and Mrs Russell Uncles entertained iriends and relations on the occasion of their 15th wedding nnivershry During theovening when the gills had been opened airs Weatherill daughter of the wedded couple presented her grandmother Mrs Georgnrsimpson token in rcc ognition of the 25 years oi coke buking which she has done since the first eako sho hakelt nnd doc uratcd for her daughter 25 years completed the evening Guests attending acre from Wasbtso Lindsay Brittle Orangcvlile An ten Mitts Stnyner hfattoo Scar borough Potsdam New York narrie and lgfroy Millers pour ALLAN monitor Mr and him All Tompkins have gone south to spend the winter months at Melbourne licach Florida They my usual ly the that persons in this area to leave for the warmer climate successful sale of homemade baking organixed by the wo men ol Mincts was held at 16A stora in Barrie Members oi the committee concerned were hlrr Shirley Lucas Mrs San dra Duggan ltlrs Joyce Canning hlrs Gaye Lamb and Mrs hlnry Lou rKennington and donations were made by cottngcrs With the Commuify Hall at Strolld tilted to capacity Wed nesday evening by township citi zensintcrostcd in nominations tor council and scshoot bornd there is considerable concern ev ident and it could be high taxes rcsldcntsshopld get out and vote on Saturray Voting will take place at Baystairs Lodge for the Point Owners and Tcnants Associa tion it was decided to have Santa Claus distribute gtfts tor the younger children at their homes Party will be held for adults with date and place to he an llnllnccd later ago Dancing and buffet topper At meeting ot the Property By MR5 Milli WILSON Congratulations to Mr and lira lame Carruthers who eel ebrated their 3th wedding soni vcrnry on Saturday Mrs Ernie Tuck is patient to home hospital Mrs Pinkoey and Lawrence Toronto and Mr and Mrs Watson and family Markham visited Mr and htrs William Emits this week Mrs llarold Arnold is spending this week with Mr and hire Keith tiieVanei Elobtcoke Little Mpryleacocir had the misfortune to break an arm on the way to school this week Mr and ltlrs Allister Rundcll spcnot cw data this week with hir and Mrs tt Jennett Scott Kerr was operated on in Barrie hospital on Wednesday Chrlst Church hataor ten and bake sale was success Vcd nesday night despite the bad weather Mr and Mrs tutor Raine and Mrs will Parr flrampton visited Mr and Mrs Robert Parr this week Mrs Roast and Bradley are visiting Mr and Mrs Ernest Goodwin hiiss Beverley Robertson Tor onto spcnl low days with her parents Rev ndtirs Robert son thls week it was nice to recognise one of our ivy iricnds in Toronto at the Santa Claus parade in the person of Brian McVallel TRY EXAMINER WANT Ast Bailey oi Vhealley was victim of car accident and died on the weekend at Nov 11 also to Los Currie whose father Thomas Currie of hialton passed away over the weekend at Nov 19 hit and Mrs Currie attended the funeral Nov 21 in Bramp ton Recent visitors at the home ol Lewis hiiss Ruth Smith and Miss Harriet Lowrie of Toronto Mr and Mrs Kenneth Lewis of lttidlaod Mr and hirs Don Good win ntwitlowdale and Mr and Mrs Bernie Goddard and daugh ter Valerie Oailville DEDICATION SERVICE Sunday morning Nov 19 at St Johns Anglican Church dedication of Communion Cup given to the church by Charles Hounsome in memory of his wife made by the rector Rev Howard At the close at the service Mr Hounsom assist ed Mr Howard in greeting the congregation UCW MEETING United Church Women held their meeting in the basement of the church Nov 14 and vice president Mrs Iarls opened it with worship period it was rlcidcd to cater for the Club and their guests the evening of DC Mrs Milroy and Mrs Farts gave reports of the fall convocation The program on Arts and Cratls was convened by Mrs Sam French and her committee who conducted Remembrance Day worship period Mrs Glass had on display is hooked If you have ever wondered about life insurance for children you should consider these eight facts about London Lifes new Opportunity Progra This unique savings and protegtionplan lets you give child the choice PHONE 72824 Strettord Shows Receipt Increase SPme GP nu Stratiord Shakespearean Festi valfztaged an unprecedented ii productions in 10 months Ind stayed mother for record 38 weeks during Centennial Yclr President Floyd Chatmcr In pounced teddy in report presented to the annual meeting of the Stratford Shakespearean Festival Foam datlon ol Canada Mr Chalmers said box oiflce receipts for tha lbweek season It StrItford reached 51115079 an increase of 321442 over the 1966 season This does not include receipts tor the stwacek coastelocoast tour lost February and htareh under the auspices oi Festival PROGRAMME COURSES SAVE TIME Home study students can now prepare to write examinations to receive recoxnlxed High School certificates ill matter at months with new ficgrammed methods At last you can derive paths from time and money spent to develop new methods low monthly payments are in cometax deductible Check olf the level you need to get the Job you want Grade Xt xu Grade Xll Commercial For full information and tree sample lesson write Vocational and Academic Standards institute 40 Mntn Street Wfidty lllmlttnn Dntorln marshals my MONDAY Novmanrlhm Canada or two weeks at the World Festival in Montreal in October Donations tilt year not in ctudlng grants totalled No03 which was applied to the cost of capital assets Net loss for tho year was mm compared with tassel 825575 to 1966 rnv EXAMINEJIt wAlrr ans mom new SKWNMIV To KIDNEY IIIITAIION Common Kidney or amen irrita Ittlltl rnIke many men IM Moment III Ind WWII tmlit twilnt mum night no my Secondlily you may lose aloe not have true ache mum In trrt older um depressed In such um cvsrlrxi uluall hrlnar rrlnlng curator by curlsan lrrlullnr terror tn Ictd urlna Ind otckty Iltfll It citstix oruulm Phnno Xlltt Name Age Address London Lifes new Opportunity Fragrant would make Iruly rewarding gift for youngster looturnout rfauniquefinancialtoppttrtunityfortheyoungr Low premiums Life insurance for children costs less And the sooner you pllrchase the Opportunity Program for your child the lower the cost The lowest possible premium rate for example is during amount of additional insurance in the future regardless of health or occupation lfyoudecide t6 include the option with the Opportunity Program more insurance can be purchased tin six option dates between ages 25 and 40 rug in ceoteonial desl which is still in the making gun Mrs of several Vahfabl advantages Dwgned 01 Children 15 and Holland Gla explained how the color oflers CashfleXl hldfit bllltyuever before avadablelnallfelnsurancc policy Hera ynm war owmmafmmyom child vvillapprceiate as he reaches maturityw Money magenta vari ions were worked into the pattern and also the cutting of nmxlmoN altcl work RELIEF iron at romrort or rheumI tlsm and nervous disorderr ENJOY the plenum and personl atmos phere of our all roundlnll DAINES SAUNA BATES 105 Edgehitt Dc are the factsz Policy paid at 25 The Opportunity Programgives your child at age 25 life insurance policy that is completely paid torflplus an automatic cash payment This policy would become the cornerstone of your childsliteinsuranceprogramAndac0mpletely paidfor policy provides excellent collateral for borrowingthedowo payment onahouse armat ing other needs that face young married people OR YOU gt lHs The Opportunity Program is designed to release Acash forycducation and still provide lifetime program of insurance The size of this cash fund depends on the size of the Opportunity Program you give your childHe may never require the trufflitm MAY CHOOSE illls OPTION tN orronrunm PROGRAM Money for education money But ita need docs arise cash will be availableforeducationspeeinlisttrainingasturt in business or to meet an untorcsccn emergency on rlleprrunrumrv spoonill COULD BE USED THIS WAY Money for montage one may be continued iagcs of the Opportunity Program The Opportunity Program makes cash availubte when your child marries And as you know cash is nearly alwayswclcomc whcna home is being started for the honeymoon appliances Ultittller 01 dewl payment on houscWhat bettargittcouldyou giveayoungmanorwoulan on their marriage But most important it the cash is taken out the lifetime program ofinsur gt New read about the other important advan as it Growing values Each year dividends increase the value ofyour childs Opportunity Program While future div idends are not guaranteed London Life has one of the most outstanding records of dividend payments in NorthAmerica Guaranteed program ol investmentnodprotcction You can use the setteompleting feature of the Opportunity Program toensure that in the event of your death or total disability your childs investment and protection program will be completed without further payments gt gt Option to buy more For small extra prcmiumLondon Lifes guaranteed insurance option can in most cases be added to the Opportunity Program This means that your child can pumhasc specified childrcnt One of the most important things parents can teach their children is how to handle money ctioctivcly With the Opportunity Program you can enter partnership by letting your child take overpr sharr payments at certain ago Your childs participation in the Opportunity Program will help him develop all appreciation of the value of careful money management These are eight important facts about London Lifes new Opportunity Program It is unique investment and protection plan for children No other plan lets you give child such valuable opportunities for so moderate cost For more information about the newOppor tunity Program for children 15 years old and under phone London Life Insurance Com pany ofiice listed in the telephonedlrectory Lohdon Lite representative mayrgivc you ottew oulfoak on thavnlue of lift insuraoeclor lrvw an new

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