Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1967, p. 4

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given up hope at turn ferrous Published by Canadian Nd spapersleited Walls Publisher MONDAY 16 Bayflald Strut Barrie Ontario William Teller General Manager MoPhpreonManaging Editor overrun shim noon Farmers Are Important To The Tourist Industry former Canadian who now resides in Michigan asked why our tourist the formation people advertisedlnaccesslblo and unmarked beauty spots in Canada in all their brochures and we did not have the answer She was proud of the Bruce Peninsula where she now lives for Six months of the year and enjoys extremely good relations with its people but she failed to understand the animosity which man tour sis farmers seemed to have toward The Blues Peninsula was prominently advertised as tourist haven at points where she and others crossed from the United States to Canada Then they searched for those places they were told were the pride of the Bruce Directions were not always available Sometimes they got there to find particular place was private property and trespassers would he persecuted it might well be repeated that the whole subject indicates failure in com munications comments the Owen Sound SunTimes Farm people if theyare worth their salt have great pride in their hand When family line hasicari Inflciiion isgjfswindie The consumer price index which uses 1949 prices as base of 100 is now over the 150 mark In brief this means that because of inflation you nowgspend $3 to buy the goods or services you got for 52 less than 20 years ago That is the result of inflation What about the cause Neil llchlnnon chairman of the Canadian imperial Bank of Commerce defined it bluntlyin recent speech Inflation said Mr flicKinnon al ways sienna from continuous governmena tal deficits especially those in time of high employmentaccompanied by an in crease in monetary apply which tends to monetize at least part of the deficits recall that some 30 years agothe late Harry Hopkins who was for many years confident of the late President Franklin DRoosevelt once commented DOWN Mruori this 40 years AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Nov 24 1927 frag edy lurked in perilous trip of 10 provin cial police officers who on Sunday Nov 20 made trip in open boat across Lake Simcoe at night from Oriilia to Thorah island with purpose oi surprising moon shiners They failed to find threeal iegedistills which had apparently been buried underground when warnin was received two weeks earlier and snowfall covered location Return trip vasimade in face of worst storm in many years One officer was taken to hospital in Beaverton and four others elected to remain Only expert seamanship of vet eran skipper Fred Ross got other five back to Oriilia after all had just about held its own with worlds best at Royal Winter Fair Bacon hogs scored heavily against those of eight provinces Georgian Bay apples swept field in competitions fihoroughbred horses Ayrshires and Herefords were well up list Agricultural representative StewartL Page was pleas ed with showing of his judging team Barrie Gas Co offered to sell plant to town for 315000 Canada Life held ma jority ownership Ladies of the 0r ient chapter instituted in Barrie at IOOF Temple The Great Ashayhi fromISyr side the point Mercy killing is the tak OTHER EDITORS VIEWS NOT ADVOCATiNG EUTHANASIA Cape Breton Best gt The British Medical Association has stimulated much controversy over hospital order that in the event of heart stoppage in some patients over06ef forts not be made to revive them Immediately shouts of euthanasia or mercy killing went up but whatever the morals of that subject theyare be ingof definite action to end the life of patient and is recommended by some when there is absolutely no hope of sav ing pa ients life and yet when that patient But this is not the recommendation of the BMA They suggest thattha in considerable pain patient not be kept allveby medical means different proposition and one which will be received by many though not all with sympathy litany opponents of birth control be that itis wrong to artificially con trol thelbeglnnlngs of life lflt ls wrong then surely ibis equally wrong to artificially control the end of life If it iSyGods will they aaythat child be thornméaaurea should not be taken to stop it Then onela bound to conclude that if it is Gods will and the patientsheart has stoppedthat peri Simone County rlcd on in the same place for ton time the pride is all more jus liable They sometimes feel theyare the forgot ten segment when tourism is under dis cussion whereas they stand to gain pos sibly more than anyone else if the indus try is developed They are not usually volatile people and it could be they re sent what they consider pontiftcaflng from others who act as if the nearest they had ever been to thesoil was to earth potted lant After all someone distributed brochure inviting all and sundry to visit ones own backyard without making prior amngements it would hardly be an acceptable approach either Dissemin ators of tourist information would be well advised to write only what is accur ate and to utilize their excess energies to improve relations with the host com munities Farm people have often felt exploited by urban communitiesvnnd often with good cause City dwellers so often feel any mans land should be their play grouridbut surround their home envir onments with multiple restrictionshe ciprocai giving will solve many things You spend and spend vote and vote and elect and eleot At that time he was greatly criticized for what was looked upon as cynical observation ltwas hi fact an honest statement of events as he saw them By now wehave become so accustomed in our two countries to this process that few people lookupon it as anything other than customary It is not too much to say thatgovern ment deficit spending combined with permissive monetary policythat allows continuous inflation really involves massive swindle swindle perpetrated on the great majority of the populace who are least able to protect athemsel against the consequences Swindle no strong word but when you are not getting more for your 53 than you did for $2 is it too strong acuse with nearly 50 visitors was pres ent This night the men cookedand served food Sonsof Temperw ance began reorganizing with meetinF called for Library Hall Feature bus ness article was on Brysons Bread local firm known for 40 years now producing at Bradford St plant 4000 loaves daily Modern methods and machinery have THE PENTAGONG QUEENS PARK Finds By DON OflEARN TORONTO The Confedera tion of Tomorrow Conference could turn out to be much better than it baa appeared There has been change since yesterdayscomment was written At that time the only specific data available on thaConter once was tentative agendn Andlt listed series of very broad topics which it seemed crooner Now Gaining JOHANNESBUEG iAP Tha Dutch lieform Church which backs the South African governments pnllcyfol apart heid is gaining members The worked vast changes in bakin bread and Church of England which in the cakes Firm is owned by brot ers Albert Bryson of Barrie and William Bryson who conducts branch in Lindsay At Kiwanis ladies night Oliver Cameron presented medals for proficiency at sum mer swim classes sponsored by club to Nan 0rd Audrey Foster Evelyn Tuck John 0rd Gordon Tomlinson Harold Bryson Clara 0rd Rufus 0rd and George Penny Councils of Barrie and Oril lia petiti ned Ontario government to keep highway open in winter between towns Prospects for Barrie Hockey Club look good Dr Holly Dyer was elected president Frank Doyle retired as mana ger and committee appointed to get suc cessor Reginald Furlong appointed assistant manager at Hunters Clothingstore Principal Gord wood advocated establishment of voca tional commercial and agricultural training classes at Barrie Collegiate Ill stitute son die measures should not be taken to stop that either gt The controversy has been raised and Aslnce it is moral question that could ultimately affect us all it is one in which provocative discussion and the exercises of free conscience must be welcomed Whathver shouts go up attacking their recommendations the BMA gives the impression of humane menwho would allow the old to die when their time has come with dignity OVERDOSED WlTH LIBERATION Detroit Free Press As Thich Nhat Hanhone oi Vietnams leading intellectuals told the US Con ference on Church and Society The most important thing we want in Vietnam is to be liberated from liberation We are yictims of goodwill to saveus The people being killed are noncom munists who believe they arefighting for inde endence and the more they are kill Ed more anger and hate is created bombing pause will help the tattered American imagelin the eyes of the world and we favor it for humanitarian reasons but it will not andcannot end the war Nothing lessthan acceptance of the facts which we have so far refused to recog nize can do that tion proposed that all confirma cial originthey wcre neilher main lights racial segregation in losing them other factors figure in church membershipbut RtRev Les lie Stradllng Anglican bishop of Johannesburg says The tide ofopinion in South Africa is running more strongly in favor of the goveriunenl RecentlyAilgliean lay lenders in Cape Town rejected propos al to teichlhathparlhcid and racial segregation are moioily evil That drowla compliment from Prime Minister John Vor eter jThis shows howwe have pro gressed Vorstei said These people are probably not governmentaupporters and it incommnn knowledge that were so etliuren that likely they would breed great deal of airy talk and nothing else Since then however the gov crnmcnt hasreleased group of background papers it has had prepared for the Conference And they promise to make it much more valuable than had seemed it would be SUGGEST POINTS The papers take several of the broad topics on the ngcnda an IiiSOIiTH AriiICi rig Apartheid New Members tlon candidates and Sunday school children be taught that separate racial developmcn is morally evil Canon Wood of Cape Town said the genuine Anglican attitude toward apartheld is How can you do such thing to your fellow manl The canon snld rejection of the reseolution taught the more ardent fighters against npnrt hcidii cannot bedcfeated by deciarations of high moral in dignation but only by slow per slstent exposure of suffering at tribulnbie to segregation The ch bis of Crime frown Rt Rev Robert Toy lnr is trying to smooth river differences among Anglicans South Africans should hang their heads in shame over incl denls of apartheid injustice he sold it is impossible to esti matc the amount of humansuf the Anglican clergy generally fering caused by government displayed hostile attitude to ward South Africa CALLED IT EVIL The defeated Anglican resolu Wm lithe EMEsnuincr 10 Bayfieid Street Barrie Ontario Authorised asaecond class matter Post office Depart meat0ttawa and for pay ment of postage lncasli Dally Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted subscription rate fly by carrier 50c weekly5iid00 Single copies 10c Barrie $2600 yearly Ontario $1200 year mntnrr throwoff its year iliail nut aide Ontario $14 year Out side Canada British posses sions 515 year USA and foreign year NationalAdvcrtising Officesr 125 University Avenue Toron to 640 Cathcart Stjliontieal 507 i200 West Fender St Vancouver BC Member of the Cana Dally ewspaper Pub hers Asso ation the Canadian Press and Audit mean Clreulations The Canadian Press is ex clusivelyventttlcd to the use for republication ofvall news dispatched in this paper credg ited to it or The Associated Pres or Reuters and also the local news published ihere acts of racial legislation against the black man TELLS or NJUSTICES no told at children humiliated because of their uncertain Ira white nor colored according to government measuring stirks He said colored fishermen were deprived of their livelihood pon pie were herded into separate racial areasand families were split due tnleglsintion supporting the Anglican Church in varying degrees on racial issues are methodisu Presbyteriana and Roman Cath olic worshippers Differences of opinion urisa among them as to the most effective way to meet the growing inliuenee of the pracovernment Dutch Church The church is the countrys largest with 150000n while an herents it reports that its white following has grown marethen 200000 in the last i0yeers The Anglican Church reports white membership roll of 390000 and alyzo them orig to beceiisldere And they are good They are DnrSir lamammidantlnbarrle in last to union having Eu come from Jamaican tbs est iodine This happened to till today In yourGltthookmywubiogtn Ilanndrotnlt two large Mu full of clothes if have four child these clothes were rent to you will realise Irbal that was in value of clothes washed them and put them léltbedrles Indtben wentoxmlo some mopping when re there weld no clothes The whole lot lied been taken would like you to warn all residents of Barrie and our of laundromat of what mu limped andteil them what happened to me Being new to Canadas climate all new clothes dont think have to Well out in dollars and cent the smears of money involved in trying to mince than in winter anduatbeforaClirlaunu Dont um um miserable people to carry on with their thievlnl Thank you Yours tmlw Mrs Ann Blacii INNISFIL VOTED Dear Sir aiay the following letter be of amistance to the voter in mak ing dcclsion in regards to the question Are you in favor of interimlax billing be purchased for tax billing and The present method of for billing requires alaff of four persons approximately four months to compile However with the proper equipmentthe same work can be done in ap proximately six weeks by one operator Should interimvtnx bill ing be installed it would réqulre only one extra billing Due in the present population and assess ment more office machinery in required for the sulfur carry out their mules Equipment must the posting of tax lodgers to Conference gt Data Interesting counts payable and general led ger and officebookkeeplng machine that will handle these chores and many others will also handle interimtax billing The cost of this machine ll under carious STORY suggest points well organized and clearly ex pressed And they more hr toss chart course for some ordcri discussion Until they appeared Ebe prospect had been for disor El Some goals As an example of their prioni tlol value one of the first CW torches topics is Hie Goals of Canadians you could imagine what would happen if this were to on landed fresh and holusbolus in the cape of any groiip in cont encc in the fancy of those pres possible goals mlghtrango my where from electric blankets for everyone to peace lnVietnam The background paper how ever suedesls concrete matters to be considered One of theseand this is par aphrnslng is whlherit is worthwhile for us to keepbur independence frnmthe if in view of the economic cisnilzan tages this involved RESIST GOVERNMENT Another is whether Canadians should try and restrct the growing intervention by govern merit in their lives other papers pose the ques tion of whether we should drop the monarchy whether the US congressional system is praerm ble to our parliamentary system and whether we should abandon lhc Sonata or reform it under varlous suggested approaches The papers as lsyobvious from these examples are meaty Theydnnt fool around or duck controversial questions because of possible offencoto sentiment in turn they should encourage some meaty talkThe Confer ence wont come up with any answers or perhaps even get very far into any one question But it could set solid base for further discussion drop of 100000 white worship pers in the same period The Dutch Reform Church also claims the largest colored congregation more than 45000 About 500nm blacks are in this denomation BIBLE riiocciir must work the works of him that sent me while It lsday the night oumeth when no man can work John 04 Put on and put off are two of rnnns chief enemies You will never relive today makeit good the with Gods help PalVArI Ill 111i Burrsuaanv STATloN AT Four Valli income or loll Wis owsu sorry tASltES wmuwmr MAT was muse pt sains FactorIla 4mmqu rim With Louis Riel ay non BOWMAN The hanging of Louis Riel and no aftermath on Canada was doscrihedon Nov Id Eight in dlanieaders followed him to the gallows st Regina on Nov 27 ices Originally ll had been con demned to death but three were reprinted Another trio his dearesonJmaaees Little Pop lar and Lucky Madmanaeed to steam acres the border and were allowed to return 14 years glatcr Among the indlans hanged wns Wandering Spiritwho had spilld some of Lileiilst blood the North lllestitebeiilon He had led bandit Plainsvtxees into the hamlet at Frog Lake when most of the residents were attending hi all ndy Thursday Mass VanderingSplrit in war paint carrying Winchester rifle strode into thechinch and knelt by the altar lie walled until the hlass was finished and ordered the people to leave they went to the iodine agency building fcr protection but Quinn who was in charge of the find sons Bay Company post at Frag Lake refused to go Quinn was married to Cree and thought he could control them instead Wandering Spirit shot him dead Then the abootlng began in meat ciiletylnlgsbear who had been in theiiudsons Bay store came rushing out and tried to stop it to no avail The two priests who had conducted the Mass and six other were killed within few nihiutes The widows of two of the men who had been killed were claimed as wivrs by two braves who captured them than mom and ttwwldmforh nil in hone coin wants for in With hilarimbtlllnl who besto lltaandbowtlnmyootolootbe taxpayer benefits In foilovre The taxpayer is reminded that an histellineot il due either one thlrd or onequarter of his tax bill and when financial pro blorns are in existence it may come within their budget to make the payment When this is done the unintclpailty then pro file an it will have thin money to operate with This then re ducel the necessity of borrowing which of mm then lessens our Interest puntents Approximate ly WMOwu paid out in m1 for interest on bank loans and on discounts for early menu This amount could be utically reduced and in so dolndleuen the taxes to the individual Most of the Igricuitiuleu of today do not rely on fall grain cheque ll their main mm of income but primarily depend on monthly cheques through the sale of their pro ductI and interim billion would assist them to budget and to meet their tax bills when due Lot in also onslder in addition to the senior citizen who relies on monthly pension cheque lboupernonsinaluwnravab ago income bracket who under the present syltun must find it burden to pay their tax bill when It is due in one payment My feeling is that we should lessen the present discount but there should be some incentive for early payment and that the interest or penalty hnpoeed should be kept at the pram leval The recent Smith Report advocated interimtar lll log with the following statement Municipalities who do not have this system have only themsel ves to blame if taxes are paid in anger An your tax bill is no doubt the largest single bill that you have to pay then why not pay it in installment Sura We must consider those per sons that are having problem financially Saturday December 1nd in vote in day in lnnlsfll How you vote is up to you Sincerely cannon was nunion it lheywere saved by two half hrceds John Priiciiard and Adolphus Noiln who bought them from the braves The most powerful lndlan chiefs who took part in the re bellion were Big Bear and Poundmaker who had gathered 1000 followers at Battle River Ono ofvlliemm dramadc sit rles in Canadian history is PDundmakers interview with general Middleton Pounvlmakcr was taiihitelligent and the most influential chief in the north Saskatchewan me its did not understand Middletons motions and an lndlanl for him Middleton said that he did not listen to women in cuunv oils of war and the old lady re torted Are not the white peo ple ruled by wnmanEha hustled away Poundmaker and Big Bear were sentenced to twoyear prison terms end died an re auit although publlc opinion brought about their release be fore they served the full terms other Events Nov 21 vialsMarc on bot re ceived permission to publish History of New Francef liesShipping service was restored between Halifax and New York ismDeaths Joseph Brant Chief of the six Nations lmJohn McLeod of the Hudsons Bay Company began Journey through Rockies fistGrand Trunk Railway completed section between Richmond and Levis Que wanna mother of Breakhir ThroughtheIce triedio speak Great White Mother She was JBORIEIN Jason iroascuae we on sun RECOGNIZE in 1100 wrathnu Withdflifsii room when DURANCEmB DEVELOPED wueamars HARLEY AND 1215 MMfl7flrlarif44lymfitm Eocene Yesmoron sNawy om was 14 NAME 6VEN rd mun time STYLIZED Alzcrre owt MADE 0F sensual Mas or Jusuowsatt AFORletllto ammo primalt wet2 seam 641404 MflfiiflIJWCWL 57450 WINS

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