Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1967, p. 15

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li Altrs rot sAte BOATS ANDMOTORS line hold ll TM fiinmlmt was Apply at Ed cum FRUITS It VEGETABLES nrrtzs canines Hoes no spin Kfllbgrfiim DOD ewdprunirlnere No sundry eele mu conrurml him some Delirious rs bushel end no Im delivch In barrio on ouran ria aalo ll Senierd STAMPS COINS dolln NDI Seamueelfinixfilml not con oluon rom Icy setee rnone iles ARTICLES WANTED Pu iiure stover It 31 well Italian Rota second Hand shop urzs wnmo turned SE prld old now Inilou lflld coverel NI Staci resistred mmeti or choice lepnone Ivy tom llltlsTrllts Guu lully IggeGLeEmm shepherd purring rhamulon stock For algallo Itllntholih WILL cl black minit r1 75 tall ilw III OCon nell I01 Cruxhlon Stnct Atherle lclwtrona mam onulr FARMERS MRKT DEAD STUCK Dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed irce For fast service PHONE BARRIE 7757751 Collectl or ask for NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH Mm NO CHARGE hours day day mic RR Foxmcnd Oninrlo License No 298w Nick Montague INp FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Parm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown liclitgvm m1 I76 BURTON AVE CASH TRADE TERMS HANK BROWN Dclaval Sales Serv1cc DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Complete line of Dairy Farm Equinmcnt Supplies Bands Holly Hwy 27 militia MASSEY FERGUSON Sales and Scrvlcc Guaraniccd tractor overhaul BARRIE FARM AND lNDUSTRIAL LlD priory 27 mile south of Barrie 72slta5 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE LARGE Halslcln helms lor srlv due soon Telephone Ivy out for Iurther lnformlllorl lneuteriortrr doian egltfimieosr so St III ay IIC mistrerva rt Bosh Telephone no rsoo LARGE IiolsTuN holler grnet 25 December Telephone RABBITS purebred New Zerlend whites breeding stock corn leto with career Ind accluurlet elc phone meats FEED SEED GRAIN TED bales of luv wantv géklndl trombone 72646961 AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE VIA RAMBLER ll Gowan St 7155438 1959 PUNTIAC eutomrtie nnlrnr new mutiler and but T561 plates flat cash orlvrte Tel ephone 713a 1952 DLDSIllOlllLE stutlre coaven tlule best offer full power equip ed Telephone 4241an rtter 1121 loot VOLIEWAGEN deluxe nod new stud urow tires zoom miles ton condition used as second cu Telephone moan T1961 BAMIILER shoel Classic done heudrests reclining seats good molor urer excellent een dltlonJthughout wt neyneld st rnone vtasoll 1961 rAmLANE soc XL hurt too no va rloor shirt radio crn be Econ at I7 Vorsley street Errrte utter p111 951 may Ior sale brand new doo miter No down or meat own egfllglvtnn country Te ephono 72s 1957 CHEVROLET door sedan blue rod white body and interior Immaculate tire good renton sen Iloor shilt tachometer to motor as or best otter Phone mom to tie on cr brakes power Megmflhr Irriowrmrtlon telephone calls sees cIIEvItoIEr Delalre or sale door eedrn cylinder lutonuttc 1mm miles blue white wall tires Telephone Wool rim p171 1959 PONTIAC lor Irle cylinder nutornutlc sins Telephone mlsoo tor further paniculrrs SNOWMOBILES SEE DARCY Bombardier Skldoo Service Sales For The Best Deal Rail Ewart Mall THE iIVELY ONE Bombardier Skidoo Salfdnd Service sAYVIEW MARINE Lakeshors Dr Barrie mom MOTOSKI Solar and Service $10 arraion meats nieh lassrormac Perlslenno model Torontorive rainwater mumnr 1w nurolteratnsi 310 HELP WANTED1 MALE FEMALE HELP Boys and Girls MOFFATT Mercury SERVICE DEPARTMENT Equipped it Stalled To Service Any Nah 01 Cal Our Expert Mechanics liar STILL on rare ros TO GIVE RELIABLE SERVICE TO SMALL CAR OWNERS Llollait Mercury Ltd in ESSA no1 mosses SPECIAILIZING SPORTS CAR TUNING and small car repairs Redline Import 36 Mary SL 7250101 YOUR FRANCIIISED DAISUN DEALER tum Transmission Ltd Automatic Specialists s1 Duaiop St 7283241 CAR ACCESSORIES COOKSTOWN AUTO WRECKERS Used Chev VB motors 233 Chev motors 261 and 215 Ford th molars 332 Ford motors All types of transmission and differentials standard or auto maLlc good sclecllon of body parts OPEN am TO pm DAYS WEEK Phone answered till 10 pm COOKSTOWN 4559011 ensounrs MY FAIR ROY BEAUTY SALON and HANDY PLAZA LAUNDRAMAT are closed dull to extensive lira damage Watch for our Grand REOPEN ING Thanks for your past patronage NOEL AND BOB HANDY PLAZA AA to roll hIVII onnklnr problem end want help onen rny time rterm Irams INCOME TII Mturiu prepared comnlcto boo eepurr rervlcer Kidd Amounllnl Service Isa nunlon 715ml MoTuzfls IlsE BAurEx ointment to Ioolhu away and hello Prevent diaper Ilslt quickly gently Sacclll use enronlents hclh erro dbeomtort ol bert rrror Indollter rnlnor skin irritations nrlrnex site rt Harpers Pitmow Ith rnd llircKriys Pher mcy WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Government Chartered School Thorough training in all bran ches of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SGIUOL l2 WORSLEY 51 7284962 9iosr Fauna units BLACK onyx rlnu lest cenhe diamond keepsake reward Telephone mama LADYS colts lost at Holiday now on Wednesday November It Buck Alaskan Seal sire 12 Find plerre telephone moose alter mm 10 HELP WANTED TEACHERS WANTED COMBINED ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL FIDS ELMVALE requires for January 1968 One teacher for Grades and 196758 Salary Secbdulev Level 154400 to Slim Laval341100 to 57300 Level $5200 in 59300 Level $5600 in $9300 Experience $00 per year for years Reply to WM MCINERNEY principal Box 215 ELMVALE Ontario or telephone 116 Elmvale VTELL More SELL MORE When you placoJour ArticleI For Sale ea in The sumo Er aminar keep 111ch points In mind stars What item is hrand name condltioa Spcclfications Accessorns and attachments Prcvious uluga Prlca Upbolsicry Flnlsh Age Color Slza Make it easier for the prospect to buy Remember the Articles for Sale classification Is the Peoples Market Place 7282414 BARRIE CARRIER Are Now Avai mans ottoman PHONE 726 on Application Forms Available At XAMI NER ROUTES Iohle in Barrie And Surrounding Communities ROUTE orEN ms voun norm RIGHT NOW 6539 TODAY HE BARRIE EXAMINER 163yileld Street rm mm or new fall or gen tine nrller Itrritorter in IBM for will Mia FEMALE HELP AVONCALLING HOUSEIWVES who an interest ed in earning Gulstrrrss money For particuler about becoming all Avon Representative Please write mm sssowx Box 485 Barrie 7236551 WAImus WANTED full tlml ownptfirrnooomuoo on lushnr 11 Tclc one tagcam Iioulmzn wrntea to live in WI cmd Ioncoteolr for runner information mm rl° imom as you me rn buy um etc for Christmro loll our berutilol tlne or eosrneuu Ind other products um profit Vnte Rowlom Dept toml ma Rldscllzu St St Heruv Montreal MALE HELP ATTENTION Pensioners and Responsible Senior High School Students Required by the Barrie Board of Parks and Rccreation for the City Public Skating Rinks at Sheer Queens lilac Morrison and Strabanc Parka and at John son Street School for approxim ately two hours per day in the cvenlng Monday through Fri day and to 5pm Saturday and Sundays Supervislon will commence on all rinks weather permitting on or alter Dccenr her all 1951 Apply in WRITING to SIONER Director PARKS AND REXIREATION RU Box 400 BARBIE Ontario Applications must be received by chdcmberll 1967 to be consid er TRUCK DRIVER Must have Chaufenrs licence age over 25 married day week All company benefits in eludingmcdical expenses 125 1150 mile run daily Good salary and permanent position for re sponsiblo person with clear driv ing record write to Box GTE Barrie Examiner stating quali fications and names for refer ence DELIVERY nor to ride bicycle hound to om Ariva The grown oemprnv vs honiop street INDUSTRIAL Acceptrnce noulTei hrrneger trainee CIII masts SALES HELP AGENTS EXPERIENCED Vplluweren Selerj man No oilrers need apply Good salary and benefit to the right man ADnIv In wrltlng to Box A14 Barrie Examiner Imuno PLUS Xczulhr end bonus tor man over to in neerte urea Tries short Into tripe le contact curtmere Air null re Dicker loll PIGS Southwestern Petroleum com are lurln SL Ft Worth Texas velar == II LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of HARTIS ROBERT JOHN CANNING Isle of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe Chief Engin ccr who died on or about the Seventeenth day of August 1967 must forward some to the under signed on or before the 27th day of December 1967 alter which date the assets will be distribu ted amongst the parties entitled thereto and the administrators will not be liable to any person whose claim they shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario this 27th day of November AD 199k BOYS SEAGRAM Sr ROWE Barristers and Solicitors 13 Owen Street BARBIE Ontario NOTICE TO commas AND Uriinns All persons having clalnu against the Estate of JOHN RONALD ORCHARD late of the City otBartie in the County of Slmcoc Pensioner who died on the Second day of September 1966 are required to file proof of same with the undersigned solicitors forthe Executors by the 15th of Decixrrber 196 after which data the cstate will be dis tributed DATED at Barrie Ontario this with day otNovernber 1W STEWART ESTEN MclURK MILLS DICK Drawer M6 BARRIE Ontario Solicitors for thekExeclltorsfi PRINTING PROBLEMS deeibtello Nulnner Communist Prinuuhivlrlon The armrx dormer la boyueld stsmasoz BARBIE Ontario l3 AUCTIONSALES AUCTION SALE oi all restaurant equipment fish and chip equipment The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell at the EMBASSY HALL BLAKE STREET EAST HARRIS Ontario on Wednesday Nov 29 1119 allowing LargcdLmlay winter list aimmt matter stods Fan Hall Reefs drrocno chains 14 chroma tables Kcating deep he Large electric war mer Potato pccicr Potato chlpper Tolch plunger Exhaust fan Irigadalro dccp freezer CocaCqu Coolcr hlolfat grill Viking rclrlgeraiur National cash rcgistcrrNcon and plaster openers electric soup mak ers Electric milkshake mach Inc milkshake tins Gum tape madrinc plastic pulls Grease pot or fryer largo quantlly of silverware Large quantity oi dishes zit ash trays ii teapois Largo quantity of cups and saucers Napkin hold ers Shelves and brackets Iiut tcr cutter Pepsi Cola dispens cr compartment ovcn heavy duty range Picspntuln cof fee makers Chip baskets Wall pictures pairs of heigo drapes fire extinguishers window lights Wall clock Grcasc scoop Chip scoop Babys high chair burner Sl lcx hot plate 12 cream tugs Pizza oven Pizzazzip with metal platters Stainless sicel sinlrwith tops work counters Builtin canopy complete with exhaust pipes steam and smoke trap Stcam table with trays and pots Rug Ceiling lir lure ti electrical wall fixtures Set of laundry tanks with taps Largo eleclric toaster Table builtIn desk Ilrcad boards hire Clary rclrigcrutor Sweden solt server ice cream machine one year old Large dry cooler did many other smaller articles too numerous to list Terms cash No reserve its till the equipment is being sold undera chattel mortgage Frank Vebh clerk JERRY COUGIILIN auctioneer AUCTION SALE Lcasc expired REG WILLIAMS PONTIAC BUICK GRAVENHURSI hiuskoka St beside lira Post Office Saturday Nov 25 1937 at prn sharp Terms cash All shop tools lacks grease guns drills sandorS body tools cars trucks clc office equlplt merit desks chairs lodgers adding machines large salc Underwood 402 audit bookkeep ing machine program for car dealership large outdoor Pon tiac Buick illuminated sign nth clr articles too numerous to men ton HOMER STEPHENS auctioneer lLPUBLIC NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL 1967 VOTIHIS LIST Nolico is hereby given that have complied with Section ol the Voters List Act and that have posted up at my office in Straud on the 15th day of Nov ember 196 the list at all per sons eaiitled to vote in the mun icipal elections and that such lists remains there for inspection hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have anyomlssions or errors corrected according to law the last day ior appeal being the 29th day of November 1957 DATED at the Township of Innis fil thistho 15th day of Novem ber 1967 anon Clark BOX REPLIES Wbue every endervoue win as lord to rorwnd replies to box numbers to tho edverlirer as soon as possihlo we recent no llrlilnty ln relpect or loss or dhmllnll land to arise through either tell on or delay in lambsling eueh replies however caused wheurer by banned or otherwise signs by Anniswoy signs Can When the premiers of the three Maritime provinces got together in Toronto Saturday the conversation naturally turnlt LONDON AP Devalua lion of the British pound week ago lclt lhc Amcrlcnn dollar ex posed to gold rus attack by an invisible empire of inter national speculators and possl hlyrsoma csploilcrs of national interests But alter wcckuf heavy as sault on the dollar through its golden shield cconomisls in London are convinced the hard currency will prevail London linancial writers al most In man sne French prasldcni de Gallllc as the vil lnln of the piece but this view Is not shared everywhere and is denied in Paris US ollicials do not blame Gaullc in Washington the managing director 01 the International Monetary Fu nil PicrrcFaui Schweitzer rejected the ldca and ent on lo say In an lnlcr view do not believe at all that the devaluation ol the pound can have an ellch in weakening the dollar IIAS MANY WEAPONS Schweitzer and others note he that Washington has powerful weapons to counter the persis tent thcuglr occasionally lrcn zicd attack The assault came in week of the biggest gold rush lathe history of the worlds hul lion markets More than $25000000tt In gold was estimated Io have changed WINDSOR Ont UP For international as Well as domes tic reasons national unity in its Canadian form must be pres crveti and strengthened Exter nal Altairs Minister Marlin sald Sunday Speaking to centennial ban quet at the University OlWInd sor he said the economics of national unity have their ellcct on iniemailunalprnhlemsl The Canadian economy would not emand unless the fpollucal economic and social relation ships at our regions communi ties and cultures are harmoni ous And without healthy economy we shall not be able to play our full part abroadln CITYOFBARRIE Debentures Price 100 to yield 700 TORONTODOMINION The Bank whole people make the difference Our mores branch will be potion to metpr yournnier mt lONDQN wlntar LIMIIED cd to fishing at least long enough for Prcmicr Robichaud of New Brunswick to tell about the big one he cuught on AFTER DEVIILUIITIOII Battered Donne Steady hands through thsLondon mar kcl alone The buyers Oilrich Arab shelks proiessionnl spccu lhtors andaccording to sumo reportsbunks of nations rin xious to unload dollar holdings For the moment at least the gold slnys where It is In the vaults at Fort Knox and the six Western nations joined with this US in the international gold pnoi Buyers seldom see the ac tual metal They deal instead in certificates of title The run on gold began in Lon don by lnr the biggest bullion market Friday Nov 17thc day before the pound went to $250 115 from Stallin the general uncertainty over the In tlrre of sterling The rush continued withth in icrruptlon through the week oltcn bccomiug slnmpcde By Thursday bullion dealers suid even the central banks nl some smaller nations were buy ing gold in the move In get out at paper money and thin solid ity How could this reflect on the undue In two ways By draining oil the United Slntcs gold By forcing up its price at $35 an ounce The US government ls pledged to dclentl this price Prcs 11 Johnson renelvcdtlrnt Must Preservelx Unity Martin such vital areas as international development assistance The problem or national unity was the most serious faced by Canadians They could not air lord to bury their heads in the sand Mr Martin also said Quebec must be persuaded its best chance for its future lies within Canada We mustdo all possible to give French Canada complete conlidcncc in Canadian institur lions One of our essential objechves will only be reached it French Canada ieols culleciively secure within the country as whole rccent vacation The smiling skeptics are Premier Campbell ol Prince Edward Island llcil and Premier Srrllth of Nova Sculls The three had ROBICIIIIUD RELATES rlsn STORY son printers private meeting prior to More days opening of theConlcdcr nllon ol Tomorrow Contcrcncc when all provinces will berce presented Vlmphotol cour liUSll ATTAle pledge minutes alter the pound devaluation was announced FORMED POOL Britain Belgium Vcst Ger many Italy the Netherlands Switzerland and the us formed in 1962 the lntcrnatlonnl gold pool which is opcralcd by the Bank of England to maintain the stability oi the price of gold at $35 on ounce plus 20 cents an ounce for Irelghlnge The pool supplies whalcver gold is needed to sallsiy the demand The lrcnch suspended their role in this partnership in June when heavy ddmsnds for the metal were received in pre vious British economic crisis The 115 which put up 50 per cent 01 the pools supply of gold look over Frances nlac per cent share The gold pool hold the price stable at $3519 throughout the week although It went through lllc coiling by minor amounts two or three times in London and hit $1525 at one time in Zurich Switzerland The car is that the supply of metal mlghl dryup and then Ihc price might burst through the ceiling in elfect devaluing the dollar The dollar because of the pledged price is tied to gold Il gold was suddenly to become worth $70 an ounce the value of tile dollar would hova been cut by half in terms of gold This is just the move that France has been advocating since February 1965 that the world should return to the gold standard to restore discipline to international trading WORLD BRIEFS STOKELY HAPPY DAR ES SALAAM AP Carmichael Rclurus to Hell sold the headline in local newspaper Monday reporting lhat Black Power advocate Stoker Carmichael had lclt fur the United States Carmichael spent month In Tanzania speaking and discussing revolu tion with Airica natitmalist or ganizations have had non derful time said Carmichael MEMORIAL CONSIDERED KINGSTON CPI pro posed lian memorial chapel and museum to be built at the Canadian Forcesbase Trenton is under consideration by dc icncc ollicialsin Ottawa Group Captain Ii Adumson an nounccd Saturday Speaking at dinner at the Kingston wing of the REAP Association the Tren ton base commander said the pmth has been under cousi deration for six monlhs IIIARMACISTS For BARRIEdnlIprinclpsl titles In ONTARIO Dispensing only 43 hours per week No Sundays Pension plan Medical Insurance lully paid Life Insurance fully paid $135 per week starting salary Incfigdpmmmn 113 my Two weeks paid vacation We believe this to be one of lheilnesl opportunities in modern retail Apply to pharmacy today KENT onucs no ll94C CALEDONIA ROAD rcnouro 19 om Direct all inquiries to the above address For your own are or or gifts libs John chime Tm smt field and loo roman SHEETS AND we esvasores am Printed new Av or it you Mn I00 SINGLE SHEETSVPRINTED SINGLE SHEETS PLAIN loll ENVELOPESPRINTED ORDER more is deficld Sr Avon Vellum club size white blue or grey notepapcr printédln black or blue inkwith imprintedmaiching envelopes AttractivclyhoxcdrPlcasc speciiyAvon stationery colour of papcr and type ster when ordering Show mm thus Few Typl Style ailts Welter lament Ira smt Ala NastNALn nurtures PE A12 Robinson m5 5th Ala Commercial Printing Daphrtmont THE BARRIE EXAMINER

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