ii érdt TO GOOD HEALTH Metal Sensitivity May Cause By JOSEPH MDLlER sin Dear Dr lilotnerzl am somc thing like the girl who wnssi lcrgic to her engagement ring hiy trouble is gold watch bracelet In hot weather my wrist breaks out and itches Can do something ior it ln IC lve known oi people having trouble with watchbaods nl var ious metals in summer When the skin is warm and moist it is more subject in irritation One successful answer has been to change untchbands in spring and int wearing the metal in cool weather lahric band in the summer Georgia reader and another in Oregon say they had success with rings by painting the inside with several coals oi clear nail polish It is worth trying Finally Jeweler in hllssissip pi makes very valid suggcsA liun at point which had over looked lie writes The trouble iscnused not by the ring but by soap which she leaves between thtl ring and her ï¬nger She oil have trouble with any ring until she learns to get all the soon out when she washes her hands DOESNT ALWAYS WORK This is sometimes the answer although lint always it is quite true that skin can be sensitive in varying degrees to soups and detergvnls Some ioiks are not bothered at all some have good deal of trouble and have to resort to such cxpedients as treating rubber gloves when washing dishes Thus very small accumuia lion of soap or detergent under ring can itiilectl be irritating Thorough rinsing may he sul iicient onswcr Removing the lring when washing may be bet or But it is also true that the ir ritation can be scisitivity to metal not to soap Dear Dr Molnar ltfhat do you advise or hot iiushesTI am 56 end they are about to kill me Mrs LD They wont kill you but they can make lilo miserable Judi cious use at hormones as well as other medications can relieve the ilaslies and ditch stop them entirely Dear Dr Molnar What causes rcd moles They look TELEVISION BUFFALO BARRIE Rash like brown moles only bright red Some are small as pin beads other larger ALB Probably not moles but tiny accumulations of very small blood vessels tcapillarics They are usually pinhead site or slightly larger tend to appear on the trunk as one gets older They can be covered with cos metics or destroys by cautcry but actually no treatment is needed Dear Dr Itininer Is it harm in to drink cup at coliee on an empty stomach every morn ing Im never hungry until Ive been up at least an hour How mnny cups can person drink and be safe lttrs Al Theres no harm in cup oi coffee as an eyeooener fit you hnd an ulcer id perhaps answer diiicrenlly but nssume you to be in reasonably good health There is no fixed amount that can be stated or person Signs oi too much are nervous ness last heart or irregular heartbeat sieeplessness it you experience any at these Id try cutting down on colice hut un less you notice such signs let your taste be your guide Io cups will bother some people who are sensitive to calleine other inlks can handle down cups with no trouble htost oi as are best oil somewhere be tween Says Delegates Seated Illegally OTTAWA tCP Eon Coiiey clerk oi elections or the Cana dian Union or Public Employ ecs charged Sundny that more than 20 voting delegates wtrc seated illegally at the unions convention in Montreal last week Mr Coffey said two union in cats that were fmnre than three months in arrears in dues were allowed to seat to voting delegates contrary to the un ions constitution and live in cals were given an extra ore dentinl above their normal allot ment The convention reelected Stanley Lillieoi Ottawa as na tional president by margin of only to votes over William Black oi Vancouver Pnooallus BUWALD BlIITALD runouro ll liAllIILTDN lilounavj NOVEMBER 27 nvnyixc hon amine Douglas snort auonnle Pruddcit 4Seriet Storm vl Love Luci llsuner iirrorr izio JJorest naumr 4Truth or Consequences Dlluvle tGIoIv llGitligans island Sports iiin ziionkrrr 51m pilovie tVolent Ruadi irrrry Mason Lillntstoncs itilays silo zol Laird and Seas 7Ncws one klletvs wrathrr sports 7lnrlr iTiiz niorv micron IIPicrrc ueiton 7Coitboy sLuptlis dim 2ilorie nBewlirhe tllorlc lKiss Kiss mo srsmiiy one zNrtis Live vs Weather on limit oNrwr Weather lliut Piiiol Weather tr 3Aecldental lnrnily ilionrvmnoners Humid Hundrrn lIJIon rrnni UNCLE INEWS vrathcr inoh tlcsser iGunsmoirn irinrne and Flesh iLucilln nail 7ltat Patrol slront Page Challenge 4Itndy nriiiuh 7ieluny Sauad oConniry Music Hall ioonnaa ind The Cultich 42m Arnold stars 7C71Yflu Hear Me oi spv 1000 21 Soy kcurnl nurnrlt 7Thc nix Vrllry ililrrv Gritlin twin JProille in hirics Hg on osu lllfla 13 ll lvrwi Vutlict soon ï¬hï¬us is Kill Kill Illlfl Liohnny Carson JADragnct khlovle tJust Across The Stireti 1ltiovie reunion or evil liiiarir saber Arialr TUESDAY NOVEMBER 23 MORNING AND AFTERNOON Window on The orld mnler Semestel llLocal News ioo zToaay 4vas 7Wlndotv On The World mo 7ltoeketsiiin 00 limo ZCOIILEIMI JPricndly 7Daeiine limo Jahlr Dies ETughoat 4Captain Kangaroo hniizcl iiiuse mo otInlvrrrtty oi the Air 1110 inlrlr VI 9lir and IiMarrlag Canticle 7Dlilinx ror noiiarr szlin Pnt noonr aGooil Morning 4Carilon rronorirk ynamorr Room ullEd Alien sun 3Dntallo Scltmis iimr or Liie 9hlct ilomario Schools 1000 25 Judgement oCanadian Srhoois icahnia Camer sUriie Bobby IIliInve mostly Rides Again izlao aNews 7hiovle 9Toroiilo l2ao LStorch Tnmorrowi inevcrlr Hillbillies 2Pemnrllty JGood iinrnlnz 4Andy Grtrilth 7itoheymoon Riel 2iloliytrood souam 7Portin Gains LJcOpudy aLunehron Date run The vateriront 11Litilc People iilcrv tlrltitn isuarrh For Tomorrow ilPhnto Finish iseuidlne Light hflfl lanirz tCiosswindsl 4rret The inner 7Iugitlv= chiovio tillegal EIIUVI ilniirr Darrin Ml LA The World Turns 21W 2D oi Our um LLavl Is Milt Splendored Th lNcwlvwed em 22 LDoetors ilionrr ruiy 7nrrrm Gitl 9Planlu In Conflict llOpening Ceremony ation Giant sun Itimin Dyk lurs mini Jinn Lithother World aTke ao iTo Tellrite Truth 1Guncnl Hospital Bdlnglstnies court liPetcr Gunn Today inn 7Yau Dont say iEdgr or Night 7commxndcr Tom iits Your Movl ilBullwinkln For runsoav NOVEMBER 2i nvnlvlNn too 2lllkc Douglas JCnmmnnlcuie tsmot storm sl Latin Lucy itsuner Heroes in SLBIHIEY Bonnier iTruth or Consequences oilovie tlake One latsr steni Ilï¬lly Mother ilil Cll one 2News zNews Sport iNrwr Sports 1hiutlieriInLiw liDsktart 1ion iiiinihcrs Sports oatnnn 50 130 sankcnslcin 4Pcrrv iiiran Flintstones ii Cornor so 2oi 1bit 7Tdlwl flint it tcoa June on LotsM Wbllher Sports TIltovls than Agnintt Tomorrow lirlem nortoo inahtsrt 7Garrlsoti and And Son szoiilllll ZlRQd Skn mo olrnnrtde iovir wrathrr views Weather ZNetvs vrsumr iMinwestrrn llurtda 1Hlith and Wild snnr Patrol em Let liCcietiriiy mittrd xoo llGunsrnoirr titcd Shelton 7lnvadors gt Mtiialol Navy 34mm iiiti lIUndcr Alllck min iGond ltlurnln 1NYPD oPir Whistll louo LPuoilc Bye icas News Suecial 1gt0ne Night Stands vThe Prisoner lllilerv Gtiflin inLw IIIIfl irnanc till It Newl Weather Sports Hohnny Carson Illilll innm tlltegni Entry 1iuovir tIillis or iiiontezumai hunter Limlll DMovlc iMIdeieius IIIlnt Lin livlsi vr eoruh vI Gama lion Eaai dealer Northsoutb vulnerable NOITK eta AQJE gaxlos use 95 use no 4103143 scrim urine AQIS KDSI obiHing South West mm Pun Punt run min Fun Pu Opening lead six at dia moods While it is true that in dupli cote bridge the element at lurk ordinarily plays only minor role there are nonetheless bands where their is the dominant tac tor and skill is only oi secondary importance For exa mpie consider this hand which occurred in the match between Greet Britain and the United States in 1962 Title British Northéouth pair arrived at seven spades and whether or not they made the grand slam was essentially matter oi luck Vut led diamond won in dummy with the queen and de éOiirltlici inner By JAY 3st clam played the Ice and anoth er ipade tingling the lads West won with the queen re turned iiimod and the result was that South ucnt down two Had the EastWest cards been distributed little dlifercntiy or had South been suiiicicntly io spired to guess the doubiolon queen oi spades he would have made the grand slam and scored 1210 points instcad at going Ille us too points 0i course seven spades was shaky contract and should not have been method but all at us have seen my worse contracts in our time When the American air at the second table hald North Kouth cards the bidding went South Wu PI Pun Ill Plan new has Itgnin diamond was led and taken with the queen Bot hc cause declarer was only in six he immediately cashed the AK oi spades to protect agniiist possible diamond ruif when the queen unexpectedly tell he con tinued with the lack and easily made seven tor score oi 14m points So the outctme was that the American team gained 1660 points on this one deal the larg est single gain made by either team in the entire lithoard match Luis Blanch ls Favored To Replace General Franco MADRID tAPiCurreni fa vorite to become first prémlrr ol Spain and successor to Gen Francisco Franco is the coun trys new vicepresident Luis Cariero Blanch 6t This doesnt necessarily mean he is Gen Francos tavorite But theres no one else around who appears to have bettcr chance than this admiral pint en Agustin hlunoz Grandes looking tired at 71 was relieved oi the Job nl vice nrssiitent some weeks back Spains new organic low pre sumably the blueprint oi the countrys iuture mode it illegal for member or the council oi the realm also to be vicernrcsi dent Munoz Grant was mom cr oi the council Divers Recover Youlhs Body QUEENSTON Ont CF Divers Sunday recovered the body at youth whose car plunged into 30inot deep hydro canal on the outskirts oi Niagara Falls week earlier Provincial pnliee identitied the victim as Frederick Thomas Lee 20 of Niagara Falls Out The body was found against screen at the Sir lidnm Beck generating plant No live miles downstream iiom where the car entered the water Police said thcywwill not search any longer or the car They said earlier they Suspected there were two men in the car when it went into Lhe canal now are satisfied Lee was alone There are those holding out hopes tor Fernando Marin Cnst iella hlaiz the ioreign millis tcr as Francos successor He is izstuicv personable and with out apparent enemies other possibilities talked about are hlnnusl Fragn lribarne minis Vier oi iniormntion and tourism and Gregorio Lopez Bravo de Castro minister ot industry But must give Admiral Carre ro Blanch No spot in the line And they cite these reasons During the war years when Gen Munoz Grannies was vice presidrut the cabinet never met without Gen Franco nt tending Admiral Carrero Bliinco has been Viccpicsident only since Sept but the other day it was reported the cabinet met with him and with out Gen Franco For many years the new vicepresidenl has been acIose friend of Gen Franco For 20 years he was the genernls ia vorilc speech writer Gen Franco who will be 75 in December is suuposed to be ready to reliave the guessing about his heirapparent some time this year or early nxl only he knows irthis schedule will be carried out MARCH FOR CHARITY VICTORIA OP More than 12000 persons marched iorl charity Saturday over 25min route in the biggest parade in Victorias history The marehr ers were raising triads tor Pro jeet loo aseheme to provide mobile classrooms for Guyana and Tanzania Another 20 per cent at the money was to go to Oxiam the wnrldwide organi zation tor famine relief know itswrong to feel sorry that the midi caught up with him buthewaeaueha wonderful spender niltut cnosswonn ACROSS Small Wiley Wit Greek letter 10 Hodge podga 11 Certain potatoes 13 Gilttiiï¬ca 14 Essence 15 Half on till 16 Borders 17 Arbitrator zo Apex 23 Greedy Paste 25 Frequently 27 Dons as Juicy ruit 29 hrother of Seth so lamprey 31Wirtced 34 Son of Abraham 39 Greek letter 37 Fall 39 Promontory 41 Author of rho anl Ladies 41 Incite 43 Sloth 44 Foxy 45 Chums DOWN alumi btralghtcn IGoddess of dAWIt Out of breath Maxim Barrier Conden tive Employ 12 shooting 16 Hibernia 18 Calamity 19 Always 21 Possesslve pronoun 22 Footlike 26 Com day 32 Oust 24 Wilt 25 Open poet pineal tion 21 Layman zo Crevice al Drama 33 Finis as Lather 37 City in Oklahoma 38 Swiss canton siturnu sonattte iOP 40Amblnn gament GRANDMA JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK SECRET AGENT x9 uses witdaas SEE THE BIRDHOUSI MADEEPANDMA nammrmnmmmm FORVDUR WIPES on comm YOUD BETTER IJiir GUESS 601 THE HOLE KINDA Eta BLONDIE OH THANK HEAVENS YOURE ALL RIGHT BUZZ SAWYER le5 ABOV FRIEND CALLING ETTA FROM COLLEGE THATS isNTriinr swear on taNDA snows ts ir oKAV IF REVEQSE THE clau TO SAY HELLO To YOiLDAD Hamng GOOD expansive BEARING is ONE NNE ZERO RANGE IilREETliOUSAND YARDS 6ETING QOSElmGEWE WMERWAS astronomers urnsis wewmgwwouvsg worms so MURKY renown manhole aisiut cotsntocus ONTO nit unorg iMlJGGS Ava SKEETER TRIMDRTIEAT seams TAKE some CAROL unsure UPPID WEE Ktï¬EMS oiro Ml mic MIS Aume scrum tth sun HALLOWEEN WFEMULD harnesses iv sst