Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Nov 1967, p. 6

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FOR THE WINTER lSRIDF Paton uscs Scottish green tweed for on clcgantly casual suit The skirt is planted and and the jacket doublcbrcnstod The sporty cap is of white leather JCBDLOLIlS Sherrer de signed the bridalcoatdross with removable cape The Yorkshire wool is doublefaced Both outfits wore shown in re cent Paris coliections using British fabrics SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES nacarrlou roe chsr lttrs Lois Bell and her sister Miss Enid Carter of Eccies St entertained Friday evening for members of the Kitchener Watcrloo hvin City Operatic So clety Don Carter nephew of Mrs Bell and Mas Carter of Kit chener was among the guests ltlr Carter with other members of the Society was in the city to take part in the musical oom edy llow to Succeed inBusi ncss Without Really Trying pre sented at Central Collegiate Andi iiorium Saturday altcrnoon and evening under the auspices of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Li one Club of Barrie GUESTS FROM TORONTO Leonard Reilly MPP and Mrs lleiliyvlcre Sunday guests of the latters brotherinlaw and sister Mr and Mrs Stan Per yer of Cundics Rd East FROM DRYDEN lilr and Mrs Thomas Hazel wood of Dryden Ont have lak an up residence on Victoria St and will spend the winter months in the city GOLDEN WEDDING Mr and Mrs John McLean of Henry St received more than Ztltt friends and relatives at an open house reception held Sun day afternoon to mark the couples golden wedding anniver TODAYS RECIPE MOOSE STEW CANADIANA moose onion Few grains salt Rabbit Optional speck of pepper Method Cut moose into V2 inch cubes This will take most oi Centennial Year Add flav oring and cover with water Simmer the rest of 1967 lf there is not enough meat add rabbit The stew is better wthout the rabbit Most people sary Tile bride the former Nel lie Alberta Elliott is native of Barrie Mr McLean was born at Minesing The celebrantshnva two sons Edward and Murray ol Barrie There are 14 grand children and two greatgrand children At the reception tea honors were performed by Mrs Stan lay Mclcnn and Mm Harvey McLean sistersinlaw Mrs Ken Ackcr granddaughter and Mrs Cotton Afterwards bullet dinner was served to so guests Relatives and friends from Vai son Saskatchewan Alliston Tor unto Orillia Elmvale Hillsdule Anton Mills iiiinesing and Bar rie attended the reception Name lllicers 0i Inner Wheel Mrs Lloyd hristow was hos icss to the November meeting of Inner Wheel of Rotary with Mrs Ronald Stewart presiding The slate olbflicers for 1953 was presented by the nominating committee as follows Mrs Len Giiimonre president Mrs Jim Baker secretory treasurer Mrs Hamilton Mrs A1 lilac millan Mrs Robert Hunter Mrs Robert Laekie and Mrs Roy Onyschuk directors Final arrangements were made for the group to provide refreshments to the Rotariaus during theirannua Radio Auc tion which will take place Nov 29 silver collection was taken to provide Christmas gifts for distribution by the Canadian Mental Health Association Entertainment was highlighted by the showing of color slides taken by members during the Rotary Convention at Nice France and ol various parts of Europe The hostess was assisted in serving refreshmcntrhy Mrs Ross Simpson Mrs Ernie Rat dont like here in their stew man and Mrs Dennis Sheard surreal little more care than the pro lcssionalazwhen it comes pcrsonal appearance on tb gridiron She takes time out FOR iMargot Hickson aGrada 11 student in Toronto shows crimp powderputt charity match to adlust heln lipstick The game between two or onto collegiates ended as it scoreless draw TWILIGHT BAZAAR Gift seekers attending the Twi light Christmas linzaar at St John Vianney Church Wednes day evontng starting at oclock will find everything from knit ting trce sprouting sox mittens and baby things to table dis playing growing house plants The bazaar will fcahlre Christ mas centrepieces country ldt chcn dispensing home baked goods and fish pond for the kiddies Mrs George Gadow is convener oi the event assisted by Mrs Thomas Kranabetter LEGION EUCIIRES Prizcwlnners ofa mixed euchre party held at the Legion Hall CollierSL included Irene Coleman Maurice Pattonden Kell Norman Munro and Rob Mikkllo Prizes were donated by the local ltioison representative Chuck Coleman Travelling priz nose Show Booths Dear Ainvhanmr Auord please to tho l1ywold girl who gilt lulu trolblo when her boyfriend kissed her on the school proposes She was upset because should there was no place for leenogeralo go to riisauasllie lf kids Ichlly want to discus lifetnnt make out can gut uvertl places for than police are just slow the me bus depot or an airport car it to showrooms theatre lobbies the public library museum or art gallery They can also get on eitybus and ride to the end of the llnsand back Pieasapublish this lciter for all teenagers who want privacy TAYLORPEARCE Candles and white chrysnnthe mums formed the setting for the wedding oi Miss Dorothy Mnrh lyn Pearce to John Gerrard Tny lor in St Andrews Presbyterian Church Kitchener Vcry Rev Finlay Stowart officiated The bride is the daughter at Mr and Mrs Charles John Pearce Kitchener The bride groom is the son at lilr and Mrs Edmund Gerrard Taylor Ottnwoy Avenue Barrie GOWN OFBRDCADE Given in marriage by her lull lcngth iilttcd gown oi beaded brocade The dress fea tured mandarin collar three quarter sleeves and self covered buttons to the born full panel train tell from the shoulders bead coronet held the shoulder engtb veil of tulle illn sioolhe bride wore silvcr ac cessorlesrand carried houbuet of white roses and mums WEDDING ATTENDANTS The brides attendants included Mrs llarold Jurcbuk matron oi honorior her sister Brides maids wore Miss Carmen The rese Mongean oi Kitchener and Miss Cheryl Dianne Prutsman of Columbus Ohio cousin oi the bride The attendants wore full length empire gowns of hunters green velvet with whiiefur shoulder es donated by Joe book were won hyMrs Daisy Sinunons Margaret Wilkinson ltiarion Smith and Allan Warriner Mil dren Munro won pie donated by Mrs Orca Brown Mcrvyn Pattenden is chairman of the mixed euchrc parties The next one will be held Nov 21 start ing at 830 pm PAKISTAN EMBROIDElllES Once again the Anglican Church Women of West Simcoe will sponsor display and sale of Pakistan arnbroidenes to Trin ity Parish Hall Nov 30 from 1130 am until pm Mrs Vii liam lves of Stayner is conven er or the event at which tea Will be served courtesy of the AW THESTliRS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW This should he an unusually busy periodone which will pro vide you with enlightening facts and bringbetter understanding with business superiors part ners and associates Look for some extremely happy situa tions in your domestic setup no FOR THE BIRTHDAY lt tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates the likelihood of unusual financial opportunities coming your way between now and the last week of March with still further boosts along these lines star promised during early July September and October of 1968 Two admonltlhns however it engaging in new fiscal ventures next September dont allow yourself to be influenced by per sonalities arlemotlons The pa tive of Scorpio is usually an dowedwilh good judgment So use it Also do av extrava gance andor space on do the first half of April in mid May andearlyrlnne you could offset previous gains In job matters put lorlh best efforts now and do not let up in your endeavors since botha vancement and gra ying rec ognition are dicaied in late December in January late April andor next October Crea tiveworkers willjlinrl next Jen uary June and September caper claily productive months The néxtlz months should exceptionally bapp rom sonal slandpoint Best perlheds forf ropiahce January May late June and late July Dont take sentimentalattractions too seriously during the latter part of September and early October or next year rhow er They could prove deceptiv Social in terests and travel wdivbe gov ernedb unusually auspicious infiuenc during lho coming January dulyandSeptember child bornlon this day will he endowed with great determi nation and ambition but will MR AND MRS er last night at the regular meeting of the Kinetic Club of Harris Introduced by Mrs John Gillespie Mr Bezzant discussed the care of Christmas plants Ho llltt5tratetl talk with five plants members were most likely torhavedn their homes during the Christmas season namely Azalea Cyclamen Chry santhermnn Poinsettia and Christmas Pepper Donabed by Mr llezzunt as draw prizes the plants were won by Mrs Ross Archer Mrs Ross Burwel Mrs David Wismer Mrs Allan Eyers and Mrs Chris Hastings Mr Dezzant was tbanked by Mrs George Lunau who present ed bim witha giltof appreciar Itionn The meeting was held in Mira mar Gardens with 17 Kinetics and five guests in attendance Gupstsincluded Mrs Garry Nor ris Mrs Clare Eechta Mrs Ken Rogers Mrs Bob Eldnidgc and Mrs John Bate SPONSORCEILD President Mrs Don Cordy pre sided at the meeting at which it was decided that the club would continue its sponsorship of child through theCanadian Save the Children Fund Be cause the French boysponsored by the club for the past several years is no longer eligible for assistance members voted to sponsor Chinese boy in his place All members were en couraged to send Christrrias mamboth boys Mrs George Harper read the treasurers report and Mrs Ross Archer announced that she would be accepting Christmas orders all this week Mrs Chris Hast have to curb tendencies toward overaggrcssiveneos lugs reported that the social committee had decided to hold father the bride wasattired in and have no lrnagihationcoot Dear Cool Your list made fineall escort the ear dulm showrooms Car dealers might not look kindly on teenagers whowant to sit in tour show room and discuss lite Thanks for the other suggestions NEWS VERIFIED Dear Ana Loaders Get out the net noodle and gin yourself so lashes Recently woman wrote that she was furious with fe Naiiiacéidef an poperwisnot Itiltlllthlt the died Iii enrolment sa rcrl problem was the inch of commutation between her and bar 10 Then you added how at no paperin the many that verifies engagement Ito MW and than you 11 Several years no raide llllm would to get evenwtth the girlvtlo bad turnodhhndmllouathtrrod pleturatothcmtplperaad the newspaper for printing In engagement announcement without checking both sets of parents Her son had not men tioned word about getting th married She was certain the Kitchener Bites OiLocal Interest capes Their headdresses wcra flowers ol net to match their gowns They carrle cascade bouquets of rust and yellow mums The brides nephew Richard Charles John lurchuk was ring bearer attired in hunters green velvet suit Arthur Dennis Elliott oi Doll ard dos 0rrneauxfiuobec was groomsman The ushers were Peter Taylor Bnrrie brother of the bridegroom and Harold Jur chuk Kitchener For the service violin duets were played by Paul Barton and George Wozcniak of Kitchener reception and dance was hold at the Krcss Hotel Pres toll Receiving the guests the brides mother ch as full length gown ot tangerine and gold tones with gold epill box hat and orchid corsagc Assisting the br grooms mother Wow is full length gm of champagne chiffon with gold trim and accessories and orchid CDTSEKE For travelling theihride wore green wool suit ensemble with brown accessories On return from wedding trip to lkinidad the couple will re side in Kitchener Guests attended lrem Toronto Barrie Owen Sound Montreal and Columbus Ollifl Photo by Detail Jorm TAYLOR on Care or Cori Plants Discussed lit Kinette Meeting Bob Sealant was guest speak combination games night and box social some time inlanu ary Reporting for the Childrens Christmas Party Committee Mrs George Harper announced that the party would be held Dec 10 in Steele St School from 24 pm It was decided to purchase typewriterfrom Mrs Ross Ar cher for Bulletin Editor Mrs David vWismar Mrs Allan Howells ofieredio be chairman orthe Fall Fair Booth Committee next Septem bar and Mrs Ken Rogers vol unteered to act as cochairman Prior to adjournment mam bars were reminded that Christ mas glits will be exchanged at the December meeting and that Mrs Henderson Lamb will be in charge of the December pro gram Rayan lining 21 Weekend has patriot out lid Zlf Pullman has MM WM son illls WtY AVAILABLE AT hilarltltltothaltotlmndlsn Will and girl maneuvered him into it by giving the picture and story to PET Yul told the mother that the Mrs ll Green Chairman of the Fellowship Committee oi the newly formed Anglican Church Women of the Toronto Diocesewas guest speaker at the November meeting of Trinity Guild The meeting took the tom of Pot Luck Supper for all women of Trinity Parish with the Idea of informing them at the operation or the Anglican Church Women Archdeacon and Mrs Alien Read were guests alongwitb several members oi the Womens Auxiliary Chancel Guild Sunday School and Choir Mia Green alrnelnher at St Johns Church Dixie was in troduced by Mrs Fisber and spoke on how the women of the Toronto Diocese all work as one large group SUCCESSFUL EFFORTS Three things were stressed as must for successful organiza tion All women of each parish must be included Aii money raised must go into one fund Finally all work must he cnioy ed Members were invited to the Conference for the Diocesan Eir ecutivc for instruction and tin derstanding to be held in Aurora Housing and recducotion will be discusscdat length To promote the welfare of children and youth and to raise the standards ot home life are just two of the object tives of Home and School As sociatlons children do not live in vac uum They live with other child ren the world over The health ier the worlds children are phy sically mentally and emotion ally the better the world will be foroveryone what will benclit any child will automatically benefit your child If any child poorer Home is the first and perhaps greatest of childs teaclrers By thetime child is live he has already learned over hall at what he will ever learn Ry teaming to be better parents arid bygiving our children lov ing home we give them the best possible legacy the Ontario Federation of Home and School Associations travell ed from Hamilton to be special ing Workshop sponsoredby the Barrie and Distri Homeancl School Council duringllome and bers were present from various associationsin this area 1ntcolt dllcedby Area VicePresid ent Mrs Agnew Mrs Keel er stated that although she be been her greatest interest in keeping with the objectives of Home and School several Child Study Courses have been presented tor the use of the As sociations by the Ontario Fed eration Meet Your School Age Child and The Adolescent and the Modern World were thefirst of there To be pros tied at the Oeurio Convention in May is radio toatherlrght lltotrhod lot has sturdy washable covering mouldad ply wood trams nirtrel plaiod hardware till l6 Vanity with anal Ilium five Ed poems WMMM WWW motored her engagement to young man who was mat mu beneath bar on tho social ladder the girls palcw were prominent cittmu and can lrauo the mo in tho whiteb err otflcc gt You eon he an that nowm would ickthemoutu 6TilE BARR EXAMINER TUESDAY NOVEMBER It ACW Representative Speaks To Members Oi Trinity Guild ZMra Green arlawercd many Erratum which helped clarlf workings of the new orgau lotion She was thanked by WA President Mrs Peter Donaldson who presented her with lit in appreciation NAMED PRESIDENT ltirs John Miicblnson mem ber ot Trinity Parish for many years was chosen President at Trinity Anglican Church Women for the coming year by Mr Read who spoke briefly to the members short business meeting fol lowed presided over by President Mrs Fred Long Mrs Wilson mots anal Dear 310 So don the all and Atlanta mamlcouldloonandon rmmywlettluldenbom abomlbakevoMGolorfll lay motherlulu had to an hunted trip to another city My Mood drove her In on car All unavoidable delay nude It necessary for them to be away overnight when they rohlrnod my husband told me they had cbemd Into hotel In Mr and Mrs It added hastily Nip beds at come My ntothecinlaw la 67 while dont tblli man and not woant pldl hsr oo 11 his hlllrotlm mm or money and husband paid for tho trip could have nellaf lordod the price of second mom am not questioning the mo rality of the situation am questioning the Judgment of then two people comment from you pleaseDetroit ti Dear Detroit lnvan emotion cy such setup would be OK But Ilnce there was no emergen cy and money is no problem they aboldd have had separate room The fact that they ml tarad In Mr and Mrs made it littla too cute in my opinion homo Webb Secretary read letters of thanks Reportii were given by Morn bersbip Secretary Mrs John Stevenson and Treasurer Mrs John Seal Mrs Frank Caldwell reminded members of the Grey Cup Cof fee Party and Mammoto Bake Sale planned for Dec from 830 1130 am it was decided lolscll Church plates at the as The meeting was convened by Mrs Percy Stewart Mrs Dal suifers the Awbrlds children are Mrs Kceler President of guest at the Leadership Train School Month Executive menu longs to other associations illome andSehool has always fenden Leadership Training Workshop Markedi By EHome And School The Decisive Years which will cover the years up to seven At present in several of the larger cities The Adolescent and tho lilodem Worl is being present ed to the public as slxweck study course sponsored jointly by the Home and School Council and the Board at Education The mponse to Jhese courses ha been good Executive training workshops and discussion groups rounded out the evening my examines om nos PHONE new call other Permanent ml or lollfr Pieces and Will at reduced 5mm PM lair Stylists 728744 at Hairstylists nil744s or low loot ill warren mm ion Swan and Mrs William Wol go with goodiiving Forun and my dunno mmith ice cream You can more simply yummy who torthcyoullo crowdouuporbiy elegant desserts for tho ldttltI For Mnde party can serve pink nodareen lcl cream mowblllflllttwcontn MM be we flakld coconut with tablespoons ulphmy or HilleicttprduinalsrRol kl errant scoops tn oooorllx from mutt maria mg Somathlno now for tho youunvmods monkdawn Partially on on glass with cold commuilywu iwaatsned whipped aura rflmtilltothalapwhhrscoop doeitoaieaereomsuinuaw WWW clot dinner parties with toll intn Try delicious themed voodoo sauce with mil lea main Measure cups canned mihcernaat into citation dist altruism vengeful maboppad machine oil Ito and mp chopped vat nuts Heat through rjetmmvmaewr Mr am pinon lltlauonueamatusspafl Wanders alum NOT SUNDAE sauce 32 MW thermostata Wot ficuptlvhrm MONDAY impshavodbvflnt Ilium cumululmmeothm mrehllduntrihmym parthhlnuwnnndeomm stmrmtfi onenanme mmbuner59mmm Imwaaa1uuaamuu nounammo

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