Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Nov 1967, p. 5

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IVY Stall With the an nouncnment irom iormer reere Sanlord Page that he is del lnltely in the field again three iw light looms In the contest or Bass recve as nomination da nears The meeting wIll be hall at lvy Orange Hall Wedncs day allernoun have told my lrlonds will be standing said Mr Page stating he was pleased over the tiers oi support Mr Page was dorsed as reeve and George Gucrgis Angus motel operator as Ly rcevc at pro nomination meeting held at An gus campaign committee head quarters last week Leslie Lovc grove and Mrs Shirley Dourcaua were endorsed as council candi dltcs at the some meeting which was attended by 56 rcprcscnta tive citizens indications are Mr Page will be standing ogainsct Reeve Goo Davis running or reelection altcr serving husytwoycar term and Allan Zena Angus iood merchant Mr Zebu said firiicr he was delinilely stand FDR DEPUTY RELIVE Mr Gucrgis who was presi dent ol the Angus district rcc reatino council during the plst year will be opposing Deputy Reeve Eugene Smith at Utopia Mr Smith has been vlccchair man at lira Nottawasaga Valley Conservatlon Authority Councillor Morgan Murphy oi Baxter wcllknowo or musical talents is expected to run tor reelection and so is Councillor Kenneth Blanchard pl RR Alliston Councillor Fred Ross oi Angus hasnt announced his plans Orrin ltoss took leading part in getting the Essa library tor Angus Reeve Davis was the other Essa council representa tive to the library board resident oi Angusjor it years Mr Gurrgis hm active businessman who has done been an much toward promotional the Angus area He was recently spoons and trimmed classes tor yum people Mr Guergis mains director LONG LXPBRIBNCE Reeve Davis was chairman oi agriculture on Simcoe County council during the past year He operates more arm on the will line road ol Essa Starling his municipal service in 1956 Reeve Davis served ilve years as councillor our years as deputy and is now completing his second year as reevo Mr Page has sencd tour years as reeva two as deputy rccvo and live as councillor Like Mr Davis he has lived in Essa all his lite Nominations will be received by Harold aeli clerk between one and two oclock Wednesday Nov 22 Angus Businessman Running For Deputy ANGUS ISLaIIl We have been vcry gratliicd at the many people who have oilercd their support said George Guergis candidate tor deputy reeve In the coming Essa township elec tloo The local motel operator who has been resident hero or more than 14 years was endors ed by the Angus election com mittee along with Sanlord Pago ioryllccvc and L15 Love Seven Polling grow and Mrs Shirley Douv cnux ior councillors have also had good nrany others call me and otter sup port he said stating he was interested in getting Essa new and better deal Angus said Mr Guergio should be endeavorinti to get industry To do this sewers and water services were needed We have got to work together to gct ahead he said stating good Subdivisions Planned For Collingwoocl Vote conunowooo Staiti Sev cn pollingsubdivisions have been arranged tor the coming Collingwood Municipal election on Monday Dec Residents oi Collingwood then will be given alohance to vote on their mnyor reeves and council six trustees two commissioners in addi tron to two special questions The elected representatives will take ottice ior two year terms Nomination day is Monday Nov 20 with nominations accepted at the town hall between 750 and 830 pm The special questions to be submitted concern Sunday Sports and movies The sports question will appear on the ballot thus Are you in lavor oi puhlic games and sports for gain alter 130 oclock in the aitcrnonn oi the Lords Day to be regulated by municipal bylaw under the autlturity oi the Dords Day Ontario Act ltitilHii The other question will he Areyou in favor or moving pic lures alter 130 oclock in the allernnon ioi the Lords Day to be regulated by municipal by law under the authority oi the Lords Dalentario Act 1960 AI Angus Trustees To Give Reports A2 ANGUS Stall Trustees who served Angus police village for thepasl year William Gibbs Maynard West and Charles Bell will present reports on local works at meeting in theLoBA hall here Wednesday night Nov ember oz Nominations will he received at the meeting ior twoycar terms to start in January and Sanford Page secretary will re celve these between and pm Considerable sidewalk con struction andrepairs and im proved street lighting were mong local projects carried out under the boards administrate tionduring the past year The An us village rate was 12 mills residential and its commercial on the Essa tax bills these to hapaid by residents in the area Duly imons ANNIVERSARY BRADFORD Slam Lion MacLewis is in charge of tic kets luv the both anniversary banquet of the Eradlord Lions Club which is to be held at the nlinental lnn Barrie on Mon ay evaningNo 27 PHONE much FAMOUS Homuth will be chict returning oillcer and pulling sub divisions and oilicers will be as lollows No at Mrs Orma Walkinshaw 43 Ste Marie Street to Mrs Hurst deputy returning oiiiccr Mrs Walkin shaw poll clerk io Mrs Matthews deputy reluminfl oiiiccr Mrs lslayPrentice poll clerk No at Mrs Curran 120 Ontario Street It to Mrs Vuckson Mrs McLaugldin to Miss Bull Mrs Ectty Fisher No at Mrs Donor 521i Huron torlo street to Mrs Agnes Green Mrs Carol Risk to Miss Anne Atkins Mrs Marion McKean Polling subdivision No at Mrs Burwicli 50 Oak Street to Mrs Katherine Reid Miss Rita Erinlunan to Mrs Vern Doherty Mrs Dorothy Potts No at Mrs llaughton 114 Maple Street to Mrs Jean Wright Mrs Lily Ward to Mrs Vera Redick Mrs lsnbel Grifien No at Mrs Hill 205 Filth Street to Mrs Helene Hill Mrs Lola Cameron to Mrs Bertha Thomas Miss Doris Wright No at Mrs Vi alet Wilson 316 Sixth street to Mrs Flora Hodson Mrs Sadielichean lilto Mrs Mary Cox Mrs Eleanor Wool ner Polling hours mm to am to pm have been approved BLIGHTY Inrrssv HALL BLAKE THURSDAY liltlll Sponsored by Barrie Minor Hockey Assoc industry would provide employ ment and bring prosperity to the area While the community had made progress great deal more could be accomplished with the right leadership it was suggenod We should him to make Angus tourist and in dustrial centre ho said ch have wonderhll location right beside Ease Borden and have wonderiul opportunities But we haveta do more pro moting and encourage more in tcrcst he said stating ho was oilering his services because he iclt he could help YOUTH PROGRAM its chairman of the Angus Dis trict Recreational Council tor the past two years Mr Guergis made worthy contribution in advancing the local playground program and these eliorts are continuing Kenneth Butler who has been the Angus Legion rep resentative is the new chairman and Mr Gueogls is director and public relations olilcer Dav id odlslraw is the secretary Mr Guergls also has been ac tive in other fields trying to promote better recreational facil ities ior youth He has empha sized the need for general ear operation to makethe maximum of results possible We have the best interests at this area at heart hestresscd Penalty Nedrs In Creemore Tax CREEMORE Stall Rale payera oi the village at Cree more have been reminded in special notice that only short limo remains to pay 1967 taxes at par The taxcoliector Lem mon drew attention to regula tions which require penalty oi oneper cent to be added to all 1967 taxes remainingunpaid by Dec It was stressed that pay nlrcnt now would avoid this pen ty inn Opposition mailman minus salsa To School wrus pause Simcoe County Warden Gcorge MacKuy who is also rccve ol Ora ls complet lng busy term as head county council His leader ship has been commended by colleagun member oi the county council for ll years the retiring warden has served years on Oro council Exam iner Photo See Election In Innisiil SIROUD Still Largest taxpaying municipality among rs townships in Simcoe County in nlslil nomination meeting will be held Wednesday Nov 22 with the clerk Richard Groh ro Lvlving the nominations With three already mention ed as likely candidates or recvc on election scents certainty and this wiilbo held on Saturday Dec Rccve Joseph Cochranc who has been continuous mcm hcr oi the Innisiil council since rose and served an mayor of tent cd city lor the successiui inter national plowlngmalch to co lober is expected to standior reelection He has been mention ed as possible wardcn candi date it returned Deputy Reeve Ehan Sawyer and aiormer member Campbell oi Stroud also have been mentioned as likely candi dates or the reavcship The el cctionwill he or twoyear terms Present council members are William Gibbins Allan Todd and George Burton As in most other Simcoe Coun ty municipalities the Innisiil tax rates were increased for the cur rent year In this township the increase amounted to about 11 mills Council To Get Malcherlash Home inonrn nrvnn Stall Willt Matchedash schoolpupils going to Simcoe County Area Public School No at Goldwater Matchodash council has approved plans to renovate the iormer township school into municipal building With Carman Robinson oi Moonstone In charge the work is to be done as winter work program project The Matciredash Municipal oiiice was located in Goldwater or some years SECOND PRODUCER Canada ranks second in world production in uranium gold cadmium gypsum and bismuth STARTS TOMORROW IMPERIAL We TWO MATT HELM DOUBLEBARRLLED HITS ON THE SAME SHOWI DONT MISS THEIIM VaynoJ Opposition to the School Boards proposal to enlarge two schools in Innisiil has swung to favor the Idea The plan to make rooms available or kind ergarten classes and to include lacilltis lo ralsetho schools to top grade educational uni Some member council who opposed the proposal originally now see the possibility that lonlsiil does not act while it has its own board years may pass vvhde the township pays its share at area taxes with insul flcicnl rooms to take care at ln creased enrolment Alter row school costs will be district matter and new debentures sold next year would be part oi area costs it could be some time belorc the larger area School Board got around to requirements oi ln nistrliha city oi Barrie would be part at tho aysiern then and their expansion would allect our schools NOMINATIONS By the time this reaches many at our readers tho nominations will heth us Wednesday eve ning at Stroud Community Hall has been set aside to hear candi dotcs tell the ratepayers why they eel they should be consid cred tor membership in council tor two years or tor School Board ior the next year lt would appear that many pcople are interested in who runs ior oiiice and how Ilia allaira at our municipality uro handlai The list oi prospective candidates keeps growing it all those whose names have been mentioned as plre tor otilce we should have good choice especially for council With regard to the trus tecs tor School Board theso men have big lob ahead and have only another year in attic until they are replaced by Board at Education Perhaps they should stick with Ila ahtp until the change is made It could be that one oi our mariners would be chosen or the new Board of mention QUEENS GUNEAB The covelcd Queens Guineas It the Royal Winter Fair was won by Guelph lad Edi Lav eriay but the competition or that honor brought out sortie line atom Among those judged iirst class were the entries oi Allan Sprouie and Paul Wilson son and grandson oi the late Charles Sprouts oi Shmthorn lame They won ll elassawards and their steers sold or good price The Guineas steer alsoShort horn brought in cents pound Others at the Royal did not tare so well Oril Cook oi Bor ria View Farm had herd oi good Hereiords but his top spot was dth place which was much better titan some liughes Broth ers horses seamed to trail the winners this year with the only ilrst ribbon coming or showman ahlp won by Edgar or his hand ling ol the team As said pre viously the Royal is place where the championsare rated and to win there means bcing the best LOCAL HORSE SHOW This weekend lnnlsiil was the home oi horse showthat may he the beginning oi some thing tbht will develop into big gcrthlnga At Keith Robinsons term on the 12th linelite new inside exercise barn was ollleial ly opened with stable warm lngand muslcalrpony ride Many oi the horses stahled in this barn are owned by people irom Toronto and other places out oi tbedistrlct They hoard their anirnals in these splendid sirruundinga and come weekly to ride thorn during the winter The new closedrin exercise barn without centre posts wdl allow plenty at room tor riding CROSSING FATAL Last week the batty oi Mrs ohn Hlslop oi the 7th line was laid to rest following her tragic death at the railway crossing while on her way to work as cashier at the Red and White store at Alcona Beach it was said that had she not endeavored to put on her brakes when she saw the approaching train she would have cleared the rails but her car wu on the slippery road and put her in iront at the train This is dangerous crossing and only short time back we commented on it Perhaps now the authorities will get busy and have all these level crossings equipped with protective device as The and that provides lor these devices has plenty oi rc servcs available and more can be lound SUPREME COURT Recount oi ballots on the liquor TuEsaAv novwna or StAYNIR PAIR BANQUET SIAYNER sum Mrs Ah na Kayla Ontario secretary at the Womans Division of Ag rimlturd Patti will he the guest speaker at banquet to be held at erllee Playtextan church on Maddy Nov startiog at 530 pan ideas iorStaynerl wonky air will be dkcuswd BUILDING Insaneran itsz and lipsch tions or the position oi bu ding inspector are sought by Tecum seth township duties to com mence in January King clcrh in notion sold applica tions should be made by Doc alter which the appointment will be made by the council COOKSIOWN 0611 OOOKSTOWN Stall Mem here at the Cooitsiown Canadian Girls in Trotn group will meet at the ctnirch era on Friday Nov it at pm Mrs Mllroy and lllrs George Paris were in charge ol the group when they visited Hillcrcat Lodge in Orillia and entertained senior citizens there recently vote In in go before judges at the Supreme Court for decision as to intcntlon oi votcrs who marked ballots other than Man The hearing is in Toronto Nov 30 CITY OF BARBIE Debentures gt Price 100m yield 700 TORONTO IIOMINIarI The Bank where people make lha cliitVarence Ournearestan willboplmscd louwcpcyonrordor RAES laalr Here auv on YOUR iiiSURANGE HARRY PROMM it Davidson St hartla nil1101 STAT FA mannaall nwnuun at steer Cdn Head Office Scarborough For The Best In Service comma mas or double your mom back me Ca and Only known nndaih independent basket to make this error 449641 Ashton so 5mm um GOHEEN sense BILLIARDS Meet your friends Test your skill Open Sunday alternouns and evenhtgs so Dunlop ransom Illell Floor It CHM Til Ihiudlood BARRIE FLOOR WALL IILE at Maple Ave DAINES SAUNA BATES mom Vinlt mm Tamas Monroe Therapy Eranutv Gmuna los aduhlll nnu Aw TAYtons TEXAco Classmn Medianlc Winterizing Firestone Tires Batteries Snow ploughing Barrio Itstrio It Bradford next 14 CE in genmg win one Insults In Service Phone 1285862 FOOD MARKET Cami Borden WINTER SERVICE 7261490 Hire lotteries edition 36 BARRIE TUNEUP CENTRE Aline Dunlap Sta Don Piche Ross Pitz Products Prices MIKE JANITORIAL SERVICE Windovra Fioorl Stornlv Snow Plowing till NliHl snvIrI Residential Commercial Industrial 4m EstimatesV Servan Barrie and surrounding area 5361316 prove no Iter SMALL Ans YOU wnv LP naconns arena Ends week names will iind yours cut out the and receive your FREE When your name appears Roxy Theatre you are the the Roxy Theatre these prizes Mann era of these businesses in pear in these advertisements silvertisemeut bring itto the EjaaImner LP RECORD courtesy of the advertiser illter dz Food Market of the winner of steaks or tree Pass to will be presented to you by the SPECIALIZED DRAPERY CLEANING ADJUSToDRAPE Vnonshrinklug irons the house at dJ Tamas 217 Dunlap Hwy 21 Penetnng 5492234 Lolly ARE now snowman 711mm Prion 72a46al Trauma or naoannoorr NORTHWAY llllG COMPANY LTD simulcast 1264511 suoormot PAINTINGS lt1 ANTIFREEZE $280 Gar r2 Dunlap st mam annrnn ENGAGEMENT cravrns ltlEtllyt ROXY 46 ounror sr atoms Another salisf or customer who dime mam PEACOCK Reunionrer Service ETROLEUMS Autumigipa Now 5110me manna seams Evetlll Menu litmus Mens Lilith HOV gt Full come nionm from $125 Sunday GlamouriSpecdSpectacch 5E sTewARrs RESTAURANT axonyuan VV anstun dVdiiDunlop Deliven pH Annie Rt first ROYSALISBURY iillliiliiiiiiililiiiiiiiiilillilitlt PLUMBING ADULTSHOWS AT ciao 5an PM with flgf SiloJET soc $100 $125 mm LAST more TonAerfaonN Losrnsfv iii gitW GYclE 53 FreoEstlmltea our SAL asnnvrona FOR FURTHER 728 9461 run vouxsnur IN rnr WINTER RECREATION maroon Alterations lor home oliicé or Industry tailoring alterations 7281Ml maglnawranfi 11 Doolep unitalrs users INFORMATION 69 mva damn

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