Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Nov 1967, p. 10

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ovmaim no ANNOUNCEMENTS In Newlurrttio verse Verse pa count this extra SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Engagements Marriages and Deaths Birth Apaoimocmeats maximum 40 words =Cards of Thanks words additional woods tic per word Coming Evouu DEATHS IDIINSNN Eu Anal A1 hll home Mlnulml on MOM NW rm Pl Ema Helen and 59191 13111 COMM Brill nl Toronto and Willilm of Barrie DiriLb dccllseflr AVID lb er ol Harvey HIV Iufl Gordon of Illllldllt lri her in Ruth It rhr Pcthirk When Home RIHIlld Strut time Senltd in r1lpc1 WedmIdIV It Inltrmlnt Mlnfilnl Union Clmtlm ADDISON Lurlndl At the out Victor liosptui Rants on llondav November 211 1961 ctr iilllr beloved hire or Wellington Madison and our Iriolicr oi Neol rain Taylor Lueinoa lira 11 uekenxll Mute Iain ital lctrrmlritt all or Barrie Nonnlln or Windsor marceased by and son William elven paitenon sister n1 Samuel 01 nlston Slskalchlwln Tool 111 Callaiidu Ontario Garfield or Clarkson and ilinnle loin Torn oorklrl of Burlington iteplnr Ihe itnnctt runeroi llomo 15a Bndlonl st Illrrle tor rewioe on Wednesday at use lninr ment nante Union Cemetery MILLER ovum cbuirl nova unnenlv at illiillely Dialnu 11 Boyd Mlller on November 19 957 In tru sun your beloved husband of Phyllis irurulow at nreiuru llrar lather 171 linen and Nomialr Draraon of the hie vrln Ind llan Hitler and brother Miller Annie pl pt sieurlce Ontario COMING EVENTS NOMINATION MEETING of the PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION or the FEDERAL RIDING nl PEEL DUFFERIN AND SIRICOE will be held on NOVEMBER 23 no at 315 p111 ORANGEVILLE DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Guest Speaker HEATH MocQUARRIE Everybody Welcome Voting by Delegates THURSDAY BLIIGHTY BINGO liveryI Wednesday spin NEW SOUTH WARD COMMUNITY HALL Gill St at Bond DRILLIA TELL MORE SELL MORE When you place roy Articles For Sale on 111 The aarrie Er hminer 1er these points In mind In WhatI item is Hrand name Conriitlnli Specificatlons Accessorrs and attachments Previmll isage Prlce Upholstery Flnislt Age Color Make it easier or the prospect to buy Remember the Articles forSale classlficaiion Is the Peoples Market Place CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 7282414 classiilen advertisements and linu ces tor these pages must be re ceived by pm day precedan puliltcrunn with the exception of Classified Display advertisements wulch wt be In by unto anon preceding day CANCELLATIONS man rum to 311 for ulna any 31an LETTER liox REPLIES charge or so cent is maria rnr use or an Examiner Box Number gentity of Box Number users tl rlelly nontidential Replies 11 Letter aoxer vvlu ba hold only to days atier list data or publication WORD ommlum WEED ADVERTISINGCash amount Rates apply 11 paid with in days Single Insert Ilo per cm TWO consecutive inertia 44m Pcr worn oer Lose Thro consentth tnreriioru per word per laseltluii total ma su run neeuuve insertionl me per word er lusefllou total $504 uruttpls sections may be ordered sublect to cancellation when satisfactory remltraatrlnen 10 per cent eo dlLlonal errroe it not paid within veri days ERROil on CORRECTIONS All none mutton omen ar ltchp I8 convenience to the advertiser Therein the Classlllud Advnrlialn Deplflmeut require all adve to kindly recbeck their Advertlumen immediately after th1t lulefllall In on that my error or omissniis may he re ported belnra 1111111 order Llill unto my in unified for till Tole wlowinl on publication To one lie manner is responsible ior only one incorrectly printed user lion pl any 7211159111in Illtl than only to the extent or portion of hi thlt involvu the ml NLRTVII which do not lesson vein nr or advertisement are not eligibl or corrections by make500111 Tile Elislg Examiner reserve tile Richardson 44147 CLASSYFl 200 15¢ per lino price on request COMING EVENTS ng Wednesday pm ARMY NAVY AND AIR FORCE CLUB 79 Dunlop St West $300 JACKPOT NOW 55 NUMBERS ADMISSION 50¢ 1p support of the Barrie Brunch Navy Magun of Canada ATTENTION All MEMBERS and LADIES AUXILIARY of BRANCH 499 ANGUS Childrens Christmas Party to be held December 17th at pm in the Legion Hall All members wishing their children 12 years of age and under to attend please Inform Branch before De cember BOX 135 ANGUS ONTARIO EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7mm TOY BINGO ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION HALL ANGUS Tuesday Dec pm All proceeds in old of Childrens Christmas Party REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE CORW REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 72252419 93 Dunlop St lst and 2nd mortgages arranged on low monthly payments We buy your present lst rind Zod mortgages MARE MARSHALL llorsos IiAflGUERITr MOORE rill256 GRETA 21mm rill5171 JANE YOUNG mam LAURANS KERR Aidsth Ali751 rmn GUBBIILS 72 PETERS WILES LTD 29A Owen St TIP2410 MIS Realtor JHWHITE 109 Bayiield St 7281071 Appraisals Listings lninrea EVENINGS lorlna warm ntvno JOHN COLE 7288017 RAWN Real Estate Broker 308 BAYFIELD ST 7289451 SPEClALiZING IN RURAL PROPERTIES Evenings Cali LED CAVANAUGH 72811477 LARRY TORPEY 7250715 am RAWN 72pm OSCAR BATES Real Estate Broker THORNTON HWY 27 Telephona ivy 201111 lgttrole Mrs Dewsnap REAL ESTATE 7263356 OR BETTER BUY Give our Service lryl Eric CO UT AND our OWEN $1 7ZM4115 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo ML Realtor EVENlnos ooggggy ignsglrlnSIflllTfll 72det1 WALTER Colins7 33 ans lREAl ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE PP than MODERN WLEX with all conveniences tight rental mciiet Owner will take low MODERN HIDOMBUNGAIDW with living mom kitdteii and Dirge bedroom and 4picoe bath on rpaln floor Bastriient has one bed Loombgacreatlcn mom with Installed aiaiiilm steel sink also there imam FARMr155 clay loam working bush Itdstorey brick tuirrle in excellent condition Ill conlenlences and tourpiece bath Largo bank harp near Ang Charlie Read 7134817 Smith Campbell 718739 mm excellent buy in todays down payment on first Hugh Homur 7250429 Ron Allan £56531 Bud Watson MM Fred Taylor mm BIDWELL Realtor Photo MLS 33 COLLIER STREET PHONE lzmso ESTATE SALE 11 YOU LIKE TO BE 0051 by fire in the large living room with wide windows to enjoy the winter scene close to downtown conven lcnces and shopping it you need bedrooms it you wish to have separate dining room and family kitchen you might litre to buy this house we hope so we dont want it unpty and alone at Chrlstmss Call Elaine lnesou for appointment MARY MORRISON mm WILMA BlDlVELL more ELAINE INESON mm ROGERS CONNELL Photo 111 Realtor DUNLOP STREET EAST At 1hr Five Points Phone 7285563 MODERN BRICK iBEDROOM WITH GARAGE PRICE THAT DEFB COMPARISONI 515500 in handy locatlorl for schools and shopping here Is it rug brick centre hall plan Morey that is just years old The first floor plan comprises Is very spacious living room dining and fine moCern kitchen Upstairs there are bedrooms and ceramic tiled section and excellent coidroom Blitz mortgnge carries for $114 including taxes Now vacant imnodlate possession Call usNOW to see this comfortable iamlly home at rock bottom price EVENINGS CALL Council males Fred Eplett 7M9793 7234587 Mrs Nortnc Rogers EMORY MILLER ills REALTOR MORTGAGES ARRANGED 67 DtmIop West 7211188 PATTERSON ROAD Cosy bedroom stucco bungalow just the place for retirement or small faintly large lot 30 50 should appeal to the gardening enthusiast Full price only $12500 For appointment calHKen Miller 4361314 PRICED RIGHTThis 15 centrally located three bedroom brick bungalow on In nicely landscaped lot llili haservicntrlorcnd air oil heatedpossesslon arranged to suit buyer Asking 517900 Ilrstlime offered and by origlhal owner The price has not been inflated Owner has completed new suburban home good down payment here will get you real buy Call Emerson Swain PRESTIGE HOME Toronto St One of Barries finest older homes with large living room dining room s1lidy modern kitchen and lovely reception hall on ground floorreThroe large bedrooms very modern apiece bathroom an sunporch onsecorld floor Full base ment with separate rooms and pipe bathroom Heated by hot water nilf Situated on leltft wi paved driveway For ap pointment to inspect call Gard Spender 7235348 Kenhelh Mlller 43641114 Marg Wakefield 4495465 Karl Marshall 7289917 Les Lovegrove 4496112 Harvey Weber 4363815 Percy Fold 7m7930 Robert Flewelling 7mm Gordon Spencer lat5348 Rita Seandrett 7284865 Ernersnn Swain 7268605 Pater Mauton 7286503 Emory MiIler 7260663 HAROLD EORSITER COMPANY III Baytield Street PHOTO MLS REALTORS 7156453 Mortgage Funds Available Free Customer Parking CHRISTMAS IS ALREADY HERE The owner has put such low price on Ithls custom built home of bedrooms full basement brick bungalow fully landscaped large trees that we know hes losing money but that is your present for this early Christmas Priced at $15700 CaIll Lorne Hay COLLIER STREET Fully duplexed older home completely modernlrcd two bedroom self contained apartments with separate entrances new furnaces roof an electric wiring mlmercial zoning olfers excellent business potential Asking price $25000 Terms arranged Call Irene Forbes MLS 308 EVENINGS CALL CURLY KLouerahiAN Wampum Nook mom uLoitiA KOSSATZ 7m75a KLOOSTERMAN ivy 12M iiAitGAitLr MOORE 71mm mu GOEDmlONIVI viaom RENE Foltars 7256442 GRANT asaeAlrrHtm 7160537 LORNE a1 HAY 12111566 CARSON PHOTO MIS REALTOR 511 WORSLEY STREET TELEPHONE 7756481 TWO NEW HOMES onedouhle and oiletwo storey centrally located Call Russell Carson can ANY SALESMAN Investment property $2000 down willput you in this double brick home rooms on each side new forced air heating system central Call any salesman MODERN Blle DUPLEX with large spacious rooms only it years old hill price $21000 Call Russell Carson HIGHWAY nanM 10 acres bllsh balance under cultivation This is highly productlve dairy farm milk contract bulk tank Good solid brick house 10 rooms shaped haril good stahling silos implement shed and garage For fullparticulars call our representative Rupert Mc Gratin Elmvale 7391122 coupumacr MpDERNfZED duplexI with large rooms in each apartment double driveway and double garage Call Russell Carson VALUAELE anatomical and lakeslroroproperty right in the city of Barrie Possusion May lst 1968 Call Norm Synpotl Norm Synuott nil2533 Russ Carson 7296151 Bill Hamilio 7235325 Rupert McGrathElliva1e 739R22 Charles Hepwortb 7266481 TSHELSWELL and WILLSONV MLS REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE onoxsits 119 DualopISt East 7251422 Drills1413 FOR SUMMER AND WINTER holidays have look at this macro farm withgood trout stream bills for skiing hardwood bush excellent view 95000 down will giverou this ideal location Call Keith MoMastcr cocoa No 11967 LEAVING CITY Owner must sell bedroom brick bungalow with finished recreation room living room kitchen plus dinette Located close to North Collegiate Taxes only $325 carries for 599 Principal interest and taxes to one mortgage Call Keith MeMasteIr 4495860 Not ids67 mam 7168711 mom 7251139 via5m rill1m mum tinspa lne Lonnltu Evrrclt sheuwell Oren Brown urea Atkinson inall Lang it MIeLIYen Maralet krilth Norah Haiku Glldyl Sinclair Kelfli Neilstel WLLL shins RESULTSI 4495105 Everett Lnllulleed 111 w11uou Norman sheuwoli bathroom this hole dry poured concrete basement with laundry bedroom brick bungalow with REAL ESTATE FRANK Photo ILL 19 BAYFIELD Sim the dethds And You wont Lose SightOf Check Your Attic Stotaroom Garagal Somebody WlllPa Paoprarv FOR sate NELLES Realtor mites EVENINGS CALL mm mace IR Cholkan IX LTD M15 REALTOR ltl OOUrIER Sl 7284401 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL For the undecided man who wants to get one present for tho whole family Four bedroom home on Steels Street real steal low down payment DIth PROPERTY Low down payment with tailor made WI apartments and bedsitting menu Close to downtown One mortgage for balance 41 Worsley Street bedroom borne on Steele St MalDllp for the Christmas present that will last omen ro Downtown bedroom 11 storey clean milligram low down payment MIX MAGUS HANK NETLE rum LAW aural niuav GIBSON MARION NEWMAN ANITA swlrr Sr DEVEAUX ANGUS GARNER InGGiNsoN DntitAcoLo ilAltv swni AF mm more com mites mam mom newts Photo MLS Realtor ROSE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES RENTALS 15 OWEN 5T 7mm BEAUTIFUL BACK SPLIT level home with attached garage tea lurirrg bedrooms family sized kitchen large combination living and dining room Very curly possession LOVELY BEDROOM split level home lcuturlng separate sunk on living room and separate dining room one full piece ccramlo Lilo hathrooom plus piece washroom Carries tor $120 monthly including interest principal and taxes Down pay ment only about $1700 and less to qualified buyer FOUR BEDROOMS Large bedroom home with attached garage Lshaped living room and dining room full piece ceramic the bath plus piece washroom All Rose lies malls Bill blackness Res 7750726 Russell Smith Res moose Mary R5 72811366 Dick Hartley 72117971 REALTOR BUILDING WIS CLOSE TO LAKE 1l acre lots wooded near Lake Simcoe $3500 Bulldiiig lots with access to private park and beach ex cellent for children $1700 OM 112 it 295 lakefront lot good value ILAKEFRONT OOTTAGES SleE Executive cottage bedrooms saurla bath boathouse with guest rooms marine railway 2car garage Large winterized furnished cottage 40 games room lovely lot paved roads only $20000 BEDROOM CWAGES Sviss Chalet reduced in price for quick sale real buy at $8000 A1sn others from $6000 up Contact Ed wood Ora Station 4mztzoI KEITH LTD REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Babcock Barrie Clobouine Stroud Colboume Strand Mdlean Elmvale MacLeod Barrie Show Stroud Wood om 4872428 Spencer TilOmtAIll 4564831 Fitrsimmons Chhill 4562610 tat Eglintou Ave East AGRIESBACH 7289844 Broker BARGAIN HUNTERS 7235095 ass1317 43s1537 lBRA 7234759 4368116 attractive fireplace in spacious living room roomy kitchen with separate dining area 133090 down INCOME PROPERTY Close to Dominion Plaza con taining upper aparunent garage large lot Asking $15900 Immed iate possession PUGET STREET Ideal location well built bed room brick bungalow atltractiva Lshapcd living dining room beautifully panelled recreation room with firepldce 4th bed room and 2nd bathroom Im maculate condition throughout Ted Brlgnell 726liltlo Bernard Betta 4874517 Laddle Grieshach 7189844 ritlt EXAMINER WANT ADSI sou shortcuts Cookers replica com rosrm mow mm BEAVER HOME built on your owalolindatiort PLANS to Choose froth Peter Light Home Consultant BEAVER LUMBER 129 Bradford St 7135511 PRIVATE aid or minim It kit to an nu lot Glove st mafia almost avsNuz mate in modern bellman brick burritow alhcbed torre pvroarlyr fur ulcer recreation moi Close to menu bus uu ioL ratlist omen AND Maintenance Shop or rectory tor sale or rent anilntn Illh MI hilly fenced as acorn st Banit Phone lot mull mu house for air Ilsa Ilo mes lilI landmIviorklnl Dawn Kimy an insult phone mm or nurture tnlop nation PRIVATE SALE Gracious oldtr homl on quiet rm lloeo meet four bedroom livliil room vain rireniree dining room modern kitchen ruii basement Ange paved drlvl Control loca lon clout to schools ma downtown H900 Tel II use in ianent IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Wu YEAR OLD white brick side so trim bedroom shaped iivtnn room and nintrra mm baths recreation loom attached pursue blrbccuo landscaped and ranch typo tell nirsoo on per cent mortgage mum latter nirl BUS OPPORTUNITIES Mom 1012 Count trucks inr sale manilahea routes excellent opponuniiv to be in bushes for younetl Priuclvlls nnLv For pan tieulan eeii mom iron mac by mxior oil company service Simon and corals intlio Dorrie arcs Close to new Piaxl Ideal location with good potential tor licenced mechanic Financial assistance available in respomiole party 11 reoui ed For mullr in termutton and interview write box All Barrie Exauuli tlonsitN runNialnrp barber shop at the llandy Pius Slrvud first months rent me on monthly there mer includes but light and wat er Perkct spot tor ramtly man with housing reboots 11111411111511 ark nearby Good ineolnc poten lal Please contact Noel Apdnda tarlilo days or ussosfi evculun LOTS FOR sALE izN ACRES trees near barrio $1600 box not lllflle Examiner noiwwo Lors ior sale on Edge lliilI drive Telephone beaten 226 MORTGAGES fMMEDIATE lst and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL taunt3 Mums AND COMMERCIAL rnoraitrlrs son1017 VALUATIONS If You Need Money are consolidate debt Pay on existing mortgllu 01 mortglgercnmtnl dill OHflml Improvement ponyworthwhile elm Write or Phone 7259991 Mortgage Funding over SimpsonSears 129 DUNLOP s1 Mrmlml Ontario Mnrum Brakera Alandflop THE HELPFUL COMPANY OFFERS 2nd 3rd MTGES 24HOUR APPROVALS Low cost up to all yrs Telephone gin Wilgan to 10 pm to ay PROMPT INVESTMENT CORP LTD 62 Richmond St To onto out 3669586 Evgs 739 49151 WANT MORTGAGE First or Second at low simple interest Up in 507 td your pro party value Low monthly pay meals tip to linear years to repay For any mortgage pro blems see COREY Real Estate 93 Dunlap St 7282419 no You OWN mortgage and east available to purchasa same We will even lend you money on your mortgage Enuulrl MIMI Fulldlizl WWI INSURANCE MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage of any kind see STEVENSONS 113 DUNLOP ST 7151501 MOBILEIHOMES TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH MObIIewHOITleS General Glendale Travelux Parts and Service Cash or Terms up to Years 170 BURTON AVE mW fE FACTORY CLEARANCE 1967 Century 44x10 home furn ishedincludillg 19 inch TV set 5509 saving year mortgage plan payments approximately $95 monthly Tradeins accepted on furniture ORO MOBILE HOMES Highway 11 North of Barrie Open daily Sunday afternoons 7261651 CAlttPKlis and canopies mung I11 pickup trueirs pros and up Lini Ieri stock call in now liedllne import your luthorlzed outrun Dealen 8d billy Street 7268101 Want Ad Section Iaooepted until 5pm Rsnrats tantrum APARTMENTS WANTED TWO DEMON med acute met to Kuhn ma It soluble tuna when in lzlt pin summon In NM IM pleat resume by married couple comn Allnun or would ctrISO win rile until llFURNISHED APT Best monthly value dowuiowti Modem appliances bedsfuing room and kitoiicnette Stilt one adult Phone ml to 530 pm weekdays loosen noelman mm and heated Allin rim Brut Telethon AVAILABLE DW 0n bedroom Ind one bedroom Pals Chflles DIM 77L ROOMS TO LET ulna ulnltonil or your gentleman near mack bar and bill KEENANS MUSIC STORE rtop Omar avsuabie Apply at mount 51 or telephoill STORES FOR RENT omen AREA for rent 51 on Road lultabla or norm mall rrpelr purine etc rem M0 month Telephone mom Hons ran RENT excellent lo cation It Five PolliLv Barrie avllilt able December nelsonills rant Telopbnno mm presides hours NURSING HOMES 5511 AND PRIVATE vermin semicolon t7 to dry rtvato sic Tray renter hour nursing care rive Mlplrs lvrrrun Home Thonitnn Telephone no of ivy com NORTHUMBRIA PATTERNS AVAILABLE Morning Mist Lake Louise Chillo Normandy Rose Lauricr etc FINE ARTS NORTHUMBRIA Call Collect Mrs OHara King City 833K551 or write Box 433 King City Ont ITS HERE THE FAMOUS SHERLOCK MANNING PIANO 10 different designs rrnlsllea Just one beautilul lona Dunlap St ROBINSON HARDWARE for quality used appliances Stoves Refrigerators Washers Dryers 31 Dunlop St East ITEMS CHEESE Canadas finest Cheddar Cheeses direct from factory BREN WOOD GEN STORE ihiles west of Angus PHONE 4246557 7253194 GU BOOKKEEPING are an coma Tax Plantar 120 nundonlztd st Ban1e Earphone 7184595 day or ailing Punting Ind Decorating Gil teed workmanship Phone 72o VI GsoaGIAN rammed moo chzrges or Anne street Nrtil Bamw 7266166 BRADLEY ulterior exte print pecan expert papering loe taplnx Don SDI1177 nilsite palm1m Stucco Work Flo Wnooworle rlnislrlne Workr giLr auteed Allistpn LID738 III II times SANDBLASIING CLEANING Mick wood 01 mltl Froe estimates Guaranteed Pb 735141 CARPENTRY AmAmle nov atioil house nunrtructien by timeserve tradesmen 1186409 or vie6141 lNSULATION eclephoneserm Muir 7mm EAVESTROUGHING aavzsmooonma noonnk dish inn chimneys Graham3ms Sheet Metal 7134431 SERVICES REPAIRS REPAIRS RENOVATIONS NEW CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL museum Guaranteed Quality Workmanshlp TELEPHONE 72114421 INCOME TAX threw For Your Discards Call AWant AdVisor 7282114 SERVICE These Skilled Tradesmen are Ready On Your Job Immediately uys ARTS FOR SALE NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD The More flu blowout Dourxtic AND woman It BEADIIADM rid gallium 61 Collier St Phone stunt CWNA elm eddlnl manhtm tit 11 new But otter iron onus maple puturn urea loinmt in gangsing wrle so Ale PM ndlnpal autumn Very mod condition poo Plum tele pbono mm alter part can em on last year1 urea and lint motat our Alao used no alru horn moo Barrio Sparta Limited Collier slim italrte 1mm mail roam alr oll urea him In ror are non eonnluon roar eh Iith comm 5°00 Iaiooo arv r121 Telbmont El van VACUUMI all mum and models reconditioned Ill and on Telwhono ruler Queer mm or MIDI Avenue snow mks ror Ille sln soon Una on winter Tel Dhono H143 mleAIou emu1e clothes dry or or III In new condition Pric i7l Toitfltime 761 CHRISTMAS TREES lonoo Scotch Pine rrlrpaeno norm mums tirls winter roll rea with black rnx collar sin soon Elfin nesnmpre room rm DEED miccln Air Forum for uh In condition For uh flag Dlrtltulan telephone 72a slums FOE sou 10 141 211 white earnersm lainnit Apt to Rent Noun rev sate emAvaliahlo at aurl mariner bullion nlaee Dav ltaluiwoop willie alien Ilrrphee rleve rna mmlre single or MI cold delivered rerunbl mlmr Alrewsulsas uneoln All with neeesroriu llu pins ux liltidy thrown Alooria aeieui Roan Smurf Telephone mm usavv pm stock car tnliri or late dull Iwheels wllti marina beaer is fret lung sell ror best orrer Telephone 71am RESNOR HEATER for salt motto liru wire douhll ran Telephone HMO DRUM CITY TORONTO 250de am chats ItrvIlmIIAii on or new in use ID are Collect 975464 NEWSPAPER MATS Sin in Ideal or lain chicken soup litl linger etc nerlcet insu ioryOiin In each Apply Barrie xxrpuner SLACK SUIT stro lo mluve never been worn also pcle plnr scm rornui slip in mm once Remn able Telephone 72513409 ortcaA eoneert symphony olrl console modeI play by number Telephone mirth MOVIE CAMERA Yasillta rnauc room full with carry case new condition hail price Phone 1mm Wm COAT Ladys to electric toaster broiler food chopper car oerrvstex oicdrie auto eushlont option not scatter maLr lamp edge clippers cumin rods 7268279 ans STOVE vleclary natural in rnntzc rim and in good walking older Girls in oven door runn 7280127 nmnmtn rm pencils bal toolls matches decals thermom meiers ash travs combs key uses Wedding stationery pill books and calendars rol Christiane Royden obnson Ernie noose TRY EXAMINER wanr lips REPAIR IDE to Work st JANITOR SERVICE 100mi non elem elemtult loi uomes ofilrel slowest bitrm Cleaning Service M7183 PLASIIERING PLASTEIUNG ceilings rec rooms umphwuys to year experience no IRONING Inons $2 per basket wultlnl and uontag $350 415 strum Pickup and deliver Mass DRAFTING BLUEPIIINTS hnrne game room additions etc Work guaranteed to mcat local building specification 72315414 sNow aLowsR REPAIRS Snow alnwer Sllex and Service Lawn blower and Rota Tiller winter storage and repairs liladlgan Now er 171 Burton Aye mun RUG CLEANING PAMPER YOUR RUGS ET FURNITURE I0ur modern equipment gently cleanses and restores original beauty Immediate Home Servtee CALL 4241250 HANDYMAN RODNEY FRENCHS HANDYMAN srlor 123 Henry so Barrie TNT0692 handyman is one who is adapt ed to all trades Call us for semcu contract Weekly lawn cutting Snow removal to calls max Storm window service Minor Household repairs INCOME My Random dredged Dimivu IW mm Kidd Accounting IseryicoJ 60 ALL WORK GUARANTEED This all year service altered for nominal monthly fee We

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