TWO TORONTO Maple We Larry 1111an and Marcel ammo l3 lain their goalie Johnny Bmvor In trying to recover loose puck But Derek Sanderson right managed to break through the daience to score or the Dos Bears Explode With Long Pass By DlCK COUCH Allocllltd Press Sports Writer Chicago Bears who spent hail season prying open the bomb bay doors have started drop ping blockbusters all around the National Football League Chicago which failed to com plate touchdown pass until the closing minutesol its seventh game blasted St Louis Cardi hair so Sunday as Jack Cour cannon tossed scoring bombs oi 51 s7 and 93 yards week ago sub quarterback Larry Rakestrnw stepped up in the second quarter and un leashed tlrree TD passes ina 317 triumph over New York Giants guess you have to give Larry is littlo credit me my big day today Coneannon said alter rlddling the Cardinals de lance for an air yards Some times these things can be con legions The Bears third straight victo ry squared their season record at 55 in the NFLs Central Divi sion The loss dropped the Cards 541 out oi ï¬rst place in the wideopeu Century Division 3120 Cleveland Browns a4 grabbed the Century lead by edging Minnesota ViklogsMln onleroy Kellys threeinch TD plunge with 18 seconds to play The Giants 55 also stayed in Pair 01 Kings Make Progress ay rm canaoianrnuss Yvan Cournoyor at Montreal Canadiona dropped notch from his thirdplace standing among National Hockey League scorers during the weekend but there generallywas little change at the top of the standings All theadion was reserved for further down where Lowell MacDonald and Ted Irvine oi Los Angeles Kings ioined the se lect lew each with 16 points MatDonald native oerew Glasgow NS scored three Los Angeles goals and assisted on the lourth as the Kings heat Montreal 42 to retain their Western Division lead He now has six goals and 10 assists contention one game all the Brouns pace with 2820 vleto ry over Pittsburgh Steelersbut lost running back nrckcr Fred erickson tor the remainder ol tho season when he sullered tom ligaments in his right knee Unbeaten Baltimore Colts druhbed Detroit Lions l11 Los Angeles Rams downed Atlanta Falcons 31s Green Bay Pack ers blanked Sun ran cl nem 130Wuahingwn Bed skins surprised Dnllas Cowboys nth and Philadelphia Eagles smashed New Orleans Samls 1841 The eightgame program es tablished oneday NFL attend anm mark of 482999 the pen game average topping 50000 tor the ilrst limo ever The Bears spotted St Douls ï¬rstperiod lield goal by Jim stay on Concannons sixyard run which capped royard drive Concannons 93yard bomb to Dick Gordonlongest TD pass play in the league thu year then touched oft Mint se eond period burst Canadians Trail In RainStalled Golf Toumameni RANCHO LA COSTA Calil AP Rain postponed the last round oi the 5115000 llaig Scotch Goli Championship and 52 teams were to play today Al though the weatherman said there is so pncent chance of rain Three teams dropped out at competition Sunday when the delay was announced because oi prior commitments or Mon day They are Bruce Cramptnn and Ted Makalena Tommy Bolt and Tom Weiskopt and Sikes and Sites Tied lor the lead alter three rounds at Z03 were Richard Martinez of Laguna Beach Calif and Bob Luna of Sacra mento Calitand the duo pt Howie Johnson of Palm Springs Call and Lee Trevino oi llorl zon City Tex They are is under par tor at holes Anna is the team oi Dave Stockton oi ria Hammer of Sarasota Fla Big nasty cash San Bemardino Calil and Lau raznasmnmsur orneinu transmutation HONDA NDVEMBBRH Dï¬ Kings Mdcponarasamst ran CANADIAN areas it was neekend that every true bluenosed National Hockey insure inn bed been waiting three years to Al MrcNeil native o1 Syd ney scored his first gall in three years and Lowell Men Donald at New Glasgow NS on Bruins in National Hockey league game at Boston Gar den AP Wirephotol Canadian Kicker Stalled By USC 106 ANGELES CFAP ientnstie runhy Simpson and special dclonco against Canadian placekicker Zenon Andrusyshyn gave the Univerv sity or Southern California 21 20 win Saturday over the Uni versity oi California at his An geles lira topranked US col lege iootball learn Simpson broke loose with yard touchdown rim late in tho ourth quarter that wrapped up the win tor thellSC Trojans and knocked the UCLA Bruins out of the Rose Bowl Andrusyshyn roduct at an Oakville OnL hlg school and Canadas javelin hopetui in the loss Olympics was stymied by the deionce USC mounted against his field goal attempu Marlins Gaels Have Fast Start Bokkon beioro moving ahead to By THE CANADIAN PRESS McMaster University Marlins and Queens University Golden Gaels opened their 196758 sea son in the ontariofluehec Athlete in Association hockey league Saturday at Kingstonwith the yisiting team edging Queens 11 Montreal 11ch Badman scored 64 victory over it lng Guelph Redmonsaiuidiry George Baheocks two goals ona in the iirst period and what proved to hetbo winner in tho thirdpaced the Marlins attack Wayne Halllnell and Vie Conte each scored one ior 11c Master got three after spending the last three reasons in the minor Denies Manila who wand his last N111 goal with Chicago Black Hawks during the 116i season opened the scoring lor Pittsburgh Saturday night and the Penguins went on to 54 victory over St Louis Blues MacDonald 15 whose last limes In the NHL were with Detroit Red Wings during 196+ 65 got his three in the second period Sunday to lead Les An HOCKEY By 11 CANADlAN PRES NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division Detroit Boston Toronto New York gt Montreal Chicago EarnBoron ï¬qquqam Minnesota Oakland Si Louis Sundays Resulll Montreal Lots Annie Toronto Boston Minnesota New York Detroit Chicago than Philadelphia Saturdays Results Montreal Oakland Chicago Toronto New York Boston Philadelphia Minnesota Pittsburgh St Louis Wednesdays Genres Montreal at St Louis Minnesota at1orontn Chicago at New York Boston at Pittslnnsh Dalrolt at Philadelphia Oakland at his Angeles American League Harlem Division Springï¬eld Hershey Baltimorg Provldénoe 510 Western Divislo Cleveland 10 Buitalo Rochester Quebec Sundlrl Springï¬eld Bullhlo ¢adqa 3=anuo geles Kings toil victory over Montreal Canadienr ADD A5515l 11 also assisted on the lourtir goal to hrln his reason points total to lo we th six goals and to assist Boston Bruins walioped Toron LoMeple Lelia or in other Sun day action while New York age detected Minnesota North Stars 51 Detroit Ind Chl cago battled to 12 tie and Phi 1azde1phln Flyera edged St hula Oakland Seals edged Montreal 21 Saturday as Chicago and To ronto tled 14 Boston downed New York 34 Philadelphia and Minnesota played to tie and Pittsburgh deleated St Louis 54 The weekend action gave De trait onepoint lead over Bos Phoenix With Providence Rochester Quebec 10 Saturdays Results Cleveland Baltimore Butlan Hershey Providence Rochester Phoenix Springlield It Tuesdays Garne Phoenix atQuobec Weilern league Seattle San Diego Portland Vancouver Phoenix 48 56 41 49 Sundays Run San Diego Portland Tuesdays Gamer San Diego at Vancouver Phoenix at Quebec Ontario Junior Falle 12 Hamilton 10 Montreal AW 3515 4021 I119 ton and Toronto atop the Earl ern Division while hos Angelo lunged tooling to onepoint lead over Philadelphia in the estern Division Detroit has points after 11 game and Angels has In polan alter starts Scoring leader Bobby Hull could manage only one assist during the Black Hawks two weekend ties but maintained flvepoint lead over Detroits Gordie llovre who tailed to get point and New Yorks Jean Retelle who scored one goal and two essisu Hull has It points including 15 goals SHOULD HAVE MORE Chicago coach Billy Reay sold during the weekend that lluli should actually be going better it anything Bobby should have more than 15 goals Reay raid The Banks have scored 44 goals this seasonsecond only to Montreals 33 as the lowest in the EasternDlvisionnnd have allowed so They are in last place with 15 points one behind the Canadiens Brian lengthen scored the other goal tortos Angolcs in game that was marred in the llnal minutes by donnybronk around lho Montreal playcrs bench tun attacked Montreal coach Too Blake but several players retaliated and the man was bloodied and beaten oli Kitchener Toronto Dondon St Oaths Oshawa Petcrborgh Ottawa 38 13 44 1E 57 13 59 10 52 74 28107 Saturdays chnii Montreal Oshawa Sundays Results Montreal St Catharines Niagara FalisJ Twonlo Ottawa Hamilton 10 Central League Northlrn Division Pts Tulsa In 451 5016 Memphis 37 4512 Kansas City 31 8410 Omaha 82 10 Southern Division Fort Worth 54 3121 Oklahoma 52 3418 Dallas 48 4511 Houston 2101 31 55 Tl uc hcqun 0150112111 hcqu go here Thermometer Here it lsl Everything you need for your combination ofTrue Chequhg and True Savings accounts in sheet True Chequrn Account to ay your bills Yougput the rest slimy 41d True Savings If you already would dare And its so lightfooled Wahglon SKIvDOO has lively now lets you roam anywhere over anything from slickest Ice in deepest snow as last as you want to go SKID00 has lively new parlorm ance Its greater power unique sus pension system improved track and lightest weight lets you climb race jump like no other snowmobile can Its simple to start dream to steer Gilles Trembley and Ted 11er rls scored the Montreal goals Doug Mohas and Wayne hlrki scored for Chicago as the Black Hawks stretched their unbeaten string to nine games which in eludes live vlclorlea and tour uu lt also marked the first time rookie goaltender lloy Edwards run assomrao raass National League Eastern Commune Clpltoi Dlvklvn WLT Pet 0225133 700 500 500 100 Dallas Phlia Orleans Century Cleveland St huls Now York Pittsburgh Western Conterenee Central Division W14 124118 0155163 Detroit 1195194 Minnesota 21mm Coastal Division Baltimore 151211000 losAngeles 2286152 875 San Fran 0192279 500 Atlanta 1106318 111 600 556 222 Pet 500 375 250 Green Bay Chicago power it See your industry it wont bug goal in fur NBL games Bmee Hendemnr and Bart Cruhley scam the Detroit goals at Edwards retrained unlt deleated this seasonlie an unbeaten in nine games with Fort Worthei the Central Proteulonri Hockey launche lore ruovrug to the Red Wings Don Blackburn Lou Augnttl and Edllrn lmpe fled the Philadelphia goals while Ron Scbockm got both goals tor St ENDS 1N BRAVE The game wound up with melescn the ice when Gordon thnegleaser or St Louis jumped on You lmpe and Pat Hannlgen cause in the aid oi hlo Philadelphia teammilk Donnie Marshall scored tun goals lor New York including the 30011 ot his NHL career Pearson turban ludAyI Relnlle San Francisco Green Bay MM Baltimore 41 Dos Angeles 31 Atlanta Minnesota 10 Rewind 14 New Orleans 11 Philadelphia to Pittsburgh 20 New York 28 St tools Chlcuo so Washington fl Dallas to American League Eastern Division Pet $69 206 In DJ 615 226 271 115 ml 86279 lvlslon Oakland 0108133 San Diego 71mm Kansas City one 166 Denver 0173 Sundays amu Denver21 Bullan 20 Miami 17 Oakland 31 New York 29 Boston 24 San Diego 17 Kansas City to New York llouston Boston Billian Miami 72 53 57 37 13 WelkmD ill Suddenly winter has become the family fun time thanks to the liVely snonobile called SKIDOO SKIDOD shows you side at winter youve never seen belore because it goes where no other snowmobile down even In waisthigh snowi SKID00 has lively new looks From bumper lo backrest SKID00 68 is the sleekest looking most comfortable snowmobile on any snowlleld SKID00 dealer today Hell show you all the exciting models including ones with electricstart Each hasthelaatures and pricetag you want startan from the lowest in the And with his easy ï¬nance plan you can buy your SKID00 now and trailer It to your nearest snowlield this weekendl rki+zlaa the lghofvobedsnawmable lude Mark complimentarywallet Including personale Cheques ThisnewTruewaykeepsyourTrue Chequing account separate from True Savings You leave enoirghin have Savings Account can convert it to True Savingsgo See how this simpliï¬es your money planning Come in 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FINANCEC00ECANADA if Bankoijontreal is Just call or dropin And where the money is mum mpmtggmm Loans up to $5000Ynur loancan be IllaInsured 959953F3 nmeacuav OUTBOARD SALES ssavrce BENEFICIAL