DESCRIBED AS Ono of the funniest musical comedic to hit the stage the show llow to Succeed in Business without by MURlEL LEEPEB How To Succeed was It runs ing success with the Dame and lance lastSaturdsy night at Central Collegiate Auditorium Laughter reverberated through the hnll as time after time the script of the show hit home to show us as we really are To anyone who has worked in to sophisticated atmosphere of big business this transcription of the book by the some title ls priceless salt The music is not but it is Slippery Really Trying was presented in two performances at the Central Collegiate Auditorium on Saturday by the Twin City good and fits the production in contemporary style The out standing song in the first half was secretory ls not toy Onerofrthe best musical el feetsof the night was the use of church music played during the board meeting is matter of fact the entire boardmeeting scene was an absolute highlight Don Gillies was director and added another star to his name The show moved at an excellent once the dance scenes were interesting and fitted well Some or iii ial clients were stun Roads Cause Accidents Ontario Provincial Police in the district report number of ac cidents most of minor nature caused by weekend snowfall No injuries were sustained Barrie man lost control of his car at 245 am Sunday on Highway 09 one mile west of Coohstown Ted Keenhowski of Dunlap St did $500 damage to his car when it left the high Iway No charges were laid Al liston OPP investigated Another accident in the Allis ton district Saturday resulted in 520 damage to the two vehicles involved it occurred on County Road 10 north of Highway Eimvale OPP report only one Ininm accident caused by the HEAVY AGENDA County Council snow Damage was $75 when car slid into ditch car driven by Marion Mad doclt oi Willowdale skidded olt Highway 400 one mile south of Bradford at pm Sunday sus talning $500 damage The driver was uninjured Bradford OPP report two acV cideots involving cars losing con trol on snow coveicd roads Stayner OPP report two cars ditching from slippery roads Damage was light and no in jurieswere sustained The lnnistit Police Department was hard hit with five cars re ported in ditches during snow storms No injuries were re ported anddamage was light Meets Tuesday Simcoe County council which 4Iincludes 32 municipalities will gather at the county buildings here tomorrow for the Novem ber meeting Reports are expected to he giv en on road work the latest sit uation regarding plans for con struction of new $1000000 home for theelderly at Coiling wood and other matters The road budget for the year was $1711000 of which $792700 was against the levy Reeve Gordon Watson of Creemore was chair man and other members of the committee includes Reeve Frank Coughlin of Flea the 1568 itchairman BAXTER BRIDGE One of the largesLundertalr logo was the construction of new bridge over county road 21 west of Banter in Essa town ship Some traffic has gone oyer éhe new bridge although it has at been officially opened as yet The 1057 county budget included $790700 toward the cost of this bridge Another item was $100000 for construction on No road from highway 26 north and $210000 on road No 23 from Waverley east $050 BASIS With the provincial subsidies the budget provided for $390000 for road maintenance total of $306000 for bridges and culverts and $577000 for road construc tion hlnstof the subsidy is on 5050 basis but the department ppays about as per cent of the bridges and culverts The coun ty road rate was 41 mills the same us last year report on hospitnl assistance oiao is expected to be mode The county has been assisting with grants toward fcapital construc tlnn where hospitals serve cone gsiderahle county area Royal Victoria Hospital of Ban vrie Soidieis Memorial at or illia St Andrews at Midland Stevenson Memorial at Ailislon General and Marine at Coiling wood and York County at New mariret the latter because of its use by patients in the south part of the county have reeaiv ed such help The sum of $420000 was ap proved toward Royal Victoria Hospital construction of new addition in Barrie earlier this year Work is now proceeding on this project rnvancranneronr County chairman of finance Reeve Arnold Vnncise of Nana wasagajust reelected in his home township is expected th give yearend financial report Warden George MacKay of tire also willbe calling on Elm vale Reeve Alex McAuley for report onactivities oi the indus tria and tourist promotion com ee EGG PRICES MONTREAL tor Agricul ture department ouotatlonax Operatic Society Two of the stars Bruce brichnell and Al ice bloke mile last min ute script check just before curtain lime Succeed SuCCess In City Performance hing In particular his direction in having the east hold im movable netlon poses while lead person sangthis was clev erhitofylsual art ltwasronly in length that he erred The show would have been better with some cutting to shorten the production The lead parts were well fair on Star of the show was Ron Weston as Biggiey ills past experience was evident and it was also evident that he fitted the role perfectly lie was ab solutely convincing Bruce brieknell and Norma Blake were splendid in the lead ing ports Mr Bricknell as the fast rising young slick exec utive shows good potential for the theatre Miss Blake has good clear voice on stage and personality that projects well John Evans as find Frump was responsible for most of the ready laughs It was ood enterlamment and good ow Lets hope that the Twin City Operatic Society will be brought again by the Ladies Auxiliary to the Lions Club ltbenetits their worthy causes but it beneiilsjha resi dents bore too BOY KILLED Ill Ilth ACCIDENT Glenn Bertram 5of Elm in was killed Saturday when his clothing became cnughtln the power lnkeolf shalt otn mlnnre spreader on the inm vily hm Dlvld Bertram the boys fntlxer wan unloading sawdust with the sprcnrler when Glenns Inn was drawn into the mech anism The boy was rushed to Roy vnlc OPP He died In hour later of shock Indloss of blood He was pronounced dead by Dr Fnrflngton of Barrie Make Suggestions For Store Hours During Christmas The Barrie Chamber of Com tee has recommended sched ule of extended storehoursfoe Christmas The schedule has been suggest ed the committee says with view to establishing uniformity for tbeshllphlng public gt Stores would remain open un til phonon Thursday andFri day nights four weeks and three weeks before Christmas They would stay open until pm hlonday through Friday Dec 11 to 15 and Monday through Saturday Dec10 to 23 is alsosuggested thatahops should close alldny Christmas Boxing Day and New Years Day There is currently no bylaw governing hours for Barrie men 000248 to continue nl Victoria Holpltnl hyiElhlo wnumomumm Examiner DHrtet Editor Now that Simone County has taken oycr adnunistrnllon of as sessment and welfare from local quItcileities the question of what willvbc thencxtmovc to ward assuming more control ha been occupylng attention and in some places causing concern Those who contend that region sly government is the answer to resentday lnxu problems on ooklng to this chlnge with oh vioul enthusiasm The 1300 page Lancelot Smith committee re port on taxation contains num erous recommendations for wid ening the tax base eliminating duplication and shifting tax res tico no matter how is done of course the costs always come back to the tax payer although the various levels of government meln different forms of taxation Property owners have been led to believe that changes were designed to get some at the pres ent heavy taxation burdens off real estate To this extent the taxation mover have been up plnuded There are some 900 local ad ministration in the province and it was suggested 19 regional ad ministrations could do the some work without impairing efflcicn cy and effect tremendous anv ings This of course is subject to conjecture and depends on many its and butt Local rate pnyrus who have been taught it is their right to be nble to take up civic problems with local rep resentativea might not be so well satisfied when they take second view They at least could not be blamed for seeking more assurances about their basic rights as voters and whether the proposed changes include monsible election system which keeps the voter supreme no in the past P00 EXAMPLE if the County of Simeoc take over of assessment two years ago called preliminary step toward regional government is an example of whats in mind it leaves great deal to he desired from the ratepayers view because neither they nor their local councils were giv en any chance to vote on the question except through their reeves The decision was made entirely by the county council which was told that county system would add to efficiency and effect considerable saving for its 32 municipalities so why not relieve them of this burdenl After two years of operation it is clear it is not going to be less costly Perhaps the and achievement will justlt the change local and county as scssments on the some basis but it is already casting good deal more with every prospect ot considerably more yet For instance one local munic ipality operated its assessment department at cost of $22000 year It had two assessors and cleric Then the county tooir over without local consent in this case and in its second year ol county operation the cost has soaredto $58000 or this mun icipality which now shares its former assessors for work in other places Naturally this town is for from satisfied even grant ing that ultimate equalized as sessment for all 32 municipal ities with local and county as sessment some be desirable loll of even more concern both over in diqflw and downright unfair lyflm county represailnllon Hero municipality which pays some 40000 ol the 450063 lIVl ll rnoI fifth has two members mtofsswithfourvolcsoulof 7d Whichever way it is cord ed this is live percentage rcp reseotatlon or less toralmost 20 per centol taxation Grillinl qumtiaed assessment for T96 taxes arms to out of total of 1963939 which amounts to flout the some eentnge it also comes out much the same on population has is is it therefore reasonable expect the county government to condone to assume more local powers withmtt increasing Gril ilas dissatisfaction over hnvuig the some Matche dssh township which hass nova and deputy reevc for less than new oomty taxes Should the larger towns and townships like lnnislll for in stance which pays out per cent of the levy and has an assess ment of $10191063 continue to be satisï¬ed to have no more voting strength than another plow paying less than Hath of the taxes hiatchedasbs equal ined assessment for 1966 taxes amounted to 3166367 The nine villages collectively pay less than half the county tax of Drillin yet have it mam The Harris Santa Claus par nda Dec may be as big as the one in Toronto So says Bill Clayden IEubllc relations chair man for Barrie Jaycees par nde committee There has been twice as much money spent on this years par nde with two to member bands and the Stnyner pipe band par ticipating The Lindsay Cavaliers and the Doha Snile marcbIng hand both 80 strong will match with the parade from its form ing up place in the barrio fair grotmds thlvtlgh Ailnndalc nod to the centreof town Unforltmately there are no hands available In Barrieltself this year said Mr Cinydeo city and this is greatly apprec iated We also had to rent building in which to construct our floats this year Last year we had one donated to us and this saved us additional ex pense Barrie Jnyces have to con struct eight floats week in or der to meet the parade dead line Many district farm resi denta have lent their wagons to assist in the making of the 24 FAEMS DECREASING While the number of fanma in Canada is decreasing the physi cal voiumc of farm production is rising We received grant from the to regions goveran will have to bume byl mils do change ln7votlng systemit on equality alrightrh to be IchhMNoqunlclpaht is status forrrepnration Wed administrative lup town Mild divide it to no or 25 villages and us dually for an equal num council roembao under mot regulations which tailitsl ions since become out SERIOUS THOUGHT it was suggested during coun ty cumcll discussion that if lllls didnt like itslréstment it should withdraw in would this solve the uulslr division of no resentntlon for other municipalr itlestFIrther would it be adv vlsnblo for the county to let 0r lilial 40000 of tax revenue utmost fifth get away orlilln would have to retain some of the county services and pay for them But Who would be called upon to take up the slack if the main part of this revenue were lost to thocoimtyt In something which fully merits sen ious thought by all county cam cilloro There are of course many aspects and complications which might be debated But it is cer tain that any fInlhcr transition em News ma nannrnexamwen MONDAY Noviawmnn so 1m Iaycees Enthusiastic Overfl Santa Claus Parade Dealt tloata whichylill rollalong the parade route along with floats from service clubs and other or ganizations We hope that this your the Dorrie Minor hockey assodation will enter float and there will be twlpby for the best flout in thepara say Mr Cioyden Weve rented cos tumes for every float in the par sdejrom company which sup piles costumn for television plays This will both biggest parade north of Toronto and it might just be as good as the one in Toronto otmam ENJOY the fluent and person ntmuy Inher as our aim roundnn DWES SAUNA BATES ms Edgehill Dr 7287111 Present The SecondlinThelrfl IIIAVII AND ontuiuar stairs Tuesdny November 211ot8200 pun inth Barrie Central Coileginte Auditorium merce retail merchants conduit JAMESMEJCALFE Panseurs IN reason Maurizio RICO rchErsnvauneLc FROM any KIWANIAN or trim VGerd Roach Mens Shop Consumers Gas erghEs Cleaners Shalswell worm sitview Dairy seasons Ticker soon sINGLE rrIcKsr sIso Seasons ticket good for admissionsUse as you choose use FEATURED AT EACH PsaroaMANcE The Darrin Glty Concert Band PlaitTo seem THESE EXCITING arvsLoouss JAN 71rd Hung laud Renee Taylor this will flunk 01 Brazil Sallie Sfemel Much Windluomer to Austin Erickson April lardNorweginnrnnonma Joe Addlr entitled to any special prl egos not accorded to when But time should be fair play which teens count rcprcsmtntion for all sections Mr Brandon of blowtar may have had the right idea when he suggatcd direct system of election for red gtonsi governments with one rep rescnullvo inï¬eld 5000 people perhaps on borough ryste flik would molten raginnnl go emmentdire¢lly responsible to the electors on fair basis There are sldi many who thlnir that 19 regional governments to loot qsogupm tlnungl XEINEIEIIli sweater Ind blunt acted to the Smith report was commas SALE 15 are llnxed minim cm Decnntlou 61 erp Pipes Aeceuorlgx bill folds Bar Inppliea Guou llux Flngl Sonvnln Ccnluutlnl Gilli DIXIES 5mm Shoo ms Dunlap saliniqu pagsudiul sflnpsaupam no Anpsan walnut rating syn VpIos ieu sinned or goon