Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Nov 1967, p. 2

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WERE oven the tops Ross Stephens of the Harrie United Appeal was jubilant after he pushed the marker to the top on the Barrie United Ap lleal thermometer in Memorial em rennin iixmmn manner NOVEMIER to in vtofseek sat On Barrie Connoili ans Square this morning rlndleat log the culmination of this years campaign with more than 85950 United Appeal Barrie citizens come through in the critical year for the Bar rie United Appeal and boosted the campaign over its $95030 goal Tabulations are still being calculated but it is now certain tthat the Barrie campaign will surpass its objective when all funds are received The citizens of Barrie have right to be proud Were right top there with the best com munities in Canada in achieving our goal said Ross Steph iens campaign chairman Whentheorganizers took on the campaign this year we real ized thatthe Barrie United Ape peat faced very serious situa tion If we didnt achieve our objective it would mean that the annual appeal was possibly doomedfi he said Three persons were injured and considerable damage result ed from accidents investigated ithis weekend by Dntarip Prov incia Police at Barrie No men were hurt and da mage was estimated at $2400 in crash Saturday afternoon on ithe 10th Concession of Vespra Township in satisfactory condition at Royal Victoria Hospital this morning is Walter Dyrpa 19 of Bradford He suffered fractured left leg and cuts to the forehead Albin Cali 12 of Berczy SL Harrie driver of the other car involved received cut chin sand mouth The mishap which occurred Just south of the Snow Valley did was investigated at 525 pm by Canal Gary Penley Elove mishaps She suifered fractured col ilarbone in an accident on the seventh line of Vespra Town ship Just east of the Ridge Road She is reported to be in ysattsfactory condition at Sold Memorial Hospital in Or The driver of the car Mabel ltlildred Childa 61 of RR Drillia was not injured The zaccideot oecurredat 430 pm Suuday Const Ivan Hodge investiga ed andestimated damage at FOUR MISHAPS Four noninjury accidents vrcre investigated by the OPP at barrio Saturday Damage Vwas estimated at 3270 Lin an accident early Saturday morning when car operated oPsObiectiirea lhe spirit shown by every body in the city is what made it possible for the United Appeal to reach its obiccttve Every person from the public school child to the senior citizen was instrumental in making the campaign and they did Euthus insm in Barrie mounted steadily until we achieved our goal an the campaign chairmen worked exceedingly hard in reaching their objective Mr Stephens said ALLTIME HIGH Residential collections under the chairmanship of Mrs Ed Taylor and vicechairinao Mrs Rod Snider achieved an alltime high in Barrie United Appeal history Total was more than $12000 Payroll under Charles ltlc Nellis and Bob Graham came Three Injured In Car Accidents without licence following an accident on Highway 90 half mile east of the loth concession of Vespra Township Saturday evening Charged was David Lewis Nor mandeao no Damage to his car was $50 Damage to car operated by William Roderick Buhel 19 was estimated at $100 by Const Shultz who in vestigatedat pm Another singlecar accident Saturday afternoon resulted in $300 damage to car operated by Clive Harrow 34 of Torah to The accident on Highway 400 occurred at 420 pm and was investigated by Const Hen ry Graham Three guardposts were knocked over inethe mis hap An early morningiaccideot Sunday on the 5th Concession of Ora Township at Lakeshoce Road resulted in $400 damage to car driven by Ronald lul ius Scbnoh 22 of Oro Station Const Beau investigated at 445 am mo DAMAGE An accident on the seventh concession of Oro Township onehalf milevsouth of Highway ll Sun morning involved vehicles operated by Leo Colus si 44of Toronto and George Edward Strachan 72 or Oro Station Coast Paul Thompson estirn atcd damage to the Coluasi car at $125 Damage to the theyoth er was $75 The accident oc curred at 11 am Anaccidcnt in the Highway 627 southbound rampat the reaction of Hayfield St yester day evening resultcd in 5100 damage to both involved through with more than 330700 after slow start Advanced solicitation under Al Hopper and Bob Graham contributed $5400 or more while commer cial readied over 51500 under the leadership of Harry Arm strong and John Stevenson Corporate under Jock Mitchin son Sr and professional names under All Dick raised more than 519000 and $11400 respect ively The school campaign raised more than $10000 under chairman Lorne McEvoy AUDITING STAFF Primary auditing for the drive was carried otit by Dig gle while HarrisNeedham and Wright dinrtered accountants will handle final auditing for the campaign ltlr Stephens speaking of his own part in the campaign said certainly enjoyed working with so many wonderful people in the campaign It was priv ilege for me to have acted as United Appeal chairman The rewards of the job and the sense of achievement far exceed the duties that gonith it he said EXECUTIVE HONORS sorrBALL viscous pennants harrie sportsman JimShort who last month announced that he is relinquishing his duties as president ofthe Barrie and District Mens Senior Softball League was honored Saturday night Short who has held the top post in theiocal circuit for the past five seasons was cognized for hishard work Bairle businessman Del Cole snnounced todayhe intends to seek Ward seat on city coon lcjil In the Dec municipalelec on Mr Cole current chairman of the city planiilnghoard om er and operator of the Barrie Diaper Service He has been member of the planning board for three years serving as 961 chairman He has also been ac line in the Barrlagngriculturnl Society Ward seats are now held by Aldermen Jack Macbercn Roberts and John Monol Aid hlanol will not seek reelectton Minor Accidents During Weekend City police report only minor accidents in the city in spite of hazardous driving conditions at the weekend collision Sunday on Perry street resulted in 820i damage to cars driven by Heinz Karl Mail 30 of Eccles St Barrie and Roch Drnpoau 26 of Montreal No lnlurlcs were reported Earlier in the weekend cera operated by George Wayne Carn eron 25 of Dunlap St and A1 bcrt Lloyd Hooper 52 of Vespra Township crnshcd uttho cor oer of Anne and Donald Streets with damage estimated at 25 collision bclwcen cars driv cn by Stephen Wayne Crow 21 of Tiffin St and Arnold Edwin Caldwell 19 of Elm St caused $I50 damage The cars collided on Dunlap St CLAIR MARLE COCIIRANE Area Police SeekWoman Police in the Barrie district are attempting to locate 37 yearold Harrie woman hfrs Clair Marie Cochranc missing from her John Street home since Thursday evening ft is believed the woman may be it She is feet eight inches tall and 150 pounds with reddish brown hair Mrs Cochrane was last seen at approximately 10to Thursday night with gift from his fellow ex ecutive members and team management Short rightt re eeives the gift from vicepres ident Bill Harertrcnsurer hob Drags BéWCire Dogs with sweet tooth for postman will have tougher time lodulglog tth min after Dec gt barrio mall carriers wfll be Issued with aerosol rpn cans of pepper extract so stance guaranteed to ward off attack ing clnlnes rietr McCabe assistant poet master in Barrie said today that mallmen withlroutcs where dogs have been problem will be armed with the repellent early next month Canada Post Office bulletin soon to be distributed to letter carriers to Barrier says the be per extract although irritating has no testing or harmful effect on do or human But without whimper the dog will put his 0cm comm RUBBISH amza Firemen had little trouble er tlogutsblng nibblsh blue at the rear of Plan Drugs Sutur day The fire broke outlhortly before pm WINDOWS DAMAGED Contractors working on the Grove Paik Home for the Aged report damage to windows at the site from air rifle pelleB It was reported topnllea Sunday F1408 FEDERATION Elmvale community centre Will be the location of this months meeting of the Rio township Federation of Agriculture at 830 pm Wednesday Mayor Lea Cooke of Harris will speak on regional governmenL The main aim of the federation is to work on behalf of area farmers in negotiations with regional author ities CERTIFY UNIDN 7m rThe Ontario Labor Relations Board has certified the Central Ontario District Council United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America to represent all carpenters and carpentcra apprentices employed by Maxwell Conatruc ti Limited and Rel Construction Co Ltd in the county of Simcoe District of Muskolta and townships of Rama Mara and fhorah in On tarlo county 14 Take Part Field Trip Members of the Brereton Field Naturalists recorded sightings of 29 species of birds including 11 waterfowl on Saturday ltfost unusual were sightings of whilewing sealer and com mon scoter seen all ltfioets Point Fourteen club members took part in the trip which left Queens Park at am andfim lshed at pm Ann Hughes of Barrie headed the trip Richardson and secretary DOD ian ParkethobtmcDowell other vice president was able to be on hand for informal ceremony The pres spot on the dogs till betwecnhia legs and re hut it says The repellent leaves yellow halrreimvabla The post alike policyhas been tom to control their pets or have malldcllve discontinued However gbiteestltlwcmmt by wnshlng for per more all Inturles tomallnienthepostofrlcewl The adoption of some other safeguard was matter of nee ecsity Mr McCain said the repel lentwont be issued to all let for carriers only those with routes where dogs have posed problems in the post fhe pepper extract mixed with mineral oil and propelled by means of an inert tax has been to hit Barrie within week had motorists getting an early morning workout today as tested tothe UnitedStates and by tho Canada Post Olflm in Metropolitan Vancouver area finalise of the repellent in Van eeover bu been acceptedmby in pa public necessary ollce bulletin says During the testing period consultation was maintained with the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the police of the spray otters advantach toidog owners as well as our used meilmen It should lessen worry that their dogs will attack carrier officials say lbs pod office does not ab scribe lo the propultloa that dog is entitled to one hitc The owner of dogltbat bite portal employee on duty may ped windows before leavlml for work Dana Chayloc of Cumberland St found few semi awar Postman be held rumble or all data uulndudlng medical expen ses salary paid while off duty and damage to clothing cent meat or mail The post office also murals that the yellow spot left on way ed animals could help identify them in the event of check for rotates Employees have been inftrmed that introduction of the repellent does not replace the policy slowing mail delivery where dogs are ImmfitflKy are to spray ony ag eluding don the bulletin says The spray produces dtsconiort to the eye teeth for 10 minute it tutu just nil one bad shaken too much pepper on food according to the port ca moromsrs GET antiMormon without The second heavy snowfall they cleanedoffcarsandm inches of now facing him Plowl and sanders were kept busy on the weekend and all equipment was on tirestrceta this morning Says Changes ceded If ARDATc Benefit Ccunty The Georgian Bay Regional Deli veiopment Council should try to bring about changes in the Ag ricultural and Rural Develop mem Act ARDA to gain greater benefits for Simcoe County farmers according to Aid Jack Garner of Barrie Ald Garner city councils re pmwtadve 0n the GBRDcah entation was made while the league closed out its 1061 ac tivities with banquat and dance party at Orr Lake lExaminer Photo id the ARDA program as pres ently constituted cannot pos sibly be effective for the Goimty of Sirocco He said Simcoe Countys agri cultural prosperity is of high ink portanceto the city and called for continuing support from Bar riefor the GBRDC as tool to bringabout ARDA changes He also cited work of the GBRDC in the fields of tourist and in dustrlal promotion as reasons for Barries participation in the regional development council The principle change needed in the present ARDAplari is one that would alter land value qua lifications Higher land values in this area than in many others disqualify farmers who actually need ARDA aid he said The Economic Councillor Can ada has also said that the fed eral governments rural develop ment programs have failed to solve Canadas rural poverty pro blem examines the economic lrn pact of the Agricultural and Rural Development Act lARDA the Maritime Marsh land Rehabilitation Act MA and the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Act PFRA The report says that despite CLOTHES STOLEN Thieves at tbegweekend strip per Duolop Street West clothes line of $10 worth of childrens garments and sheets general and technological ad vances in rural areas resulting from the programs an callma ed 500000 rural families cross Canada entered the 1060s in dismal poverty at Public investment in land and water deveth under ARDA PFRA and MA could not offer solution to rural pov erty unless the programs were changed quickly and com pletely ARDA programs had too oltc committed public funds to pr lects that did not satisfy the basic economic guideline that for every it apent 1he rural economy should get at least $1 in benefits indeed it ll possible that ARDA has played part in prm longingundesirable farm altuai lions The small addition to farm income that ABDA prom ises could have influenced some farmers to postpone or reject potentially batter offfarm solu lions AWARD HANDED OVER CALGARY CF Peter Liske Calgary Stampeders rec ord setting quarterback Satur day took possession of the left Nicklin Memorial naphy as most valuable player in the Western Football Conference The trophy was presented to him by Ron Lancaster last yearfs winner and Saskatche wan Roughridcr quarterback FINAL winner NIGHT in the town MrsFNlurpltyj its Voitcouver st gBorrie Ont This is the final winner of our Night on the Town Contest so gt tomorrows éXeminer with full details enlihebrond now neongums is THE sins tourist by Donald Edward Moore 40 ol Midhurst was in all on vivlth two guardpostsonthe fourth line of Vespra Township The accident occurred on the jlvlilow Creek bridge 115pm iConst Ivan Hodge vestigated iaod estimated damage at $250 to the vc la and $20 to the uardposts Wallace Albert Gilchrntof roStatlon had 5150 damage dooe toybls carjfolloivingan accidentionxthe eighth line of 0rolownsbtp Saturday afte uooo Const Show in gvvestigated at plll Base Borden charged with fallin atthc scene of non MOULDED Ludioa teqrhulightniatehed who sturdy writable covering moulded ply wood frame nickel plated hurdvmn tine spooning l6 Vdfllll inth brush curb pillar in ltd portals Zt Weekend he padded oilltid ltd one both pocket Pottinrn has aaddtd quilted ltd om MUM Bis Wu Charcoal Imudtlfl mg ms full ONLY AVAlLABLE Ar woo fuEera RUCK RENTALS Commercial and private rentalat economical rates iDain erwcekly Vi can 72166474 saints nnivsiinin 3ESSA ALLANoALE 11¢ NW OM Bl 32068 oitan an

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