Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Nov 1967, p. 14

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mm vanqble Clan dines With Synovvflurries notva many weather beerpected in Ontarlofludwc temperatures today CPWire forecast for most of Canada to day Suns snow ilurrles may and the 1111mm figures on the map indicate expected high photo See Political Storm Over Devalued Pound By GEOFFREY WIIITEIIEAD nonnon Reuters When Prime Minister Wilson decided to dcvnluetitc pound in order to calm Britains troubled finan cial waters in may have un touched political storm that could shipwreck his administra tion politicol observers said Sunday They said thht fundamental split within the governing Labor party seems inevitable when the impact of thctough austerity measures that go along with dew valuation hits Labors support ers Wilsons pcrsonal standing and his governments longterm chances of keeping power would be virtually sotiledhy the rcac tion of Labor supporters within the nut few days they said Meanwhile informed govern ment sources said there are no plans for cabinet roshuifle They added they know nothing of rumors that the chancellor oi the excheouer James Calla ghan plansto hand in his resig nation Some reports said Callaghan wants to be replaced as chan cellor and that Foreign Secro tary George Brown will also be involved inn switch 10 GIVE DETAILS TODAY Callaghan will bearthe brunt the already simmering storm when he gives details of the governments new economic plans to Parliament today The broad outlinesof mas sive campaign emerged Sunday to convince Britons that that government has been in control ofthe economic situation since it came inm power in 1564 and is not now reacting froma posi tion of weakness Prime Minister Wilson argued on radio and telvision at the pound was devalued by 143 per cent in an allout effort to cure the nations financial ills But while the government pressed home thisrpnint Conser vahVe Opposition Leader Ed ward Heath launched cam paign to oust Wilson from the reigns of power in one of his sharpest crlth cisms of the government lieath charged that devaluation was cntircly due to Wilsons mishanv dling oi the economy Authoritative cos said Callaghan decided two weeks ago that the pound must be de valued for he first time since t949 and the cabinet agreed to this unanimously Thursday nuns sencuinrrou Saturday nights government announcement which ended week oi uncertainty and specu lstlon about the future of one of the worlds blg trading curren cies also gave news of massive international credits to help Britain out of its troubles Britain has already arranged with central banks of unspeci fled countries crcdits amounting to 51600000000 and the interna tional hioncto Fund has said it will fnwrahy consider re guest for further $1400000000 credit The sources saidneither of those standby credits were asked for by Britain They were said to be the voluntary reac tion of the world community when the government first d15 closed that devaluation oi the pound was possibility Britainmay not have to use any oi the credits But thegov ernment was said to be satlsficd they are there as further dc terrent to any international spe culators who might be planning to put fresh pressure on the pound oven at its new parity rate Reveal Prominent Banker Ilrged Lower Pound Rate LONDON CF source close to James Callaghansays that month after the chancel lor of the excheguer took office in 1964 he was approached by prominent European who urged that the pound be de valued by 125 per cent Callaghan who one day plans to mnlre public the name of that banker refused He would not accept anysoft options in sisting that Britain must main tain constant struggle toover come her international pay ments problem without devalua tion Twenty times since the Labor government took office Calla ghan andbis colleagues em phatically rejected devaluation proposalsLast July the chan cellor told Parliament that those who favored cheapcning of thecurre11cy were deluding themselves It would merely menu areduction the stand ard of living at home wonLo News IN BRIEF FORE BLESSES CROWD VATICAN CITY AP Pope Paul who is 10 appeared and spoke in public Sunday for the first time since his prostate op eration Nov He blessed 20000 persons at St Peters Square and in shaking voice thanked God for his recovery SCIENTIST DEFECTS LONDON AP Soviet scientist identified as atyear old Vladimir Federovich TeIESr kovov was graan political asy tum in Britain Sundanye left Soviet ship carrying out oceano gapbic research in tho1ndianv Ocean during calls Mauri tius Oct to and asked for per mission to live 1in Erltain FIRES GROUND JETS WASHINGTON AP More than 6th US Air Force mos gt tighterboomersworkhorsea oi the Vieniam warwere mound ed in early 1564 because oi dan gerous propulsion problems re vealed by eight major fires the defence department said Sun dayf Repairs 15460000011 nouns COMES nonin NEW YORK AP Mrs John Kennedy returned home Sunday from 23day tripto Southeast Asia and Italy She cnfnlslinylnseSEAts FitiHTiB thennmhorgoneinfe arrived from Rome accompa nled by Michael Forrestal New York lawyer and son of the late Defence Secretary James Forrestal ARABS5RAELIS FIRE TEL AVIV AP Israeli and Jordanian forces exchanged fire or about 30 minutes across the Jordan River Sunday it was the second breach of the ceasefire in the area during the weekend and the fourth so far this month Neither side report ed any casualties cnnnnnnrnvc dummy LONDON AP Queen Ellv abeth and Prince Philip mark their 20th wedding anniversary today lhe palace statt wards tiff ail inqmriea about gifts with Sorry this is private attair and none of our busi ness NBC CREW HURT SAIGON AP Two mem bers of National Broadcasting Cog television crew were injured Saturday in North Vtetnamese rocket attack near Dak To in South Vietnams central high lands Cihay aufleredvconcussion sndshoclr when rocket explod cd within to yards of them kill ing on Amerinrin soldier and Wounding asecond Now in sudden reversal Callaghan defends devaluation us magnet to attract more foreign currency to Britain and as means to build surpluses to pay off huge debts PUSHED IN CORNER The immediate impression among some observers who have been able to speak to the chancellor is that he has been pushed in corner Whilehe maintains be coolly planned de valuation for two weeks he also is reported to haversaid he acted under the heavy weight of propaganda against the pound There is much evidence that Callaghan found himsle in crisis and worked in desperation to rescue Labors tattered eco nomic policy Whether Callaghan now will he switched from his post is matter of much speculation lot may depend on the early rc suits of devaluation While high cabinet source says there is no split in the gov ernment and there will be no general election there is some suggestion that not all of Primq Minister Wilson supporters favor cutting the pounds HAD DENIED DEVALUATION Wilsons European Common Market negotiator lord Chal font told Paris audience last Friday the government planned no devaluatiomthe government source now says Chalfont was not privy to what was taking place If so why did Chatfont speak This is not the first time Chal font seemed to convey conflict ing information He was the source of reports that Britain might pull its troops out of Eu rope if it did not get into the European communityThat Wilt encoded libs dud downtown atthe martunet of fice vnsodemes The tem perature at 145 era was 21 NRONTO CF Official forecasts Issued at 530 am today synopsis Skies wilibo varia ble today over most of Ontario and most of the snowtiurrylnc tivlty willend during the mom lng Afternoon temperatures will reach the welcomed for hmday are for mostly cloudy skies with periods of snow in most arena Toronto Hamilton Windsor Lake St Clair Lake Erie Nlag are Lake Ontario regions Sunny with few cloudy periods today Cloudy with occasional snow tonight and Tuesday Lit ile change in temperatures Winds northwest 15 becoming light tonight inndon Lake Huron southern Georgian Bay regions Variable cloudiness and fowsnowilur rlcs today and Tuesday Not much change in temperature Winds northwest 15 becoming light tonight 520l0 520650 560490400l3 065013 700l3 695l4 650M 73514 700 14 77514 75014 82514i800l4l ass14 awW res14 eon141 68515 SWl5 73515 Moose15 77515 67015 131515 71015 114515 76015 causeda minor political exploy sion in London and though Chal font offered to resign Wilson decided not to acceptthe offer Britch banker says deval uationmay produce tempo rary period of prosperity that probably would reach its peak in 18 to 71 months It is possible Wilson and Callaghan may be banking on that temporary re lief to produce conditionsgior general election WilannS man date does not run out until 1971 but he can go to therpolls ear tier at Venience monsoon atirnetosuitblsconw eta low this morning Tuesday cloudy are perfect tires except for noticeable only under close acrufony Thesotiny blendahes have no effect on quality or service and the fires carry the full SuperLastie name and serialnumher hurt eonrae carry the same Road Hazard Insurance as the tires above Sndbury North Bay northern Georgian Bey Hauburton Algo ml Timagmt regions hfostiy cloudytodny and Tuesday few snowfhnrles this morninl and nain Tuesday Winds northwestts becoming light to night whitehlver Cocbrane west ernJamcs Boy regions hiostiy cloudy and llan warmer today wlth few snowiturrlcs with some new and taming colder during tbo day Winds vresicrly 15 to 20 becoming northerly Tuesday Ottawa region Sunny with few cloudy nriods todayn1e dry sunny lint with increasing cloudiness later in the day and little milder Windsnorthncst 15 gusiyto 20 becoming light to night ltlontreal region Mainly cloudy with some flurrles be coming mahily sunny later this morning t11osday sunny but with increasing cloudiness and not so cool Winds westerly 15 gusty to to becoming light this cvenmg Forecast tcmncrotures Low tonight hlgh Tuesday Windsor 30 40 St Thomas London LBIa kwall 64514 someone141 885900l5 mono151 noaar quantity andsizes or blemished cm are limited Given time however your local Canadian Tire Storccnn guarantee delivery or you may send your order accompanied by remittance tothc Canadian who Associate store we Yongu St Toronto vand New Valve Stem Beth for clean is rift13 FREE INSTALLATION Save St cWheellialanee nnssnos $1300 Mount lorut Earlton Sault Ste awn abusesesssmagssuor 11 ran new noun seamen 1111 ugnananaanaaenaa 81101112 07¢ lESS wnn Less CLEATS CLEAiS CLEAiS eaten in their most expensive anniraer tires Righi now lDNDON WINIRV llMlYlD win Reflect 111mm Province swarms on or utter Denial Johnson ntd Satur day bit stand at next weeks Confederath of Tomorrow con iennce witt reflect constitution al views of tho Quebec popula tion not just views of the Union Nationan party hir Johnson made the com meat at press conference in into this city want an rule out of Neutral wblre Union NIUM natc memberroi the legislqhue concluded three day annual caucus Saturday The premier Iuuhed whcth or itwouid be easier to reflect Quebec opinion by lurid the dflclal liberal opposition to form part of thoQuebcc delega tion to the conference in T1 ronto Nov 1H0 Which wing 91 1115 Liberal Party Ihould lMlé Mr Johnson responded twirlg that tho Liberlism divided on the constitutional question dont know when Mr ram stands The MUSICAcJ CHORAL GROUP presents concertof vocal and instrumental music TUESDAY NOVEMBER 2151199 CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH AUDITORIUM 830 PM cussr SOLOIST Jock Cook on The following members of tho grouplwlll hurd in solos Edna Theodore Margaret Padiield Agnot Bnuchcr Dick Romp Cara Van Hemart Tiketr 5100 TheiMiracle Tire Cord Nearly two years ago Canadian Tire introdu Polymter mir aciefiord in their high performance summer tires Coma spring most major rubber companies are expected to follow wrth Poly Telephono 7184533 at ahead of most others as usual another record falls on Canadian Tire Rolyester Winter Tires here RIGHT NOW If you ever experienced the sheer delight of being behind tha wheel of an automobile equipped with HiwayByway wmter tires you have doubtless wld others about the fun of bulldozpng throurah drifts and wheeling post cars struggling for traction Youve also taken for granted the confidence of be1ng master on ice and hardpack snow Now with bettertbanever1olyester Hiway Byways youll get more miles and an incredibly smoother ride more like summer tires he it at or 70mph Morning thump even on the atiffeat cold mornings Will be thing of the past Initially of course Polyestera do coat more butyoutl econ agree theyre worth every penny of it 5201ot 52065012 cocoon13 640650l3 700 l3 645 l4 69514 735 775l4 molding imperfections 560600 650l4 700141 75014 n4 HSSUElnTE 510R 11o punter sr wssr NIGHTS 1111 or pin

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