AUTOMOTIVE 45 MORE TO CHOOSE FROM alworono ST BARRIE AUTO REPAIRS SPECIAXILIZING SPORTS CAR TUNING and small car repair Redline import to Mary St 7163101 YOUR FRANCHISED DATSUN DEALER loam TransmisstOn Lid Automatic Specialists is Dunlap so mach TRUCKS FOR SALE at cimvnotur ton truck or our wheel drive Telephone ass IATON alic with hoist neck Acts steel notlom some miles GEd Iargcr irurt Tclephnnl Run 11 illw muse SNOWMOEIL E5 SEE DARCY Bombardier Skidoc Service Sale For The Best Deal Ball Ewart 4552211 THE LlVELY ONEL Bombardier Sktdoo Sales and Service BAYVIEIV MARINE Lakeshora Dr Barrie mom MOTOSKI Saleeand Service UNIROYAL CENTRES 110 Bradford St PERSONALS MY FAIR LADY BEAUTY SALON and HAN DY PLAZA LAUNDRAMAT are closed due to extensive iire damage Watch for our Grand REOPENING nrhanlls for your past patronage NOEL AND BOB HANDY PLAZA AL YOU havn drink problem and mt help 91mm any lime mason visvesza Why suifcr agony Relici Is now hours irom Dininnd Carnation corn cans have been sold for ov ner century with elmLive rcsrlts medicated ma that really does lac pacer gaps giyyï¬k Cab us arae amicy ma and McKays Pharmacy WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAmDRESSING flovemment Chartered Scbooi Thorough training in all bran ches of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 12 WORSLEY 51 7283961 971051 POUND warclr FOUND Mans pocket watch found in Vlclnil Ross alaoie Streets Teiuoilunc 7illsasllll liter has 7285985 HELP WANTED TEACHERS WANTED BAN TING MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL ALLISION requires supply teacher oi French and German irom December to December 22 Applications should be sent to dMR OWENS Principal Box 610 Allistorl 4356289 School 4356708 Home Cory for Want Ad Section accepted until pm MALE lier GENERAL cars roll sail i964 MERCURY Moatclalr Nudop va with spotless mrtaiilc silver my linish with black vinyl top Buchanan floor console potter brakes and eteerlng Truly warty alto mobiie in top notch slim throughout laccaca 56106 only $l 89000 Mimi IO HELP WANTED MALE HELP ATTENTION him 17 49 Heavy Equipment Operators are in demand for bulldozers scrapers motor graders drag lincs backhoes and shovnle it you qualiiy you will be trained by top instructors right on the equipment Dont delay enquire nolv Write giving name address and telephone number NATIONAL SCHOOL or llanvv aourruaur ornnarlori Box As Barrie Examiner out oi town enquiries invited BAKER OR TRAINEE Required for large retail chain store Top wages andlrorking conditions Apply Mr Westwood mm iNmiaTiuAL Acceptance nautic mnanir trainee CAI mum SALESMAN WANTED Good nartlna salary and commie non or light man with Initlltlvl Calitlct Mr lcnnluirx Our Mobile ilolncs instmy ii North 7144651 expamchpn litu hand boring mill operators milling machine up rrltorI required ior second shift work bonus ior second lhiit work write to Box A7 auri rambler antinl experience SOFT DRINK OBBERS wanted Excellent money Mk illuai have uuck Write or phnm collect Nucnn Toronto Limited 1100 Queen Street West Toronto Ontario Phone eatml MALE FEMALE HELP 13 Jucrlou sites AUGIIONSALE Cattle Pin Farm Machinery Bay Stray Grain and some hmldlold eilecti The underage rd mlooeer has mowed in Itiuctlonl irom HARRY at hot 15 Concession lnnisijl Township on Highway 11 la militant Village WEDNEDAY NOV 22 at pm sh to sell the follow CATTLE Holstein cow year old trash and opcm ttiol steln cow years old full flow bred to ircshen in lilny Hol ateln halter xiyears Durham cows years old pasture bred lliolstein helices at months old opcm Hereford yearling steers PIGS Yorkshire pigs around 11 weeks old Yorkdllre Piss around 150 lbs each an STRAW and GRAIN Quantity oi loose hay tso bales oi hay first cut 200 square bai os of wheat straw 300 square bales oi oat straw no tons of mixed grain well saved MACHINERY and hlbceliap eoual Ford Ferguson tractor lo good condition Ferguson im row tractor plough John Deere tractor mltivator Massey Harris tandem tractor disc set of horse drawn disc rubber tired wagon snow bucket ior tractor wheel trailer pump jack scuL tier set ot section drag har rovra set of section drag llnr row quantity oi scrap iron uheclbarrows large quantity oi drain tiles roll oi wire buck rake McDeeling seed drill disc complete with fertilizer and grass seed box Dealborn power mower it it cut liicherlng binder mil oi barbed wire Mas sey Harris manure mmnder with tractor hitch Cochshutt hay rake fanning mill root pulper bag carrier set oi scales not lb set set of heavy sicighs pigs trough Viking electric cream separator good as new forks shovels ropes tools and many other small articles too numerous to list FURNITURldz Electric stove odd chairs table and other smal ler articles Terms cash no re serve osthe iarm is sold Noth ingto be removed until settled for Owner or management Will not be hdd responsible for acci dents on his property day of sale JERRY COUGIILIN Auctioneer FRANK WEBB Clerk CLASHFIRED ADS WILL BRING RESULTS Boys and Girls BARRIE EXAMINER CARRIER ROUTES Are Now Availcbcle in Barrie And Surrounding ommulu es rim is PROBABLY ROUTE OPEN NEAR YOUR aorta RIGHT NOW PHONE 7260539 TODAY Application Forms Available At THE BARRIE EXAMINER 16 Bayfieid Street BARRIE Ontario 3100 was or more rail or in time Fulch Territoncs la Earle or wninen or men mom wuiiAN or manled coupll to can or elderly eell palient gentleman to live in Personal interview necr canary Coronet nectar mm or main YouNGsTeris wanted to sell christian line Nu lnvlitmént Guaranteed returns Telephone 5463 FEMALE HELP WANTED Well Help You Write Ads 7282414 SWITCH BOARD OPERATOR required ior pawlhe work weekends am to pm Apply in person to business manager ICTORIA HOSPITAL ROYAL HOUSEWIVES Christmas selling starts early with AVON Take advantage oi our Wonderful earning opportun ity Become an AVON repre sentative For particulars please write AVON manager Mrs Tani Smoluk box 465 Barrie or call 7266551 ism wlflinilllnlylfléii5 flllztoa Street write to Box Gov Barrie Exalnlncr corps RBQEUGIRED mufst on ex pe cneen cup nymen no to pmdTelwh0IIu ta72ol1 am or iurcher intermatlon TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS ACCOUNTANT required by SALADA FOODS LIMITED Successful applicant Will have complete understanding of accounting principles and the ability to prepare monthly profit and loss statements and balance sheets Must be able to work independently with minimum of su on and to direct the efforts of personnel on accounts paya le ayloll and soles analysis All nounal bcnetlts Reply in writing stating experience education remllredln complete cnniidenceto CHRISSLEY SALADA FOODS AllvisTOn Ontario age and salary LIMITED and statutory holidays 330 14 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NUIICE Township oi Essa Part of Road Allowance between the Township of Essa and Ves pra Lot Concession it Town ship or Essa Notice is hereby given that the Council or the Corporation of the Township of Essa proposes alter the 2nd day or January 1568 and being the day of the Council meeting for the month oi Jau uary 1968 and being one month from the date oi the lst publicaA tion and posting up of this notice to pass bylaw to stop and close the South half of the road al lowance between the Townships ot Vespra andCEssa Lot 32 Con cession ll from the west bound ary niche Concession road be tween the Townships oi Essa and qulslil to Highway No90 as described in the said Bylaw and being the southerly 33 feet oi the road allowance between the Townships of Essa and Vespra The byalaw will authorize the conveyance thereof to the abutt ing owner or owners The Council will bear in person or by his or her counsel agent or solicitor any person who claims that his or her lends will he preludicaily affected by the said bylaw and who applies to be heard DATED the 16th oi November 1961 HAROLD am Clerk of the Township of Essa HINT FOR THE BRIDE AND GROOM Watch Classiï¬ed Ads for pliancevbargains terriï¬c furniture and ap uoirhnrmornuannimau NEWS or swoon By MR5 BERT MVLHDLLAND MANY PLANE 1W Nov ll ï¬roud Wo mens institute met in Commun it Hall with to members one totJud live ladies from Litiles Iliil institute Roll call hints from green thumb to Miami was very inter Achievement will be Dec In Asltggudn Udall President rs rt ra reported on Simcoe District WJ convention in Stayner where the theme was Glance At the Past Vision for Willie Members from Stroud icmcmbercd with rose and certlilcaie for being owl mem ber over so years were bin licrb Wallace and Mrs Reynolds birthday and Chrbtc mas gilt are to be sent to the sponsored child Next meeting will be Dec 14 Senior citizens dinner and even ing is planned ior Dec 20 There will be social evening to Jan WY iiirs Mel Cook convene of Agriculture and Canadian Indus tries read the motto prepared by Mrs Dwight Nelson To Live without neighbors is like gar den without flowers iilm of Mexico old and new was shown by Mrs Craig ilunter lvho with her husband had bccn on con duclcd tour last year CURLERS Anoihcl season has begun tor the Sirnud Curlers this week Single etaling Tuesday evenings with mixcd on Fridays at Cooks tovul curling rink RECREATION Figure Skating stroud Re creation Committee are looking or someone interested in teach ing the basic fundamentals oi I4PUBLIC NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF INNISFH 1967 VOTERS LIST Notice is hereby given that have complied with Section at the Voters List Act and that have posted up at my oiiice in Stroud on the lSth day of Nov ember 1967 the list at allpcr sons entitled to vote in the mun icipal elections and that such lists remains there for inspection hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any emissions or errors canceled according to law the last day for appeal being the 29th day oi November 1967 DATED at the Township of holy iii this the 15th day of Novem OEI 1967 IL GRDIl Clerk KNIT 0R STRIPS By ALICE BROOKS Great for games on trips as an extra blanket or colorful LhTOivvlll your playroom Jillykn jester afghan with pompon trim Knitoi Istrips in 4colors Each strip 1m 75 inch Pattern 7077 directions color schemes FIFTY CENTS coins Ior each pattern the stamps please to Alice Brooks care or The Ear rie Examiner Needlecraft Dept 60 Front SL Toronto Ont Onllrlu residents arid three cents sales tax Pri plainly PATTERN NUMBER NAME ADDRESS First timci Jumbo 196a Needle craft Catalog hundreds of de signs tree patterns includes designer sweat at instructions inside Knit crochet embroider Flity cents Book of 16 July Rugs com plete paileiits inexpensive easy to make so cents Book Nail Deluxe Quilts16 complete patternsSend so cents Book No Museum Quilts patterns for 12 quills Send 60 cents Book No Quilts ior tod lelng New exciting collection 15 complete patterns 60 con Bookoi PrlzcAighunaKn crochet afghan oileenia litre ior one hour some antler con an talented Christmas Trees Dace allin Stroud Recreation Committee will be selling Christmas trees lothenext weekoraoboyswill be cluvlning the village or or an Those whol live guide the in mm use one or advance order to Mrs Minn Martin Stroud All pmilt irom ihhtiuiedtoimprovethere creationai opportlnihlu oi the community Bake Sol Plana have been completed ior bake sale in the basement Community iiall Sai urday Dec from p31 when you come out to vote go downstairs and pick up some goodlu Christmas Danoa Strand lie crcatlon Committee are sponsor ing Christmudeaoe Saiurv day Dee to Dancing will lea ture the Vssletooeal irom Peneiang and bullet will be served altar the dance Dance is ior couples only and by advance tickets which can be pruchascd from any of the allowing Mr and Mrs Allan Marlin Mr and Mrs Gerry Skilleter Mr and Mrs Bruce Pinkney Mr and hingLloyd Ellsworth Mr and MrsMervyn Ayrea Numerous spot and door prizes will be given away Only Limited nuln ber oi tickets will lg sold Minor llockey Iteglstruiion Saturday Nov 15 from 13 pm is the ï¬ualdny ior registration ior minor hockey After this day teams will bll drawn up Regis tratlon is open to all boys 18 years at age who reside on the east side at No is alderoad in Inniaiil Township DEATHS By THE CANADIAN BIKES Wheellng WVaValeniiue Reuther Bil lather oi Prcsldrnt Walter Reuther of the United Auto Workers mnin wows ADS rams meal PROUD PRINCESS By ANNE ADAIIIE See the bands stand at atten tion as the proudlincs of this princess shape glide by Sew this superb iashloa in creamy gabarillne smooth worsted or rich ribbed knit Printed Pattern 4831 Mlsses Sizes 10 12 14 16 Ill Size It takes yards 54inch SIXTT FIVE CENTS SEC in coins no stamp please for eachpathern Qatari residents add eeutslaica lax Fruit plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to Anna Adams care of The Barrie Examiner so Front St Toronto Out WINTERS TOP FASHIONS see exciting styles for all sizes inVour big FellWinter Pattern Catalog Get one pattern tree slmpiy clip coupon in catalog Hurry send5iceuts on WOMEN OFTEII IIAVE KIDNEY IRRITATION COIIIITIDII Kidney or Elldll Tfllll lflhl attest twice 35 many women ll IIIEII OIMII LIIIILIIK LIME and nervousness 13m TTNIIEIE WI Stflflflflllll youuuur It 1RD Hid 118V Htlï¬ It Euhchll INT old in epruud In luih Ell cystEtxbmmlb hllilmlllllzl COM 01 CI I1 urine andth Get cver Illl Allds all Ah tolstew deliciously medium lily red table wine ifllllB from French hybrid grapes gmwn in Niagara PONTIII RECOVERING Pope Paul VI appears in while Snidayiorthoiirsttimo since in prostate operation Nov lie spoke to crowd oi 20000 at St Peters Square in Vatican City at regular Sun NEWS or CHURCHILL By MRS Ii SAUNIER Mr and Mrs Carmen Rolling Mount Albert and hire Hazel Kali Barrie wcra Sunday visi tors with lilr and hire Edgar Sturgeon Norman icwltt oi Webb spent the weekend with his aunt Mrs McClusliie Congratulations to Mr and Mrs iiruce Thompson at New market on the arrival at Paul Bruce ilrst grandcth ior lilr and Mrs Thompson Harry Sloan has sold his term in Churchill village Stroud Recreation committee invitcs all boys six to it oi the Churchill area to play house league hockeK at StroudRegis tralino will re held in Stmud Arena lrorn to pm Nov 18 and 25 Attending Area convention ai stavner and representing Chur chill WJ were Mrs Cyril Spence Mrs Joel Presser Mrs Ronald Allan Mrs Russell Stew art Mrs Choimer Pratt and Mrs John Donnellv The Anglican bazaar drew large crowd on Saturday The salad plates were all sold and the ladies incl they had aucv cessiul sale Ian Lougheed presented R15 scil Stewart with $2500 on be hali oi the Messengers or the and Fund at the Sunday mornlng service at the United church The community was shocked to hear oi the tragic accident that claimed the life of Mrs John lllslop Sincere sympathy is extended to the bereaved iam Many irom this community at tended the Georgian an Drama Festival at Bra di ord High School It isnt oiten that one is able to see 11 plays in such short space oi time Several homes were hosts to visiting stu dents PUBLIC SPEAKING Area residents have been at tending tbe public speaking ellv mloations in innisiiL 0n Tues day night the juniors spoke at Wamiea School Heather Moir representing Central won sec ond prize with her speech on Our Senses Ian Campbell from Lelroy public school speak ing on our Trip to Expo was placed thirdihursday night the senior competition was heldat Sunnybrae Gail Matchett Bell Ewarts top speaker told of My Trip to the West Stephen Eut Ier Centralsentry speaking on Cats won tblrd prize Susan saunter Leiroy student was top honors with Lady Astor All interesting document and prized possession oi Jack Dun can is the marriage certiï¬cate oi his grandporcols baudwritten on line while note paper it reads hereby certify that Jamu Duncan and Margaret iiood both at the Township of innisiil in the District of Sim coo Canada West were this day united in marriage by me ionis ill 22nd Feb 1847 William Fra ser Seceeasion Pbyn minister Witnesses were Thomas Jack and Thomas Duncan WOMENS INSTITUTE Mrs Border hyslotherapist at Barrio Hospita told the mem bers oi Churchill how they work under doctors orders to help injured and disabled per sons to maintain or regain pill aieal ability in their work they use heat water in tents and pools massage and ultra violet rays They help the patient to help himself Mrs Border shows all slides oi some patients help ed by physiotherapy Mrs Allan Todd and Mrs Jack Rcivo conveners oi Home Economics and Health were in charge oi the meeting with the latter commenting on the motto 11 you wish to get thinner dime inlsh the dinner Owing to other events in the area the attendance was small Mrs Todd conducch contest Trademarks Mrs Keith Sinclair was the winner Mrs Prosscr gave report of the Area convention held that day at Stayner Mrs Robert Sin clair was one of 65 to merit corsage and certificate for be ing Wi member for over 50 years Miss Pam Allen was one of the scholarship winners Mrs Russell Stewart and Mrs day noon papal blessing AD wirephoto via cable irom Rome llPTO By MR5 IRVING CARSON VISITORS Mrs Dermos Willolrdnie Miss Manning and Miss liiorrbon Tbronto with Mr and Mrs Carson Mia El Rey nolds Toronto atG Morans Novi2 and also visited her in iher Ambrose Moran who is re covering irom pneumonia in Porn etang General HospltaL SUDDEN DEATH Sympathy iacxpressed io lira Murray Carson and family in the sudden passing of her lather liorn Nov i2 Friends and relatives attending the funeral on Wednesday included Mr Heros brother and tarrlily lilr and lilrs Harry Horn Mr and Mrs ltuch Cayuga Ohio sis ter Mrs McConnell the Miss es Watson cousins and Mn Wales allot Hamilton cndlcauosr By MRS HANDY PRESENTATION lilies Amy Lea was presented WIN swivel chair at the close of the church service Sun Nov Amy will be insisted on Sat Nov 18 at Craigburst Anglican Church Six ladies from here attended the WI meeting at the homeoi Mia Decker on Wednesday evening WI MEETING The Womens Institute will meet at the home of Mrs Oades ltlesday Nov 21 mg Jack Constable were named an Outings committee to plan trip this winter CITY OF BARBIE 17 Debentures Price 100 to yield 700 TORONTO nuMINlclN The Bank where people make the diliereuce Our mares branch unfl be pleased to accept Wurarder we REGRET now were AN ERROR THE menswear rslcs Armies IN SIIIICOE PRICE or It THE NOV Tail ADVERTISEMENT DISTRICT COOIERATIVE services CA WHIRLPOOL DISHWASHER APPEARED AS $22995 SHOIILD llAvr llle we REGRET ANYlNcoNvijIENCE cAUseo svTlils ennosro IHE eusroMElts or The slMcoe ols SERVICES rotateOrionle