Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Nov 1967, p. 11

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masochismtaille litre niarie Douglas and son Wayne Beimore the veekend of Nov at boma oi llr and Lira Murray sic Deviell On Nov bird lic Doweil and lttrs Douglas were in Toronto where they attended the Ontario lusic Educators Workshop PWYTEIUAN Tuesday evening Nov the Presbyterian WA hold tttci monthly meeting at tbs home at hliss lilac Sutherland Mrs James Borlsnd oi Egbert demon strated the making or Christmas decorations social time was enio ed and lunch was served by hostess It in eiy attcnded suction todnoriliialtovt Titogirls entertained the patients and treated them to some homemade goodies The next meeting at 26111 will be at the church Friday Nnv It pain Ralph Corrigan tkho ia member ol South Shneoe Junior airmen alone with other them iosaru mum bers attended the Royal Winter Fair at which they took part to several judging competition Never 1Too late ing the trophy or swine Mg readerl boiora but it you its con or cat had tilt vacclnatioa its They waded never too late even though it is recommended that immunisa ticnbe completed by early De banquets witnused the opening of the show by Prince Philip attended the ice Capsdes DATE CHANGE trader the uaspices oi the cember The experts from studying Eight tables oi euchra were in emu it played Nov 13 in the town hall rt that they anticipate tantial number of cases at outbreaks MD spring and sin terrlhiyyworriod Just reminder now that were gettinginto the wtotcr 111 gumsflul in mm season know lve reminded Mll it allergic to one th tendency to be alter something else too largic to bee vcnom also GEE AN ALLERGIST Allergy to em and to bee diagnbave nole in common except that groan strongly usually has to JULIET JONES Thus being allergic to eggs is ratital lccbie cause to suspect that you might be strongly at ll you are that much worried maaanlznnmanuosos womanlmru ears nir wmmuormutwose tam minimum msses camera to mummy TOSSWAWA otANCEtO aCDREPORWSTIAM sole oi ousehoid goods irom the go to an allergist or tests to see The next and last game of the estate oi ll ltlctadden was held Saturday altemoon Nov ll hir Coughiin was heard to say that this was one oi the best atlcnded household sales ho had ionccrcd in some time is Judy Itirth Toronto spent recent weekend with her parents ltlr and airs Doug Airtll The bi St Johns are busy preparing for their annual Christmas bazaar the afternoon oi Dec trauiloward Land attended the District annual 11 in Stayner Nov and to The annual Remembrance scr vice was held Sunday alternoon in St Johns Anglican Church Rev lloivard conducted the service assisted by Rev ltlilroy United church and net Hugh vnsun Presbyterian church who preached the ser mon Due to adverse weather conditions short service was held at tho Cenotaph Cookstotvn CGlt and their leaders Mrs George Paris and seriu will be told Nov 21 Please note change in date ow ing to the village nomination which is being held Nov to RENEWALRALLY Rev Onko ol Newfound land was the speaker at Re newal Fellowship Rally held at Cockstwn United Church Sat urday Nov to Guests irom wide area registered at 12 noon and were served lunch by the ladies in the church basement in interesting alteration program was concluded by Communion service conducted by Rev Gregerson of Hamilton hlr cake was the speaker at the morning scrvice on Sunday and will conduct scrvim on ltlonday Tuesday and Wednesday evcn ings of this week iii and ltlrs Norman Comp bell nnd Robert spent Sunday Nov 11 with relatives in Tor onto TRY EXAMINER WANT nus tbc Asianvtype oi fill this year primarily in the eastern part at the country But inllucnra has nasty record of tooling us irom time to time and breaking out when and where not expected The rule ior vaccination it you dont remember is til you havent had no vaccine you need two Intactions about two months apart it you have been vaccinated ior it beloro you need only and injection booster provided your last in vaccine was given to you some time since the sum mcr at loss Personally how ovcr since protection tadcs gradually pretor two lnjccr tlons it more titan year or two has passed since your lost one Dear Dr ltiolacrzily mistake nto two places of pork liver which wero not well done is there any pretreatment to pro vent gcttlng the disease cailscrt by pork worms whcn the meat is not thoroughly cookoutKN There is no prcgtrestsncnt in tact thcre is no specilic treat nhcthcr you sro unduly sensb tive to bee venom it so he cnn give you desensitization treot meats and advise at first aid in event at sting Dear Dr Molnar have been told that wcarln the lower eyelid would eventually cause one to go blind have been wearing it for about two years it hasnt scented to irritate my eyes al though once in while llind thorn bloodshot am concernedTC Cosmotiosot any kind includ big eye liner can have an trris toting ctlecton some women and getting little at the liner onto the eyeball could irritate the delicate membrane Blind ness is not involved however The way some gals pack on the trim am surprised that we dont see more red eyeballs Dear Dr ltlolner My iriends seem to think that going to Florida thins their blood and eye liner on harmiul and DONALD DUCK makes them loci better do not agrce and we got into argu merits Does hot climate thin your hloodtX No thats an old licuon with out any basis in tact lruo your lrionds may ieel better in warm climate Some may also havo diilicuity in becoming used to the cold weather when they return north but it isnt bo causa blood becomes thinner or thicker The consistency re mains thc some By JAY BECKER when East led heart to the ace won the heart return with tllciocir led heart to the queen and got heart rail to dcient North ilvc tricks At still another table the bid ding wont hirs hliirny visith tho senhr citizens at llillcrest TELEVISION PROGRAMS aurrsno BARRlE BUFFALO nurritm Vim Mimic lo em hm TultoNlo ll nltitllll0N that person allergic toeggs could die ithittenhy hear is there something could take to counteract bee sting plan on having gardcn It next merit ii the diseasa does de vclop except to case the symp toms So last hope that the meat you ate was not contami nated PHONE 718le Mraiiurweg saris Eusttsto Dear loLler am tnvesttgatatnapomertatturet MONDAY NOVEMBER EVENING oNews lyetrier lAudy Griiiitb snort 1Flieny sound rilRst Patrol Mouniry llullc lratl no sslllle magir anannle Prudden osrcrstslolm al hove turr 100 iiSuaer llelorr aNewr weather Sports goo lItccidental Flmib tlorcst Rangers olloneymoonsrr orruul 0r vSecono Hundred conreourocu iihllrl mm UNCLE nsrovlr 1Newr Weather in Nirhnlns Ntclrlehyi soartr liGilllnns hilfld al soy 11 doclrol Burnett mo Ziinnkera 71he nla Valley PM nDonvitelsscr llilcrv Grililrl Cattle on re mm lorrry llirlsori 7CY loao urllrrrltoner WmJm srronls llMyr oo ocrlsda lol Ziovle 530 201 Land and scan Wight zlilac 7NW iilicwilchtrl moo ll toyla oNawa Weather Scranadn For Two Sports Spies 7MW1I Woman Obsessed szso llvlierle Eelwl 6minute artt 1lut Patrol also DFamily Minty zNrwa snip tnaay Arnold sinus 1Peytao Pllce olluuty Prosat Smith dealer North South vulnerable NORTH vloom QQHOBBM wear mesa onion not WELL rrs REALLY AN ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSH Navel SAWAN ELECTRIC BACK sanrctlER South West girth la Dhla fifiia Dblo to Pass an 410652 sown West used one worddouble ucqaosz everytime itwas button to ya bid and collectedlntio points ills brevity paid oil well At anotitor table the scriptlvas somewhat different but the out come vasthe same The bid ding went North m1 Pm Pm bills ii ll NerI Weathcr sport rNews llPlem Berton 4130 LJohnny cam ann net Shiv sir aNeas wutner anv ibnfiri thsll mans as av Spore Challenge llssnrk slhlr Ego glint gag TUESDAY NOVEMEEE ll MOENING AND AFTERNOON Pm Pl South West limo ltitiidirlg Light Db DP 1+ mil The bidding PM tacitglignlmibillill Budy Opening leadtwo oilclubs m1 Prunrltl Here is rather lrcatlsh liund litito Hiemu mils tram tile Trials in lost it was 50 wentdm Wt 1Peraonnlltv tmfil played at nine tables with vary 5195 me 31 °° 1wtnonw On in nmflv Second rtddiet iag results ad W35 93 5PM by 50 World Good stamina WW5 that the Norm at anuthnriabie three hearts by South pair at the table where North at another table three the bitigizlég went as shown did 53me ativflithfi not rea soon enou i1 hatth Eie 35 55 W3 the contract for headstiown ILJtdika Douglas LAmly Grimm Eggnockeuhb mnmm were dealing with total misfit By the time they woke up to it i+KQ1943 GRAN pMA QD swmdw 0p W0riri LSurnnser Semester liLocal lith BERT CALLED AND SAiD YOUR PALS ARE HAVING CARD GAME TONIGHT TOLD HiM YcTD MUCH RATHER SPEND THE EVENING lsNr tr AMAZING How MUCH lAs Til Wort FTuxboot Annie Tum Martin Kahuna ioo ithzelflouu hmyl or our Lives ano HWWM 51 suvs Malt oulrlverslty oi the sprucerid Mr mflfidiml 1Newiywed Gam rlmllu lorlwllua ydiuflmmr Igflo Confidential Lnoctora Boone M0 Efil fig to deteat the contract iour ricks scarlton maeneka orrools in Conflict 71100 pains 11 smegma ilOpontnx Ceremony There were similar results at 100 three other tables where the bid 3Ontarin Schools LArlother World inns usurped noon Tm drag in each case progressed as iii in vanw Today crn Tell in lrutti lllitue People 1GQnenl limitl nOntarin saloon 1090 Lmflsmm At one of them it went 16an loosenlent rm South Wes rrnrin asst Hanadian 501109 zluerv cilslln also INT Pass Hm cum Mouth stir LYtiu Dont Say 1pm pm ml sonar Tomorrowl 144141 or Ham ammTu ls outluv wawh Here the toll turned outta he board of governors lsior at TUESDA iNoVEllelllt EVENING even greater 1400 points least the 196 academicyeal mo Hatcha Hill Hows Wca er Sparta BLONDIE they were well beyond their depth EastWest collected three hearts twodialnonds and club StudentI Suspended ForSmoking Pot LONDON not toriill la thwgh we WE no tomorrow yearold youth who pieaded 3Lttrlchton Date guilty this week to charge oi possessing marijuana has been suspended trim the University olWestern Ontario or minde terminate period The suspension handed down Fridaynight by the university DONT FORGET DA CLEAN as Amilimean NEED LUNCH DiD YOU DO VACUUM CHANGE not THE pDCKETS PANTS szoo Lfltk psurlu Hammonlcsta lsrcret Storm 94 Lovl Luoy lisunu Heron DNewg mm 10 lMgthlflImliaw Jows amass 9Gdnstirn 2ispml 1Msrsil mated grass Laurie Boomer llDflhfl 0mm ionicmar to dry FTEHDI or 1oo announces iNewa Woath Hllovie lMflflllfllflIIW than ruins Artful Sparta er onudwesterntla Clr FDaltmfln sounlle rm Hits New Special VOne Nightstand bThe Prisoner ilMerv Griltin lL Animate Hardy 25cm 12 Push heroine of down 13 rarvr 14 Binding 21mm out 18Bibllcoi der 303owcr 318 titkltstlli oththtE REUP GETsErFDKANOTHE thoiihiiérfidgafifl saiacuiile vssregosmuasouig Saturdays nanny ng up home meéme the cor ir AGAtN six 145novets miners om lmmmn wane lispnme 16 Electricians coallrat Heny Lewis Hon awn ILBrealr an llOelebrity Billiards 19 subsided zol raga And 59 non lino 21mm an JMr Lwl TNewsr iSRfriyskeitor mills 451110th 221mm mi invalid It Rims sr core Dylrrl solrtu Limits FMovte The Axiomshed Heart llaot Lula llsVlsfi OKAY BliZ VJLiR BEARING l5 GNE EIGHT 5th RANGE 5000 YARDSNOU AND PETE INTO THE liiiNiStifiL eve on Shinto temle 33Mourld 3Abyssin table mountain l35Girl5 name er out all Mctallit rocks IlGunmoko 33 ettlmt sanction laerl Skeiton 0W1 WCIlhlP SDDHS illa°thPric My Picrre arm 18 Possessed 29Drunk 42Masur1um slang so Faultliy aziinidenmne sandman gt 23 Shosbm norm Indian nilovie The Outstderi BUZZ SAWYER pig LLarge desks 42 Billiard stroira 43Exfm oriental nurses norm 401m zxindos bean Greedy 4Dlaoovcra annulrruuvs EB OKstram Syndicate ire tool to is Tillarnniler zThat new girl will fit in Well here Dd you hear the 3153 way she just to daft the hoaalf gram WHERE ARE you some mats value seer momma mamas oiz nlnalymcitrrl it our on ttontiitoivou itororttvarogmrros clot monsoon rr umtlctaurnuipmiiilc mow HHSKAL amm To BWti Herskssreei LET ME sum you MV urssriiowol Airr Nontlitd Plcruknhttls is av ekurssr var Muses Ann Skiesrest

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