Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Nov 1967, p. 1

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iill $95950 Over The Top flit 103rd Yur No 170 Ohlactivo MiiKES iris pom The conlroverslal Episcopal Bishop James Pike shakes his list ior emphasis as he do iends himself during teach in at licliastcr University in Hamilton Saturday Bishop Eire stall nrembcr oi the Centre of Democratic insti tions at Santa Barbara Cal was amused by another panel memberDr lohn Montgom ery chalmisn of History at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Chicagooi being victim of wish iuliilrnent ln extrasensory perception Earl ier this year Bishop Pike gained prominence when bi shops in his Episcopal church threatened to charge him with heresy but later abandoned the idea to Wirephotol neuron are Bus lnads of residents darted back to their homes for iew min utes Sunday night to grab cloth ills keepsakcs nnd pelsnnder threat oi the escape oi 100000 gallons of deadly chlorine gas state agent said oiiicials lowered barricades briefly to one member oi bouschold He said more than 100 persons were allowed to brave the dam ger to bring out items essential for second night away irom home for nearly 3000 persons qvho iied soturday alter 40car reight train was derailed and caught lire Two boys were re ported missing after the evacua tion Skeet Pate an Alabama do partmenl of public saiety agent qaidsix tankers of ammonia were burning near tankers toad ed with propaneaud tanker of chlorine gas He said the outer hull of the doublewalled rth rine tanker was cracked The tires were being con lained by civilian firefighters ghnd army units Pate said but added thatflames continued to erupt occasionally throughout the rubhle oi ihc Seaboard Coast Line freight train Police said broken rail ap Cthrine Gas parently caused the pileup oi 40 of the irelghts 110 cars Firemen in gas masksrong mined the blazes by pourinan gallons oi foam and pushing tonsof earth over the wreckage with bulldozers The blazes were reported under control by noon Srmdsy sendin tour busloads limited to court Upholds Ford Sentence TORONTO CBThe flVe man Ontario Court of Appeal to day upheld the noncapital mur der conviction and lite impris onment sentence of 21yearold Wayne Ford Tirecourt which sat torone hour and 40 minutes rejected all arguments of Fords two lawyers Brigden and ll Creighton that Fordsth be given new trial risers ONt Passerby motorist at side of road Have puncturei Motorist No thanks just had one rExpect Vote On Mideastt Bid UNITED NATIONS AP iaritish resolution seeking Middle East settlement was given the best chance of adop tion among three headed ior vote in the UN Security Council today Delegates expected that the pots would come latetonight The three resolutions all would send UN representative to the Middle East to seek set tlement of issues leit by the ArabIsraeli warin June in cluding withdrawal of lsraeli troops from territory they seized But theydiner over how he hour work and what form the settlement should take as the is racli withdrawal irom territory seized in the war no end to Arab belligerency against 15 rael the iixing oi bordcrs ree dnm ior lsraeli shipping through gisputed waterwaysand solo on of the Arab reiugeequcs tion The Arabs consider US resnlptlon proisraeli The israells consider an in dlanvniclianngerlan resolution proArab The British resolution introlt uced Thursday 12 days after eothcrs has been widel hailed as balanced at meetingat the USmisslon Sunday US Ambassador Ar thurJZ Gnldbcrg joined Lord Caradon of Britain in rejecting suggestions ior changes put ior ward by Ambassadors Jose Maria node at Arzenttna and Geraldn dc Carvalhu Silos oi Brazih They had beeutrylng to merge the British resolution with an unpublished Argentine Brazfliarr draitr Barrio Ontario armor Monday Nowroom 20 m7 use Marmot wasman Varlalileoloudrn lawtmlehtfi Bighhwdaofi llol Morrlhcnflile For copy 14 Pages on no in IS CRITICIZED IN UK Currency Remains Firm In Market Countries wNDON CF Reportuse slons to the ltdpercent devnl nation in the British pound roiledaround the world today Many countries expressed coniidence in the economic fu ture oi Britain although at home there was bitter discontent Laborch Opposition cniothcr Australia one oi Britains major customers said it would not devalue its dnllar But the British governments announcement Saturday that the pound would be devalued to $340 irom $280 US and to $257 irom 53 Canadian pro voked matching dcvaluotions in Spain the Republic oi lreland Denmark lsrael Hong Kong Malta Fill Bermuda and Guya na Malnr currencies those of the United States Cnn ads the Common Market coun tries Switzerland South Africa and Japan reV mslned firm Observers said that such posi tive actions could give Britain an export boost because its lower sterling rate would make its goods cheaper in those coun tries The Conservatives reactedas expected Their leader Edward Heath charged that the govern ing Labor party had reduced Britain irom prosperous na ll to an international pauper FORECAST ELECTION The Tories spread word that they expected the government to resign and callnsw elections London bookies reported rush oi betting on the Conserva tives in the next election oili ulally not due until 1971 Most countries that devalued Increases such as with Britain are suppliers oi Iiood and raw materials mean ing British buyers can import irom them at the same old prices British salesmen in countries that held test are in client get ring 143 per cent subsidy to undercut their competition in crease their proilts or combi nation oiboth However many prices on the home markctuitl go up result lngin curtailment of briylng The government hopes this will turn manufacturch to the ex port markct so that Britains balance of payments wrll move toward the black sgninu tish industrialists were di vided over the likely eiircts oi devaluation Sir John Hunter chairman oi the Swan Hunter shipbuilding lirm said devaluution should go long way to obliterate the price advantage which Japan has hold 0n the other ehaMAnhur Knight iinsnca director of CourtsuidrLtd warned Unlcssthe prices and in comes board is eiiecilvc in re sistlng Ibo wago claims that will iollow the inevitable rise in the cost of livhrg our costs will be raised substantially Bank Or anadd Increases Rate OllAWA CPI The govern ment and the Bank of Canada reacted cautiously to Britains devaluatinnoi thetpound The central bank raised its discount rate to six cent from live eiiectivo ay and said it would continue to facili tate the provision of adequate credit to meetthe needs of sound economic expansion Finance Minister Sharp said the government will maintain theCanadian dollar at its cur rent exchange rate the equiva lent of 92 cents in US funds Britains devaluation he said resulted irom special circum stances aiiecting that currency the pound sterling While Mr Sharp said the gov ernment does not belieIe deval irating the pound will have any Discount Rate By JOSEPH 0sz wrarnucron in The Federal Besch Boardshis count rate moved up notch today in what officials described as an effortm protect the US dollar in the wake oi the British pound devaluation The rise to per cent irom four is identical to one putjnto eiiect in December less but that was ior diiierent reason to stop inflation instead it started year of tight money This tirne the move is de signed to prevent heavy flow oi dollars overseas in search of higher interest rates Its expect Ed to have little immediate ef fect onUS consumer interest rates When its davahrated the pound Saturday to $140 irom 52m US Britain also raisediis dis count rate to eight per cent from old gt ThéUS discount ratefis the interest commercial banksmust pay the Federal Reserve ior money they borrow from the system other rates are passed upward from it The Examiner TODAY Ann Lenderso on News2 crannies12 Comicsll Deathsit corners surrorriii Sport in Theatre5 1v mangou Weatherii Weatherll In this however the hoard is hri is rate more board is bringing its rate else where in the world economy rather than tracking new ground Canada Sunday raised its discmart rate to six per cent from five RATES ARE HIGH interest rates generally are at their highest level in almost 50 years But some officials said the higher discount could tend in thelong run towsrdan increase in rates consumers pay ior loans this connection it could have an tiinilationaryieiiect but oiliciaisemphasized that measures taken by the UK Trade Minister substantial eiicct on Canadas international iinancial position government oiiicials were ex pecting some slowdownin Ca nadian exports oi manufactured goods to the United Kingdom Canadian exports to the UK have for years been running at about double Britains sales to Canada Last year exports to Britain totalled $l131b000ii and imports were $644700000 ltlost recent figures show that Canadian exports to Britain to tailed $679300000 in the iirsi seven mnnths of this year and lust about hall of these were iabricated materials totalling $329169000 EXPECT EXPORT DECLINE The highest cost to Britain oi gnods imported irom Canada and other nonsterlingarcas to gether with the other austerity may put crimp in the govern ments target oi Canadian ex ports totalling 1250000000 this year No Eliect Is Seen 0n Exports LONDON CF Canadian Winters said Sundaynight he does not think devaluation of the British pound will cause major dislocation in Canadas exports to Britain Because oi the nature oi our trademostly raw materials wedoinot believe it will have any great effect he said in an interview shortly alter arriving ior round oi discussions here and in several narrows give vent to their ieelings Sunday as they gather outside No 10 Downing Street in london in vocalprotest lo their governments decision to devalue the pound sterling OVEii STEEL PLANT SYDNEY NS iCPt Nova Scotians closed ranks behind capo Breton steelworkers here Sunday in massive demonstra tion unprecedented in the his tory oi the province in parade oi concern ior the employees or the Domininn Steel and Coal Corps steel plant here an estimated 20000 persons marched through the streets carrying placards de nouncing the company for its announced April 30 loss shut down of the plant The 3200mnn mill is the eco nomic backbone of this city oi 34000 Led by group carrying Canada SSave our Steel Cape Breton always supported Canada 100 per cent the marchersvassemhled at the gate of the steel plant The march organized by tals airman care union church and civic leaders would be 0111 Stile effect OTTAWA 0P The New Democratic Party has scrapped its stand on special siatusior Quebec in favor oi ficWSMOm trysurvey oi grassroots opinion on constitutional reiorm The new policy adopbed at tbeweokend session of the par tys loomember federal council was announced Sunday at news conference attended by Douglas the national leader and the party executive Readiirsi in French by Rob crt Cliche the NDPs Qucbec leader and associslc president and then in English by James Benwlck NDP national presi dent the policy statement out lines plans for public opinion survey that will he ioliowed by interviews with organizations andrpubllc debates Mr chwick said thc part0 hopesato havea declaration oi common objectives in the for discussion on the constitution at its biennialnational convention at Montreal in July 1000 The statement said that ii basic social econttmic and coin stitutinnal reiormsaare required such changes should only be sought through new alliance of the Canadian people in which ills Troopers lire Hit By Cong SAlGON AptEntrenchcd North Vietnamese troops struck hard hlow at battalion oi US paratroopsSunay in the ludayold Dak To battle as American planes hit the Hanoi Haipbong area tor the iilth atralxlrtdly For Status the broadest crosssection oi public opinion is represented TOOL NOT YOKE Mr Douglas said there is tendency in all parties includ ing his own to approachnation al unity only as constitutional problem The constitution was tool to be used nut yoke to be borne He said Canadians heed to agree on common renames full employment mic growth housing health educa tionabciore they will be able to what constitutional changes are needed The definition or new federal powers must not however cut across the rights oi French speaking Canadian or inhibit the expression oi their cultural heritage huge banner which read was orderly and without incl dent As the crowds grow newsigns fippcared Some read Hawker Sidduley let us down airman lcr 1939 Siddeley 1967 These were in reference to the Hawker Siddeley group oiEng land Doscos Parent company The ranks of demonstrators included hullSBWlVeSTsome car rying their children miners stechvorkers students and even placardcarrying nuns Canon Melvin French oi near by Sydney Mines an organizer oi the marchsairi Sooner or later we had to get together or the lidwould have AP Wirephoio yin cable ruin1 London Parade comers There was Mayor Busscll Urquhart said he was hopeiul the demonstra lion would convincegnvern ments of thesincerity oi the people and help bring about solution HOPE FOR SOLUTION Premier ill Smith and ed eral Health ltiinister Allan Mac Eachen wcre piped onto the sports centre grandstand and took their places beside other members oiParliarrrenl and the legislature Premier Smith saidhe had been incontaci with Premier Daniel Johnson oi Quebec re garding that prnvinces an nounced interest in purchasing the Basra works there Turkeys Face Custom Evaluation omiwr CF Live turkeys imported irom the United Stator at distress prices will be faced with special customs evaluatinn Agriculture MinisterCreene announced today The action is design ed to protect Canadian turkey farmers from imports priced below cost Seek Murcowfilcw Yorlr Iliir link riosoowinéuters delegation of ilussian aviation oiiicials leit herotoday ior the United States ior talks on the opening oi a1 regular chr YorkMoscow air link $1238 Bill mm basswooo Calif AP us in former so ier who sat at home for US Army orders ior 223 days in 1960 says the army macros arms on car has billed him iortlma paid him during his extended absenc May Drain Canal ToivLocateiCar Plans for draining the new Hydro canal on the northern outskirts oi Niagara Falls will be made today as police oonllnuolhe search iorasports car into 30 ioetoi water early Srmday which stringed

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