Man Kills wire And lwo0lhers BATTLE canard Mich LAP distreucht Battle Creek man killed his estranged vita Lesageltaps illnion Nationals niiï¬afl £151 tlon Liberal party an ornament at run mam um OneDrownslls Plunges In River ronr rahucas cutter MONDAY WEI ll ml masotmmuntntat water Roy Hybor oi Auhhan Ont was trapped in the vehicle ad died tilt Ilia Grace and Golleea open iii of tntema mmï¬urr wonmmdui cundtho Umltiunlalm rou woo ersr Mme minia suicide with no in umi blue he hacLbouzhtm quarter oi tlooal ieits Ooh scrambled dmma from the vehido and were re moml MN 93m cued by passersby and nearby to from the RV murky waters residents oi Rainy Lake utter their car Both were described as being ripped throws railingand in shock in hospital doiwklnghlo aan modv lit htwslrflflvwllfl Ma integral restrain ma roéentiy Police camera Anderson Raï¬ said when the nah Nationk hardcover mutton munr not ltnï¬llml ml qmumaq Pearl Balloy poses withtwo other Broadway stars Angela Lansbury Mame tell and Carol Channing the original It realmsII Inau In fly MISS MtMASTEli Congratulations to Thomas Caldwell whose marriage to Miss Marilyn Sibblek took place In the Church ot the blaster United Church Toronto Those attending trom town wcre the groomsvparenls Mr and Mrs Russell Caldwell and Allan Kell Conlrstown United Church held successiul owl supper Nov Although weather conditions were notvgood record crowd exceeding other years was in at tendance Mrs Vr Milroy Mrs George Farts and MrsT Graham attended all convocation tor UCW at st Pauls United Church Orilila Nov Mr and Mrs Menard Corbett and Mrs Margaret Alderaan Alliston attended anniversary services at the terlau Church and were the guests Mrs Bert Murphy Mrs Brown and Rev Mr Hinds oi Carragana Sask vis ted tow days oi the past week the farmers brother and sistc Now Mr and Mrs Al bert Gilt0y This community was saddened to learn of the death at Mrs Lloyd Dermott Allistnn on Sult day Nov in Alliston hospi al Mr and Mrs Dermptt were re sldents of Tecumscth to ship upon retiring in Allistnn Sym pathy is extended to the family Fourteen tables at euchre were playedvln the town hall Monday evening under auspices at the WI There will be two more in the series Nov 13 and 20 Eight girls enrolled as Girl Guides Nov in the basement ntSt Johns Anglican church and will be under the direction of Captain Miss Susan Spany ii it rt Dollyt at New Yorks Si James Theatre Sunday night aiter MlssBailey headed an nilNegro cast that took over NEWS OF COOKSTOWN Mrs Helen OBrien oi Broolr iyn NYr is visiliug her parents Mr and Mrs Wright HOME DECORATING Home Economics with Mrs Kelly as canvener was the topic at the November institute meet ing hold in the town hall Thursa lily evening with 12 mmbrs present Mrs ii Lund president conducted the meeting Roll call was answered with donation oi jams or jellies far the Christmas boxes The motto paper Better than gold is an attractive peace iul home was read by Miss McMaster Saturday Der Achievement day or til girls will be held in Banting Memorial High School Mrs Kelly conducted the pro gram and Mrs Hansen read poem in keeping with the motto paper and also conducted con test Mrs Kelly introduced the speaker iinnaid Abrams Barrla who gave an informative talk on interior decorating He shew ed number at rug and drapery samples with which he demon strated many color schemes During social time lunch was served by the committee in charge PRESHYTERY rtNNWERSAflY Two large congregations were in attendance at the Presbyter ian Church on the occasion oi their anniversary services Nov Their new minister Rev Hugh Wilson conducted the services and was the speaker The choir supplied special music in the morning and was assisted in the evening bleob Herd oi Knox Presbyterian Church Toronto who sang three solos Several oi our agriculture soe iety members attended the dis trict meating at Schomberg Oct Was Your Pierone lNTHE EXAMINER TAKES OVER MUSICAL HIT ONBROADWliY the Broadway musical hit Hel lo Doliyl She succeeds Betty Grahla in the lead role AP Wirephoto KILLED BY SHOTGUN ST CATHARINES CF i7yearold Niagara Township youth was lrilled Sunday when izgaugo shotgun held by his isyearold brother accidentally dischargedin the boys bed room Dead is Daniel Vleha son at Mrr and Mrs Ted Wicha Their home is just outside St Cathariucs broke intn his molherinlawp rooming house mawnced he was going to trill everyone there and opened tire Killed were Nunnllly his wife Erma 21 and hi Font ii roomer in the house itobert Loo Spraggins 53 an other rooms was taken to hos Pltni with superï¬cial head wound Loretta Moore Nunnsl lys motherinlaw was listed in critical condition with wounds in her lett shoulder and side Police said Nunnally that Mrs Moore Font and Sprun gins first then chased his wlia out the house Altar strug glo tor the weaflnpolice said Nunnaiiy shot wile in the back oi the head then shot him colt in the head it was some kind oidomes tléildpruhlem the police chiei Says Levesque Not TeamMan BOUBLAMAQUE Que CP Pierre Lnnorte provincial Liberal house leader says itena Levesque left the Quebec Liber al party because he is not team man and not because oi his separatist views in caucus he always agree on motor issues but not on how to put them into practice he told Lihcrai supporters at rally Saturday in Abitlhi East Mr Levesque resigned from the Quebec Liberal party the opposition party in the legisla tureaiter the Quebec Liberal Federation rejected his proposal to make Quebec sovereign state at convention in 0cto ber swimmer Wittoouutiwoair inn 1232414 So you have smoothing to sell and dont how with to fiudb buyer will junniai Examiner Classified Ads eon dotttie iob for you They are conveni ent inexpensive and fostwoy to turn your DonrWuntc into cash Phone us Well do the rest More than 20 otiheyears total retail sales are modein NovemberDecember buyingbonanza vthot offers big and last chance toffatten profits And 20 doesnt begin to tell the Christmas story Many items sell toChristnius oslin any other FUlL month reeandfour times as fast in the selling days up Whethenyou sell lgiftsgfor her for name forthe homeLJts the ears bi gest cried for almosthll retailers All this selling action calls foripicinning lesta singlesellingopportunityrbe missed Planned promotions will Build profit peak out of selling wanted merchandise RECENTLY Whenï¬tsmostLWanted That means maximum outoffeveryimerchondise promotion fit so and youd like copy or for that matter copies of any gTheExamineradvertisingvmen have the facts and vfiguresto hel you getgthe most out of your Christmas promotions you have not already been contacted by your admaniin connection with yourChristmastselhng osklhimztosshow you tiiefigures which pertain to your Hm Wen particular usiness These tools can belrused toyouvr very supply an 10 definitetqdvantdgel glossy print for only $150 plus solestoxele local Examiner pictures eros BUILDarrorirahoouciuo moxie ruone7za5537 3jWYWWW ordropiniothe gt office and place gt your order stiletto Examiner Irï¬ziBuyfield Street 331