Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Nov 1967, p. 13

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Aurorlorlvc CARS FOR SALE VIAU Ia RAMBLER can 5L mom 10 HELP WANTED MALE HELP downstream MALE FEMALE HELP III Iran or mm It lot will or Inn all now or Ianrind navi lo can Ior oldm bad scum hum OLDSMDBILI Sum roath lo ll Ln Bonn infinit rue tlhll hell oil in polar NIID Illa Couiut Milan moan 4L Tsiephnnt norm our on my menial Opportunity rout most an and mi cunrsun and 196 vnxanl for ule hath good Nndi Tehphono flue allr Iar runner drullr tau cllntnowl rer role also runnlnr both for 73 Tacoma name was run Meteor both altar pm STANDARD roan nirilnl radio and no or trade Telephone anyum clams rsu voutslvlicllN in excclknt runoan order mow um installed radio am after In Dntn 5L Telephone IIIwar rnylinr Ills OLDSUOBILB nrerlred load from and clean thmoshcol emanzr rulonablc olkl otor lnnsmirsian Tod rim Trlrphonl new at lul llluNIllzllnIan click with Item whllc Inlrrlor power bulbs Ind chtI Animuslo mm column on owner excellch in collation driven only In Illnch call 1764252 rm cunvsrnn door nrnlm one can wm consider mule In time Enduic It ranIo In good condition all any or mono or mm 1965 FORD allnoer red interior mom Ian rAInLANl 500 Va iicor mm on It 41 Ionlry sin alter pan ms rIchml rulurlll convertible cylinder automatic radlo whiio IIJ now tlrcl Included kc lrlrl colndltlnn Telephone now Irlw or Iiranrplan allTm noun noun or ulc cm Us mom ans to Irls pm door sedan cylindcr lonu 3000 rnllrr aloe white Telephone riath liter lun AUTO REPAIRS SPECIALIZING SPORTS CAR TUNING uridsmolicarrepnirs Redline import 55 Milly 51 YOUR FRANCHISED DAISUN DEALER MISTER Transmission Ltd Automatic Specialists 33 Dunlop St 72845141 TRUCKS FOR SALE lost clmvnotnl IA ton tnch forv one wood drlvc Telephone In em CAR ACCESSORIES HARDTOP FOR TR3 WANTED Telephone cvcnings mom SNOWMOBILES THE LIVELY ONE BombardierSkidoo Sales and Service EAYVIEW MARINE Lakesbora Dr Barrio SEE DARCY Bombardier Skidoc Service For The Best Deal Eell Ewart MOTOSKI Sales and Service UNIROYAL CENTRES no Bradford St BEAUTY SALON and HANDY PLAZA LAUNDRAMAT are closed due to extensive fire damage Watchtor our Grand REOPENING Thanks for your past patronage NOEL AND son HANDY PLAZA WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDKESSING Government Chartered School rulanultc black with one owner Telephana 7268101 7256310 Sales 455221 masses PERSONALS MY FAIR LADY an Ir ran an drinklnl proarrnr Ind want hair ohm any time mama 71193516 OAINIIGIII mm across cm is looklnl for poooil in this cm ban man and man In Ill wa at Ihuflgmm Iran Io no ihrIr rpm Lilac If latmud Pluu our turd tunlly rnlctlnl In Ins Wm learn at All Maui Hotel Bit Watt on II on on loudly Nov It IIDO pan TEACHERS wAurso mcrm nqqued Immdlltcly for mar em and in in modern Smom school so scandals In effect CumulItIvl in plan rm other mnn menu Awly to writing lo Harrison Township School Ann Imo no rillm thy or Icllpbono 5mm Brtdu mm FEMALE HELP WANTED Women CHRISTMAS selling starts early withAVON Cosmet valuable sales territory now available Write or call MRS TONI SMOLUK PD Box 435 BARRE Phone 72843551 lunarminus woman to live In modtrn bani All convlnlmcu Tm Idulu Dnnlparrlon Ior cider Iy lid Llwt Millennial Mn Ixrzirrm nrolrraa or poor nerper for light hourmom In Suburhln Tomntn honIo Ill enu dnn of school age write to non Geo Bulia Examiner menswear dishwnhrr norIn lmmcdlItcly Apply in non to Huert ruln Ia llo nor siren Barrio EXPERIENch worm to tan lflhnlli TFJomnrb so an Tger as hour week CHIN BIrrtc Immcdlllc cmploymcnt lic daulll experience tic Box Barrio bromincf LEGAL IN THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE FOR ARREARS 0F TAXES Notice is hereby given that the list of lands liable to be sold for arrears of taxes in tho County of Simcoe has been pre pared and was published in an advertisement August 1967 in the Ontario Garette Copies oi tile said list of lands or ad vertisement can be seen in my otlicc Lists will be mailed upon making application for same after September 1967 as shown on said list on or before nrcsday November 14 1991 at the hour of two oclock ESI in the attcrnoon shall In ddault or payment of taxes at that time in the Council Chamber new County Budding Barrie Ontario proceed to sell by public auction the said lands to pay such arrears together with charge thereon it any at the said lands arenot sold on Tuesday November 14 1967 an adjourned sale will be held on Tuesday November to 1967 at two oclock EST John Multan TREASURER SIMCOE COUNTY County Building BARRIE Ontario Report Bush Is Doing Well Toaon or Stock promotcr Myer Rush badly mangled Friday by timebomb explosion while he slept was described Sunday night by hospital spokesman as holding his own quite we Eushwar flun ilom his bed in the Sutton ace Hotel his stomach and throat ripped by the explosion lie regained nsclousneas tor brief pcriodsj Saturday and awoke intermittently during Sunday The 44yeorroid Toronto busi Thorallgh trainifld In bffln nessman was to appear Friday ches oi beauty culture DERIVIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 12 wonsnavsr LOST tr FOUND SMALL yellow abort nrlr dog hit in Angus on November our Ans Ewes to the nams or San wciaha Ibout lbs newmi orlmo Tele phone Assisi otter poll PLANS cnhan random LONDON iAP The 50415 tlon international Planned Par enthood Federation approved today crash program for loop ostlng memodouble its 1957 budgetaimed mainly at Latin America The iederation worldwida network ofvoiun Laly family planning associa tlons rcccivcs Iunds framthh Imam for rellrninary hearing in con nec on with $100000000 stock fraud Montreal police Saturday picked up young woman he licved to have visited Rush in his hotel room here The girl was later released by Montreal police who arrested an unidentified 33yearold man Toronto Pollen here said they believe the man is linked to the bombing but did not place the bomb in Bushs hed They raid there is warrant tor the man on charge of lm paired driving and having fraudulent drivers licence Im lice also any the mInIllvad ior time atttie hotel where the ploalon occurred TIAla mcnaasla ics part or full time governments at the United States Britain Sweden Deni mark Norway andiiolland The marriage rate hasin Paintm is stolen Fer Shu1mc1n Home more or st nous allnu valuad It bola 000 MIMI mu recov Irud Sand nidit uWnllom lhepalntinu ourcad by Dr Norton Shalom former chief coroner oi Metropolitan 10 ronlo were fund under bed lacrosmaftheloroolom momma Police have chargedDlvid StrIahamcfi lad HomldA Brown 11 both of no iixed Id drcu withrhmklag and ENJMLQ One of tha paintingaw Renoir which Dr Shulmarl values at about 450000 The paintings were undamaged Police said glass cutter was used to gain entrance Saturday into the house through front window whila Dr Shulrnln and his orally were asleep The lblevu avoided watchdog and In electric alarm system am wiring the troutth down now ll Dr Shuirnln Nowibcmocmtlc Party member of tho provincial lagislatnra for TomnunlilghParklI lee Jungle NIAGARA FALLS Ont CF Arman studying Ontarios school system was gl standing ovation by test err parents and trustees Saturday after delivering speech In which be compared going schoolin this pmvhlca to spend ing day in jungle Tedchers do not provide the greatest need ielt by their stu deals the head for rerun ot security and adequacy Lloyd Dennis said in the closing ad dress to the annual coniercnca oi the Ontario Association or Curriculum Dovelopmcnt The prescnt curriculum docs not solvc any of thepcrsonal problems encountered daily by tho studentsit only adds moth er one Keep People QUEM 0P French0a nldlans arc awng 1e who we their good mm of living to ntherl Gerard Filioo vicepresident at Quebecs Goa rai InvestmentCom said Sim BY Only people capable of Idcd lng themselves can be free Mr Filion said But FrenchCana dians would stillba tumors and mail frfimenlh firangers no lip PEP factories and nlumhlum found ries lathe province yliline Values hunter Sharp Bald Sunday night ho oxpects most It not all at the provinces to ca operate in his campaign to reduce spending at an lavcls across tho country interviewed on the Canadlan Television Networks ws Air Sharp said Canadas economic situation is scrious lvould think it would lead lothc kind at recession we have avoided farscven years it spiralling costs were not hullcd lie was already well Into the first phase oi his three prongcd cc mpaign against spendingexamples oi rcslrolnt on the part oi the government and tough decisions one at which was his announcement last week oi coming tax in flsuu EFT ILES Que CPI JeanLuc Pepin iederal minis iar oi energy mines and re Iourcas said Saturday that min ing will bring in nearly seven per cent of Canadas gross na tional product this year llnlm thavalue of mining production had been about $4 ooooooooo making it one at tho most important industries in the country lie told members oi the Chambre du Commerce of this mining town on the north Shore at the St Lawrence River that 15 per cent of tho Canadlan labor market is engaged In one aspect or another of the mining Industry WeekondMishdps Claim 67 Lives By THE CANADIAN PRESS Sixtyseven pusoas died in accidents across Canada during the BernembrancoDay witch eod 57 on highways Canadian Press soryey from pmfI Friday untliIrnld night Sunday local times also showed four accidental shoot ings three deaths by lire ona drowning and two other deaths Ontario recorded 17 Irafllc fa talities and twonccirlcntai shootings whllc Quebec had 10 deaths in traffic one drowning one death by asphyxiation and one man killed when tree felt in Manitoba eigbt persons died on highways and three chil dren died in house fire British Columbia had nine highwiay fatalities and one accir dental shooting Tratiic accidents also claimed sevan lives in Saskatchewan three to Alberta two to Nova Stalin and one inNcw Enum wick Thera was mo ona accb dantalsbootlng luNew Bruns Wick Noaccldcntal deaths were rclt corded in Prints Edward island and Newloundiand Not included In the survey are industrial and natural deaths known suicides or slayings The Ontario dead SUNDAY Frankihnllantyna 32 of Gar son in threacar collision near Aurora Daniel chha 17 of Niagara Ilownahlp whens izgauge shot guo held ibis lSdtearold brothersoc cntally discharged in the WW bedroom Mrs Margaret Carrier oi of Kingston in carvbns crash at Kingston SATURDAY Andrew James Each to at Waterloo when his car went out oicoritm near Waterloo Carla Hachy 14 of Thorold when struckby car while The man was brought Illmug flung mm oma David Corrlgan 55 his wits Grace 51 at Ottawa and man unidentified in twocar collision 15 mileswast ot Ot tawa man 28 unldcntllled struck by car while walkln onICol borng IVlIlaga street HISLIIP coe DOIIZ Mon when motorcycle on which howas passenger was in collision with truck near ancaater southwest oi iiamll IioyIthor of Atlkokan when creased to 94 in last from 85 in the early 196055 car carrying three persons ripped through railing and plunged 50 feet into Rainy Lake Mrs Margaret Brown 82 of Oshawa when struck by car while crossing street near her home Orval Pacouerle 15 killed in shooting accident in Andertoo Township near Windsor FRIDAY Mrs Irene Bailey 52 of Wheqtlcy when cer she was driving collided headon with truck near Chatham James Brian Arnar i7 of Whaatiey when his car went out at control and struck culvert near Chatham George HenryEaker IIZ at Ottawa when struck by car while walking near his home in the citys west end Gerry Merrier when struck by car while riding his bicycle near Sudhury Fred England 69 and his or yearold wiic Ann at Deer Lake in twncarcollislon near Varner in the Sudbury area moms nwosmax MRI MANY ncmsnon eonmaul run ronauroaoumrou BANK llan AND nee Min cleatsday Killed In Crash 51 NICHOLAS Qua CPI Richard Doglcy so at Brockvllla was run soundly when his car rolled over nur this communin southwest oi Qucbcc City Set Explosives BONN AP movement calling itself the Groupofthailtotbflyutoif explosives It Ilia Greek and Bo Ilvlan embassies In this Walt German capital Sunday allu ing some property damage but inlurlng no can No bomb uploslons also oo currcd in Growl Snitxcrland no miles to the south and dam aging tho American Community Church the other wrecking French automohIlI lloll tho citys Commrorlrt party held quarters The force of the Bonn explo sions shattered window In tho ahanocllcrlu of both embassies and unhlngcd an iron gala at tho entrance to the Bolivian Embassy Only janitorI and night watchmen were in the builde during the attadu made our twill apart no Friends LONDON AP lord NIT Icch says ha know joining touring party led by Mrs John Kennedy to Cambodia would stir up rumors of remanca but we ara just good lrlands thats all nothing more The l9ycarold former Eritlsh ambassador to the United Stats told the Emmy Express in an inlcrvic No romance He II crlbcd Mrs Kennch as very charming person and added We exported the worlds press to make the most oi our trip to Cambodla and thcy certainly did but happily it was somthlog wchad ioresacn Que Future PARIS Reuters La Vie Francoisc acrlolll economic and financial weakly hal sug gested that Quebecs future may lie in being on lndepeodmt alata modclled on Switzerland This idea of turning the prov ince into banking and tax havcn on the North American continent has not been ruled out by one member oi Qucbcc Frontier Daniel Johnsons immediate entourage the news paper says Sees Improvement TORONTO CF Conununl catioo and cooperation between Onmrio universities immoved last year according to publi cation released today by the Committee of Presidents of lini vcrsitles ot Ontario The supage booklet review ing the 196667 education year is titled System Emuging and outlines progress made through the voluntary cooperation of the provinces uolversltler Relays Weather WASHINGTON AP Bla newest us weather satellite beamed to earth Sunday tum bling television show oi the worlds cloud cover it received good reviews irom space scien tisls The firstpiciurcs showing an areaoi 450nm square miles in the North Atlantic are at ex cellent quality the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis tration reported The ESSA Vi satellite shaped like hatbox was launched Fri day iuCaliiomln as replacao ment for earlier weathtr cam eras NASA scientists turned the satellite on its side and sent it into rolling orbit before tum log on the television Sunday elusive 1qinrbhidDominion um and Fully personalized cheques Fully personalized deposit slips Cheque wallet in choice of two colors Filo box for cancelled cheques With Personal Chequing Alicount at fiTanaNmrnDMINloM ThaBankwhera peoplamnkathadiflmnca noolop st qund Owenst Edmunds Manager Dunlap St and Maple Ave Tlv Leggeit arranger Alllladalo Branch Tirndford St ion Clark MIilllcr tarrwist coon AND cloudy weather will cover most of the country today with snow forecast for parts at Northern Quebcc and rain for Newfoundland Figures on map indicate expected high temperature or the day Vircphoto DISTRICT WEATHER Windy Snowflurries Tuesdays Farecast The outlook for Tuesday is for cloudy conditions with snow fiurrics Winds will continue to be strong from the nolthwcst The weekend low rccordcd downtown at The Examiner oi fice was to degrees The tem perature at1lo cm was 30 dc grecs TORONTO iCP Oiilcllll forecasts issued at 53u am todayI it Tcmpcraturcs dropped to the roaring rnariiIin most areas of Soulhem Ontario during the night and to than mark or lower in northern arc tlons Snowfall with the cold outbreak have so far been al most Insignificant Winds will continue strongthroughout tho day today but will drop oil this evening With lighter winds over most of the Great Lakes hlcs day prospects are lor some sonny intervals Toronto Hamilton London Windsor Lake St Clair Lake Erie Niagara Lakc Ontario italiburton regions Cloudy windy and colder with few scattered snowllurrles today lua sd ay variable cloudiness with chance ora few hrict snow iiurrles Winds northwesterly 15 to 25 today and northwesterly 10 to 15 Algoma Lake Iiuron southern Georgian Bay regions Cloudy windy and colder with snowiiur rlcs today Tuesday mainly cloudy with scattered snowflule rics Vinds northwesterly 20to all today and northwesterly is Tuesday Sudbury North Bay northern Georgian Bay White iliver li4 magsrnl Cochrane western James Bay region Mainly WIN FREfi nunas noun wok to to weeks you can win Night on thelown with tho nonhuman or ur participat Ing analmun on this advertise llllilt Vail It required to do niotarouia ma advertise orrne calamity ram will pprrr In on orcar Idvcrtlacnlcnla Iflh Mk Dull lattbll forming ur am or nose at participlt to Mafia Correctly Identify la businmcach duck andvllnd In along Wm name Ind and to mm on tho frown Contact sonar clo The sun Munroe can correct Inman non week mu win mm on on Town armor must received no htar than Friday rim or on weak Class Mechanic Malor Minor Repairs Firestone Tirest and Batteries Wsshcs Accsssories Barrie 7204140 landlord nut to cos it Two steaks compliments TAYLORS TEXACQ Nome Freezer Orders Specialty Months To Pay No Down Payment Angus racers Macaw keep fianprces donII cloudy and cold with scattered Timmiru snowlorries today and TucsI day Winds northwesteriy 15 Forccast Tcmpcrnlllrcs Low tonight illgh Tncsdny Windsor 25 so St Thomas 25 35 London 20 92 Kitchener 2t 32 Mount Forest 20 3t Vinghom 20 so Iiomiltan 25 35 SLCatharina 237735 Toronto 25 as Pctcrhnrough 2D 30 Kingsl 22 32 Trcnlo 22 32 Killaloc lo 23 Muskokn 20 28 North 13 15 15 Sudhllry 15 23 Earlton Is 25 Sault Sic arIn 20 32 Kapuskasing IO 20 White River 25 hioosanac ll 20 NEAXATION Illu work RELIEF tron dir oororore or Thch iisrn IM newonr disorders ENJOYlthl andperson ntroosv tantra of our all TRUCK RENTALS Commerclal and private rental at economical rates Daily or weekly Call 7266474 BIIIIIIIE DRIVEIlIIIIII 43 ESSA RD ALLANDALE WHAT You WINI Corsage compliments lion lIS Flowers Ian srrvlce compllmahls or Allandaia Taxi Cn iS THE Theatre tickets to the Roxy III Food Market Angus Wash Job ntTaylors Texaco HARRYIROMM Ii Davidson St aarrlo 7231101 STATE FARM 2t iir Scrvica magnum Close to CNR 250 Bradford 7235517 BUYING SELLING RENTING Use East Action EXAMINER WANT ADS Phone 7281414 HARRIS FLOWERS Barries modern downtown flower shop Flowers for all occasions Members of Fll and UFCr 99 Dunlap 7266401 Wallpapers ToneCraft Paints Douhlo your moncy back guarantee on all ircslf mania ircd and bind brand stccr gt hecl only In oATEs oM FOOD MARKET independently Owned liosm oz Dunlap mom In Cuslom Pruning

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