Study and parttime must have auroMorIvs SNOWMOBILES Bombardier SKIDOO Sales and Service RIDGE ROAD MARINA Ridge Road and 6th Com Oro 4875102 SEE DARCY Bombardier Skidoc sent Sales For The Best Deal Bell Ewart 063111 THE LlVELY ONE Bombardier Skldoo Sara and Service BAYVIEW WINE Lakeshura Dr Barrie mom PERSONALS Perms SPECIAL now runs 132 WI KS BEAUTY SALON to Dunlop St West 72$2930 AA or You am with mama and uni help show any um rte1m mm Losro rouuo nutcn LAIIMDOII ion hillrm Cook am one week are ml years old men to nor vminu nu mliar and chain cellar role Pbonu menu too ousr PHOTO REPRINTS available at BARRIE EXAMINER If you would like to have re of any news pictures take by our staff photographers please call at ourEusincss 0ft ica We are sorry we cannot accept phone orders l0 HELP WANTED MALE FEMALE HELP BOOKKEEPER TYPIST Must be Experienced and solo to meet the public Excellent appoh iunily Ind IaLuy fcrsnc quIrEd All replies confidant Telaphone newer EMPLOYMENT WANTED Vz MEN neslra work in evennuu to do add jobs moving etc with In 22 truck Telephone Tarom after pm zxraurrzxccn powcr saw operator will cut out once rows wood lot5 logs clc Phone moss EEMALE HELP WANTED CLERK TYPlST Local industry has an nomen ale need for competent clerk typist Contact madman meson suonr ORDER Cock Lodwalhsse warlth for small restarurant Tele phone 377517 CLERK wane required hnmediltcl by the sunk of Nov scoffs Anaur Telephone mm woman to come into my home poo mind Mys Preschooler and one in Hndergartcnl whlll maniac works Telephone moose MIDDLE AGED lady for llmt housekeeping Incl companion good home Apply to captain MucLen non 177 Yonlo st Midland 3mm cleaning wornn ylnunsdng or Friday Referemu rewind North and or Cl Tele phone mason after required Must be experienced teady employment good work 3g condi as top rate and ben lts LINDSAY 3245212 smvrm STATION nttennnns qulren full time am hymcot Base garden Telephone wTrashcan alter pln FUEL TANK truck driver IGI Barrie nodr lare Qmflulce MC my 26 is Simpso moses aghast runs with or virtuous Avenue up to per hour No ammo necessary Write nwrelrn 11an was 400 Rid licu st Henry Montreal cation is operators rur 17 walk ark November 15 to March 16 in orondtp caremhzrlrled englnrén weL come on in my udner Jamal 81 4697581 Toronto TAXI DRIVER good driving record present nut in person only appearance ADPIY no telephnnc can lllluxs Taxi Clapprnau Street TRAINEESL assurances nor mom Men 1w Married or Sindo igh school diploma required We will pay you while training amechanical and electronic career with the most outstanding Ao prepare yarnsell for lifetime work retirement benefits insurance and hospital all equipment furniflledgguigltervlowiug THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO Young rm its line Eris isan opportunity advancement Vacation with pay 126 Penelang Sit Barrio if MILD It cover most of the country today with rain forecast for parts of Ont ario andlirltish Columbia and snow for Northern Manitoba Hares on map indicate exa curator wcarum pcctcd high temperatures for the day CP Wirepbctc Occasional Showers Tonight ednesdoy Occasional showers are fare cast for the Barrie area tonight and Wednesday Not much variation in temper ature is cxpoctcd as the Town to weather niflca predicts low of to tonight and high of 45 Wednesday it was at the Ex aminer at 10 um TOEon lCPForccasts tested at 531 am EST Synopsis low pressure cen tre drifting slowly mrthcast want from Arkansas is ex pccied to bring showers today and Wednesday in Michigan The showers are expected to spread gradually eastward across southern Ontario Lake St Clair Region Wind sor Mainly cloudy with ocea sicnal showers today tonight and Wednesday Not mum flange in lcrnperatures Winds Lake Erie Lake Huron Niag ara western Lake Ontario southern Georgian Bay regions London Toronto Hamilton llfostly cloudy today and Wednesday Occasional showers tonight and tomorrow Not much change in temperatures Winds light with few showers this evening or tonight Wednesday cloudy with few sunny periods Sea sonablu temperatures Light Eastern Lake Ontario liall wind burton regions Killnloc Sunny ioday Mainly cloudy tonight and Wednesday Occasional showrrsWednesday Not much change in temperatures Winds light Norihern Georgian Hay TL in ga Cochranc Algoma southern White River reglnns North Bay Sudbury Sault Ste Marie Cloudy Light rain end ing this morning with sunny pe rlods this afternoon Mnstly cloudy We as sd ay lLiltlc change in temperatures today Mlldor Wednesday Winds light Westh James Bay northern White River regions Sunny with few dandy periods today Wednesday mainly cloudy with rain to evcnlng Little change in form peraiures today milder Wednes day Winds light Ottawa and Montreal regions Sunny today becoming cloudy Forecast Tanperatures Low tonight high Wednesday Windsor 47 St Cnthnrin Toronto Pctarhereugh Kingston Trcnion Killaloe Muslroka North Bay Sndbury Enrllon Sault Ste Marla Kspusleasing White River Moosones Tlmmins 88$ sagaunmsssnaassoa Eggssgsgaasaagaaaaaass Will Reduce POWGIS Oi HOusie Of Lords LONDON Reuterst The speech from the throne an nounced today that the Labor governmentwili introduce new laws aimed at sweeping re form of the House oi Lords The speech was read by the Queen to both the upper cham her and tho House of Commons at the start of new yearlong session of Parliament Peers and peercssesmnn of them sitting in the House of Lords by hereditary rights going back for hundreds of yearsheard the speech dis close plans tbnt might mean many of them would lose their voting rights The speech drawn up by the government said legislation will be introduced to reduce the powers of the House of Lords and to eliminate its present he reditary basisthereby ens bling it to develop within the framework of modern parlia mentary syste JOINT DISCUSSIONS The throaa speech said the government will inviteboth thc Opposition Conservative party and the minority Liberal party to Join an allaparty committee to agree on deals of the re form But informed sources said the government is determined to press on with the changesdue to become law by the middle of next yeareven if the other parties do not cooperate ll LEGAL atoms at commons AND onions In the ESTATE of UITELYN DOWNEY late of the Village of Mumslng la the County of Sim coe Widow All persons having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the under srgued Ehtewtor an or before the 20th day of November AD um after which date the es tates assets will be distributed having regard only to clairns that have then been received TEE CANADA TRUST COMP ANY 110 Ynnge St Toronto Ontario Executor by Messrs STEWART ESTEN McIUHK MILLS DICK Political observers said the main aim is to end bulltin Conseryativo majority in ihc upper chamber and ensure Labor majority in the Lords as long as it was in power in the Commons At present there are more than 1000 peersmost of whom never go to the upper chamber It is understood the aim is to reduce the total to about son ac tive voting peers who would rc gularly take part in debates Apart from this major rc form the governments legisla tive gogram for the coming 12 mont was much as experts The Conservatives previously served notice they would fight the other two main parliamen tary billsone aimed at allow ing the government to invest public money in specified indus tries or even individual firms and another designed to inte grale staterun road and rail transport systems more fully George Hees says Producers Must Increase TRENTON Ont CPCana dian producers must increase productivity to maintain present profit margin when tariff rc ductmns mrna into effect Jan as result of the Kennedy Round of tariff negotiations George tiers said Monday The Conservative member of Parliament for Northumhcrland said productivity can he in creascd tlunngb mndern labor saving machinery better meth ods of production and longer runs through additional sales abroad Mr Hoes farmer Canserva liver trade minister told the Rotary Club of Trenton that in creased production was neces sary because Canadian produc crs must lower prices to com pete with imported goods which will sell at lower prices than in the past The tariff changes will affect $500090000 of annual imports and $100000001 of exports he said Tariffs will be reduced by between onethird and onahnlf in five icons1 yearly instal ments Church Unity Productivity Mr Hess said the government should introduce taxatiouvincen tlves to induce Canadian indus try to invest in new machinery and production systems Depreciation of new plant and equipment should he used as further fax incentive he added Mr llces Assid credit and mortgage money must be avail4 able at lowerrates of interest than at present to assist produz ers He called for management and labor to cooperate in keep ing dawn casts and bringing up production Mc flees urged an expansion of longterm credit for export ers whose customers particu larly those in under developed countries can only pay for goods on longterm basis Greater participation in trade fairs increased trade missions and yearly provincial meetings between producers and gWern merit officials were also suggest ed tryMr Hens text of his remarks was re leascd to the press in advance of delivery Would Include Primacy centred in Rome LONDON Ont tCPIA united Anglican Roman Catho lic church would include pri macy centred in Rome Rev Eugene Fairwehther en Angli can theologian said Monday Dr Fairucather professor of theology at Trinity College Tn ronto said the question no longer is if there would be primacy in Roma but rather what kind of primacy rile told meeting of Roman Catholic and Anglican priests that the bilateral dialogue be tween the two churches must he accolerated but not to the exclu sion of other more local discus sinns on union now under way such as between thovAnglican and United churches in Canada Dr Fairweaiher is the Cana dian Anglicanmn zitman coin mlssiun appointed byvthe Pope and the Archbishop of Canter bury to explore possible basis of union betwecn the two commu nians Ha is also one of four Angli cans appointed by the Archbish op of Canterbury as an Angli can observer at the Vatican council in Rome The commission cmnprising 13 Anglicans and 12 Roman Catholics including Canadian priest has met twice last Janu dry in Italy and August in Eng land At the second meeting the sion reconnnendcd the possible joint use of churches and olhcr buildings by the two faiths development ntcommon texts in prayers and deeds common to both churches and greater collaboration in educa tion for the ministry Grown stream manoerm mintn mm MarijudndBY loungsters Stirs Coontrovérslf NEW YORK APiIt is known as pot boo grass tea It is marijuana 0n the streets of Greenwich illage some hippies malts it openly and urge other to do lbs same In Vietnam more 18 serv icemen are being consbinar tlalcd for smoking marijuana than for any other major of fence In San Diego Call police spokesman said 15 per cent of the high school students in San Diego County smoke marijuana in Iowa police have amflcd more than score of teenagers seeking to harvest marijuana growing wild The situation has stirred wide debate Is marijuana dangerous to health Should the penalties for possessing it he cased or still Should its use be legal POVERTY BACKGROUND At conference in South Lake Tahoe Calif Judge Arthur Alaman at has Angelo Superior Court said few years ago ths marljua no user who camato the courts attention was usually member of minority group from slum area with povertylevel family bsclrgrnund Today the judge sees an in creasing numhcr of marijuana users irom good families sun dents with aboveaverage grades and without prior rec ord of delinquency Bob Schmldl is student leader at Sacramento State College in California nlfcred this theory It is indicative of the entire disillusionment the entire frus tration of our er at is against what we feel have been has told to us nn marijuana as well as other issues ch have been told it is an addictive narcotic told it leads to the use of heroin laid it is ya lly dcstnlctive We found these were lies SIIOCKED IiY VIEWS Dr James Goddard direc tornt the Food and Drug Ad ministration shocked lot of penpla when thu subject of mar ijuana came up do press cnnfcrcncs at the University of Minnesota Whether rij ha is more dangerous drug than alcw ho is debatable Dr Goddard dont happen to think it Henry Giordano the US narcotics cnmmlssine dl He told congressional commiitce earlier this year that marijuana is not so some peo ple my less dangerous than at enhnl or less than srn tobacco Some way we have got to get this across to tho public Under federal last first of ject fenders caught in posseth of mar usurmay be sentenced to two in years in prison Some state laws arc avcn tougher In Ohio the maximumpenalty is 15 years There have beenrnsmers that the 115 department of health education andwcllarc was con sidering recommendation that pnssssion at marijuana he re movcd from the felony cate gory do understand them are people in the department who feel that way commented John llFialatcr director of its cling bureau at on abuse contraL But whether anybody is going to present paper is con ll if that were to be done our position would be that the man ufacltne transport and sale of marijuana should remain In lady But there it no law against its me and there should not be any The government tries to keep away from tasking largoI to regulate peoples mor The border stats of Arizona also has special problemthe proximity of Mexico source of Proposals Meet Mixed Reception OTTAWA cwProposals by lhs Canadian transport commis slnn for new approach to the licensing of air carriers and revised formula for charter charges met mixed reception Monday from members of the Air lrsnsport Association of Canada The commissions sir trans port committee formerly the air transport board revealed it is considering an end to its sys tem ofdestgnatcd bases arid the requirement for positioning charges in charter rates For years airlines have been able to obtain socalied desig nated bsscs apart from their home bases where they may accept traffic without charging the cnst of moving aircraft to those points The system afforded these carriers measure of protec tion from competitors sccking trafï¬c at such designated bases Under tbs regulations other carriers were obliged to add the cost of putting aircraft in position loathe traffic pickup LED TO ABUSE Green executive direc tor at the air transport commit tee told 175 air carrier rcprc sentatlvcs at their associations annual meeting the designated base system has led to wide abuse and hes become thorn in the side of the committco from an enforcement stand point Abuses had made the licens lng procedure hit of mockery he said For tth reason the committee was of view that designated bases should be wiped out llrnltihg protection to carriers home bash It was also proposed to elimia nate positioning charges and have carriers include such costs in live mileage ratcs Lefrancols of Montreal president of Nordair said intro duction of llva mileage rate formula would tear down the uniform tariff system built up over the years It could be completely chant it he warned much of the sold In the US can vs ety funded as particularly Matt allied Acapulco gold recent Gallup poll ducted on 415 college campuses indicated that about six Ker cent of suntan rationed ad tried or were using marijuana There are about 0000000 US college students wens suntan runcsc cur Theres only one Welcome Wagon Imitation Ils said It the finest of compliments And as amuchalmitated organi zation wam certalniytlat If But as many havs lesrnsd the reasonable fseslmlln too often tall short of the real thing So beware of subsllfulcs lnrthttrh is no ml substitutn for the services of and the benefits provided through Welcome Wagon who HERTZ TRUCK RENTALS Commercial and private rental at economical rstesuDally or weekly can 7266474 43 ESSA RD BARBIE llllWEliEiill ALLANnALE Dave Hobart designs for the future with Canada Lilo resident at Canada for twenty year and an experienced machine operator himself Mr bestl is now president oia thrivrns company in Ontario its big tisllt making the iump to new country but its worth it lot the chance to build the career you want However dont gamble with the lulure of my wile and ismil believe in protecting them with lile insurance lacked iar guild lile insurance agent representing sound company when came lrom England and chose Canada Life the eldestCansdian lite company Ihcy haves tine record of building rcservcsthatarclhedollarsehirusied by the policyholders lorjpsyrnent to them or to their lsmilics later installation ole ncwmachinefo help increase production at precision parts lor space exploration is always big event at Gremar Connectors Canada Limited Herc Dave Hobart and his foreman give the machine trial run CANADALIFE warm mutual company entirely owned by its lamilyoi policyholders