MONTREAL GP The closing of Expo El Sunday marks the end at maday show that was supersuccess beyond any Canadians wil dest dreams The smell ot this success will linger tor years and is all the sweeter because so few foresaw it Among rnaior benciiis it be queath to the countrys lu ture are increased tourism and tourist dollars increased understanding oi Canada by foreigners increased under standing at oiher countries by Canadians and pride that such universallypraised job was clone in Canada All over the midriver 1000acre site strange shapes and uniomiilar sounds herald ed the breaking of ew ground in the iiclda oi dcsgu archi tecture transport construc tion cinema and communica tion at ideas The air brought the great the neargreat and the ordi nary from all corners oi the globe 1t encouraged thousands oi Canadians in travel enormous distances across their country as many had never donebe iore And it provided spectacu iar and memorable high point to Canadas Centennial Year Newspaper and magazine articlesnnri photographs tele vision and radio programs and documentary films spread it about Expo Montreal and Canada as never bciore DEFiCiT is BIG The iairs total deiicit is ext pected to be 550000000 large increase irnm the origi nat estimate oi $t7$t000 made in 1563 when John Diei enbakers Progressive Conscr vative government gave the goahead 0i this amount the iederal government will pay so per cent the Quebec government 371 per cent and Montreal 12 per cent The money taken in by the Canadian Corporation or the 1961 World ExhibitionExpos oiiicial titlecame tram its parking lots charging be tween 32 and $250 day daily admission charges at $250 person tale oi entry tickets called passports for scvenday or sixtmnnth pe riods the Expoobetaied eie vstcd minirail system the it percent levy token item the operating proiits oiall res taurants boutiques and amusement rides on the site and the daily berthlng and services charges to vessels using the Expo marina The total spent on Expo and related protects was approxi mately 31000000000 EXTENDED SUBWAY Participation by the federal and provincial governments came in 0000000 that at foreign participants to $200 000000 and oi private exhibl tors to 550000000 Concessionoires spent 350 000000 on finishing equipping and oparatiog restaurants barsand snack bars and son venlr stands About $730000000 was spent on associated projects includ ing creation oi the Expo site extension oi the subway sys tem to the south shore and construction oi heated ice control boom upstream irom the Expo islands Montreal paid ier the site and subway work and paid 02500000 oi the cost at the ice boom The iederai department of public works paid the remaining 1300000 The provincial government spent about 5500009000 on im proving highways lcnriing to Montreal and directly to the Expo site The government also accelerated its program for building Highwa which runs north through New York State to the Quebec bolder iiighway D7 is part of it an tional deicuce system at later state highways Sixtytwo countries prov inces and states took part and only one withdrew during the trim run Kuwait pulled out June 15 in protest against Canadas stand on the knellArab up six Another live Arab coun tries who took part in Expo did not withdraw DREW MORE TOUEIETS diiiicuit figure to deter mine Ls the amount of tourist spending brought to Canada by Expo and the extra reve nue brought to the federal and provincial governments in sales and other taxes The Dominion Burcau oi Statistics hopes to publish in November the number at tourists who visited Canada this year expected to be well up on the iigures lor preced ing years individual visitors did not spend as much as had been expected on the grounds or an average daily expected ex pendiiure ol 8510 per visitor only $502 actually was spent Port or the reason was that many fairesocrs took sand wiches and ate at picnic spots provided by Expo and others made do with light snacks at hotdog and hamburger stands liluch oi the visitor criticism aimed at Expo was more pre cisely pointed at Logexpo the inlrs iilstarrcd lodging reler ral agency Log in pronounctd lodge expo became the public scapegoat ior almost every lodging problem en countered by visitors to Mont renl it was set up by Expo au vthorities as red service to visitors through which they cotlld be put in touch with Nationwide Manhunt +After Bank Rebbery NORTHLAKE iil iAFlA nationwide manhunt was under way today tor three members of holdup team who killed two Northlnkerpoliccmen in gun duel allowing robbery at Northlake hank Friday it detectivevsaid 503000 was taken by the masked gunmen Priice however placed the ï¬g ue ét between 550com and $60 0C0 About 55400 in bills was found scatteredin front or the bank iourth alleged member or the team was wounded by police and was captured Two other policemen were wounded Police said one and possibly two of the three persons who eluded police by using at least hthree getaway ears may have been Wounded One of the three may be woman police said COUPLE SOUGHT TherFBI issued lookout lo James and Deborah Stewart husband and wire or brother and sister They were believed travelling in latemodel whiter gautn hearing Missouri licence plates DNAr The Cook Countyshcritis ei tiee said agents were acting on tip that the Stewarta miuht know something about the robbery Ronald Del Ranie about 35 ol St Louis was charged in war rant issued Friday night with two counts of murder Dal Ranie was inshospitsl with bui let wounds in the neck and backs The No rth in it policemen killed were Detective Sgt John Magic 31 and Patrolman An thony Perri or woman teller told police she saw meal the gunmen walk into the bank seari around his face adcalibre carbine in this hand She set all the banks alarm which sounds in the sub urst pnlicestatlon but not in the bank as the iirst robber shouted to the customers and employees Getdownl Seven customers and some 15 employees were in the bank Patroimen Perri and Michael Cain 26 answered the alarm and met the men as they were leaving the bank Cain who was shot in the INSTALL HEATING NOW years iopay rownniavmmrrrnns fro vasesTo PAY so YEARS BONDED WARRANTY page Yanch HEATING am said the bandit opened fire as the squad car pulled up and Perri was strucir as he Jumped irom the car Police found an automatic riile and two pistols in the bank parking lot Naslu and Patrolman Erncst iiustetit 39 were shot as they arrived in second unmarked car Hustcdt was listed in inir condition in hospital with head wound Police said eyewitnesses said the gun battlelasted liveto i0 minutes beiore two of the gun men climbed into car driven by woman and fled Sgt Orin Deckert who was at nearby shopping centre when the lightstnrted said be tired at the fleeing trio with 12 gauge sawedoit shotgun The shot he said splattered the windows on the drivers side of the auto bloodvspattered eta way car was found in parking lot about two blocks west oi the bank Nortblakep community of 15000population is western suburb of Chicago URAL GAS fr loosing ottevery we pad price The provincial government then set up the Quebec Lodga ing Service whose function was to inspect ell accommo dation olicred to visitors and set me mnimum price The lodging service sent its approved accommodation to Logexpo which listed it and mad the addresses available to visitors who wrote or tele phoned iieiore and throughout the fair there were sporadic corn plalnts or overcharging fraudulent advertising and re fuel to refund deposits to dis lallsiied customers Charges oi wholesale wrongdoing by logcxpo stall were investigated by pollca and ioubd groundless although one person was ed when it was iound he had nanclal interest in Logexw listed motel in the Montreal area maior problem thatnoverr was solved was that the prov incial government did not pass legislation forcing lodg ing operators to return depos its to unhappy customers Nevertheless the bad pub llcity tailed to keep visitors away Aitondanco forecasts which originally called for 26000000 visits were revised to 15 0000W to 3000000 and ï¬nal ly in 50000000Vas the iulr neared its close Ithelp in reaching this tig ure was the extra two days granted to Expo by the inter national Bureanr of Exhibi tions EXTRATWO DAYS Opening day was April 20 and closing day should have been Oct 27 to make 183 day fair in accordance with bureau rules An Expo oliiclal said the air twodays were granted so the air could have libel weakend instead oi ending on Friday plaiois that it was diilicuit and timoconsumiag to get meal on the slte Maurice Novelr head at Expos restaurant divislon said in an intervith we planned for H000 seating capacity but no open ing day had only 18000 There was shortage oi seats tor the large demand so we in creased the capacity by early June We had raised it to 29000 seats and we were able to supply 350000 meals and snacks day suiti clent tor the demand As an added boost to Expo conecssinnaires the provincial liquor law was amended to permit Expo to set opening and closing hours tor liquor servingestablishments on the Expo slte Expo was required to close all establnhments for tour hours between am and am Mr cleaning but other wise we not restricted in addition the law was amended to permit persons under 20 to sit in bars and cabarets on the Expo site as long as they did not consume liquor STREAM 0F VilS highlight oi the fair was the program oi more than 00 national and special days which brought to Expo kings queens princes princesses presidents prime ministerS admirais generals and cahi net ministers The program was initiated by the visit May oi Emperor Haiic Selassie ot Ethiopia Iotsand in the early days oi Exp there were vocal visitor com TheiasHtem on the sum met1°11 program was the not ideal day at tho Congo Oct 10 when Jean UmbadiLw teto deputyiirinister oi for elghatialre presided over the atheist ceremony in blustery 40degree weather in between there was the suddenvblt at President on the ruinsplashed tour oiQueaoElizabeth and the controversial tour French President Charles de Gaulle Presiriant Johnsons to Vietnam lie landcdby helicopter in Place dcs Notions where his welcome or em any was marred by rip in the 115 flag when it was raised and by cw personswho booed him including young girl who kept yelling assassin until paiicemnn put his hand over her mouth Queen Elizabeth disem barde irom th royal yacht Britannia with Prince Philip in pouring rain that cased at times to heavy drizzie throughout the day TOOK iiiiNniAlL Titli vAt the end of the ailcrnonn the clouds cleared the sun shone and the royal coupiu made snap decision to tak minlroil trip around Nntro Dame and St Helens islands The heavy security precau tions oi iheeariy part oi the day were relaxed to permit an unobstructedgllmpse at the Queen and Prince Philip and chance to cheer and wave President de Gauiles July 25 visit was memorable leg for what happened on the Expo site than or events der ll prise vialt to theme May 25f sparked demonstrhtloaa by persons opposed to his policies an limousine 1ripto note real irom Quebec City and his vise le Gagebee iihrespecch et Montrc city hall int Ehrpo however there were several arrests of disti dents Quebec separatists grabbed the chance to wave placards and shout slogans during histour but were quick lystoppcd by Exporecurity The City at Montreal had passed special bylaw beiore Expo opened banning demon striations and the cazrying oi placardron the all during Exposrun feature at the lair was the iowrtrouhle rate Gerry Houie deputy direce tor olsccurity and 18year veteran in police work said sine sitecould be regarded as small city and that the daily crime rate was astonishingly small FEW ARRESTED jOnnverage we had one or two arrests day ler drunk enness piekpockctlng or caus ing disturbance which is pretty good when you think ost arrests about 21 were made the day dc Gauiie Iconic Our toughest time was during the Montreal transit strike when we had terriiic automobile an pedestrian traiiic in control The day transit strike was kick in thepants to Expo as things were moving to cosyclosa From the Sept 21 beginning it slusbed attendance and revenues Expo spokesmensaid every week of the strike cost them 51000000 in revenues and 600000 visits The iairfs successiul World Festival which brought most of the top names in the lipid we oiten had 300000 on the oimtisle drema wiryballet and tlghtentertaiomeot took Minnelli bolltaxde strike lo the first two weeks not testith takings cut down by total more Over the fair run how ever it did nimth aomh littielrnown orcheslras and national iaik groupl played to nearempty housel Expos final attendaneeoila probable 30000000 will make it the attendance leader in worlds hire at comparable age FAlil WONT DIE Brussels got 071561 to toss Scottie bad 0039069 in 1902 and New York with two aixsmonih periods In 1001 add 1955 lint total51000000 in 1000 Paris got reported 510000W at its exhibition but that air lasted seven months end Expo oitielals doubt the accuracy at the count What will happen to Expo and its pavilions alter closing still is an open question Montreal Mayor Jean Drop eau who had so much to do with Expo coming to Mont real wants to keep normss nent exhibitionontha site but there is ti cuity about it an DE Quebee Premier Daniel Johnson has expressed coolness to the idea at contrib uting to tho 5000000 he says it could cost to winterize the pavilions But whatever the odds against it there is good chance that the dynamic Mr Drapenu will manage to keep some part at Expo as con tinulng symbol of great Cat nadinn achievement He esti mates that permanent uhl bltion operated from April to October would attract 20 000000 visits to the site