2am townspeoplepear il weatherummryeeepagell women Attack downtime Barrio9ntdrioICInIdo Slfurday Writ1967 BARBIES MISS UNITED APPEA Koren hfossop was crowncd Miss United Appeal last night by Ross Stephens cam paign chairmanof the harrie Cloud Oi Doubt son Hï¬n91119 079 Sydney OTTAWA GP cloud of doubt still hung over the eco nomicfuture of Sydney NS Friday after toplevel discus sions between federal and prov incial cabinet ministers Premier Smith said the only firm decisionmade was that the big steel plant on which Sydney exists will be kept in lull operation until April 30 with government aid Its owner the Dominion Steel and Coal Corp announced two CAPSELE NEWS United Appeal The grade 11 student irom North Collegiate was picked from participants of the four Barrie high schools Tho contest was hold as tow weeks ago that it intended to begin cutting down the plants operation with the target of complete shutdown April 30 The decision apparently was made by Hawker Siddelcy of Britain which controls Dosco and says it is losing $l000000 month Mr Smith said special studies will he made between now and the end of April to determine the fuiure of the plant which employs 3000 persons in the 17 Men dead Six Missing Tokyo or Dinahs rains and ii an hour winds brought landslide crashing down on the temporary quarters of 71 construction workers today killing 11 of them and leaving six hissing Synod Makes Peace Appeal VAiiflAN CITY or The ilomnh Catholic synod ofbishops ended monthlong meeting today with an appeal to the worlds major powersiospread ï¬sh among men Two Charged In HeroinCase MONTREAL CPD Parisian restaurateurand his wife were arraigned Friday on charge of importing illegally 35 pound of heroin valued market at possible 51 0000000 on the illicit narcotics To Send Four Delegates oirown or federalugoverinnenthasdecidedvto send four delegatis as observers to the conference on Confederation called by Ontario Premier Hobarts forthe end of November it was learned Friday BEN CAT Vi Soldiers men attacked US infantry company that was deployed on ambush patrol in the jungles 23 miles north of Saigon Ford Productionsnarled DliflttolfltAP tinresolveddispiitessparled the resumption of ear production at strikebound Ford Motor Co plants Friday lining ratification of new national contract UiutedhutiflVorkcrs Unio justice and love so that peace may flourgt 0ftight battlegamed wo lure of Unitcd Appeal Dance at the Barrie YMCA Proceeds oi $153 went to the United Appeal campaign Picture and story on page 34000 population Cape Breton Island city thirdvlurgcst in the provmre The premier flanked by Trade Minister Winters as the federal spokesman told report ers that losses incurred by keeping the plant at full opcrn tion for the extended period are to he shared between the two governments and hopefully Dosco itself Discussions would be held shortly with Dosco about loss sharing formula Mr Smith said that under NovaScotia law Dosco could not start reducing its Sydney operations until Jan it three months after the announcement of the plan This now would he put off for 11 Sit in ii Consultants would bchir immediately to study Doscos fi ndnciai situation and it was hopcdthey would have full cess to the companys books HERE ONE Prison Warden We charge of this prison for ten years Were going to celebrate What king at party doyou boys sug gest Prisonms Open house annoy1 in rimensirélWinds EUFFA NY APlWinds that biewin offLake Erie with gusts up to 05 niiles an hour pounded the Bulian area lay night and early today si ing scores of small boats felling power lines and ving snm ro Three young boys reported missing in hc lakefront area were found ate several hours after dawn The wind which hit hardest along the waterfront decreased to in miles an hour today The US Coast Guardstntion the our it is or bureau said the wind had in Duifalo harbor rccordcd 50 EXPO WILLRACH 000000GOAt mornsr won Hopes Grow Painter For Early Settlement UNITED NATIONS CF Hopcs for an early ngreement on Middle East peace formula grew fainter today as the 10 member United Nations Scen rlty Council remained dead locked over the question of new Israeli frontiers Members ogrcuiaiicr private talks Friday night to meet again lilonday in hopes oi work ingout compromise between two proposals one by Canada and Denmark and the other by india The CanadianDanish proposal would have the council call for the withdrawai of Arab and is raeli troops to secure fron tiers new The Examiner Aim LnnderH Chnrchli City Nels2 Classified1213 Comics1 Deathsl 12 Editorialt Sportsa Theoer TV stingy1 Weatherlit Womens6 nixch lsrael was understood to pre fer the phrase secure and agrccd frontiers which it felt would imply holding negotiav tions before making any with drawn from the Arab territory it conquered in the June wnr LATINS DISAGREE Tho indinn proposal called for pullback to positions held im mediatciyfprior to the outbreak of lighting But the Latin Amen ican council members Argenti na and Brazil found this unnc ceptahie said diplom atic sources iloth proposals were under stood to include giving UN Sec retary General Thnnt authori ty to send special representa tivc to thc lliiddleEast Danish Foreign liinisichinns Tabor who presented the Conalt dianDanlsh proposal told re porters both formulas were bulnnccdlï¬ But he said he could not see sufficient agrccmcnt on the issue for at least week or it days to allow the council to hold public session Both the Israelis and Arabs wanted to amend the Canadian Da proposal NIGHT armor mm VTook Ont Double Indemnity Toiicy 0n Seven Children ARCADIA Fla iAPiThc fa ther of seven children killed by insecticide poisoning said in sworn statement Friday he took out $1000 doublelindemnity life insurance policies on each child the night before the tragedy Butlhe insurance agent said the policies did not take effect because the lather couldnt at ford the first weeks premium slightly under 54 said Assistant State Attorney John Treadwell Treadch said James nil Usv Tfoops Kin 13111n clashes SAIGON ADU killed 131 soldiers in clashes Friday south of Da Nang the US command an nounced wh another dayof intense raidson the HanoiHap phnng area raised the week planetoil so far in North Viet nam torts US 1ch shot down and Z7 MiGs destroyed or dani agcd lg Ky and Idol An two provincial capitals south of Da Nang in failed 19 deadand 75 wounded shelling of Con Thien and other forward HS marine out posts just below the demili ar ized zone also increased from recent daily average at 100 or loss rounds to an estimated 110 Friday Seven marines were killed and 41 wounded US headquarters said Troops 0f the US lat Air Cavalry Division battled the Communists ina series of seat Within hours after thewinds rolled in from Lake Erie Friday night at least iodocked boats had been sunk and scores of others damagedfihetotai loss was es imated tentatively at well over $150000 Thc lakelevel rose eight to in feetabova normal Sections of few iaircshore roads south of Buffalo and inneighboring Fort Eric 0ntwcre reported under water Dozens oi trees andtreelimbr wer knockedjdown often car Emergency crews worked tor tered actionsnear HolAn and reported 70 of them killed To the south on the coastal plains near Tam Ky troops of the American Division fought series or clashes with North Vietnamese unitnend reported 53 North Vietnamese and nine Americans killed USheadquerters aid Amer canpilnts shot down four MiGs Th ti sd and one Friday =bringirigtofltthe=nnmberof So vietrnade iet lighters reported destroyed or damaged in aerial combat or on the ground this week North Vietnamese ground fire brought down three American planes Friday the 155 co maod said and four more avia tors were listed asmisslng This raised to 720 the number of US combat planes reported lost over North Vietnam in the war usiosses ior the last six days in the Nor total ti jets and flyersmissing store servtce ill miin coun SEEN NEAR BARGE The three boys John Son ger errance Scene and Gregory Lambix also in all ofllnrnburg NY were re ported missing by their familiar at about pm Friday Police said the three had becn seen playing on beach nearavbarge earlier in the day Police said the barge had been grounded Wednesday on the beach about 10 miles south ofaiiutfalov 33W attocd locations throughout Erie Niag era and northern Chautauqua chardson 31 made his sworn statemEnt during an investiga tion into the dcathsof Richards sons sevcnchildren insurance agent Gerald Purvis said Richardson tried Tuesday night to borrow the premium from him but was re fused REPORTS STILL PENDING Treadwell said determina tion on whether the poisoning of the childrenages to Bwas accidental must wait until palli ology reports are finished some time next week At issue Treadwell said is whether the idren took para thion by eating it or by absorb ing it through the skin The in secticide kills either way Thisis going to he long in vcstigation before we get at the truth Treadwell said Atthe moment wejre hunting for hard evidence The children were stricken Wednesday after eating from tin plates lunch of grits beans rice and pork prepared by their parents Tuesday night Nottiter WEATHER MmdcoldWWItio EPWWUW5M tomormr Forward to Par Copy it Page Final Full Day For Public MONTREAL CF Expo 51 an enchanted tnayland of in goqru blowing fountains and mustardy hot dogs opens its gate today for iLs last full day of trying to touch Man about his world its day full of nostalgia for lifontrcalers who have come to regard the worlds fair as their own personal playground and still dont know it they it ever get to romp there again Late Friday the big fairs turnstiles were within hours of clicking through their 50000000th visitor and Expoa biggest booster Mayor lcari Drupeau had come closo to col lecting his son pavilion Total attendance Friday was 442455 bringing the overall total since Expo opened to the public April 23 to 49665374 0f ficlals predicted that tho 335126 vlsits required to make 50 000000 probably would be Cdlillt ed this everdng Expogoers few hundred more lost items to add to Ellies collection of 27000 um brellas cameras wallets and purses and hopefully the 500009in visit AN HOUR EXTRA The switch from Eastern Day light to Eastern Standard Time will also menu ancxtra hour in the swinging La Ronde amuse ment section scheduled to ring with its last chorus of the tilting Circling Earth LONDON APlThe Evening Standard says giant Soviet space ship is circling the earth in secrecy The space shipbelieved to be large enough to acommo date crew of fiveis almost certainly Soyuz the typerin which ColVladimir Komarov waa killedin April thenews paper says The Standard says the space ship was launched from Bailion ur Cosmodrome in central Ka zakhstan Friday and announced Friday night as No ill in the Cosmos series This is bian ket name used by the Russians to cover the launching of colon Today brings final crush of Oiiicial Closing Tomorrow La Rondo song at 230 pm EST Sunday the official closing day nods at 455 alter bang ing sparkling tSminutc fire ilzrks show over an emptying An expected 4000 Vli visitors on special invitations plus as many of the public who can crowd mpos outskirts wul which the final rockets and whirlbangs soar try rds from Citedu llavro and Notru Dame Island Turnstiles will shut to the public tat2pm alter official ceremonies in Place dcs Nations attended by GomorGcncrnl lilichcncr Prime Minister Pear son Quebecs Premier Daniel Johnson and Mr Drapau lilinirails hovercraft gondo ias pedlcabs and tmiier trains will halt at their stations at 350 pm whiioofflciolr scurry to evacuate the site by pm Friday night empty show cases and displaystunds in sev oral pavilions kstified to official attempts to keep lestminute pil fering to minimum Boutique sold off their last souvenirs and restaurantanfpoppodvcorks on their last winebottles Meanwhile Mr Drapeau hap pily accepted thekays to six more pavilions donated to tile citythose of Burma Ceylon the Republic of China The Netherlands Haiti and Trini dad and Tobago Says Giant soviet Space Ship in Secrecy title satellites and sometimrs to mask their testing pinewlspace ships The first clue tosuggest it was not simply an instrument satellite came from Kettering Grammar School in Northants where physics master Geoffrey Perry picked up signals from it Friday night Perry who has monitored sig nals trnmnearly all Russias satellites said the signals were not on the usual Cosmos frequen cy and were identical to those picked up when Soyuz space ship was launched under the cover name of Cosmos 140 This Soyuz flight was dummy run for Komarovs flight Vi Turn docks Biicn sunniir AT Mt can rang daylightsaying time ends amï¬omoay no or New Yorkls wa