err To OSAKA 1an Marilyn Young LEFTaod Monica Campbell two Expo 67 hostesses from Montreal who have been chosen to go and spend one week in Osaka Japan representing Expo 67 stand with Sango Narito Osaka Expo 7o representati The visit which begins today has been arranged by Ex po 70 us part of promotion ei torts in Japan dealing with the Osaka exhibition tCP Virephotot Working Wives Are weary With Split Personality Life By ROBERTA ROESCH There ore to million wives in the work force today vttio are leading the split personality lite oi running both job and home From nine to liv they keep bn the go as right arms to the business world Then before undatter HIBS rking hours Urey leather th nests with their multiple roles as cooks iaundresses dishwashers scamslressns sandwich mak ers hosicsscs homework proc tors chaulleursand anything Klse you can think of that goes th makingn home WEARY DOUBLE LIFE Many of them grow weary keeping up with this double life out some who do take his tirednessand the aching fatigue thatgoes with iias pars tor the working wives course But others beat their bonetiredness by intelligent plotting and planning and being good friends to themselves Some oi their tricks for doing this have recently come to my es in the form of cross untry spot check on fatigue conducted by drug concern And since someot the tricks mayworlr for you here is sampling at six As starter one Manhattan mother reports that she beats the sandwichmaking bugoboo by preparing weekslunches Sundays Alter enlisting her drens help she nraps the sandwiches individually marks childs name on each one then puts them in the freezer till they are needed for lunch PAPER TABLEWARE ln Southenn Cnlilornia working mother takes tip from outdoor barbecues She uses paper dishes and cups to avoid pile of dishes to wash lrom the morning and noontime meal In the nations capital working wile who wont give up entertaining in the evening even though she works every day gets ready for her evening hostess role by switching off her telephone with gadget she she comes hometrom imrk Then for the hour the phone is turned olf she does 10 minutes of exercise relaxes in luxu rious both as she clears her thoughts of the days ups and downs ï¬nally alter dressing in comfortable clothes she is ready to turn the phone back on and get on with her chores for the averting Minnesota mother combats the dayend fatigue she feels by lying down and covering her eyes with pads soaked in coolv ing cologne while her daughters do the dimer dishes Attor wards this wife is ready for the work she must do in the evenrng in Washington State work ing mom heats meal and cooks annthu religiously every night This way meal is ready as soon as she gets home mm work Finally Texas mother maintains that shortwhile had instuiled for that as soon as spent with soft music away from everything else is all that it takes to revive hor lbough she loves togetherness there comes time at the end of each day when aloncness conquers tiredness in way that is even better WHAT THE FOE TOMORROW The only restrictions now are concerned communica tions you are tactful and dlsi oreet in correspondence conter ences and verbal transactions you should have smooth sailing in othertields Especially in vored Group activities travel and outdoor interests FOR THE BIRTHDAY It tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope incidates that while the next 12 months may not see the fulï¬llment ol all your desires the sound judg ment attention to detail and le nacity of purpose which are in nately yours will see you through the challenging spots so that you may look forward to rewarding solution of all pos sihle problems Find ial advancement is def itely in the offing and follow ing good boost along these lines between now and late blarchyon should make still further strides in early July next September and Octobert especially during the latter part of the month Best periods for job improvement andrecog nitlon andor business expan sion Late December next Jan By nsmmna Hédithv arouse Dear All Loaders am so disgusted with my mothu dont know what to do am Wynnold girl who is beginning transits anvnrsg Answers to understand why there is so much trouble in the world over our its because of mothers who perpetuate lie and igno raooc Hero is what happened Yesterday my clxhtyearold brother coma homo and repeat ed more things neighbor boy hadioldbanwndshoekedlt the words he used and the way ha expressed himself told my little brother that the neighbor boy had it all wrong that sex was not nasty and dirty that it was port oi Gods plan for bringing babies into the world My brother said he did not be llevo God would approve of any thlog like that and then he went straight to my mother and asked her Ann almost fell over dead when my mother said to him You are right dear God sends babies from heaven and the mothers pick them up at the hospital My mother then took it aside and raked ma over Ea coals tor telling an eightyo old kid about sex was speech less Here had tried to moire my little brother understand that sex was nonmal natural thing wonderful gift from God and my mother mode liar out of me Please tell all mothers that they owe it to their children to give them wholesome slant on sex honest answers and beat thy respectiior morriod love as an important part of parent hood Wnrn them that if they dont do it soon enough some neighbor kid whose parents have also abdicated thelr re sponsibility will beat them to lh8Id Sister Dear sistern You have the right idea and applaud your Youme lucky someone instruct mm announcer The theme for Expo 7o to be held in Osaka Japan lsPro gross and Harmony for Man klngL STARS SAY uary late April and ociober Highly productlve periods for ww ed you in tba proper way be cause lm run your mother didnt Dont be too hard on her how ever Yourr mothers ignorance is the miserable legacy which the inherited lrom her mother who was also ignorant Maintain friendly and open relationship with your little brother and without defying your mothers authority keep trying to set him straight creative workers are indicated in January June and Septcm beryoi recon Stars shine on yonpersona interests also with emphasis on romance during the nextmontbL in May late June and late July on travel in January July and September of next year Domestic concerns should run smoothly for most of the yeor despite possible changoof em vironment in middthy childoorn on or daywill be highlyhfiicient practical and diligentond inspired work er in whatever he attempts prcnssorsos men mm tReuterslP hlo Picasso theworlds most famous living artist aside Wednesday He kept out of sight of callers and weliwlshers Telegrams gifts and flowers were delivered throughout the day at the door of hisestate Notre Dame de Vie at Moun near here Butvvisitorsv could not see the artist andpeo plewho telephoned were told he was out ntmacheck Promote FORGET IT Danni Loaders Our son is teavtnxlor vision in few days lie was homo over the weekend and gavehlm love Iyilrwdl party lilnvitcd all the relatives on both sides The on rum row in I1 Everyone knew tho or the Party yetnotra sin per son boom him gilt or gave ldidnt give the parb to col lect gifts or money Ann but wasdeeply hurt at their thouflrtlessness What do you think about such relativeslw Domhlotlnded Bear it worlld have been considerate if the guests had brought some small rtokeeit neednt have been anything cost ly Since they did not forget it Conï¬dential to You or Nut votcnny it takes woman with special type of head to be married i111 dedicltcd physi clan Your head sounds too emptyand too big Everyone Kept asking Whitdhtf THE BmErEXAMINEIi VlRlDAY MOBZE fl lli PWIC Sponsors Centennial Book Another Centennialprolecl oi the Federated Womens lnsli uses at Canada has now been completed This is thelluhllca tion assisted by grant from the Centennial Commission of the book cringe of Cana dlaoHandicroits the story of the origin and development of the crafts in all provinces of Canada Publishers were htrclol land and Stewart Md Toronto Chapters were contributed by writers in each province from re seach undertaken by FlVlC members and edited by it Gor don Green wellknown writer Ormstown Quebec and Contri buting Editor to the Family Herald Illustrations were cartL tully selected to reflect the skills fotmd in the various regions of Canada liliEEii There is no doubt that the We mens lnsiituia is responsible to large extent for tho preserva tion and condoning growth of baodicraits in Canada Heri tage of Canadloajiadlcroits is now presented mth pride by fWlC in Canadas Centennial Year as an addition to Cans dlona of information not pre viously available MUSIC tESSONS Guitar Piano Accordion Instrument Loaned 7286014 iliiS More Fnit lit cluttering Have the first garment dry ciaanadat regularprico and the next for only in stocks SKIRTS mm SPORT JACKETS new boxes for dresses newletteriioods and envelopes new sales slips new show derbooks and all new stationery in general hot fdkes some designing and oignniz it still have ocurv awjning putYup over the entrance ouve got to change you name at the bonk register the dissolution of your previous name andregisr your Then youve got reinform oil yoursuppiiers port nt usrnessconnections Yduhove to des no new signature cut is hove to get one saying Greenwoodisfwhon you answer the phone on cnyth else you have tolet your customers know no nus inshionwise and the tirstpiocoto ing to do the VSo wedappyaerote Itify puss rtgalong that sHIris $100 with dry cleaning It packaged or hangers it LONG this wscuANnso our time noonautomatons isz unpier booms inthe basement an ex plasion that could happen it her te clay comhio trons met at the wrongtime timing preparation CF Phtr goons in THE BASEMENT gltlrs llnnnl Rothschild one of Canadas leading cer amists ands shows hit one oi or known works Young Love snys ï¬les olw yslistening for