Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Oct 1967, p. 13

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AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE ByronGraham Motors Its BRADFORD SF Barrie Tie1m our name means great deal tail ALGA lo ule In nod con dition three Iflw radio Telephone Mm war pin in man door stardud common no nut newbie navly 1s mum stnei use erlcnw redn black ceilrni condition low mnean lolly eculwee one driver 00 Tllr phone mm in OLDEMODILI storm endure time pen on lull power euulne ed Telephone cirrus alter on 1960 METEOR Automatic radio neat otter Tele phone mites ior lurinrr tutors roilinn isrs cimvuu rnr nie cylinder llt9mlfl our owner A1 eoadt llon anteu sooo original This whn to on sold Teleptlncu aissi court white door rkllwt nape Antv soon or best alter Telephone Dknvlll 3101151 alter 17111 ms r0111 station Widen in ICMIEM condition vs mow auto math tnrmntflbn radio and while our sisso imp edl Tele plrona mom evenings NEED recent cnnr ml Aur U11 stiltrrwuoa mnfld excel Ilm condition new motor lob am orter Telephone mnos arter mm lie AcIimIiN door radio Iilll mall um In excellent condition body and motor lelsc with hem intertor won or best nrrer 713 was alter pm or noon noun 1550 RENAULT one ounar low grulleige excellent mechanical roo dltlou nest reasonable ruler ac canted Teleplwne Tinma 55 MImLEII and loss cinder 113ml In good condIiJorr Telephone liawo Inlolm row or sale body re ruusod nod running order lee yhone mam irrrr pm yarn nonoa tor sale vn arondird an ood motor $1111 or cam alter Talcphom new pool nicer p111 19 VOLKSWAGEN IIXI new row equinoed wlln ndio lanai new mare and completely re pllnlcd In melllllc Pitcth blue snow tires lrutallnd DNt otier TIEW65 91955 nnmcunlr Parkland eonvsrt Able 3917 V11 inromuc power ltcellMr preteen Minion and wry out Tilllcd wimsoleld Inter aI wipers ull wheel radio in our maker uhltewndll wheel disc Roll with tail interior Cell Jinn Barn Motor sales nialra Street W73 TRUCKS FOR SALE 1965 TON mu complain wltli meow plough Ind camper wheels and tires are 14 Apply Itni Helen tau Vespm smel TRUCK CANOPY to lit all truck rim Poll prion am nedilne import is liliry 51 Telephone 7258101 AUTO REPAIRS gt MOFFATT Mercury zei SERVICE DEPARTMENT Equipped Stalled To Service AnyMake 0t Cat Our Expert Mechanics Ann STILL ON THE loa TO GIVE RELIABLE SERVICE TO SMALL can OWNERS Motion Mercury Ltd Ill ESSA RD 7285558 REDLINE SPECIAL To all import owners COWLEIE WINTER elmUP murmurs New plugs and points Check rad hoses and battery Change oil and antifreeze $1095 REDLINE lMPORT as Mary at 1263101 SNOWMOBILES SEE DARCY Bombardier Skidoc Service Sales For The Best Deal Bell Ewart isazzll THE LIVELY ONE Bombardier Skidoo Sales and Service BAYVIEW MARINE Lakeahora Dr Harrie M19 snowmoarm lira Husk rurd less thin 10 hours like new $595 Ticam evening PERSONALS BEAUTY SALON 45 Dunlop St West 1mm AA 11 You have drtuluna problem Ind want help nbom any limomum Home TltANarortTATl0N rrom nlldnuist to Lurkln Rule pm Monday to 72111539 hammer Do you want your or umetoln by marl 11 no phone TIEM90 iuI lppolnlmzulr aznrrsriermrwna rushed ml to nanin Hospital at whose place Ielt maroon all lln wnzon licence 1mm pleai Lam or728IIIIE nr or the mallmo collect audit commons due to lure pimples amt almfln blemishes ilydsolln will help clear your com plexloo clear colorlnu equilly errenuvaon on or olly akin um nlgn day llnny pleased Illifl Annyour drugrlri rnr Winn II at Harpers Pharmacy Lid Inli McKlyl Phllmuc PERSONALS wsrnmurmmua ebumndlnmvnm Idti till umberklm WOMENS COLUMN LEARN MORNING Govenuncut alarmed School Thorough training in all brun chu oi bonny culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSINO SCHOOL II WORSEEY ST LOST FOUND nwun tor noun or brown leather liesi lost at rm Melly 81m October mt Telephone can alter on I0 HELP WANTED MALE HELP CUSTOMS EXCISE HEM BARREL ONTARIO 35069 $5560 letoms and Excise Division Department of National Revenue requires an lrllermcdlaleclerlt Duties will Include issuing mani icsih collections maintenance of records physical inventories preparation of billings reports ad correspondence and minted duties Prclcrcnce in appointment will be given to high school gradu ales at least 21 years oi ago with ainlolmum oI two years related upcrlcucc rcsldaut in the area served by the port 17 Barrie Amly on aim PM 100 Applb cation ior Employment obtain able at nearest Public Service Commission Otiice Post Oiiicc and Canada Manpower Centres to the Public Service Conlme slun P0 Box TorontoIJoni inion Centre Toronto Ontario To ensure consideration appli cations must be recoide by No vernber 1967 Quote rcicrence number 61T 1m LOCAL MAN REQUIRED need representative ior my firm in this area This opening may be worth up to $1103000 yearly for the right person Full or parttime Age 21 io 10 Cari you make short auto trips We hope you will start soon and stay with us long lime Coir tact Nowl Gco McCormick so IdIt Napler St Colllngwood phone 1450435 TAXI DRIVER steady and pinlime mult nu ma drlrtnl record prueat neat Ippeennct Apply in men only no telephone caIrr De uxe Taxi crapperton amour 1m MAN to emblinh arnlll monthly mount no ulnar Must have Md eppuraml dE Dn dabrllty and lilo model permanent position with ex cailene ctrnee ror advancement in mammene level Salr11 Telephon moron MALE FEMALE HELP IIAIIVESTING turnips unit hour Telephone Iotln Welsira 11m lvs alter pm Extmurach Hairdmeer requir ed or modern nilrle salon wipes and working condllooi Telephone 7234563 AnalsTANcn reuuiied at Amelni Keir SLvIllta my No experience necessary Good 11 AWIY to 9611011 or telephone 7294441 PHOTO REPRINTS available at BARRIE EXAMINER Ilyou would like to have re prints otany news pictures take by our stall photographers please call at our Business Oil icc We are sorrywe cannot accept phone orders FEMALE HELP Slenographer Required by local Trust Com pany Posrtian entails other clar icai work but typing speed and accuracy are esseufiM Excell ent working courfltions Sday week Apply giving age marital status and lull particulars to PO Box 459 Barrie MIDDLE AG our one mt if 11 home Telephone put order new Home to suit No eweflem re lured 3L $200 ginsllama to rt Telephone 7E8 nooxmm amp full or tantrums for email cenLloI ottlcn mricnce Mathew Interesting permanen slate write Box 50 mnmfifafluma EARN$$$ filmy rewarding tall or but time slatnee torouUd eamln phone mmil Tm COUNTER sauna Clerk This Ir permanent polltinn onrtnrinova average salary to start plus new fringe beneuu come in for inter vlew United Cigar snom 114 so Dunlap st asrrle AsalsiANsn reonlrrd cor dental ureter afternoons with mlbe of eventual IllI dIYIEDIFIWmQflt iggwprliailhw big marliar tiltul ev our employmet Lgmhmxmmokmfl now run mm crew at new We are looking loi nrlrntyouu women to work in the kitchen or as car horteasu ml or parttime We provide flexible noun excel lent wager Ind training pronoun misfit if Tim on or or interme cull rteom PERSONNEL Localindustry hasa APPLY IN PERSON TO rumours Tellphlono work la our taint occuplLion Free tralulng and AUCTION SAL=S STRONG southerly winds are bringing warm air today to Southern Ontario Quidiec and the Marilirncs Northern 0n Iarh win be cooler with show ers Cool weattiuaml bluntly DISTRICT WEATHER Showers Wednesday Buit Temps Neqr 70 High tunperatura in the Bar rio area will continue tomorrow but the Toronto weather ottice predicts variable cloudhiesa on Wednesday with few dimmers or tinmderstomrs in the even log high oi 70 lsiorecnst ior tomorrow oitcr low oi 45 to riigbt Yesterdays high at The Examina was 65 degrees It dropped to 46 last nlfllt but wasclimirlng steadily again this morning with reading of 55 at 10 um IO HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED WOULD litre to loot aller chi mi In my own home Reasonable rites Telephone mm 11111 GIVE loving nIrI In one child In my home Monday to thy Arm and Dunlap street area Telaphme 11mm PUIICHABINO NE NW Production rein in years eagle Ilncev lduclliori billion Ida in tntinn clrdli Anllablo Immediate ly Telephone llold mom nlldland nxrnnlnNCnD Dower raw operator our cat one race rows wood loll loin etc Plrona access cxramcm Amount ornee nunlgcr mane posltlon Bin1e area entrust experience in perv rot imunthig Inuich filth mtntl credit nnd collections Please reply Box 9511 Darrin Br runner TRADE SCHOOLS HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME IN SPARE TIME Prepares you to achieve Ontario Diploma Grades S12 Dow in stallments include book and in atructions Write for FREE data to American School Dept 19 Box Klilgston at SALES HELP AGENTS SELL REAL ESTATE loin0ntarioa largest Realtor specializing in vacation rural and town propeltics No exper iencenacessary we will train you Excellent commission ar rangement salesmen required for the city at Barrie For lip polntment call or write Mr Robert Iticlliinn KEITH LTD REALTOR 181 Eglinton Ave TORONTO 12 47373333 I2 IENDERS WARM OF PUBLIC wom DIP CANADA Tortomk msch TENDERS 5mm mums woman to The Didriot Director Ml Jut flashlioemflfirlomntnlw tam and endorsed TENDEaL r011 mnvsgmnrwmm 0RD LIA 00E UNTY0NTA1UO will be received unul 300 pm films liienday November Plans meditations and arm of leader on be seen or can be ob ed mm the canoe or the Dlsfidct Direction Demtmerll Public Work or Canada Ml luylr Stuct Toronto Ontario To be powdered em tender must If llfy Trmhm° meat and accordance MD the conditions let sorta uremia The lams1 or any tend ner WM UCIION SALE Saturday October 28 at pm sharp for SAM CARUSO 011 Highway 90 directly in front of Millers Illnber yard next door to the service station 15 mile west oi Barrie city limits Sale of real good modern Iiousahold furniture and electri cal appliances year old 64 Chevrolet idoor sedan etc Terms cadl No reserve as the owners are going to the USA may oououun Auctioneer PERSONNEL omens WEST BEND OF CANADA LTD I9I John Street Barrie Watch for lull list Oct 26 SECRETARY and ability TORONTO CPIForecasts Issued at 550 am Synopsis Ailcrnoori tempera tures will climb to the 6570 range today on strong southerly winds bring warlncr air to On tdrio Skies will be sunny today across southern Ontario but elsewhere in the province clouds and showers will move in dur ing the day The showers will continue into Wednesday and possibly spread into the lower Great Lakes area Lake St Clair Lake Eric Lake Huron Niagara Lake 0n torIo Hnllhurtcn Jilllnioc soulhcrn Georgian Bay regions trldsorI London Ilnmilion ronto Mainly sunny and warm today variable cloudiness with Iew showers or thundershowers by evening Continuing warm on Wednes day Winds snutlierly 20 Northern Georgian Bay Algo ma Sault Ste Marie Timaganil regions North Bay Sudhury Variable doudiness and warm today Mainly cloudy 111111 tow showers or thundershowcrs lo nlght and Wednesday Cooler Wednesday Winds south 15 lo 25 today and northerly 15 Wednesday Wlilte Illvcr Cochrane west ern James Bay rcgions In creasing cloudiness this morn lng Becoming cloud with scat tcrcd showers and iIlundcrshow crs in the afternoon Cloudy with showers and cooler Wednesday Winds southcrly 15 to 255bit1ing to northwest to night Montreal and Ottawa region Mniuly sunny and warm today and Wednesday Winds souih erly do except light overnight Low tonight high Wednesday Windsor 55 St Thomas London IKltchencr Mount Forest Winghnm Hamilton St Catharines Tarnnto Downed INUVIK NWT CPlA party of three pionecryalrmen plucked by helicopter from nineday vigil beside their downed aircraft plan to retunl today to the starting point ot their abortive lighL All three walked all Great Northern Airlines DCa that brought them to this arctic town 1200 miles north at Ed mnnton Monday night Einar Pederscu 47yearold chief nae vlgatcr or Scandinavian Air lines System carried his lclt arm Inside his coat to protect swoolcn hand llis companions Thur Tjonvelt 31 of Fairbanks Alas ka the pilot the twineugined Piper Aztec and Rolf Storhavg 20oi Oslo Norway suiiercd only scratches and bruises when the plane down in thalhlow River Valley abnut so miles snuthwestot here Oct 14 Alter spending the night in hospital for observation they were scheduled to fly back to Fairbanks Alaska their point at departure in an attemptlto chart polar rnnte or short bolts by light aircraft Ila to Nariva Fairdlild F47 belonging to Wein Air Alaska the company for which Mr Tjonvait works as copilot spotledtbe plane and its three occupants while on rcgularlyscheduled flight Sun day The early arctic darkness prevented their immediate rea cue Themcn told near rescue or Ilicialxntinr anpormrponuoropeufifieoretzryer perlench In personnel work Applicants should be howledgeable in payroll procedures hospital and medical insurance plans and mist be able to work on her own with Illilevdirectlon Fiveday riohour week Salary commensurate with experience WW intravdr of an alternate emergency landing field EI the planes lelt engine sputtered and on They werattying to reach the Shingle Paint landing strip about thraa miles west at here where the Blow River empties into Eeaulort Sea when the right engine tailed They crash landcd on vnndcd and snoiv iailura at both engines lorced romAIasw skies arc lbrecact tor the West Figures on the map it dicalo cxpoded n13 tempers alum today Wirwhixo Peicrborollgii Kingston Trenton Killaloc Muskokn North Bay Sudbury Earlton Snult Sic Mario Kapusiming VIiita River Moosoriee Tilrimlns 45 assfisgsaaamaa Ask Government To Iill Gap For OutPatient Services TORONTO GP Delegates at the annual meeting oi the On iario HospitalAssociatlon talked Monday about problem that allect hospitals doctors and patients because of two dit icrcnt types 01 insurance They asked the provincial government to 1111 the gap in payment for outpatient serv ices some of which are covered by the Ontario Hospital Services Plan some by the Ontario Med ical Services nsuronce Plan and some by neither person trcatcd alter injury or child whose tonsils are re moved in outpatient depart man are covered by hospital insurance But there are other proce dures such as bladdcrcxarnina tionwlrcrc OMSIP pays tor the doctors services but not the charges Ior use of hospital iacil lties Delegates did not suggest whidi planOMSIP or OHSP should be extended to cover the gun panel was told that there are lower students enrolled in Ontario nursing schools in 1967 than in 1966 Charles Black oi Rodney Ont chairmanoi the OIIA com mittee on hospitals conducting nursing schools said the drop in enrolmenthas taken place lie Airmen Will Try Again covered slop in the Blow River Valley near the rivers headwat ters The aircraits homing device would not operate and distress call was not possible alter the iirst engine failed It carried the electrical generator which is used or radio communications rescue attempt Monday by Fred Carmichael veteran Inuvik hush pilot was thwarted by the rough ground near the crash scene Olmt he could have landed was three miles awayotoo far for the man to walk HElP STAMP our sinnnarns Nous are quite so alone It the stranger in town or the newcomers toliia neighbory oo Remember your last move howynu Isltastlia moving van pulled awaytiowyou moieilian haliwlshedyoud navercome Spare your new neighbors feelings such nsthssa Let allait rfil ngs and make thtim ieelat Marne Hal stamp out strangers Cal Welcome Wagon today possummm Decidesynods Are Antiquated WINGHMI OoL CPIProse hyieriln aynodi are antiquated end In need at druflc relorm special committee of the Hindi tnnhndm Synod has decided The mmltiee WEI recom mend to the synods uth annual meeting hers today tint it re quest the churdrs general ar scmbly to farm committee to study all courLs oi the church The corrunltteo has concluded there is widapreul discontent with dluroh courts and their Iunctlou and that some court procaduru particularly in syn ads are antiquated by 1119 yearn The discontent cited by the committee was evident at tie halo and group discussion here Monday prior to the lolllcinl opening of the synod Delegates debated resolu tion synods be abolished Rev Royal oi Goderlch retiring synod moderator said following meeting at the com mittee be Is sure delegates will support the committees iind rngs The Hamilton London Synod inch in all or southwestern 0n larlo west oi lino running south from Owen Sound west oi In east to Burlington and In cludes thu Niagara Peninsula DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS chainin MILGroup Capt It Cole 44 Edmontonborn commander ol the Canadian armed inrccs base here in plane crash TornuhMonnrd Stein at client the last ol the active iclclt communications men who got theirsiart in the days at Morse leiegrophy Pembroke 0ntWutson Bal hprrle partner In the Ottawa architectural tirm oi Bnlhurrle Ilelme and Associates spite provincial cllorts to in ucaso enrolment He said 3500 students are cn rollcd this year drop of too irom1066 Also them is room tor about 700 more studenls in the provinces ninsing schools Stanley Martin chairman and general manager oi the com mission aaid recruitment should concentrate on new rc glonal nursing schools being or ganized He said 13 suchsctroola now arc organized Eight are taking students one will startadmis sinus in January 1963 and seven later in the year Eric Willcociis administrai tor of Toronto East General Hospital wasclecied president of thalagsoclaiinn and six new mumnimVnJozmmomeummd OBITU II MARme IV II MAIIWOOD Funeral snrvice was held yes tclday at St Johns Anglican Church Cooksiown Ior ll Gilbert Marwond who died at Stevenson Memorial Hospital on Saturday Oct 21 Ilcvls snrvlv cd by his widow llia iormcr Em ily Ennllng Mr Marwood was prominent COONown resident and for some ycarsinBarrle An accountani by proiession he had wnrkcd ll llnrrle Planing Mill and later at Noirls Dairy Ila was one at the lending heekeep ers in Slmccc County and had been active in municipal and Irnicrnal clicks HROCK JARILESON Ilrock Frederick Iamlcson na iiva oi Thornion and graduate Barrio Collegiate Institute some so years ago died on Friday Oct 10 at 1347an Jubilee lies plldl Victoria BC Funeral ser vice wns held Monday morning in Vancouver Rel yes rcqllest ed that in lieu oivilo rs dona tions be made to the Canadian Cancer Society lle ls survived by his widow the inrmer Dor othy chiil pl 212 Lansdawnc Road Victoria daughter Ann at Paris France and Jill at home and sister Mrs Thomas Law renca Claudine Islniesun oi Toronto son Douglas pre deceased lilm board members were named tor 1968 ARIES in runiuoo inu alumina from University or Tbioato lob ed the Ford Motor Co and serv ed the ilrru in mullerlal ca Adi in vlbua Pam oi world At the outbreak at war be 1m stationed at Singapore and roast me the in lap anus Internment camp He had been living retired It the time at his death JOHN IL JAMESON Friends and relatives paid rib uie lolha memory or John Illi Iiard JanJuan by attending the service from the Stcckley hire oral IIomc Barrie to Alliston Union Canistery on Sept 21 Mr Iairiirsnn ol Thorntnn died in his list year at Iclland Cotnty General Hospital Sept 2i iollowing length illness Born to Mom Town June 11 m1 his was the son at the late Robert Jamieson and Illa wile lhc Inln Christina Fletcher On Feb me in Rosemont he married Annie Moore who prc deceasedlilm on Dec so 1915 Ha armed to Mono Township until 1M5 lie moved in term near Thornton and farmed there until 1947 when he retired and moved to the village lie was member at St Judes Anglican Church Thornton He leaves to mourn his loss his only son Camcron Jamlcsori oi Foothill and one brother Wil liam Janllcsou oi Winnipeg Pallbearers Purncll Carr Evarall Patton Arnold Rogers Dalton Banting Tor rance Black and Jack Johnson Flowerbcurcrs were Neville Jamleson Nestor Matwliec George McGlndcry and Roy Specra FIND IOT PLANTS BERKELEY Cal AP Polica at the Berkeley cam pus oi the University at Ca nla discovered nine marijuana plnnts in Chancellor Robert IIeynsa back garden Monday The weed was apparently trans planted there sometime last Thursday night said police by someone who wanted it to be discovered Au anonymnus cutie er phoned the student news paper with tip about the plants CARRIER Miss You It your Barrie cuminér carrier in not arrived by p111 please phone 1282433 And Copy ni The Examiner qu Do Delivered To Your Home by p112 THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE it VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS THERES SOMETHING TOerHINK ABOUT When you place Classified Ad in one issue of The Barrie Examiner oVer 9000 copies of your message go to Items in Barrie and district youmultiply 90001y ilenuubeiarmour lip read every copy the Is Il 1111 WONDER THAT Minn EXAMINERWANT ADS inns sucn rl arm prurunougcngsui The sixtime rate is real bargain and just think of tile readership that would give your od new

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