Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Oct 1967, p. 4

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warui dam Walls Publisher McPherson Pubtlchod by campy 16 Beyfleld Strait irriot oatna PT maria amnesia Limited William Toifor Consul Manager Managing Editor JRIDAY moose rs m1 oi Must Accept Obligation Whether It Hurts Or Not other day when he was discussing Ern esto Che Guevaras death in Bolivra Dr Guevara most attractive man accord ing to Mr Deane felt the only way to Prime Minister Lester Pearson was talking last week about poverty and star vation in underdeielo ed countries and theobvious fact that world is losing the fight to Improve living standards for pcoplein these countries He gloomin predicted that unless something is done soon more people will die of starvation within the next 15 years than were kill ed in all the battles of world history Theprime minister made an import ant point when he said that while the paucity was not new thisls the first time in human history that we he accepted at least in theory the obliga tion to win the struggle at the same tune that we possess the capability to Win it Mr Pearson is probably right vhenhe says we havethe capability to win the war but that capability will never be fully used until the obligation is accept ed in more than just theory So farwe have accepted the obligation only for as it does not hurt us or disturb in anyreal way the status gun on both sides The sad fact is that most of usreallydont care Philip Deane the Mercurys foreign affairs analyst talked about this the Down Mignon LANE sf wan DAYS rsveans Aoo Barrie Examiner Oct 15 1942 Hon dens first C0 Air ViceMarshal G0 Johnson MC presented vingsto class of pilots He was in command 1920 Huge military parade vithfive bands 2000 personnel and 25 aircraftover bay marked opening Third Victory Loan Army group headed by Brig Spen cer and Air Force by Group Capt Iii Edwards Mayor Donald lilac aren raised Victory Loan flag at Post Office Square Roy McVittie gave comme tary on parade by ion speakerfrom cony of Wellington otel Wornens Institutes of imcoe County in annual convention at 00F Hall in Barri pa ed resolution which urged cutt liquor during war Mrs Frank liewson Duntroon elected president Herbert Hannam president Cana an Feder ation Ottawa addressed annual meeting County Federation of Agriculture in Barrie Sgt Wireless Air Gunner Glenn Ramsay arrived safely in India James Hamilton gene chair man gave urgent appeal to Cl ens for Victory Loan support West goes quota is $1500000 of which $400000 is Barrie Unit salesmen for townar Buchanan Darch Fl ley Flynn GreenB lllaw kins Jackson McConltey Reid Thompson Warren Wiigar Mervin Fraliek Minesingcaptured two trophies at Blue Mountain plowing match Flos council voted John Fur long $3150 for loss of nine turkeys kill ed by dogs in township With no base OTHER EDITORSyIEws WHATS IN NAME Montreal Star If we must name places in honor of public figures it would be best to do so afterxthcyhave passed on Otherwise well be plagued with public works pro jects bearing adulation to of living personalities na overall performance may latest example is Br Peace River dam which has been of ficrally tagged the Bennett Its already been called Wackeys ohae Enough of this homage hokum Wer ONE newvang Museum Brltaio manages to deliver the day it bring economic and social justice to La tin American countries was through re volution Business interests fearing na tionalization following succesdul revo lutlon are intent on maintaining the status quo And military dictatorv ships in Latin America are intent upon the same thing They are in turn sup portedJrorn the oulsideTWith pens and bombs because they repres nt kind of stability with which ouLilders can deal even the Russians An no thingof any consequence is done to im prove living standards It allreminds us of somethln the late comedian Fieldsbnce said during an interview He recalled he had been desperately poor when he was young and had vowed that if he ever made lot of hioneythe would give it allaway to the And didyou22askedrth nt rvlew er No replied Fields laid to hell with it ball softballlocally this season due tawar most of sports news involves golf and lawn bowling Popular pro at Barrie Golf Club past five years Charlie Kearsey granted leave of absence to join army New club champion is Warrant Officer Howard Smith of Borden RCAF who defeated J1 GCurrie in final and won Wadsworth Cup Last yearscham pton William Dyment has beencom ml ned in Canadian Armoured Corps hav1ng just graduated fromCfticers Training School Brockvill Roy Merrick won Herb Sparham Trophy new this year at golf club with rookie Fred Norris second Local alley bowlers re warming up for season at Archie HudsonsgDunlop Stemporium Lt John Thornton Clark of LBarrie arr ed safely overseas with Royal Hamilton Light Infantry Pilot Officer Royce Bud Little graduated from Central Navigation School Rivers Man Charles Spearn enlisted with Royal Canadian Navy Goldwyn White joined RCAF Marjori Coutts gradua of Royal Victoria Hospital oned as lieutenant in United States Army Nursing CorpsLnow station ed at Fort Meade Maryland Battalion Grey and Simone esters spent weekend training at AlO infantry SchoolBorden Town Clerk Smith issuedcall meeting of Barrie businessmen atlabrary Hall to consider as war measure best way of restricting hours to maximum 56 er week Manager Tony Saso of oxyTheatre an nounced that Mrs Miniver would be held over another weak still getting used to the new national PC leader whose name has always been sociated with longjohns At this rate of dubbing dams and lakes and whatnots were bound to halve Stanfield Trap STUDENT AND TEACHER Ottawa Citizen Britains postmastergeneral Edward Short is coming to Ottawa to study Can adas postal mechanization techniques Perhaps he could teach us in turn how the mail on ruin itself NEW PATHS OTTAWA REPCRT mournyrrnvmnn Mutual Tenor Has listed ills Guardian The Peace honour FEDERAT Immanuel eaveieNMEMr cnnl tarponon seem 59 NowIKNovu WHAT THAT CANADIAN PAVILION keeps piling up armaments mm By PHILIP unsure Foreign Mill LIN nillngarnxh abibmrloonaotatomlndh WW treatyblnntngthemodof widensmew uriessm are taken to dooiwith convertl Honl armornenh foowhen an rawI thrbmdia ll mhiium because ararroll with Pakistan and maintainingnth mam defence and the Arms Mn over their border differences Wm Innovating It the some time that they will also multiply by five the more bar ofthelr thermonuclear war hm In short while the two ready to agree on mnsomllrol mew urea and unmbamedly claim the closeness of teir views they and many small powers as wall are tuning faster than ever is the whole disarmament topic great big Wm unnee mcnt as os tus because it has become apparent that mutual tenor has acted as guardian of ponds lh old argument that If one they will eventually be used has lost in persuasivencss became the nuclear armaments are like ddeotivegims if we press the bigger we mall kill our opponents but we too shall die because the gun will explode in our face So it new belief is coming into prominence that no one pos easing nudear uoaponawrll SCience Sees Shape OfTomprroWs Wofld By PATRICK NICHOLSON The simple of tomorrows when it limit have Ls french writer Jules Verne was onco the favorite science fiction creator More recently Aldous Huntleys Brave New World showed where science might take us and George Orwell gave us nightmare picture of governmental domination of mans mindBig lirother neteen Eghtyfmrr lbday sclenllfic predi on has become more exact and an eyeopening symposium of probable progress in the next fifty years has been published in the niagazi Science dour nal of Brifalns Assodated fliffe Press its whole October issue is filled with woldpictures of tibial our uprid could be like not necessarily what it will be we predict it by the rapidly expanding new type of research knowrr as technologi uil forecasting This is no more than freethinking and oom monsense married with basic scientific knowledge The great usefulness of tee nologioai forecasting is that it irons what might bé done in various fields and thus enables countryunableto do every thingto decide which particle lar options might be most use Examples of what might eame described in on maga zine include developments in the elds of agriculture med ansport possibly the most sign cant new paths are those related to control development ofthe brain and protection of the body The computer today is basi cally little more than an adding machine fantastically quicker than the human brain but look ing the th element of being able to think itself Its being developed as storehouse ofall human knowledge and one applidatiap of this could be is Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class matter Post Office Depart ment Ottawaand for pay nitht otpostag Dally Sundays and be main mtouoouuunmo musmmwnmnruwom umrumwmmm Weimnemonic wimmsatusuamimmu wuummursuuvzmru mrthlrsnoiwnornoeuvlo mmuernnuuouneeecm mamormmmeucuum numrmmmvomnemt gut1mm gflrwfllm AID Mr mummym ri lfi EWfifidm mmwuw Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by er 452 weekly $2340 ye 1y Single copies too By mail Barrie $2340 yearly Ontario 5100 year motor dhrowoff $15year Mail out side Ontario $14 year Out side Cauada Britishl posses sinus 515 year USA and foreign 326 year National Advertising of frces 425 University Avenue nutgno no Canaan Montrea 5M mo West Pen der St Vancouver BC Membergofflfhe Canadian Daily Newspaper Pnbllaherr Association th Canadian lrm and Audit Bureau of The Gaoddlan Pressll er elusiver entitled to the use for republication of all news thhIspeper cred tied to it or TheA£soeated the provision of comprehe aive reference Iibraryat tho nonaddictivo drugs capable of bask and cell ofeaeh of us This will be coupled with new of pregnancy then will come changing human Dersonaiity then drugs which will make us use than against someone who posmes such weapons The one possible exception is carriers STORY us attack on can in the our future More the tongue cspecially if the US latter can not to have fallout from it boobs on Chum affect Roma There rumin three mm problems An attack by him on with nuclear weapons But this in only not consid erodtobconthoeardstho stakes are too small The acqrdsition of nudes weapons secretly by an Alah country and the use of such weapon to annihilate incl The CIA and the for more efik dent Ideal lntdllgenco net work in the Middle Ban are untdring for an signs that an Arab notion mi be setting suehaploy AtTha first sign lsrael would strike to ripple her enmics nuclear weapon before they were assembled Chlneso attach an the US when mine finally acquires enoudr rockets to tan number of us eit ies This too is considered improbable by most panplo except the right wing in the US it is thought much more probable that as thine becomes able to attack the US they Americans will disengage them selvesfrom Asia where Chinas objectives are lirnitcdelter all to recovering Formosa and soaring the dismantling of Us basesthings for which the US willnot expose itself to nuclear attack Fears 0f invasion Helped confederation By BOB BOWMAN When the Fathers of Corded motion were meeting at Quebec oonmnmlcotlon not only willailmore intelligent then drugs on October7720 1884 they We have videotelophories and mdiodelepbones but we will be which will stimulate the growth of now limbs and new organs received some news that speed ed their work considmbly The able to carry these around with and finally drugs which will tunerism Civil War was stillin us in pocket or handbag using them for personal com muniwlion or equallylo ask the compute 1n wodds farmers today are producing food at only 15 pt cent capacity This will be sharply increased in tha next quarter century but with in that tim we will alsobe getl ting onefif of mu foodsupply from farming the sea and new proteins produced by bacteria living on organic waste or Albertas oil fields Unlimited frosh vmter will also be obtained from the oceans NEW WONDER DRUGS prolong our lives by fifty years At the same time surgeons will pcrfoct thotransplanting of human organs and artificial plastic or electronic organs will be developed capable of being accepted into our body BIBLE THOUGHT Ye that have the Lord Illle evil he preserveth the souls of his snintshe dellvereth them out of the 11 ml of the wicked Psalm 91 The peopleof God are to be progress and some Confederate soldiers who had escaped into Canada raided the town of St Albans Vermont They bank looted stores set some hotels on fire killed one man and woinided anoohu lhen theyretnned to Canada The northern states were finions and the Governor of Vermont sent telegram to the delegates at Quebec blaming Canada for the raid General John Dix US comander of the northeast frontier ordued soldiers to pursue the raiders into Can ada and destroy them This was almost declaration of 19 ComWWPWl be unkcd different dedicated and discord war There were clashes and directly with the human brain and development will be edu cation through the direct reprinting of facts onto the ing Avoid the appearance of evil brain this will also lead to uni msls performing nonintellec tual work in mam new fields Perhaps the most sensational developments will comein the field of drugs Firstdrey wrll offer dreap and ellable conuol ummt Vwifh your present service on your foreign cor turmoil at number of places along the border The rQuebec An aohlovtimont otmlghtyx proportions N1 Broathtaklngt 49mm Show Times 910 Fealure 6211 at 925 ran unison coueoiunou PRESENTS lilIEilllllIlEiiS delegates knew that the only hope Canada had of defending hersdf against the powerful US northern my was through Confederation and this helped to bring nbout agree ment Consequences ol the raid were serious enough The USA abrogated the RushBag ot lheaty whim limited naval armaments on the Great Lakes and refused to renew the Recip rocal Trade Agreement that had been so beneficial to Can ada and the Maritime The raiders WEE arrested by Canadian police This calmed the siWaHon for while but there was another rowin December when the raiders were acquitted by court in Montreal The Americans want ed themio be extradited but the Montreal judge said that he had no jurisdiction Montreal and Toronto were favorite bases for Confederate spies and escaped prisoners durinthe American Civil War All Recommended Anllll Nliiflhtilhllill sanitisiso students $125 Children 50c Free List Suspended uuvu smut marlin nuns moron neodymium WeliAWAII now Dinner mom xeo Thnmord shatterinruun PtACE 10 srAuoj The same mnltlimagci productionthat Pavilion oomo lensution in the FfNAKmWESKMWMASKSwFMfTYPE mu 0mm ruse are new In

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