bbiociivu $95950 Toibata $26000 sonrcripncmsrw Lur ry Parinell talks to reporters outside the Commorrs about RéporfIStï¬ké the governmed biu mining the death penalty to persons convicted of murdering police ofï¬cers or prison girards The biii was given llrst reading Thursday GP Wirepboto Close To End DETROIT APl Negotia tors ior Ford Motor Co and the United Auto Workers locked in marathon bargaining or more tbon20houra were reported tpday close to settlement at rikcthat began 14 days ago When leave here today vexpect it will be aiter an arr nouncement bargaining table source caught in briel subcommittee recess told The Associated Press ooscoissur Toronto HALIFAX calCompany and government oiiicials came up with no iicm answers to the impending closure at the Sydney steel plant at ï¬vehour meet ing Thursdaybut Nova Sco Udelegation of two cabinet mim ters and legislature member hoped to pursue solution in Toronto today Labor rrhiinistcr rihamas Makeaugh Provincial Sec taryi Gerald Doucet and Percy Gaum Conservative us hieinlier iofCape Bretori Nov flew to Toronto to meet with ticials oi Dominion Steel and Coal Corp and its parent com rnoivi Mn crrnn OTTAWA CP Registrar hnernl Turner piloting bill to establish new department oi corporate and consumer ai ialrs through flreCommons Thirrsday heard himselicom pared with St George Don Quixote Rip Van Wink Mr Oiean and the WhiteKnight Tobninhce the ledger he was also called young vigorous intelligent keen manl7y Libr ecalistevefltin York East Alter Ltyositilng days devoted ontudyoi annotation second scene of th talksfwas Asked it he meantsitur an nouacement oi settlement the source said Yes lhe lZstorey Ford headquar ters in suburban Dearbornh ustle oi activity in the predawn hours and it was learned thata treelance broadcaster had been roused out oi bed shortly alter midnight to recordsdvertise merits or LincolnMercury say ing the strike was over and 1963 models would be plentiiill Us peristaltici1 deund pany Hawker Siddcley Canada Ltd Allthree are members of the governments special com mitteeon steel rust airoiher stage in the discussions on Doscos inA tention to shutdown the big Sydney plant April an lei expected neompany vo cials to meet with the govern ment representatives this morn ing The steel committee had de lhere wer rtain things that shouldibe sar to Hawker Siddeley fiorthwith the premier added mama ToiwnITr itNltillT None oi the commercialshave been sued Wednesday the union sent telegrams to thevpresidents at Ford locals telling them that no meaningiul progress had been made on most key money is sues but that there had been some in other areas FOURTH LONGEST STRIKE The strike started Sept and has idled 160000 workers at Ford plants in 25 states entered its 44th day today becomingalong with 1937 walkout the iourih longest industry hislor memo strike éd the thenvfledgling UAWV bargaining rights at 17 General Motors ants The Examiner TODAY Aim Anders6 City newsz Classiï¬ed12 ii emaicsfro Deaths12 stagethe House retroas to it rwindbroken mole and mg at again today The most scathing attack on the Wynamid Mr Turner who willhea consumersdepart ment came from MD header Douglas liie rmnister prides himself on being young modern audio to dateiihatot4otirse what one would expect irom man on tho matte airless the minister can br own somethinng that is more effective than this legisla tion he wilibe revealed as tb canadianrllon uixeteuriding young harmless windmills Other opposition spea kers have atiacked the legislation as lacicing powerJojnsuro con sumer protection The bill bun dlea existing consumer and other legislation under the new depï¬isritlrnents wing it also es ties for its persoirnel physical structure average prl indegr had been orlossstead CALLE ation oi Natioaal During QUEBEC iCPUllioh lend ers plan mass demonstration outside the Quebec legislature today during alegislaiivo as stan session aimed at order cnd subway workers back on ibolob reporters Thursday his govem meal will introduce legislation with both in it to end the bit ter Montreal Transportation Commission strike which began Sept 1i legislation tins also being prepared to end the provinces dispute witiTzila radiologists Buttbe premier said early today he hopes iovhave good news on that conflict More the special session begins Some oi about radiologists who resigned their hospital pertainAugust and September might return to work this morn ing the premier said Ernassrvat Thursday night he Confeder adFUnlï¬sT union centre grouping2500oo workers including the transit strikers sent telegram to leg Seven Convicted imam minis Typhoon Curiails backlash arosoow not indicate that th Cure Be Toronto radiologist shed important light on core for cancer gen Andrew cote ei and whoiiaced everiughitc ma chinery costs the coasum against unconscionable pr tcerlaiz by the pharmaceutical rompame boiiseswiv lace supermarkettprices tained by virtual moaopol and the public against iixed ire tail prices particularly ior Mr Douglas and some other refused to accept Mr explanation Ithat th iederat ernment has it can stitutloaal lng Montreals 6000 striklagbus Premier Daniel Johnson told lslature members saying special iniSsUWLssiisw AP Seven whiteMiss idéd eight others acquitted by analle Viederel court jury tody on conspiracy charges rattling from the 1961 slaying oi three Young civil rights Workers ilrr War SAIGON QR TyphoonCaola ran outoi steamtoday birtiiis winds anr rain apparently cur aiied the 05 airrwar against North Vietnam ior second da Soil Landing Now Doubtful soviet reports of iodrument package radioed back iniormatiod irom the atmosphereoi the earths sister planet not tram its sur iace The reports also raised flan scribes himsell asdurrrbiold lmrrsday how he stumbled tiara remedyva warts flakCodi on Oh dear what dill flaniel Johnson say now Lester ski ow or it legisla is repressive XPrcmier Joh hsaidriieelty in Lhath mildEVlilmi ess opumlsii aboutilie chance oi min settlement at the bus and sub waytierrp ln the such dead Eight licqriitted points were con badrwoods row em iVs spate trhbnph that the device made soil gender Cloner East General Hospitalhtold news conference of his discov plied directly to the Mart and pricked uader thesustace with needle Hevrsaid 99 per with 400 wariaihe injectedzwiihsmallpox vaccine disappeared Although and warts are notuneonirolled growth of cells causes bothcon ditlons urnerzianseai Bropposiaon taln kindsroi cancer are caused ihe aigiiiiqace is uni warts are the only human tumors Scientists suspect but been unable to prove obstetr by virus mills cancer ln Dr Robert Huebner ral research attire National briefing that scientists now know viruses cause tumors bi certain animals Tirenerttrstep just beg erytimbsmalipoxzvaoeineds apv cancer tumors are rnslignnnt known to be caused by vinrs have he said istodeter ne hether qun Dfejrri01135rcition Strike theoristso Tcilks lock we bnvrino other choice but to adopt law ihatwill order the men back to work he added Later Thursday Opposition special session earlier was in tolerable Mr Johnson said the govem meat is sticking to medlatora proposal that thewarlrers be given raise to $305 iromthelr prcaentaverage or $277 an hour The MTC workch last demanded $322 this year plus six per cent more next year in twoiyear contract Nationialliailway Cripple Britain LONDON as Britain was threatened today with national railways pling blow to the countrysalready shaky econ om pota were on strike forcing the cancellation oi hundreds oi trains onroutesbetweenLoudon and northern England with vital ertparts already curtafled iiveweekld dock str in London and Liv erpool Prime Minister Wilson cut short his vacation inScot land Wilsona Labor government blames the upsurge of industrial unrest on Communist agitators tritsuysnr the aationlnto winter at dis ruption Union leaders deny and resent the charge Unions aching the bra mens strike appeared on lislon course with the British Rail Board If neither side eks oli total shutdown of aterun rail services would be come inevitable Ra board chiefs rocked leads and that they are considering the at all pagiram rail men made idle by the dispute not just the strikers Leader JcahLesage said the governmentsiailure to call period stoppage Could stoppage thao couldr llrakemen at more than der rytngto plunge Weep serene 1rw0 wsArHsri andoolar airSaturday OTTAWA CF Solldton General Fennel set the stage ior another partiementary de bate and tree vote on capital punldiment Thursday as he in troduced government bill re serving the noose ior murderers oi policcmen and prison guards ltwill be the second Com mons debate in two years on the question In tensiontilled dc hate in April 1966 the Corn1 mans rejected private bill culling ior abolition oirhauging or all nuaderers The present bill will have ape ointmeanla ior lil Canadians now inclngl death penalty However the present govern ment has commuted all 27 death sentences that have come under its review sbrce taking oiiice in 1963 it ennflls bill which got automatic iirst reading in the lorrirnons Thursday asks that the lirriitationorrbanging go into eiiect tor liveyear trial in that time no person servlng liie sentence or murder or us minimum sentence dbe released without the approval of llre cabinet ihedeath penalty new is lm posed persons convicted oi caprta murder as well as in cerium casts oitreaaon and other In MONTREALVCP7A 30 earold man was ed by po lceand another believed to be bishroiher waswoiurded early todgy midtown cafe gun battle The dead man was identified as Richard Murdock1he wounded man was hospital with ab1rliet wound in the left eg The wounded man held dozens oi police ofï¬cers at bay with machine gun irom the second floor of anapartment building near the Country lialaceqaie SireetWest near Pol said the shooting out burst was preceded byan argu meat between two men and jSlaoe nyjpennéii in coalitions Debate Free Vole hir Fennel shed tears when the Commons voted toretain capital punishment last year saidfniursday it was the gov ernments intention to call ircc vote on the issue irce vote also means the government is not staking its liie on the outcome in the 1068 debate one llP noted that time had not been gt hanging in Canada since 1962 lie said tbismeant that cabinets themselves have done away with hanging without the con eot oi Earliamcnt DEF SEEKS CHANGE The Opposition leader at the time John Dleienbaker said alter theyoio that the govern ment was in an impossible posi tion He said lt should introduce an amendment to theCriminal Code designed to win support irom malonty oi MP5 There were several attempts towater down the 1966 bill and thus place some limit on cases in wbrdl the punishment wmrld be hangiae motion to keep the death penalty ior murders corrunitted bythose serving liie sentence was deieated 198 to It gt Another would have abolished the death penalty for liveyear period as provided in the presenth It went 3H 113 Battle Manager Peter Demarcos oi the Country Palace western en terjtainmea night spot The two men hadbeen attempting to get free drinks at theciub early today when Mr Demarcos decid ed to have them ejected The two men said they return with machine guns and kill him Mr Demaroos notiï¬ed police and two plainelotbea constables were sent to the cate Sbordyaiter am two men walked into the club andwere pointed out to the policemen The constables then ordered other mistomers spot to take cove Constable Michel vlirosseau called totbe twoapproaching men Stop Dont move or we shoot Ponce Kill Man would the night