ens seams exam rower ocroaes 11 on Shopping Centre Grand Opening Set Wednesday Vest crowds ironr Barrie and radius at so adios around sur towm and villages an to Docktothe de 09mins tomorrow new mum lood and department store complex lust north oi city limits and 21 have shopping centre designed to ro wide one floor one stop Fill let people throughout sh ooo Couniy More than persons horn are area will be endured by the new centre whim managers explain will otter the advantages at free parking tor hundreds oi cars well ligiried easy access glib dno tralticuillms and no em compe vs pr as well as one iioor one stop shopp wlda open stirs horns 10 am to 10 pm from Monday to Sat urday will also be altered by the centre Quebec Minister Says Kierans the Towers milk ltnd star whiprvvide snd clothes styles directed at the hesego set while cleterte Ierricel are deanrheduoiierhg saucell ent meal ior loss than one dollar Don MaArtiwr manager oi Food Ciw sell The store should lit in extremely well is the com munity Is it oiiers the only oorrrplete disth onese tlon hr the district ii Al hictrwsgen Towers man this will be one oi the most cotnteous store operations going Mr Richmsen believes that success at celi service centre depends on cour tesy sod antomer satisfaction wherever there is contact tween stsii and customers An important isctor lo courteous op eration il to have high stall morale best achieved according to Mr Ridtwagen by treating lejlklflxemployets with equal res sger has his way Is Organizing Racial Battle QUEBEthPiTrenspm Minister Fernsnd Limits said hlonday Liberal Erie Kierans is organizing racial battle between the FrenchCanadian element and the English cle mcnt in Quebec The Quebec cabinet minister told reporters that Mr Klerans president of the Quebec Liberal Federation represents los englnie and high insane and wants to become lender oi the Liberal party Dr Lizotte es was comment log on the annual meeting oi the Quebec Liberals which rejected separatism in all its forms and endorsed icderel ism as party policy Rene Levesque 45 tumor Libero minister oi resources and welfare resigned from the Paris whidh re ected his pro possi to estabi separate sovereign state at Quebec The cabinet ministers corn meat was among the ï¬rst reac tions from the Union Nationan NS COAL MINES government on the LiberIl party decision to endorse ttdcr alisn as its policy SEEK SPECIAL STATUS The Liberals voted over ior resolution new Canadian at would include special status ior Quebec The spedilc powersharing mvie special siahis pro posal will be deï¬ned by the Liberals at special Veoniercoco whelmlniiy rcoorrunendin constitution aged under in June 1968 Mr Lizotte spoke to reporters prior to an aitcrnoon sessionMol Kieransisssmartguyho wantslio become ieeda oi the Liberal party on English lead ths cabinet He said as in French province Mr Klerans bilingual Quebecer oi lrish origin led the battle which resulted in the retoctton oi Mr Levesouss sov ereign state resolution The pro posal was ddeated by almost 100 per cent ErrMiner Sparks OTTAWA CP Tha MP who prompted Mondays emer gency Commons debate on the threatened closing minionr Steel and Goal nations steel operations at aey its is no stranger to the industry Donald Maelanis Cape Breton South spent eight years in the Cape Breton coal mines helore being elected to Parlial meat in i957 and his father died in one or them These mines Vhelp teed the steel mill inr races it was the swearold Caps Bretonners motion that triE gored the daylong debate on Doscos announced decision to close its mill at Sydney by April 40 The Commons scciutomed to tireeating no her by =ths toughvtaitring Conservative MP tound themselves listening to subdued and obviously worried Donald Maclnnis Monday in themaln be avoided recrlr mtnatlons in hisieadott speech and called for ailparty cooper Itlon to prevent the mill closing resulting layoits at some 000 workers Debate He admitted in an interview later that his remarks were in lower key than those he usually directsito termarm meat in contrast to my usual approach ielt there are times when governments can be caught oit guard Although there may have been indica tlons that bad news was coating similar to the cutbaclrs in the last summerIm quite sure this decision came as complete shock to all Government speakers said during the debate that Dosens decision to close the mill announced Friday came as surprise to them Mine closings and mill shut downs have been nastoi Mr Mselnniasllte Born end educated at Glam Bay NS he worked at various Jobs belore becoming mine worker Ho recalls working at Caledonia Mine at Glace Bay also wiii visit Toronto and and having been laid oil when it closed His father Dan Mae lnnis died in cavein at that mine when Donald was two years old stOttaws noon escortsnun Oriilia Native Named Manager Of Food City native oi Orilla who work ed his way up the ranks at grocery store enptoyees will manage the new Food City store to open Wednwdsy just outside Barrie City limits Donald lttcArtlsur started in the grocery store business more than is can ago trhnming veg etables an Oriilia store lie received his lain sdtooi ed ucetlon at Oriilia District Colle giate and Vocational Institute and as he progressed in the gm cery besides took several cour ces in management and iood search to prepare hirnseli tor advancement For the past emit years Mr McArtirur has been manager with diiierent grocery chains This year he ialta over manage meat at the Food City section at the new Towers Food City oomplex opening Wednesday on Highways 26 and 27 Just North at Barrie Under him are bout 85 employees Mr McArthur who was trans lerred trorn London and store to the centre lust outsids Barrie expesscd great pleasure at be ing dlosen tor the move am overjoyed to be back in my home town srealrs said ranan it it my an we drildren Mr nchrflrur is opthrrlstie bnut the tuturs oi the large new store complex This centre should iii in ex tremely well in the community and the district it is unique in thntitistbeonly hulycom pletu discount operation in the district he said OBITUth euzsnesn man aoran Funeral services were held in Kingston tor Elizabeth Mao Hosptial on October so in her 30th year Mrs Smirle was born in Mid hurst in 1837 and was prone She was member at LO choir also in Cornwall greatgrandobildreo at the cemetery were James and David McMil lan Bert ioimston Hubbort Se vage Ronald Pbillin and lam Klncerd liK Diplomat Files To Canada LONDON tcPiSir Seville Garner one oi the British gov emments to advisers and head oi the Br tish diplomatic corps lies to Canada today for rs weeks visit that will include coniidantial talks at Ottawa lie Montreal informants said Monday Brio ish policy on Rhodesia would form part at Sir Sevilles talks QUEBEC poncrcrncxaona panace Policedredr through one at the iourwrecked floors also since pruning harming the Cuban tradarnlssion binban 5t Michel which was heavily damaged Sunday by dynamite hlast The seventh toiothiloorsoitherutvry building were shattered homomade bomb police ans beet was meant for an identical building block away housing about 800 Cubans No injuries posted CPWiroplr to Smirle who died in St Marys ceased by her husband in 1957 in Cornwall and an active mem her at the Presbyterian Church Shois survived byonodaughr ter Mrs Lyle McMillan at King ston live grandchildren and two Rev Mr Putrrsan oi Kingston ofï¬ciated in the funeral ore and Rev Dr MoiAilnn etiolated Pallbearers to eiflcient store operation ec cording to Al Ridswsgee man age oi the new Towers store on Highway as and fl jut north at Barrie Mr Ridrwuen FM busan administration course at Maryland University hes been in Barrie ior two weeks helpingprepare the store iorkits mm uni Towers erg on oi the modern TowerI Food City centre located Jim City thrill It will consist at maples do psrtment and toad reï¬ll discount outlet the process ci rail service discount store amends on our tomer satflaction sod Ital tell he said High mordo and good work habits at all em el will make the diiiereoee our madam The key to high morals to in the trestment oi oyees by manganese ilr iii ages at tempts to treat all employees as equals ms days when you oouldlroatsnexmloyeeeslibe was dirt went out with the laws make it my policy lotrest everyone irom department heads to perttime workers the some he said Mr itlcivwsgen was managu for Robert Hall stores in the Boston Ires ior two years beiore being treasoned to manage RiteWay and Towers centre in Toronto Dining his tour years therehe gained one year oi buy ing oiiice experience flre nyearotd bachelor re quested traveler to Barrie whenbe heard at the new cen tre to be muscled had driven thade the area and had some contact with the Drop Historic Demands AL summer people and liked what saw The pace oi the town is not too last but not too slow either and the people seem triendiy and men Mr Richwegen also pilgddlsï¬rries location on Kun liï¬ abort 150 will work under Mr Ridrwagen in the Tow ers store and he is very pleased viitirtheir qualiï¬cations they seem intensely tntmried in our training programs and are lriendly and tor the most part experienced he said nitrite landown dreadihbs galor org re open Richwngen but he is extremely pleased to hsve been chosen in open it its was nranager oi the ï¬rst RiteWay store to open in Toronto and also managed in Believiiie Roman Bishops Are Told VATICAN CITY APiflre Roman Catholic bishops synod was told Mood the starch should drop its rte demand for promises that the drildron ol mixed marria es he reared it Roman Catholcs The advice also was heard in the Roman Catholic World Lsiiy an res where the mmises were termed irrele vant or worse or many Girls titans it came as an oiiicisi report inaugurating the Synods debate on the touchy issue was denounced as onesided and dis turted Bishops inside the synod and Christian unity experts outside gainred the doormentzï¬mplld sized the traditional view on aspects ol mixed marriage OPPOSES PLEDGE Justin Cardinal Darmeduwa he at Indonesia assailed both the promises and the report which he said should hs thrown on rm mansions ï¬brils ruled that the promises need no longer be written But he did not eliminate them altogether Because oi this the Archbisb op of Canterbury Dr Michael Ranisey and othcrhtmitoman Catholic drurclonen have declared that the Popes move did not go for enough Paolo Cardinal Marelis 71 archpriest at St Peters Basil lcaand president of the Vatican secretariat for nonCbrlstians ampbavsiaed retaining the churchs strict position He stressed what he said was the principle that marriages between Roman Catholics and nonRoman Catholic Christians should he considered at least dangerous and said scripture wemed against any associa tions whth might eventually rave in be threat to the tsgrity oi the faith who it cy cc ira filed in to DC has nations Trinidad and Meg Ind admitted mocha malt sudrdivene factors as the existence oi Cormurnlat Cube the hint duos oi Haiti continuing Breads and bold dependendes and tire Arneflcan dependencies oi Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands CUBA HAITI PEOBLEMI hrba remains deitiesch to exporting revolution lleiti next door to the uneasy Dominican Republic under macats Duvwiier that it has lost American aid The US survey will be con duclad over years time by Milton Barrel now connected with US Aid to Latin America Canada provides about $20 IiK Govt To Slick To Policy NEONTO tcPiThe British government intends to stick to its policy of eniorced restric tions on wages and prices in Rt Hon Anthony Croaiand president of the British Board of Trade said Monday He told the Canadian Club the British govcmments policy of keeping wage end ice increases broadly in with increases in national pro ductivity has strong longterm public support The British people are sick at inflation We shall slid to it as long as necessary hlr Crosland said the British government now is working out longrange permanent policy to keep tinthee income and price dranges in line with pro ductivity changes He spoke in connection with BritishWeek in Tomato 10 day trade promotion which lasts until Oct 21 DEATHS av ans CANADIAN pness OttawaNorman Dowd TI iormer executive secretary oi tiiCnna an Labor Congress kinmchdisos avario ALIVE Key To SuoCeSSQ OiCaribbeanBcrsin in run morsleir the key Mitre Turman as year old toreman is rescued alive sitar threehour ordeal Monday trapped at the bottom oi Zn and Furniture villa zero Sr ClolrLAvcWesiToronroOntario tootdeep sewer tunnel in Van couver im all right he told rescuers who dug itirn tree tCP Wirepbato illegality word lo describe the ultramodern Shopping complex tailoring TOWERS and FQODCiTiké¥