Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Oct 1967, p. 6

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tiltiiilitiliiiillllil MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT FOR Ii DAY Jeannie Wimbies 17 North Vancouver hi6 sdrool student chosen from among 1200 sen ior students to be marrbcr of parliament for day Wen mail in the Commons office IN 1897 of lumber Jada Davis upper left goes ova the days par liamentary procedures top right whh Mr Davis iiiboral Mnbcr for Onasth tumor riflhtl meets Prme Minister Pearson lower left and wearing evening dress attends state on at Government House With visib in President Midi cl 0am eroun lower right Estoriccil Plaque Marks Womens Institute Founding We shall accept this plaque as sacred trust and we shall res cot and treasure it in our mi st to the glory of God and in recognition of the work done and in memory of Erland Leo and Mrs Adelaide Hoodlesc said Rev Norman Watson Stoncy Creek as he dedicated the Historical Sites Plaque plac ed on the Erland Leo Home stead at Stoney Creek The core mony was held on Sunday after Dam The plaque commemorating The first Womens Institqu root was unveiled by Miss Mar jorie Lee and Mrs Frank Lee daughter and daugbterinlaw oi Icrasrarorcrrsrnerlleiaitt IIIE119512illl31Illllillil4lililtlliisillllltllibi Mr and Mrs Erland Lee who didrghsuspade work furs the first organizational meeting at which Mrs Adelaide lloodless urged lira formation of the ladies ENDtile first My Wtit son stressed the sense of groti tude that each should have be cause wehcivobeengivmagood land but we must never forget that contentment with our lot should not render us lnsrnsitive to desire to improve the rot of mankind cducation of farm Honorable William Stewart Minister of Agriculture and Food for the Province of Ontario pay ing tribute to Mr Lee Mrs Hoodlesstbe sparkplug rind founder and to the Federated Womens institutes of Ontario in commemorating this home said know personally how the inspiredinterest for women in householdscience and above all else focussed attention upon rural women and the place they rightly bold Mr Stewart was born in the year branch of the was formed in his com munity and his mother was charter member wonder if we have not lost alghrlof the importation of ourhome inrtha life of our community said Mr Stewart There is nothing great er than for na to celebrate the beginning of development at rural women whose achieve ments influence and effect are worldwide and are recorded in the annals of liifiory Were it not for the movement we would not have over 16000 girh in Ontario tod ay learning through til how to do the things THE who and sHoaMr iT Max255 Margarets lull length yellow bmcada coat contrasts with the mini dress wornrby actress Julie Christie at London charity premiere of Fsir the Madding Crowd who costars with Miss Chris tie irrthe picture is at centre The Br princess 34 presi dent of iih Doddou Settle ment one of the charity or ganizations to benefit from tgc premiere proceeds AP that have to be done to establish home and above all you have instilled in our young women the principles of good citizen ship in day when we have much controversy over the in adequacies of the Constitution our Country it is refreshing to know the magnificent effect of the Constitution of the Womens institute concluded the ter Mrs Everett Small president of the Federath Womens In stltutss of Ontario presented his toricai background prior to the formation of the first WI 70 years ago Erland Lee was the rim hand man in the Farmers institute which was organized of the Experimental Union at the OntarioAgriculturai College Guelph in raas Mr Lee beard Mrs Hoodlcss plea for better education and improved atand ards of living for rural Ontario women and she was invited to speak on liadres Night where the idea for the first Wt came to light The rules and regu lotions established to years ago rennin with very little dranged proving the wisdom and foresight of those who participated in drawing up the constitution said Mrs Small As people pause to read the inscription on this plaque may they remem bar those whorwera willingtn giVe oi their time and talents Reeve Lelia Thomas Saltfiea Township rominisced on his early memories of more Lee he was one of the firstmen who took an interest in boys in this community he took me for my first carride shionled up his apple trees went to school with members of his fam ily and deem it real privilege to stand here as reeve of this community and pay honor to this man WORLD WIDE GROUP Mrs Futcber past pres ident of the Federated Womens instiluiesrof Ontario and mp resenting the Archaelogical and Historic Situ Board of Ontario corroborated Little did that small groupvrealize that in 70 years their ogranizatian would encircle the globe and uniifs members in millions The worldwide organization the As sociated Country Women of the World has more than mil lion members in so countries in bulwark its commitments for Home and CnuniryJ Mrs Futcher told her audience of approximately 200 The plaque dedicated at Stoney Creek is one of more than SDI now placed in Ontario telling of past history in approximately its words each it is fitting signpost of our eventful past aid Mrs Fuicher and cannot help but stimulate interest of those here and those passing by own generation remains only oi the Federated Womens in stitute of Ontario was chairman for the festivities Other speak are included Charles Clark reevo of Aucaater representing the Woolworth County Worden and Donald Ewen MP for Wont worth who congratulated the as sembly ffor the wonderful chal lenge of pulling togcthcr and mam 15 yearapraviousfntarmae mg because he who knows only his WHilTTHE FOR TOMORROW Thy to conquer any tendency toward lethargy now Much can be accomplished but if you are careless or indifercnt you could moire noodle errors which would offset efforts Bo oardui in written matters ran ma amnion ll tomorrow is our birthday indicates that to make the most or good time influ laces You are wrren in cycle which should prove most fortuitous in ftnanolll matters so keep on the alert and metro use of every possible opportu nity to advance along these lines before the end of March Next good periods for monetary interests Early July the entire month of September and early October of next yoariAooording to the aim your lob andor business interest should also prosper within the next 12 month with especially good in flucnccs favoring thorn in late ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Lendersl am social worker in the wellore rie parlment oi mediumsized city in California Everywhersl go when someone learns Im in the welfare department got the some tiresome routine it goes likatbis Why dont you get those cbiselers off the relief rolls knowot case whore the guy is working and collect ing unemployment compensa tion Heres another one We are encouraging women to have il legitimate babies by giving them aid money for every kid they bring into the whrld These no good tramps keep having baby every year so they can collect the aid money td like to Ia something to everyone who knows case Welfare agencies dont want to handout money to chiselers Please give us some real infor motion like the names and ad dresses of the people intend of vague talk We employ investi gators whose lob it is to check out fairery and fraud if you will help us nail the fairers wsd appreciate it but no more vague talk pleaseREM Dear KPM We heard the reameirhstteréend VI amenoiin welfare worker Thank you for telling me what to say to these people FAMILY FIGHTS Dear Ana London am thoroughly disgusted with my parents Mom and Dad have been married 21 years and all they have ever done since can remember is light ht light They throw things yell curse and lock each other out of the care who see or hears them The day after one of these disgusting knockdown dragout brawls they act like couple oi LovehWE nothing ep pened How can people so changeablef times that if she had an ounce of selfrespect she would throw Dad out of the house ills is the one who starts most of the fights She says You are right but she never does any thing about it What can do toget Mom to itnowDadmrtsoweoanhave some peace and quiet around lacet done gt Dear Zone Nothing So giva up already It your parents as you can remember they will the rest of their lives Some people get their tricks from fighting and making up its unforinnate that those kooks dont do their fighting out in the middle of the desert where they could scream their childish heads off and no one Mr when of Stony Creek charter member of the first and Brigadier Smith and Mrs Arthur Conant son and daughter of the first president Mrs Smith After the dedication ceremony refresh ments were served by members of the Saltiieet Vi 313 assa no girl 17 one of five children and house Whats more they dont Ive told my mother dozen have been battling for as long probably continue to battle for roarzsaaiti aroma arrivescan mi MERE EXAMINB WAY MOM lf ll STARS SAY By manure Decantiord gem late April on next Sentimental domestic and so dal relationships should proo pcr during most of the year espcdaily if you are not faxed by possible change of environ ment in mldJuly nor in fluencai the tensions oi oth er in eary January Best pelt rlods for romance The mirrent month January May late June and late July for travel Next January July and September Arcbild born on this day wit be unusually conventional intui tive and ingenious All FOR CAEle OTTAWA tCPkCanada will contribute $50000 to buy ferti lizer for St Vincent and St Lucia to replace fo till er washed from thesoli of the Caribbean islands by Hurricane Enrich the Enemai Aid Office announced Monday Teodor Willie gladioli and ciiryaantire munu decorated St Marys No man Catholic Church Dorrie for the wedding of Frances Catherv ine McDonald and Peter David Welfare Welcomes Positive Information would hear them buttboy seem to enioy performing for an and ence Just remember these ugly fights and vow that your chil dren will never have to put up with such stuff Confidential to Relaxed by Liquor We heard your theory before Bob and its poor ex cusc for getting plastered Per haps your relaxed state prev ented you from breaking some bones whenyou fell but it is more than likely that if you had been sober you would not have fallen down the stairs in the first plri GRADUATES Charles Coursey has graduated from Teachers Co lgndonioiiiJn ad tachi Kincardine Ont it Coursey retired from the Royal Cana dian Air Force after 20 years service and with the rank of Flight Sergeant During tenyear posting lat Base Bor dansnd Lix Depot be was active in sports and church work While overseas he was attached to No Fighter Wing North Luffenham Eng land Mr Coursey is married to the former Verna Baxtc daughter of Mi and Mrs John Baxter of Henry St Barrie renlaizaf economical ALLANDALe Stanley LaPlantc Msgr Cloir was the ol flciatlng clergyman Soloist Don Lainson of Harris sang On This Day 0h Beautiful Mother Ave Maria and Pants Angelicus Accompany ing ltir Latnson was Mrs Cur rie Powell Barrie The bride was given in roar riago by her father Frank Mc Donald ofLske Joseph BRIDAL GDWN floor length gown in the Mine style The white bridal satin was embroidered with applique and her headdress consisted of three white roses fashioned in fabric Her floorvlength tulle veit was embroidered lo similar np piioue to that of her dress She carried bouquet of white Shasta daisies and ctrrysanthe mums WEDDING ATTENDANTS Mrs llaryey Ware of Barrie was matron of honor and tire bridesmaids were the brides sister ltirs fbnr Clnudr of Tor onloand liiiss Jane Burnett Barrio They were dressed alike in floorlength gowns of alumni ahanlung with matching cut way conts Their headdresses consisted of shrimp colored veils held in place by single match Marriage Is Topic OlSi Marys CWL At the Octobemcoiing of St Marys Catholic Womens League Buckley of St John Live on marriage lie explabrcd how parents can bflp prepare their children for this important step to the changing times Matur ty and selfreliance are necessary plus many othervirtues to make lasting union gt Questions regarding mixed marriages and various problems were aptly answered by rtho maker He was introduced by Mrs Hook and thanked by Mrs Beaudoini H1 Md 36 hoop ta sits were repo byMrs l3 Gritaux new Brownie leader was an mm newshflccias regional meeflig wllibo he Oct 16 inPort Mchcoii chair el by Mrs Cougblin of Bar On Oct 28 plritual Com munications day will be held at Richmond Hill Rev Don avan wiiibe the speaker Plans were made for fall rummage sale Oct at and lIolly Tea Nov 15 After adjournment refresh ments were served by Mrs Hoendiaar uses its The bride chose traditional We airlniormar Your good judgmant tells you to buy life Photo to George Draw Susiroa MANDMRSPETERLAPLANTE oncrl Gown Oi Satin ing flower and they carried bouquets of white Siesta dasieo button carnations and wheat sprays Don LaPlnnte of Barrie was the best man and tha ush ers were Gerry LaPlanta and Pat intimate Barrie The bridegroom is the son of hifr and Mrs Ed LsPlante Bar GUEST RECEIVED For the reception at Bay stoirs Lodge the brides mother received wearing beige linen To complete her outfit sho achtscabroimlctwtthanntdir ing veil embroidered with rust colored petair She wore cor No of yellow sweetheart row The bridagroomsrmother in pink lame dress with matching lame coat and bat and corsage oi pink Sweetheart mes For travelling the bride won Borden Auxiliary Seek New Members BASE BORDth StainPros poctiva new members will be welcomed at meeting of Base Borden Hospital Ladles Auxil iary which will be held Wad ncsday evening at the Base Bar den Collegiate institute library volunteer community serv ice organization the auxiliary belprat the hospital assist in clinics at base school collect readng material for hospital pa tients and assit at Cbritmas The auxiliary also provides muolr appreciated mobile can teen service at the hospitalibo latter is staffed by volunteer workers who make the rounds three times week Always them with aduvnasll liliAfiAi nuance is Gourmet of course you need iortife Insurance flrocausayorl wantta Insecure so easy to delay Protect ow those you vd With paringfen personal life and health Insurance Call your COMPANY LIMITED black raspberry wool suit with black clocbs hat 0n theirictinnfmnNorthcrn Ontario mad Quebec the newly wcdr will reside at we PeeiSt Barrio Out at om Mes inland ed friends from Grlmsby Ooir ville Sudbury Toronto Klein burg Macller Kitchener Mor timers Point Footer Bay Gray it mm Dairy foods go with good living choose choose for oaiy unaining pretty tray withsaeisctionnfflnaCanadian chromatin orackoraandfrosh fruitwiilplaare allyorirguasts catortc ovaryonaataste by selecting Vlfialy of cheese vacuole the vary least rleor Ham pony Amuscfounv trayofcourrolrourfina ana disnchoddsrdsrnnusthswortd over with cheese fans And there his more than forty other Canadian gramaii tailor rnsda for the cheese tray Half thsturriapickinoandchoosing How much to buy An easy ruioofthumbiaiocountonzto ounces of cheese par person Buyisrgaramounmoffavorir like cheddar Swiss Cream Blue and akasmaller quan tities of fancy known types To unlock the flavor at each chooseistltcomaioroorntem firmnrfhnfor nit than can flavorand texture ha onioyed to tho fullestbo ha Iii however that Its tightly Mapped during the wannup Add your own personal couch with party cheese ball that blends Ibiea old avg itss in zesty spread You can make is up day ahead in woryshontima 2cupsoraled cheddaroheasa tounce package plrnonto cream cheese it cup crumbled blue cheese 16 cup mayonnaise l6 tsp Worcestershire sauce than chili powder Ystsp onion salt Crasrn fogsthsrthsthrae won of cheese Blend in mayonnaise and saaronin Shane Into bail and roll in snipped parsley Wrap and refrigerate overnight Prepared bytltl Home Economist of THEMNADIAN DAIRY Sif Enlinlnn Avinui Effotwrlo l2 Ont vroonaserrvrcaaunaau

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