ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS to mun otrta or their Demon Anntiour ca sum October ll 1957 at we Royll Vicde Mu ENGAGEMENTS mm W000 1n abysmal uumoimredotAmhutthal aunt dlllkhtcf or Inn mob us run the this Joseph Ln or Wile to Mr winlun mnuin Wood son or nu ma tin mu mici or an sum The mar lo take place Saturday Now rr is 1961 Itpmln5t Jams Anglican mm cruc nurv DEATHS turban uluan Al the nayi Vtchniln Hospital norm on Mon dar odoth is 1967 Lillin Lind cry in nu turd year beloved or the late Arthur Victor Unmy denr mother orlobn Idolred And noburt Alma barrte tinny Knox ol Haticibluy and lit in qfluiltnn unis crnndmoihrr at toni Victor am Ind lnire Dcll later Georn Morten at Dhtcuo and Fred VI iromn ol Banlc lIesiln iI im steakley mineral Home to Wonley Strut Blllt Service In the citpet on Thursday October 19 It on Intcmcnl uarrlp Union cemete trauma lTlnnllrd warren Palrll LW slower slnnorJIlee ton on liorrasy October is m1 Vinnilleil nprrm rout beloved Ic Anrur our mother or Imld and Irurv iin oonuid Cach born oi firms Iielzrr cm litrr wtiiturn Iyiiiururn or Part Crcdll and non Iri or Toronto survived by 17 grandchildrrn nun vrui mun dungbtm In her rein year nest inr It the Thomas mineral chapel IAltlsion ror Iunorol service on sllVVllflllesdflX Oclobcr in It pm Inlcimrnl AItLtIs Union Cemetery CARDS or THANKS IRATWIIIILL ï¬le Iain1k oi Lilo Fred Illtchclt nish to Ihunk lends neighbors Ind relum tor mc ammo ol symth Ind or rindrie shown the or rim Illher Ind grand lilichett rurnliy COMING EVENTS Bingo Wednesday pm If ARMY NAVY AND AIR FORCE CLUB 79 DunIop St West $300 JACKPOT IADMISEIION Site In support of the Barrie Brunch Navy Magun of Canada BLIGIITY BINGO Everv Wednesday at 17 p111 NEW SOUTH WARD COMMUNITY HALL Gill St at Bond ORiLLlA TELL MORE SELL MORE When you place WI Articch For Sale act in 111s barrio Ex Eaminor keep these points in mind state Condition Specllications Accessorrs and attachments Plcvious usage Price Upholstery Finish IhIako it easier tor the prospect to buy Remember the Articles tor Sale classiï¬cation Is the clinics Market Place PHONE Tia2411 CLASSIFIED DVERTISING TELEPHONE 72824147 CANCELLATIONS to mm to mm or ramp on amrn LETTER box nannies ruso at an hummer aox Number charge of she is made or Identity 11 Box Number users slrlctiy conildnntial Repllcs to Lcttcr Boxes will hr hula onLv in duvr alter last out or publicLion CinsaIIlcii ldverusemdnts and non jcesIbr than prim must be re mind by pun dly pmcedlsu blicnuon with the mention or plasma Display ulvcnlscmcnta which musths in by 121m pm preceding day muons on cunnncnoNs Iiil pulmc lrLcnion orders are Icuepteu as convenience to the advertiser rnrrutm our ciusliicn Advertisinz DEOIrtmcnt requires an adscrtlson their unvurtiseprcni Immediately after list lnaortlon In order that tallyeflul or omissions mlybe ro Ipomd befall MILIn Older 111 urns may lierectified rm dierob dowuu davl publicltlon The Bar Trlc Examiner Is iIIDUsT orrIf 71 arts BARN mu mu comm it le ESTATE olwllrrnd minor or Kindly recheck Check REAL ESTATE FOR mutant 75 acres Fleming Wood Hock icy Valley near Highway No 10 lllain lodge ll cabins and long house on Nottawasaga Rivera VASAGA BEACH bedroom cottage turnished living room kitchen utility room excellent condition nicely trecd whit rcgislcrcd iols 000 COMMERCIAL Colllcr Street Large brick build ing IOflwm apartment NOW on main tloor largo brick garage and workshop at rear with big parking area lot size 90 215 Contact Earl Babcock Burris 7735095 1131 EgitnIcu Avc East Toronto 12 Photo MLS llcallllr ROSE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES RENTALS OWEN SI 317300 Onc ycar old three bedroom brick bungalow lrshnpcd living rind dining room Iuil bnscmcnt wins roughedin washroom In noted in Ii scenic area NORTII END with twin mortgage and only $1500 doun payment you can move into this bedroom home It is one your old with full bust merit storms and Screens and Iorccd air gas hcal Lot box 110 All Rose lies Bill Madmen Ros Russell Smith Res Iiury anr Res Dick Hattie PETERand WILES 7mm LARGE BEDROOM home just being redecorated New gas furnace could be easily duplexed Only $2500 down CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 7282419 so Dunlop St 77118116 7760726 7739996 7180356 77487978 LTD on low monthly payments We buy your present is and 1nd mortgages TIAnIn llIAnslLALL norm MARGUERITB MOORE 7252156 GRETII ZlETARA mam JANE YOUNG 72347 LAURANS KERR Aldslan u5751t PETER GUBBELS mam Eric Pholo MLS Dewsnap REAL ESTATE mains FOR BETTER BUY leo Our Service Iry Richardson AA THORNTON HWY27 Telephone Ivy 291211 AGRIEBSkBACH 7289844 ECM BRIGNELL mom BEITS 4872517 LADDIE GRLESBACH raisin JI CALL BRUCE MCLEAN SomethingYouIwouiayLikeTo sur call 7232414 elSomehodyWilVl Fay Fol Your Discards Cal PROPERTY FOR SALE KEITH nomi ist rind hidmortgages arranged Your Attic Siorercorri Gareg MLS NC RECOMMEND ITS FACT business Experience can be costly especially to Ibo sale The value of rcallors experience Is your lnstnaocc against every moml Wilma Bldwnli 33 Ccliicr Street BARBIE Ontario 7244 Henry Erick Ir iIIichlo 09 Collier Street BARRIE Ontario 7735685 YOUR GUARANTEE OF PROFESSIONAL ETHICS IN REAL ESTATE Be Safe Be Sure Look for this Seal BARRIE AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD Better Home of Your OwnWhere Happier Living Begins HOW IIIUOI WOULD IT 0091 YOU To learn through experience what your REALTOR already knows about the real cstata dealing thidugh REALTOR Is your assurance ola protected real estate transaction In PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE astigmatismstatus Inlm We public lawmanrs 371 bedrooms and RB itdatn All IM MM and our main Mon Rin vuvars sALs ram storey home tun tlvtna mm dia inx room Ins kitchen In emurul condition shunted up vllulhio lot our downtown hurrie vtur at tit nu mm upmln Lovely mwnh on horn on Iretic cum Ind completely traced yam 1m down meat any tenor low mu spam mono LOTS FOR SALE was noun been an BIHII 719017ch ass Baddo number rtlmllvnsr VLA ntbmnt an cont well med with good vi We hire other to choose non Telephims John oole W7 minRail MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH Mobllauones rwrii tilt or purchase olreai estate loss In buying and selling AVPctera Wiles Ltd 1319 St Clair Ave West muorrro 10 Ontario muio Campbell 32 High Street BARRIE Ontario WW1 Carson Box 145 58 Worsley St BARRIE Onlnllo 7208481 Hodges 75 Dunlop St West BARRIE Ontario 72237736 Kelth leltcd 1st Egilnlon Ave East TORONTO 12 Ontario 4878333 General Glendale Traveiux Parts and Service Cashorleirnslrplo7ltoars 170 BURTON AVE IEW66 MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst and 2nd Rogers Council Dunlap St East BARRIE Ontario 7W Al Rose 15 Owen Street BARRIE Ontario 7732378 Coulis Co Owen Sticet BARRIE Ontario 72132433 Eric Dcwsnap 13 Vino Crescent BARBIE Ontario 726 Keith Marshall Orchard Drive BARBIE Ontnrio 732592 10 Collier Street Barrie 7274401 Toronto oirpunrr Co ud Sheiswcil It Willson IIB Dunlap St East BARRIE Ontario 7251471 Sloult Agencies ler co ill Gould ELMVALE Ontnrlo IlW Mortgage mans Anywhere ON ALLHDMIS FARMS AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 90 or VALUATIONS It You Need Money 11 ccnwtldlto dshh tor mnfltlnflo cumin du IIGIDO Improvements Any worhwbltn uni Hsrold Forslcr it Co 98 Bayileld Strcct BARRIE Ontario 7266653 Frank Neiies t9 Baylieid Strch BARRIE Ontario milos Emory Miller 51 Dunlop St Barrie Write orPhone rzsosni Mortgage Funding nvcr SimpsonScars DUNuOPsr llcmhtr Ontario Nomads nrohn Anoclltlon White 109 Baylicld Strcot BARRIE Ontnrio 7281071 7261de WANT MORTGAGE SHELSWELL and WILLSON MLS REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE BROKERS 119 Dunlop East 7151421 or 7251423 INCOME rnornnrv Large modern home with two bleached roorn apartments it in area has bedrooms large living mom and kitchen with bill in 51ch nnd oven Cali Keith Mc Maslci 77151422 or MilSW No 17867 DAIRY FARM OPEN QUOTA 100 acres Ill Sunnidale Town ship all nurkablc clay loam the drained Sevenroom brick house 50x40 hunk tmrn stool slonchlonscgood water supply good gravel road Sdiool bus 1V2 mile to paved road Call Everett Unglued 14285207 NO 17567 om nmvm need Atkinson roan bans nil71w slatElam Thrhush mom Numb nitlres 728576 GIIUS Slnllflr II illncLaron mam Keith Mchlnslcr os Longtln mam mrnti Sholswell Evcmtt Lounch stpyner till5201 il Wiltson Nirqu snelnveii 1mm ROGERS £7 CONNELL Photo Mr Realtor DUNLOP STREET EAST At the Flvo Points ATTENTION RETIRED COUPLE MODERN HUNGAIDW WITH BASHILENT APARTMENT Ideally located with view ot the bay this lovely 2bedroom bun galow will appeal tremendously to anyone seeklng fine comlort able home plus regular monthly income from ï¬re Itlil sellcon tained shedroom apartment with private Iront and rear entrances This desirable properly is tree at mortgage priced reasonably and Will terms could be arranged Call us now for appointment to in spcc 718461 Phone 7285568 EVENINGS CALL Conneil 7289765 Fred Eplctt mom Rogers 7183582 libs Norine Rogers maul CAMPBELL PHOTO MLS REALTOR 726 WHOLEEOME 5BEDR0011 DUPLEX with all conveniences two apiece baths living room iritdien also dining mirnin one apart ment NOVEL common nuNGrimw with living room dining room and kitchen enhanced by breezeway Call us Charlie Read 72821121 Hugh Plowman 72511429 Don Campbell 41772428 Roll Allan 4565343 Doug Campbell 4872423 13 Watson norms Smith Campbell 7287389 red Taylor 7281207 EMORY MILLER ins REALTOR MORTGAGES ARRANGED Ironic 51me 7261881 SHIREWD INVESTOR WANTED Ono oi the most attractive in vestmentst date This centrally located Idstorey home has been converted into comfortable apamuents with separate entrances Commerical garage at rear of large lot presently operated as flourishing business in come in excess grams per month This property carries for $95 principal and interest one mortgage In terested parties call Peter Mouton 7286508 7263605 4361314 7539917 4363815 Emerson Swain Kenneth Miller Karl Marshall Harvey Vcber Robert Fleweiling Rita Scandrait Peter Mantou Marg Wakeï¬eld Les Lovegrove Percy Ford 7285883 Gordon Spencer 7284865 Emory Miller 7186508 4496117 7237930 7735348 7250563 klckstown Assam MLS Realtor HITE Appraisals Lislings Invited EVENTle JOHN I1 WHITE mOTIO JOHN GOLF malt MCOUTTSV MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo 1518 Realtor EVENINGS GORDON ltL comamam sANnv commchasm WALrim cams7 Want Ads Doni 109 Hayfield St 7281071 ROSE PHOTO MLS REALTOR ISOMIen Street Phone 7282379 MODERN NEWTHOMES 7MQRTGAGE and Bedrooms Priced trout $15300 to $21900 These homes are well located in the city Some with garages and 1V baths The carrying charges start at $120 monthly including interest principal and taxes and the carrying charges could be less to qualifier buyer Call now let an appointment to inspect without obligation II 728 2379 BIDWELL Realtor 33 COLLIER STREET Photo MLs PHONE Izoiiso CoslThcy VPayI MARY lionhlSoN psi WlLMABlDWELL nosin bmmnINESON 7mm Flrst or Second at low simple intnrest Up to 80 of your pro party value Low monthly pay ments up to fifteen years to repay For tiny mortgage pro bloms see COREY Real Estate lift Dunlop St 72482419 on trail OWN mungIto nerd cosh awaitime nurctlnsoJImn we will evtn loud you money on your mortgagn Erinqu Morlnile Funding rzscsal MORTGAGES IR Choir 00 um iiIsItEALTon lo COLLIER sr 7284401 LOW DOWN PAYMENT bedroom 11 storey close to downtown Early possession MLS 2587 olvnN GROVE WANfED room bungalow carries for about $100 monthly uith lor WANTen to narrow saw at per down payment mt or Pï¬ï¬od or ych erte nox Gill nanrte Iklmlncr HOWARD CRESCENT bedroom bungalow combina tion livingdining room Carries tor 5120 monthly induiling lnxes LAonmn maxim ridlist GIBBY GIBSON motor mtm my AN EXAMINER IVANT AD BUS OPPORTUNITIES SPARE TIME 4495465 autumn NmtullliN 725ousz DEVEAUX ANGUS msnav INCOME Reï¬lling and collecting money from NEW TYPE high quality coin opcraicd dispensers in this area No selling io quality you must have car references $600 to $2900 cash Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent monthly income More full time For personal interview write CANAPENN SI IBUflNG LIMITED 302 Oueilettc Avenue Suite 404 Windsor Ontario In clude phone number BEAUTY SALON tai Tent mils cduipoud established business downtown Orllllll no monthly frl tionc 3251241 Ortllla Real Estate Brokch 308 EAYFIELD ST mills SPECIALIZING IN RURAL PROPERTIES Evenings Call LEO CAVANAUGH 7284207 LARRY TORPEY 7260715 BILL RAWN 7163998 TRY EXAMINER WANTS ADS PHONE 7782414 CARSON PHOTO MlS REALTOR 58 WORSLEY STREET TELEPHONE 7266481 PROPERTIE WANTED 16 years awerlcltce in selling Barrie and district homes Mil lions of dollars worth of property sold byIus in this area Clienu waiting for every type of home Call any salesman oi proran attention or drop into our central office at 58 Vorsicy St Plenty of parinng space available at our own lot $2000 DOWN Buys this very oorrdortable Morey home large modern kitchen bedrooms plus livblg and dining rooms Priwd to salt Cali Russell Carson AI GOWAN 5mm $8000 or this older home in excellent condition Terms arranged Cali Rupert MqGratIh 739ring Elmvaic NormSynnutLV 77395311 Russ Carson 7266161 Bill Hamilton Willis Rupert llIcGarth Elmvale 7391122 Charles Heplrorth 7266182 FRANK NELLES Photo Realtor 19 BAYFIELD STREET 72mins $21900 FOR THIS attractivc spillrlevel only 18 months old in matulate condition throughout Large living room and dinng room lovely kildien with dining area it bedrooms with beauti fully ï¬nished rmeationuolxn Attached garageCall usany Lillie for an appointment to $4960 FULL PRICE Tor bills Ebodroomronltnge on ninicely wo ed total Big Bay Point Can be easily Motorized My Rlllliï¬l ed and its steal at this priccl EVENINGS CALL II ICHUCK COHAN 7259979 HOB SAUNDERS CWkStn Ail4366 FRANK NELLYS 7256596 IIIIKE ltIItGlJS 7251llll5 CECIL MILE 0R0 4875716 Pom 771357 in Bayï¬eldstreet rirorro Mls REALTORS moist MIAtgage Fluids Available Frco Customer Parking 421ACRE FIARM Nine miles north of Barrie This property is excellent for sortie one whowouid like to start market garden Ilhnrd also Hugo dilde housc storage room etc Price $21000 Owner vrlIiVlake $6000 down paymentand hold ï¬rst mortgage for the balance Call 14711 Gondth for further particulates EVENINGS CALL cunt momentum nostrils trunnion GIunrArKossArz 7mm IltlnnsTnIIiIAN llAnu ET moo nu237 Oil uosmzluuND lltnNE ammo GRANT lllacAItTltmt LOTINB KAY 17181566 Ioc taping con HAROLD FORSTER COMPANij lllOoiIL ridam AWam AriVisor 72o2414 ii REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MOVING Dont forget to transler your INSURANCE will you need extra coverage of any kind toe SIEVENSONS It DUNIDP SI 7261301 RENTALS 50 an TMMG 991 noon Totem mass Immunrorrentlnulmon AVlltlbk Novunblr Televme Business houu as rent nutty depotted on two librarian Imamfluuitmlm lnnkrclli mod use rennin whom islaid stroud Wen LOCAL BUSLNESSIMN and Amity require bellman house or som nient immediately Tole hobs uh In 5mm Ills nisrmtsniu blastingalts Ind Iamtly nortr two bcdroorn or apartment soon Aisle Ficus all mostl URGENTLY Nme or bed moi home within trlvetllntt dis tance or cittn Borden Please call CPL Randi WW Mnlst Telephone Hm APARTMENTS To RENT 11me noon apartment to rent rutb burnished liclcphonu 12o Dad or rurthrr partkulm ON BEDROOM Apartment urd badtolor Iwmnnl to rent boih unimed or unfllmidlrd 010 to dovmtolnl Inth Ttlzphont win aster on ONE umnoolt Mnishnd prints bath It 17 st Vincent Si no parking rscllltlu Telephone evullim nitm4 UNrUItlentn spartarsus tor rent rooms indoor ponrcntences to wild tut unniord Idiom bus right to door Tclcvhonc mas Bradfom $59 FURNISHED APT nut monthly inluc modern appli Inccs btdsllltna robin tltchcmiie Still one person Downtown Phone 7250981 weekdays snu CONTAINED rimmed heated apartment llvtri mm tilt clien bcdmm and bathroom would stiltmic My or mulncsr couple Avrtnï¬la November Tel phone What FOR um in new modern home heated mininch apartment liv lritl room bcdmom hitchcn both man oompcher scll tumbled parking Incillllcs tor mnnltd couple 195 cook st nitnr run APARTMENTS WANTED APARTMENT WANTED with tvto bedmzms wnvcnlrnt to abuntmm tom ndulL bnivwlih best retortnoes Urgent Piclso call 13 Canon TIE6161 or Norm Synuott mm ROOMS TO LET CLEAN uLntIoonr or rentin pflvulc name in downtownurea tor steadily employed huslncu gentlman No limits Phone nilasst nnnslmNn mom In private home tbuckworth and Qucun homo and kitchen privilc cs Ideal or bust ham girl Park or Telephone no rm rhol times or later evening ROOM AND BOARD IronsII sfimiroom our ronicen m1 Teiuplwnrmm noon Amt noAnn Ior elderly 1nd vary wrnrmnhlc room on in nor prim bathroom close by Tclsphcne 72113737 NURSING HOMES SEMI ANO private yicznclcs Tny service hour nursing care Fire Maples Nursing Home Thornton tclephoue lsatttot or Ivy NR2 PRINTING PROBLEMS See melt niaciunes continental Ftlntlng division Tho puma Ex Imlrier l6 Bayueldlsr 7255511 PAVING PAVING SPECIAL Asphalt driveways and parking lots Freeesttrnates year WRITTEN GUARANTEE MANERI PAVEIG CO Phone 72600171 PAVING BY IsuBONE CO OFBARRIE formerly of Toronto Our customers are our best adv vertiscrs Japanesepaving ex petts Asphaitlots driveways etc Written gusrdnteeIor three years Cali 7285545 PAINTING Painttn Ind nccorntlns Guinn ired wnrkmlltsltlp Phone Tiaom auAnIeYImariur exterior paint decor expert 9331le no 72119344 tcrlor Moderate chnrgu 41 ATTnovét Barrie Its Isa JACKING JACKING lnsulaing and Wintcrlzing cot lages also remodelling AEPEN house construction by timeserved hldrsmenm54IW 17 7295 EAVESTROUGHING vesï¬idu Ill run otttmncyx Grrbrm om shut dictl noun Wins any ceonuiAN IAINnNG interisr Rummom renovations use it our gcliuwggdchver Ilamun Atth son SALE Trs HERE THE FAMOUS summon MANN ING PIANO io dlilercot designs ï¬nishes Just one belutllui that KEENANS mine are it Dunlap SL macaw WRECKING 19 Homes Stqu Materials coming to this yard dressed lumber windows doors etc Located at Highway ll Concession 0m Operth by National Building Demolition telephone 4872301 NORTHWAY RUG co LTD the house this broadlocm DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED BROADIDOM Romulus all size and prices 65 Collier St Fhons 7267311 ROBINSON HARDWARE hnvea good selection oi colour teicvmon icts SIDIOOItfï¬ rc cord players radios AM and Pill transistors 31 DUNLOP ST 7731431 LUGGAGE lmlier hr has eel Price on tellwaxTuf HAMBURGERS or hall at llmbirrnr limo open soon norm WEN minim cluan with ltaelr in ï¬elds coon condition ANTIQUE Mchuxbttn on or air good condition TARme Mrs Iiurvir 724w KENMORE Imamtlc while with ma savor Ind dryer like new $200 Ttltplwrto qutNi an electric rulhr Ind Imputler will sell uplntely Cash or lake nve prymums cull nob at new bctoro out on USEn toncnn Alr lIIlIucu tor rule in soon condition For rur nlrliculnn teleohm LOVELY nmncusr suite tclcvl stun Int bcuutlrul hlrl lldlo re cord player Ind bar cotnhlned new siren or drama Pruitqu ncw stove antlan bed elixirp Ind mile him other llama VAcuusI CLEAva slum boys blue sirrer she my red this kit sire 3x inns place mt Ict size or our cost sir mSS SINGER demonstrlor modcls from barrio Ind Itldlmd mm Irwin machines vacuum cluners am klevlrlms Ind one stereo slightly marked reduced In slur Singer or Bllrls 72277960 NEWSPAPER MATS an is is 1ch1 or llama dilekcri coopx nttl rngcs clc perfect insulator Only to emit Apply nurrls Examiner SIGNS FOR SALE to 17 olv whltc cardboard Examplnl Apt tn neat llnun ior sue etc Available at taur1 Drummer business ottice BoxréEPLlEs While rivery endeavour will or nuts to tomrd rrpiiu to hex Timbers an advertiser soon as possible ws accept no liability In respect loss or damage I1 lend to Iris turrurir either Inl ure or deny to lorryrains rurb replies however caused whether by nerltgenu or ulnarwlss These Skilled Tradesmen are Ready to Work On Your Job Immediately DRIVING SCHOOL MODERN bravura SCHOOL Learn to drive the modern way Telephone 72mm Lmsilonn ninva SCHOOL Licenced instructor and instruc Irest rbons 7134115 Anyano INSULATION BLOWING oluruon lnmlatlon MO estimates Guannlsed work Telephona Scott Ali1r 71111761 MOWERHERA RS Aumomnn Service rind ware rarity all mikes Ilr coated 21gt zines litohm Mower Servlcl mi in numb Ave Tin1m BOOKKEEPINGg GRAVES Bus Admin Install IInokkeoolng systems In coma Tax Planning mom sstho fulï¬ls sewins done in in horns Suits Dresses sums etc Phone Ruth TxIalmr at rodboos ACCOUNTING ALLEN AJJI Public accoun tant 170 Dundonllil st Illrrle Telephone rig£95 day or svcnlng JANIT RVSERVICE elem cleaning to homes urnus Bio Cleaning 5ch or 1mm SMAL ENGINE PAIR BAYS SMALL ENGI CENTRE II